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傭兵とはあらかじめ決まった構成の軍隊であり、  ゴールドによって雇うことで一時的に支配下におくことができます。傭兵は襲撃に使うことはできません。傭兵は二つの形態があり、軍事メニューにそれぞれ独自のタブがあります。

傭兵[編集 | ソースを編集]

ファイル:Mercenaries screen.png
A screenshot of the mercenaries screen.




傭兵団 徴募兵 連隊 騎士 文化固有の連隊になる可能性
1st 400 1 2 50%
2nd 800 2 3 66%
3rd 1200 3 4 80%

Mercenary armies select a name based on their culture, as shown in the table below.

Culture/Culture group Name(s)
Default Culture adjective Band of location
Akan group Ashanti Band, Company of the Volta, Followers of Akwei
Arabic group Mamluks
Bedouin Wanderers, Company of location
Mashriqi Sarkans of location, Company of the Oasis, Desert Brethren
Egyptian Host of the Nile, Keepers of the Lighthouse
Maghrebi Union of Swords, Army of the Senator
Andalusian Almogavars of location, Mawali Band, Treasurers of location
Baltic group Baltic Band, Riders of the Coast, Company of the Deeplands
Butr Army of the Crossing, location Band, Riders of the Mountains
Baranis Followers from location, Company of location
Burman group Arakan Band, Company of the Valley
Burmese Company of the Irrawaddy, Burmese Host
Mon Sadhuim Company, Mon Host
Byzantine group Manglabites, Ten Thousand
Greek Varangian Guard, Herules, Hoplites of location
Georgian Veterans of Chaldia
Central African group Sahelian Band, Company of the Chad, Company of the Gambra, Followers of Bayajida, Followers of Sundiata
Pictish Woad Raiders
Welsh Lawgoch's Followers, Band of the Horn
Breton Company of Bretons
Cornish Bodyguards of Gwendolen
Saxon Teutonic Brotherhood, Saxon Steelbearers, Hansa Guard, Sons of Widukind
Franconian Great Company, Franconian Company, Thuringian Blades, Rhenish Band, New Franks
Swabian Swabian Band, Alsace Fighters, Alemannic Sellswords, Helvetic Guard
Bavarian Bavarian Band, Austrian Company, Tyrol Warriors, Styrian Panthers
Dutch Company of the Brabançon Wolf, Flemish Band, Company of the False-Earl
German Great Company, Veterans of the Marches, Swiss Guard
Dravidian group Velaikkarar of location, Company of the Tiger, Tungabhadra Gang, Dreamers of the Jog, Company of the Ghats, Guards of Rama Setu, Terrors of Tamilakam, Company of the Koyil
Ethiopian Ge'ezan Company, Tigrayit Band
Nubian Noba Company, Kushite Band, Company of Meroe
Welayta Company of the Leopard, Gondershe Band, Guardians of Almnara
Daju Army of the Crossing, Beja Place Band, Riders of the Mountains
East Slavic Kievan Band, Varangian Host, Raiders of Caspia, Company of Rus, Followers of Oleg
French Tard-Venus de location, Band of location, Routiers of location, location Band
Norman Band of the Black Monk, Iron Arm's Company, Normans of Drengot
Occitan Routiers of the Archpriest, Host of the Viscount, Marchers of Wasconia
Irish Band of Kerns, Madhmann's Company, Company of Shield and Scian
Gaelic Gallowglasses, Redshanks
Iberian group Almogavars of location, Almogavars of location
Basque Navarrese Company
Castilian Slaughterers, Band of the Brigand Emperor
Catalan Great Catalan Company
Portuguese Count's Exiles
Galician Slaughterers, Band of the Brigand Emperor
Asturleonese Slaughterers, Band of the Brigand Emperor
Aragonese Slaughterers, Band of the Brigand Emperor
Indo-Aryan group Tigers of location, Apabhranśa Band
Bengali Company of the Delta, Bengal Host
Oriya Oryia Band, Company of Odisha
Hindustani Company of Many Colors, Hindustani Band, Company of the Ganges
Gujarati Company of the Great Rann, Band of the Nilgai, Company of the Stone Anchor
Punjabi Company of the Punjab, Host of Sangala
Rajput Rajaputra Band, Company of the Exile, Followers of the Priest King
Sindhi Company of the Dead Men, Harappan Band
Marathi Company of Four Kings, Servants of the Vatandar, Badami Companions
Kashmiri Company of Kashmir, Host of Kashmir
Sinhala Company of the Staff, Rice Grain Band
Iranian Ghilman, Warriors of Zaranj, location Cataphracts
Persian Band of Medes, Immortals of location
Sogdian Company of Sogdiana, Sogdian Warriors
Tocharian Band of Tókharoi
Kurdish Band of Sermaj
Afghan Khorasani Band, Company of Shahids
Baloch Company of Makran, Westwards Band
Daylamite Daylamite Company, Band of Sermaj
Khwarezmian Company of Khwarezm, Khwarezmian Warriors
Tajik Company of Bukhara, Dehqan Warriors
Latin group Company of the Bull
Italian Company of the Star, Black Band, Italian Condottiere Band
Cisalpine Company of Saint George, Company of the Star, Company of the Hat, Company of the Rose, Cisalpine Condottiere Band
Sardinian Sardinian Band
Sicilian Sicilian Condottiere Band, Sicilian Band
Lombard Longbeard Band
Magyar group Band of the Fields, Band of the Arrow Rain, Company of the Saint
Mongolic group Location Horde, Army Under the Sky, Riders of Mongol location, True Khan's Faithful, Company of the Yurt, Steppe Dancer's Band, Chastisement of location, Band of the Father, Company of the Goad
North Germanic group Thinglith, Army of Kylfingar, Company of Jarl Landless, Huscarls of the Sea, Band of Firesmoke, Queen's Hird
Swedish Göta Band
Norwegian Birchers of location
Danish Border Reaver's Band
Sahelian group Sahelian Band, Company of Awkar, Followers of Kayamagha
Senegambian group Sahelian Band, Company of the Gambra, Followers of Sundiata
Somali Company of the Leopard, Gondershe Band, Guardians of Almnara
Beja Army of the Crossing, Beja Place Band, Riders of the Mountains
Afar Company of the Leopard, Gondershe Band, Guardians of Almnara
South Slavic group Stratioti of location, Wayfarers of location, Band of location Stratioti
Bosnian Bitter-Winter Band, Knéževi of the Road, Forest Wolves
Serbian Allemannic Guard
Vlach Sheperds of the Romans
Bulgarian Company of the Skull Cup, Brothers of Bayan
Turkic group Location Horde, Army Under the Sky, Turkic Riders of location, True Khan's Faithful, Company of the Yurt, Steppe Dancer's Band, Chastisement of location, Band of the Father, Company of the Goad
West African Sahelian Band, Company of the Gambra, Followers of Sundiata
English White Company, Hawkwood's Band
Anglo-Saxon Retinue of Hengist, Wake's Guard, Band of Horsa
Scots Border Reivers, Warband of the Great Hall, Company of the King's Son
West Slavic group Companions of the Woods
Pomeranian Oder Free Company, Company of the Dog
Czech Free Lances of Brandýs, Army of the Ore, Company of the Cruel Hand
Polish Drużynan Host, Free Company of the Pospolite
Polabian Band of the Fallen Knez, Company of the Stout Horse
Slovien Freelances of Velehrad, Army of Morava Bend, Company of the Faithbearers
Yoruba group Yoruba Band, Company of the Niger, Followers of Oduduwa

聖戦騎士団[編集 | ソースを編集]

聖戦騎士団は彼らの信仰を守り、またその影響を広めるために働く独立した軍事組織です。各騎士団は 公爵級の称号を持っています。


聖戦騎士団の宗教の統治者は、宣戦事由とは関係なく、敵意、または邪悪とみなされる信仰と戦っているときに聖戦騎士団を雇うことができます。統治者は同時に一つまでの聖戦騎士団を雇うことができます。統治者が後援者でない限り、聖戦騎士団を雇用すると、その騎士団の持つ最大徴募兵数と連隊数に応じた 信仰点を消費します。聖戦騎士団は雇用者が他の信仰の誰かと戦争を続けている限り雇われ続けます。

聖戦騎士団は500人の 徴募兵と2人の 騎士、2連隊を持ちます。彼らが所有する所領は、追加の連隊と200人の 徴募兵、そして2つの所領ごとに追加の 騎士を提供します。彼らの常備軍は自身の所領の建物からではなく、雇用した統治者の建物からボーナスを獲得します。

後援者[編集 | ソースを編集]



もし、神聖騎士団が他のキャラクターに雇われていたとしても、後援者は雇用主に対し雇用費の 信仰点 を弁済することで、神聖騎士団を雇うことができます。このオプションはマルチプレイで他の人間のプレイヤーが神聖騎士団を雇用していた場合には使うことができません。

領主としてではなく、後援者として神聖騎士団に貸し出した場合、その所領からは後援者は、 税金 徴募兵も得ることはできません。


戦略[編集 | ソースを編集]



メンバー[編集 | ソースを編集]

グランドマスターを含む全ての神聖騎士団のメンバーは、 聖騎士団員の特性を所持しています。統治者はまた、「誓約を頼む」のインタラクションを使うことで、次の条件に合致する廷臣を神聖騎士団に送ることもできます。

  • 次の特性を持っていない:
    •  献身的
    •  聖騎士団員
    •  破門
    •  無能力者
  • 宮廷の領国祭司ではない。
  • 信仰に神聖騎士団が存在し、そのリーダーが統治者のライバルでない。
  • 成人している
  • 投獄されていない
  • 教義で指揮官や騎士になることが認められた性別と対象の廷臣の性別が一致する。
  • 軍事教育を受けている

廷臣が申し出を受け入れた場合、統治者は 信仰点を失う一方で、その廷臣は献身を得ます.


称号の消失[編集 | ソースを編集]


References[編集 | ソースを編集]