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Introducing CK3 #10 - War. Pixelated Apollo will cover everything tied to war: how to fight, siege, ransom characters and win wars!
Introducing CK3 #11 - Battles. Pixelated Apollo joins us once again to tell us everything about terrain. From terrain to advantage you shan't lose another battle.

戦争は軍勢を率いて力づくで称号を簒奪することで領国の拡張するという最も直接的な手段です。 あらゆる戦争には開戦事由が必要であり、これは戦争の目的と勝敗によって双方に生じる結果を規定します。 キャラクターが借金している場合は宣戦布告ができません。

戦争[編集 | ソースを編集]

戦闘フェイズ[編集 | ソースを編集]

敵対関係にある2つの軍勢が同じ男爵領に入ると戦闘が始まります。 戦闘の開始時に、その地形の戦闘幅によって同時に戦闘に参加できる兵士たちの数が決まります。戦闘は4つのフェイズに分かれています。

  •   機動フェイズ: 軍勢は戦闘の準備を開始し、指揮官は最初の優位性ロールを決定します。
  •   初期戦闘フェイズ: 軍勢は毎日のように戦い、互いにダメージを与え合います。このときは退却することができません。 このフェイズで戦闘に敗れた場合、すべての敗走兵が死傷者になります。
  •   後期戦闘フェイズ: 軍勢は一方の兵士らが耐久力を使い果たすか撤退するまで毎日お互いにダメージを与え合います。 軍勢が退却した場合、残った兵士はすべて敗走兵になります。
  •   追撃フェイズ: 戦闘で勝利した軍勢は敗北した軍勢を追撃し、敗走兵を死傷者にしようとします。 このフェイズが終了すると、敗北した側の軍勢はすべての敗走兵とともに隣接する男爵領へ移動した後、更に2、3つの男爵領分距離を取ろうとします。 この時、移動をし終えるまで命令を与えることはできませんが、操作可能になっている軍勢よりもわずかに移動速度が速くなります。

優位性補正[編集 | ソースを編集]

戦闘開始時には戦闘全体の継続、及びどちらか一方のダメージを増加させる「優位性」補正の計算が双方の軍で行われます。 優位性は特性、地形、建造物、または指揮官の軍事能力によってもたらされます。 また、指揮官は3日ごとに優位性を上げるためにロールを行います。これは様々な補正や特性の影響を受けます。 優位性の各ポイントは自軍のダメージを+2%増加させます。 開始時の優位性は以下の影響を受けます。

  • 海峡を挟んでおり、かつ防衛側である場合 +30
  • 大河を挟んでおり、かつ防衛側である場合 +20
  • 河を挟んでおり、かつ防衛側である場合 +10
  • 主君が軍勢を率いている場合 +5
  • 領国が借金状態にある場合 -10
  • 軍勢が招集中である場合 -10
  • 物資が足りない場合 -10
  • 物資が枯渇している場合 -25
  • 海を挟んでおり、かつ攻撃側である場合 -30

指揮官の捕獲[編集 | ソースを編集]


条件/要因 効果
屈強な指揮官を持つ指揮官 (プレイヤー) 脱出スコア +100
屈強な指揮官を持つ指揮官 (AI) 脱出スコア +30
  武勇 捕獲スコアは(30 - 武勇) ÷ 30の式と乗算されます。最小値は0.1です。


 臆病(Craven)の特性を持つ 捕獲スコアが半減
軍勢が掃討[1]される 脱出スコアが5で割られる
 勇敢(Brave)の特性を持つ 捕獲スコアが2倍になる
 隻脚(One-Legged)、または  不具(Maimed)の特性を持つ 捕獲スコアが3倍になる

包囲戦[編集 | ソースを編集]

包囲戦は戦勝点を得る主な手段であり、軍勢が要塞のある所領を攻撃中、軍勢がその要塞の  守備隊を上回っている時に発生します。 伯爵領を占領するにはすべての要塞化された所領を占領する必要があります。 城及び伯爵領首都はデフォルトで要塞化されています。要塞包囲の難度は  要塞レベルによって決まり、これは特定の建造物や補正によって上昇させることができます。 所領を占領するのに必要な包囲進行度の基本値は100であり、  要塞レベルごとに50ずつ増加します。 包囲は攻撃側の数が守備隊の数を大きく上回っているか、攻城兵器を用いている場合に時間とともに進行していきます。

要塞化された所領の包囲中に攻撃を受けた場合、包囲側の軍は攻撃側となり、相手側はあらゆる地形防御ボーナスを得ます。 また、要塞が立っている男爵領において戦闘が始まると、優位性に追加のペナルティが発生します。

それぞれの包囲戦では守備側の供給、健康状態、城壁の状態が変化します。包囲戦の間はイベントが20日ごと( 軍事技術者を持つ司令官の場合は30%短くなり、14日ごと)に発生し、3つの状態のうち一つのステージが進むことがあります。攻撃側の軍勢が攻城兵器を持っている場合でのみ、城壁にダメージを与える可能性があります。

資産 ステージ1の効果 ステージ2の効果 ステージ3の効果
  守備隊の供給 なし   +10% 一時的な包囲戦の進行状況   +30% 一時的な包囲戦の進行状況
  守備隊の健康 なし   +10% 日毎の包囲戦の進行状況   +20% 日毎の包囲戦の進行状況
  城壁 なし   -10% 包囲イベントの間の時間
  -30% 包囲イベントの間の時間


占領[編集 | ソースを編集]

包囲戦の進行度が100%に達すると、男爵領を占領した状態になります。伯爵領内のすべての要塞化された所領を占領した場合は伯爵領全体も占領されます。 占領されると伯爵領の支配値を失います(もとの支配者が軍事ライフスタイルのパークである「難局を耐える」を保持している場合は除きます)。戦争目標の所領を占領すると戦勝点が追加されます。

Capturing characters in a siege[編集 | ソースを編集]

Characters present in a holding which has just been occupied or raided have a chance to be imprisoned by the besieging force. The following conditions exclude characters from being capturable:

  • The besiegers have defeated the defender's army, but the defender's army has not yet retreated to a different province
  • The character is imprisoned in the barony

For eligible characters, the base chance to be captured is 35%. Each point of intrigue will reduce this percentage by 1, with a maximum reduction of 20%, and each point of prowess will reduce this percentage by 0.5, with a maximum reduction of 15%. The third Pillage legacy effect adds 20% to this chance.

If the occupying force is a peasant army, or the target is undesirable, a captured character will instead be killed. A target is desirable if any of the following is true:

  • They are landed
  • They have at least one parent
  • Their spouse is landed
  • Any close family member is landed
  • They have a high skill rating in diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue or learning
  • They have a physician lifestyle trait
  • They have a mystic lifestyle trait

War score[編集 | ソースを編集]

War score is a measure of which side is winning a war. It ranges from -100 to +100, each point added to one side being subtracted at the same time from the other side, e.g. if one side has 25 War score, the other side will have -25 War score. War score is gained by winning Battles, occupying Holdings, taking important prisoners and especially having control of the Casus Belli's Objective, or the "War Target". Even though the game doesn't define the term "War Target", it appears to correspond to whether either side has possession of at least one county in the de Jure title being fought over. If either side controls the entirety of the de jure title being fought over, they accumulate war score every month. If the other side takes control of at least one of these counties, the war score gained from control resets to 0 but will return to its previous level if the county/ies are recaptured. If neither side controls all de jure disputed land, there is no gain from control. For example, a war for the Duchy of Lancaster in England means that there are 4 counties that are at claim. If the attacker seizes all 4, they accumulate 1% per month of war score. After a certain amount of time, the defenders will gain score if the attackers have failed to capture any of these counties. Note that this does not apply in wars where the claim is on the highest title in that realm. For example, a claim on England will not accumulate a control score as long as the attacker takes even a single county; if they were to take them all, they would automatically win by full occupation unless the Empire of Britannia has been created and is the liege of the holder of the title of Kingdom of England.

Objective Bonus war score
Capturing enemy ruler +100
Capturing enemy heir +50 (primary heir)
+25 (secondary heir)
+10 (tertiary heir)
Occupying enemy capital +10

The benefits given by winning battles is based on the size of the losing army relative to its total soldier count. The benefits given by occupying holdings correspond to a percentage of the total holdings the defender has, both inside and outside the war target. The percentage allocated to winning battles is limited to 50% so it is not possible to win a war as an attacker without also occupying holdings unless the ruler or the primary heir is captured in a battle.

At +30 War score, the winning side can call for White Peace. At +100 War score, the winning side can enforce their demands on the losing side. Alternatively, at -100 War score, the losing side must surrender to the winning side. This can be modified by Peace Acceptance, particularly with the Peacemaker Lifestyle Perk.

Players can always Surrender to the opposing side, ending the war and enforcing the opposing side's demands on themselves. The AI will also eventually surrender to the player when the player has 100 war score, preventing the player from taking additional captives or inflicting additional damage to their realm.

War contribution[編集 | ソースを編集]

Wars where either the attacker or the defender has allies keep track of the percentage of War score that was provided by each ally's armies. When the war ends, a certain amount of   Gold,   Prestige or   Piety is shared among all allies based on their War Contribution.

If a war lasts at least 2 years and one of the allies has 0% War Contribution, it will lose -20   Opinion with the war leader and have to pay   Gold or   Prestige or promise to earn War Contribution within a year. Breaking the promise will result in losing a Level of Fame as well as -50   Opinion with the war leader.

Ending wars[編集 | ソースを編集]

Wars can end in two ways: victory for one side and defeat for the other, or with a white peace.

If the attacker achieves victory, they benefit from the effects of the used casus belli. If the defender achieves victory, the attacker is forced to pay a large sum of gold to the defender and will lose   prestige or   piety. A lost war against one's liege also results in the liege imprisoning the attackers and getting a reason to revoke a title from each of them.

White peace can be proposed at any point by one of the two sides and requires the other side to accept it. In case of white peace, the attacker will lose a small amount of   prestige or   piety. Additionally, for many CBs, the attacker will gain   40 stress if they're   Ambitious or   Arrogant, and an Arrogant defender will also gain this much stress.

After a war, the allies of both sides will gain   prestige regardless of who the victor was, based on their contributions.

When a war ends, the attacker will gain a mutual truce with the defender for 5 years. If the former attacker declares war again while the truce is active, they will lose   250 prestige and one level of fame and gain   −50 general opinion for 3 years.

Holy wars[編集 | ソースを編集]

Holy Wars are wars started with one of the Holy War casus belli. Unlike other wars, Rulers of the same Faith as the defending Ruler can join the war without requiring an Alliance. A Ruler targeted by a Holy War gains a character interaction to convert to the attacker's Faith in order to end the war in White Peace at the cost of 100   Piety and 3 Levels of Devotion.

Great holy wars[編集 | ソースを編集]

Great Holy Wars can only be declared by a Head of Faith whose faith has the Warmonger, Armed Pilgrimages, Struggle and Submission tenets, or Special Doctrines such as Rightful Rulers of the World. They can only target Kingdoms ruled by a character of a different Faith. If victorious, all Titles within the targeted Kingdom are seized and divided between the attackers based on their War Contribution. Great Holy Wars can be Directed or Undirected. Great Holy Wars do not cause Vassal   Opinion loss no matter how long they last. A faith must have at least 75% fervor to launch a Great Holy War.

During Great Holy Wars, there is no option for White Peace and capturing and imprisoning the opposing war leader or its Heir will not grant War score. If the attacking Faith wins, its Fervor will decrease by -30 while the defending Faith's Fervor will increase by +25%. If the defending Faith wins, the attacking Faith will lose -25 Fervor.

Rulers who contribute to a Great Holy War and knights in the armies that fight such a war will gain the   Crusader trait if Christian,   Mujahid trait if Muslim or   Warrior of the Faith trait if their Religion is any other. In addition, if the character had the   Excommunicated trait, it is removed.

AI rulers are less afraid of armies that outnumber theirs during Great Holy Wars.

Directed great holy wars[編集 | ソースを編集]

Directed Great Holy Wars can be declared by Temporal Heads of Faith. If victorious, the Kingdom is granted to the Head of Faith. Rulers of the same Faith can join forces with the Head of Faith, and based on their War Contribution, may gain Piety or Titles in the conquered Kingdom if victorious.

Undirected great holy wars[編集 | ソースを編集]

Undirected Great Holy Wars can be declared by Spiritual Heads of Faith. When declared, a preparation phase starts, during which Rulers of the attacking and defending Faiths can either donate gold or pledge military support to their side.

Each Undirected Great Holy War will have a War Chest, to which characters of the attacking Faith can donate   Gold in order to receive   Piety equal to half of the amount donated. Donating significant amounts will also grant bonus   Opinion with the Head of Faith. When the preparation phase ends, 20% of the War Chest's value will be divided among all rulers who pledged military support for the attacking Faith. The rest will be divided among all rulers who pledged military support if their Faith wins.

During the preparation phase, characters belonging to the Faith of the attacker or the defender can pledge military support. Characters who pledge military support may gain a share of the War Chest's value and will end all wars against characters who also pledged military support. Characters of the attacking Faith who pledge military support can also choose a Beneficiary, an unlanded and non-heir character of their Dynasty who will receive titles in the targeted Kingdom proportional to their War Contribution. Upon pledging, characters of the attacking Faith will gain Piety and the War Chest will gain Prestige and Piety depending on their Primary Title rank:

Rank Piety War Chest Prestige War Chest Piety
  Baron 30 250 75
  Count 60 500 150
  Duke 90 1000 300
  King 120 1500 600
  Emperor 150 3000 1200

A character can withdraw their pledge for military support after making it, but doing so will cause them to lose one Level of Devotion.

In addition, during the preparation phase, characters who pledged military support can spend Piety to change the targeted Kingdom. This must be done at least 101 days before the start of the Holy War.

Once the Preparation Phase ends, the war starts if the projected attacker strength is less than 33% of the projected defender strength. If the attackers are victorious, the Kingdom is granted to the attacker that had the highest War Contribution. During both war and the preparation Phase, attackers may donate Gold to the War Chest.

Unlocking Great Holy Wars[編集 | ソースを編集]

To unlock Great Holy Wars a Faith must have the right Doctrines, its Head of Faith must exist and not be imprisoned, there must be at least 35 counties in the world following the Faith, and at least ten years must have passed since another Faith unlocked Great Holy Wars. If those conditions are met, a Faith will unlock Great Holy Wars after year 1100 but they can be unlocked at any point earlier if two Holy Sites are in a realm whose top liege is not of the same religion. Crusades and Jihads can be unlocked earlier if certain conditions are met.

Faith Minimum year Condition
Catholic 1095 Top liege of Jerusalem is not Christian
Catholic 1000 Byzantine emperor or top liege of any of these counties is not Christian: Ankyra, Athens, Constantinople, Corinth
Catholic 800 The top liege of any of these counties is not Christian: Cologne, Halberstadt, Paris, Provence, Toulouse
Catholic - Top liege of Rome is not Christian
Islam - After Christianity has unlocked, and any holy site is in a realm whose top liege is not Muslim
any faith - After both Christianity and Islam have unlocked, and any holy site is in a realm whose top liege is of Hostile or Evil faith.
any faith 800 Any two holy sites are in a realm whose top liege is of a different religion.

Great Holy War Weights[編集 | ソースを編集]

メイン記事へ: Great holy war weights

Great Holy Wars have a multiplier for AI targeting of 100 for a key religious holding (Jerusalem for Catholics and Jews, Mecca and Medina for Muslims), 75 for the kingdom where someone who made a Human Sacrifice of the Head of Faith came from, 50 for kingdoms with a holy site, 40 for kingdoms in heartland regions, 30 for frontier regions, 20 for fringe regions, and 10 for stretch regions. Note this means all other kingdoms would have a multiplier of 1. If the Head of Faith is landed, this is divided by the distance from the Head of Faith. If not, it is divided by the distance from the primary religious site (e.g. Rome). There is also a multiplier of 20 if someone of the same faith holds the kingdom title, but does not possess enough of the kingdom. Great Holy War Weights can be found in game\common\script_values\02_religion_values.txt.

Raiding[編集 | ソースを編集]

Raiding is the process of attacking the Holding of another character without requiring to be at war with them in order to gain Loot.

In order to Raid, a ruler must have at least one of the following:

Once a Holding has been Raided it cannot be Raided again by the same enemy for 5 years, during which time the Holding will have -50% Taxes, +50% Building Construction Time and -10% Development Growth. If the raided Barony is a Ruler's Realm Capital, raiding may capture or kill courtiers or family members. Holdings that have been Raided will have a torch icon above them when a raider army is selected. Realms at truce with cannot be raided.

Raiding is done via Raiders, armies raised in owned provinces for the purpose of Raiding that can carry loot based on the army size. Raiders cannot embark unless their culture has unlocked either the Longships or West African Canoes Innovation, or the Practiced Pirates tradition. While Raiding, the army cannot move, allowing the attacked character to raise an army against the raiders if possible. If a Raider army is defeated before returning inside its own borders all Loot will be recovered. Maintenance cost for armies raised as raiders is reduced by 50%.

If a Commander has raided at least 20 times, each raid has a chance to grant them the   Raider trait equal to the amount of times they raided.

If a ruler is the army's Commander after the Holding is raided, there is a 30% chance they will gain the option to sack its County. The chance is increased to 50% if the Liege has the   Raider trait. Sacking the County presents at least one, sometimes two options. A player can always sack for additional treasure, granting more   Gold and   Prestige while the County will gain -40   Development Progress. When sacking a feudal or clan barony, if the raider’s capital has under 15   Development, they are also presented with a second option to capture slaves for their capital. Choosing this option will increase   Development progress in the raider’s capital by +40, decrease the sacked county’s development by -1, and decrease sacked county’s development progress by -80. Capturing slaves is perhaps the fastest way in the game to increase development, but can only be done in your capital county up to development 15.

Choosing either option will also give the County the Recently Sacked modifier for 20 years, which prevents it from being sacked again and gives it +20 Popular Opinion. Sacking a County will grant +10   Stress if the character has the   Compassionate or   Forgiving traits.

Raided rulers gain a decaying -15   Opinion towards the owners of the raiding armies.

If the Northern Lords DLC is installed rulers who meet certain requirements have a 20% chance to be offered to trade instead of raiding. The chance is increased to 40% if the character belongs to the North Germanic culture group or has the second   Adventure dynasty legacy. If the offer is accepted the army will gain 10 Loot and +20   Opinion with the realm owner but will not be able to raid them for 5 years. In addition the previously raided County will get a +20 Popular Opinion modifier for 5 years. To be offered to trade, the following requirements must be met:

  • At peace
  • Leading the raiding army as a Commander
  • Raiding a   Castle holding
  • Either the   Longships innovation or the second   Adventure dynasty legacy

Terrain[編集 | ソースを編集]

A map showing each type of terrain in Crusader Kings III

Each Barony has a dominant terrain. The terrain determines the movement speed and combat width in the Barony and can affect the supply limit and development growth in its County as well as which buildings can be constructed.

Terrain Movement Speed   Combat Width   Defender Advantage   County Supply Limit   County Development Growth Other effects
  Desert 70% 100% 0 -30% -50%
  Desert Mountains 50% 50% +12 -60% -50% -30% Defender Retreat Losses
  Drylands 100% 100% 0 -5%
  Farmlands 100% 100% 0 +50% +20%
  Floodplains 100% 75% 0 +35% +20%
  Forest 80% 90% +3 -10%
  Hills 80% 80% +5 -10% -10%
  Jungle 50% 70% +6 -25% -40%
  Mountains 50% 50% +12 -50% -25%
  Oasis 100% 100% 0 +10% +10%
  Plains 100% 100% 0
  Steppe 100% 100% 0 -50%
  Taiga 80% 80% +4 -20% -5%
  Wetlands 70% 60% +5 -25% -25% +25% Retreat Losses
+20% Fatal Casualties

References[編集 | ソースを編集]

  1. 訳者注:stackwiped, 軍勢を全滅させることを示すと思われる