
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
1行目: 1行目:
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in <b>/var/www/html/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/src/Utils/PHPUtils.php</b> on line <b>71</b><br />
[[File:County menu buildings highlighted.png|400px|thumb|right|画像は伯領メニューのスクリーンショット。強調されている場所が建築物にあたる]]
各々の所領(Holding)は、多くの '''建築物(buildings)''' を利用できます。通常の建築物は主として課税(tax)と徴募兵(levies)に焦点を当てていますが、要塞レベルの増加や供給(supply)の増加といった副次的な効果もあり、必要な開発度レベル(level of Development)に達した時点で改築(upgrade)することができます。男爵領(Barony)では一度に建築または改築できる建築物は1つだけです。建築物は男爵(Baron)、その直接の主君(direct Liege)、または更に上位の主君によって建築されることができます。
建築物は他の建築物に建替(converted)することができますが、またレベル1から始まり費用も全額支払う必要があります。建替は男爵領の直接の所有者(direct holder)によってのみ開始できます。
== 所領建築物 ==
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! タイプ
! 建築物
! 月間の課税
! 伯領への影響
! 領国への影響
! 要求事項
! width=40% | 説明<ref>日本語化MODより翻訳を拝借</ref>
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | ギルド(Guilds)<br>[[File:Building guild halls.png]]
| ギルドホール(Guild Halls)
| {{green|+0.3}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+5%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 村落の中心部(Village Center)
| ''都市は主要なギルドと市民の家族に、仕事を組織して腕を磨く十分な場所を提供する。''
| 彫刻士ギルド(Carver's Guilds)
| {{green|+0.5}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+10%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 村落の中心部
| ''彫刻士は木や骨から枠、装飾、工具などを作り出す。盾に紋章を彫ることもあるので、ギルドは貴族の間で人気がある。''
| 大工ギルド(Carpenter's Guilds)
| {{green|+0.7}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+15%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 大都市(Large City)
| ''大工の仕事は、主として彼らの選り抜きの素材である材木を用いた建築だ。特に美しく調った継ぎ目は教会や屋敷に役立つため、彼らの仕事は貴族と聖職者の双方から人気がある。''
| 狩人ギルド(Hunter's Guilds)
| {{green|+0.9}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+20%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 大都市
| ''狩人は肉や革を売買しており、肉屋と革屋の両方の仕事を可能にしている。最高級の革は当然のことながら、名門貴族の手へと渡る。''
| 石工ギルド(Mason's Guilds)
| {{green|+1.1}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+25%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 街の中心部(City Center)
| ''石工は建築と彫刻の両方で石と共に働く。要塞を構築する際に専門知識は非常に貴重であるため、彼らの技術は引っ張りだこになる。''
| 仕立屋ギルド(Tailor's Guilds)
| {{green|+1.3}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+30%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 街の中心部
| ''仕立屋は針や糸、布を武器のように扱う。彼らの比類ない技術で、貴族のための美しい衣服を作っている。''
| ガラス職人ギルド(Glassworker's Guilds)
| {{green|+1.5}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+35%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 繁華な大都市(Bustling Metropolis)
| ''ガラス職人は窓ガラスからゴブレットまで、あらゆる魅力的な品物をガラスから作る。ガラス製品を持っているのはとても名誉なことであり、彼らの仕事を非常に望ましいものにしている。''
| 名工ギルド(Artisan's Guilds)
| {{green|+1.7}}
| {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+40%}}
| [[File:Holding city.png|24px]] 繁華な大都
| ''名工たちは、芸術作品を生み出すだけでなく、まったく新しい革新をも生み出すために、多くの材料を使用している。彼らの創意工夫と洗練された能力は、至る所で貴族たちの注目を集めている。''
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | 修道院(Monasteries)<br>[[File:Building monastic schools.png]]
| 礼拝堂(Prayer Halls)
| {{green|+0.2}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.1}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.1}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂(Shrine)
| ''礼拝堂では説法が行われ、黙想の場が設けられている。''
| 修道学校(Monastic Schools)
| {{green|+0.4}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.2}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.2}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂
| ''この学校は多くの科目を教えており、高度な学問の希少な中心地だが、ここに在籍する学生は主に聖職者としての将来のキャリアに備えて学んでいる。''
| 図書館(Libraries)
| {{green|+0.5}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.3}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.3}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 寺域(Temple Grounds)
| ''修道院の図書館には、小さな論文から神学に関する膨大な書物まで、多くの本がある。真の知識の宝庫がその壁の中にある。''
| 巡礼者の宿所(Pilgrim's Quarters)
| {{green|+0.7}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.4}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.4}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 寺域
| ''様々な巡礼者が長い旅の間に宿を探す場合は、巡礼者の宿所に滞在して休息することができる。ここではまた、食物、飲料、時にはお風呂までごちそうする。''
| 診療所(Infirmaries)
| {{green|+0.8}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.5}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.5}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 礼拝所(House of Worship)
| ''戦争や疫病が起きた際には、診療所は憐れなる犠牲者たちに再び生きる機会を与えている。まだ手遅れでないならば。''
| 複写室(Copying Chambers)
| {{green|+1}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.6}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.6}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 礼拝所
| ''複写室では献身的な写字生が一日中聖典を写本し続けている。夜になっても、月明りと蝋燭の火を頼りに知識の探求の為に働き続けている。''
| ホスピス(Hospices)
| {{green|+1.1}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.7}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.7}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 大寺院(Grand Temple)
| ''ホスピスは、そこ以外では生きていけない人々のために長期的なケアを提供している。慢性病患者、身体障害者、時には悪魔に悩まされている人も歓迎している。''
| 回廊(Cloisters)
| {{green|+1.3}}
| {{icon|control}} 月間の支配 {{green|+0.8}}
| 月間の信仰点 {{green|+0.8}}
| [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 大寺院
| ''回廊は外界との強固な障壁を形成しており、壁の中の人々と外の農民の生活を効果的に分離できる。''
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | 巨石(Megalith)<br>[[File:Building megalith.png]]
| 小さな巨石(Minor Megalith)
| '''0'''
* {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+2%}}
* {{icon|opinion}} 領民の評価(Popular Opinion) {{Green|+2}}
| 月間の信仰点  {{green|+0.2}}
* [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂
* {{icon|unknown}} Megalithic Constructions tenet
| ''この素晴らしい配石構造は、恒久的な信仰の場として機能する。ごく普通の石をシンプルに並べたこの控えめな建築物は、少数の礼拝者のために作られたものだ。''
| 巨石の霊廟(Megalithic Mausoleum)
| '''0'''
* {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|opinion}} 領民の評価 {{Green|+2}}
| 月間の信仰点  {{green|+0.4}}
* [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂
* {{icon|unknown}} 巨石建造物群(Megalithic Constructions)の信条(tenet)
| ''敷地は、より多くの参拝者が訪れやすいよう、複数の配石構造によって拡張されている。巨石それ自体の拡張と並行して、重要人物を埋葬するための地下霊廟も敷地内に建設された。''
| 巨石の祭壇(Megalithic Altars)
| '''0'''
* {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|opinion}} 領民の評価 {{Green|+4}}
| 月間の信仰点  {{green|+0.5}}
* [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂
* {{icon|unknown}} 巨石建造物群の信条
| ''野外に配置されたこの巨石は、恒久的な礼拝所として機能する。この巨石は、地域全体から集められた高価かつ異国風の石によって組み上げられ、儀式で使用するための祭壇が設けられている。''
| 大きな巨石(Large Megalith)
| '''0'''
* {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|opinion}} 領民の評価 {{Green|+4}}
| 月間の信仰点  {{green|+0.7}}
* [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂
* {{icon|unknown}} 巨石建造物群の信条
| ''この巨石には、多くの祭壇や儀式にもちいる祭具の他に、聖なるシンボルが複雑に刻み込まれた巨大な一枚岩がそびえており、心の底から畏敬の念を抱かせる。''
| 伝説の巨石(Legendary Megalith)
| '''0'''
* {{icon|development}} 月間の開発度 {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|opinion}} 領民の評価 {{Green|+6}}
* 月間の信仰点  {{green|+0.8}}
* 月間の威信(Prestige){{green|+0.25}}
* [[File:Holding church.png|24px]] 聖堂
* {{icon|unknown}} 巨石建造物群の信条t
| ''この巨石は、彼の地では伝説と呼べるような存在にまで至っている。崇拝者たちは、この場所に立つことで、信仰との深い結びつきを感じることができると主張している。''
=== Tribe buildings ===
Tribe holdings have only 4 buildings types of 2 buildings each available, but most buildings benefit the entire Realm. Reforming to feudal grants the same amount of random buildings as previously built in the province.
* Level 1 buildings cost 75 {{iconify|Gold}} and 200 {{iconify|Prestige}}
* Level 2 buildings cost 100 {{iconify|Gold}} and 300 {{iconify|Prestige}}
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Type
! Building
! Holding effects
! Realm effects
! County effects
! Time
! Required Innovation
! width=35% | Description
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Gathering Halls<br>[[File:Building longhouses.png]]
| Longhouses
| {{icon|levies}} {{green|+100}} Levies
| {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Prestige
| {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Control
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| None
| ''Longhouses are large enough to accommodate important meetings between elders. Laws and policies are determined here.''
| Grand Halls
| {{icon|levies}} {{green|+175}} Levies
| {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Prestige
| {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.4}} Monthly Control
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| {{iconify|Barracks}}
| ''Grand halls host a central stage, where a chief or warlord can deliver rousing speeches.''
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Markets<br>[[File:Building market villages.png]]
| Trading Outposts
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.4}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+500}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| None
| ''Trading outposts offer the opportunity for tribesmen and traders to meet and barter.''
| Market Villages
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.7}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+1000}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| {{iconify|City Planning}}
| ''By letting traders into their villages, the tribesmen within are able to set up lucrative deals.''
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Palisades<br>[[File:Building palisades.png]]
| Simple Palisade
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+100}} Levies
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+150}} Garrison
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Spearmen Toughness
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| None
| ''Simple palisades offer limited protection, while effective against skirmishes they are less reliable against larger groups of enemies.''
| Walls & Ditches
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+4}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+175}} Levies
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+300}} Garrison
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+8%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+8%}} Spearmen Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Toughness
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{iconify|Mottes}}
| ''Outer ditches combined with stone-reinforced palisade walls offer decent protection against sieges.''
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | War Camps<br>[[File:Building warcamps.png]]
| Sparring Grounds
| {{icon|levies}} {{green|+150}} Levies
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+10%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Cavalry Toughness
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| None
| ''Training equipment, arenas and wooden walls define the sparring grounds, warriors go here to hone their skills.''
| Warrior Lodges
| {{icon|levies}} {{green|+275}} Levies
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+2}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+8%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+8%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+8%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Cavalry Toughness
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| {{iconify|Barracks}}
| ''Only the greatest fighters are allowed into a warrior lodge, their mere presence is inspiring.''
=== Military Camps ===
Military Camps can be constructed in all Castle, City or Temple Holdings. Each building takes 1 year to construct or upgrade.
{| class="mildtable plainlist" style="text-align: center;
! Building type
! Level
! {{iconify|Levies}}
! {{iconify|Supply}} Limit
! {{icon|control}} Control
! {{icon|levies}} Levy Reinforcement
! {{icon|damage}} Archer
! {{icon|damage}} Skirmisher
! {{icon|pursuit}} Skirmisher
! {{icon|toughness}} Archer
! {{icon|toughness}} Skirmisher
! {{icon|toughness}} Light Cavalry
! {{icon|toughness}} Heavy Infantry
! {{icon|gold}} Cost
! {{icon|innovation}} Required Innovation
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | Military Camps<br>[[File:Building military camps.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_military_camps.png]]
| style="text-align: left; | Hide Tents
| {{green|+100}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| 100
| style="text-align: left; | None
| style="text-align: left; | Camp Cooks
| {{green|+175}}
| {{green|+200}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| 150
| style="text-align: left; | None
| style="text-align: left; | Training Fields
| {{green|+250}}
| {{green|+200}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| {{green|+8%}}
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| 200
| style="text-align: left; | {{iconify|Burhs}}
| style="text-align: left; | Watchposts
| {{green|+325}}
| {{green|+200}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| '''0'''
| {{green|+10%}}
| {{green|+8%}}
| {{green|+8%}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| '''0'''
| '''0'''
| 250
| style="text-align: left; | {{iconify|Burhs}}
| style="text-align: left; | Camp Smiths
| {{green|+400}}
| {{green|+200}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| '''0'''
| {{green|+12%}}
| {{green|+10%}}
| {{green|+10%}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+4%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| '''0'''
| 300
| style="text-align: left; | {{iconify|Castle Baileys}}
| style="text-align: left; | Mustering Halls
| {{green|+475}}
| {{green|+200}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| '''0'''
| {{green|+14%}}
| {{green|+12%}}
| {{green|+12%}}
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| '''0'''
| 350
| style="text-align: left; | {{iconify|Castle Baileys}}
| style="text-align: left; | Militia Barracks
| {{green|+550}}
| {{green|+200}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+16%}}
| {{green|+14%}}
| {{green|+14%}}
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+6%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| '''0'''
| 400
| style="text-align: left; | {{iconify|Royal Armory}}
| style="text-align: left; | Levying Squares
| {{green|+625}}
| {{green|+200}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+18%}}
| {{green|+16%}}
| {{green|+16%}}
| {{green|+8%}}
| {{green|+8%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| {{green|+2%}}
| 450
| style="text-align: left; | {{iconify|Royal Armory}}
== Duchy buildings ==
Duchy buildings can only be constructed by a Feudal or Clan Ruler in the de jure capital of a {{iconify|Duchy}} and can only be used if the character holds the associated Duchy Title. All Duchy buildings take 5 years to construct or upgrade and most have 3 levels.
* Level 1 buildings cost 300 {{iconify|Gold}} with the exception of the Great Megalith that costs 600
* Level 2 buildings cost 400 {{iconify|Gold}}
* Level 3 buildings cost 500 {{iconify|Gold}}
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building type
! Level 1 effects
! Level 2 effects
! Level 3 effects
! Requirements
! width=18% | Description
| style="text-align: center; | Archery Grounds<br>[[File:Building royal hunting grounds.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_royal_hunting_grounds.png]]
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-6%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+15%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+5%}} Archer Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+5%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+10%}} Skirmisher Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+5%}} Skirmisher Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+5%}} Archer Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+10%}} Archer Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+5%}} Archer Cavalry Screen
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-8%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+30%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Archer Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+20%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+20%}} Skirmisher Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+10%}} Skirmisher Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+20%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Archer Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+20%}} Archer Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+10%}} Archer Cavalry Screen
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+45%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Archer Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+30%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+30%}} Skirmisher Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+15%}} Skirmisher Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+30%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Archer Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+30%}} Archer Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+15%}} Archer Cavalry Screen
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''Dedicated archery ranges allow the common folk to train with bows, and experienced archers to hone their skills.''
| style="text-align: center; | Blacksmiths<br>[[File:Building blacksmiths.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_blacksmiths.png]]
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-6%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+5%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+5%}} Spearmen Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Spearmen Infantry Toughness
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-8%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+30%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Spearmen Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+30%}} Spearmen Infantry Toughness
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+15%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+45%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+15%}} Spearmen Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+45%}} Spearmen Infantry Toughness
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''Smiths in the employ of the crown forge weapons and armor for the royal guard, ensuring a steady supply of superior armaments.''
| style="text-align: center; | Jousting Fields<br>[[File:Building jousting lists.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_jousting_lists.png]]
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-6%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+10%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+10%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+15%}} Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Toughness
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-8%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+20%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+20%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+20%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+20%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+30%}} Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+30%}} Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Toughness
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+30%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+30%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+30%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+30%}} Light & Camel Cavalry Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+45%}} Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+45%}} Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Toughness
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''By having dedicated grounds for jousting, more riders and knights are encouraged to train and join the banners.''
| style="text-align: center; | Leisure Palaces<br>[[File:Building leisure palace.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_leisure_palace.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+15%}} Stress Loss
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+5}} Hostile Scheme Success Chance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+5}} Personal Scheme Success Chance
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+40%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+25%}} Stress Loss
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+10}} Hostile Scheme Success Chance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+10}} Personal Scheme Success Chance
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.4}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+60%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+35%}} Stress Loss
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+15}} Hostile Scheme Success Chance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+15}} Personal Scheme Success Chance
* {{iconify|Manorialism}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Windmills}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Cranes}} innovation for level 3
| ''While staying in one lavishly luxuriant castle is fine, having a few more to choose between never hurts.''
| style="text-align: center; | Marches<br>[[File:Building march.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_march.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+4}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+25%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+25%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+20%}} Hostile Raid Time
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+50%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+50%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+30%}} Hostile Raid Time
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+3}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+8}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+100%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+100%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+100%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+40%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''Marcher lords protect the borders with fortifications and local garrisons.''
| style="text-align: center; | Military Academies<br>[[File:Building military academy.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_military_academy.png]]
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-2.5%}} Army Maintenance
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+2}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+25%}} Knight Effectiveness
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-3.5%}} Army Maintenance
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+4}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+50%}} Knight Effectiveness
| '''Realm'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Army Maintenance
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+6}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+75%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''Dedicated facilities for training officers and knights, improving their efficiency in combat.''
| style="text-align: center; | Royal Armories<br>[[File:Building royal armory.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_royal_armory.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+20%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-2.5%}} Army Gold Maintenance
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+30%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-3.5%}} Army Gold Maintenance
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+40%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Army Gold Maintenance
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''By having the crown provide weapons and armor to its soldiers, more peasants can 'volunteer' for the levy.''
| style="text-align: center; | Royal Reserves<br>[[File:Building royal forest.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_royal_forest.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.8}} Monthly Tax
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.1}} Monthly Tax
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+15}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.4}} Monthly Tax
* {{iconify|Manorialism}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Windmills}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Cranes}} innovation for level 3
* {{icon|no}}[[File:Terrain desert.png|24px]] Desert terrain
* {{icon|no}}[[File:Terrain mountains.png|24px]] Mountains terrain
* {{icon|no}}[[File:Terrain oasis.png|24px]] Oasis terrain
* {{icon|no}}[[File:Terrain steppe.png|24px]] Steppe terrain
* {{icon|no}}[[File:Terrain wetlands.png|24px]] Wetlands terrain
| ''A royal forest is a valuable source of wealth, allowing you to override the law of the land in a province, strip rights from the locals, then sell them back. Needless to say, the hunting is also excellent.''
| style="text-align: center; | Siege Works<br>[[File:Building siege works.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_siege_works.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level
* [[File:Unit stat siege progress.png|24px]] {{green|+20%}} Siege Weapon Effectiveness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2}} Siege Weapon Toughness
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* [[File:Unit stat siege progress.png|24px]] {{green|+30%}} Siege Weapon Effectiveness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4}} Siege Weapon Toughness
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+3}} Fort Level
* [[File:Unit stat siege progress.png|24px]] {{green|+30%}} Siege Weapon Effectiveness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+6}} Siege Weapon Toughness
* {{iconify|Burhs}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Castle Baileys}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Royal Armory}} innovation for level 3
| ''Dedicated siege works allow the ruler to field and maintain superior-quality siege weapons.''
| style="text-align: center; | Tax Offices<br>[[File:Building tax assessor.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_tax_assessor.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{iconify|Manorialism}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Windmills}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Cranes}} innovation for level 3
| ''Collecting money from the peasantry is a 'taxing' venture. By assigning offices to a cohort of tax-collecting officials, we are sure to get what's due!''
| style="text-align: center; | Royal Gardens<br>[[File:Building royal forest.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_royal_forest.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.8}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|-10%}} Stress Gain
* [[File:Grandeur.png|24px]] {{green|+4}} Court Grandeur
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|-20%}} Stress Gain
* [[File:Grandeur.png|24px]] {{green|+8}} Court Grandeur
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+15}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.4}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|-30%}} Stress Gain
* [[File:Grandeur.png|24px]] {{green|+12}} Court Grandeur
* {{icon|yes}} Garden Architects tradition
* {{iconify|Manorialism}} innovation for level 1
* {{iconify|Windmills}} innovation for level 2
* {{iconify|Cranes}} innovation for level 3
| ''Few places allow people to relax and socialize as well as a beautiful garden. While a small and personal garden would suffice for most, only the most spectacular of creations is good enough for the wealthy and powerful!''
| style="text-align: center; | Great Megalith<br>[[File:Building megalith.png]]
| '''Duchy'''
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Development Growth
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|piety pagan}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Piety
* [[File:Learning lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+10%}} Naval Speed
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|no}}
| {{icon|yes}} Megalithic Constructions tenet
| ''An extremely ambitious version of the Megalith, the Great Megalith project involves covering the landscape of the countryside in small Megalithic constructions centered around a single gargantuan construction.''
=== Historical duchy buildings ===
Historical duchy buildings start already constructed. If so desired they can be replaced by other duchy buildings as well as rebuilt afterwards.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building
! Holding effects
! County effects
! Realm effects
! Barony
! width=50% | Description
| Aurelian Walls<br>[[File:Structure aurelian walls.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_aurelian_walls.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+3}} Fort Level
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+50%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+500}} Garrison
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Holding Taxes
| Rome
| ''The Aurelian Walls were built during the reign of the Roman Emperors Aurelian and Probus. To this day they provide formidable defense, completely enclosing the seven hills of Rome.''
| Theodosian Walls<br>[[File:Structure theodosian walls.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_theodosian_walls.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+5}} Fort Level
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+100%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+1000}} Garrison
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+300%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+300%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Holding Taxes
| Constantinople
| ''The Theodosian Walls were built during the reign of Emperor Theodosius II in the early 5th century, but they still remain some of the most formidable fortifications built by human hands.''
== Holy buildings ==
Holy buildings can only be constructed in a Faith's [[Holy_sites|holy sites]] by Feudal or Clan Rulers and can only be used if the county owner's faith considers the barony a holy site. All holy buildings require 1000 {{iconify|Gold}} and 6 years to be completed.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building
! Holding effects
! County effects
! Realm effects
! Religion
! width=40% | Description
| Grand Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure cologne cathedral.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cologne_cathedral.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-15%}} Holy Order Hire Cost
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
| {{icon|piety}} Christianity
| ''The Holy Site in this area attracts Christian pilgrims from all around the known world. The grand cathedral is not just a marvel of engineering and beauty, but also a safe haven for travelers and a prestigious monument to its sponsor.''
| Grand Mosque<br>[[File:Structure cathedral muslim.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cathedral_muslim.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate (same Faith)
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Domain Taxes (different Faith)
| {{icon|piety islam}} Islam
| ''The Holy Site in this area is a popular destination for devout pilgrims. The grand mosque gives them a place to pray, rest and pay homage before continuing their journey. Its beautiful domes and great intricate spires signal the greatness of god for all to see.''
| Grand Temple<br>[[File:Structure cathedral pagan.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cathedral_pagan.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+500}} Levies
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+15%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
| {{icon|piety pagan}} All Pagan
| ''The Holy Site in this area attracts the faithful in droves. The grand temple is covered in ornate carvings displaying heroic deeds by gods and demi-gods alike. Massive bonfires send plumes of smoke upwards to the gods themselves, with holy men administering blessings to all who venerate the spirits.''
| Grand Temple<br>[[File:Structure cathedral indian.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cathedral_indian.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Faith Opinion
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|opinion}} {{red|-15%}} Different Faith Popular Opinion
| [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Buddhism, Hinduism or Jainism
| ''The Holy Site in this area attracts scores of humble pilgrims seeking to cleanse their souls. The grand temple is covered from foundation to spire with statues and idols to the gods, retelling ancient legends and the lifes of noble prophets.''
| Grand Temple<br>[[File:Structure cathedral zoroastric.png|100px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cathedral_zoroastric.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-2.50%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|-10%}} Short Reign Opinion
| {{icon|unknown}} All others
| ''The Holy Site in this area is a meeting point for the devout and dedicated. The grand temple stands as a noble tribute to the higher powers, its walls and domes smoothed and painted in resplendent colors that honor the divine.''
=== Historical holy buildings ===
Historical holy buildings are constructed in the place of regular holy buildings in certain baronies.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building
! Holding effects
! County effects
! Realm effects
! Barony
! Constructed
! Religions
! width=30% | Description
| Great Mosque of Mecca<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of mecca.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_great_mosque_of_mecca.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+35%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety islam}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
| Mecca
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|piety islam}} Islam
| ''The Great Mosque of Mecca is a massive and ancient structure whose walls surround the holy Kaaba. Many great Sultans have expanded upon the mosque and its surroundings since its construction. Every Muslim is supposed to visit this site when on the Hajj.''
| The Prophetic Mosque<br>[[File:Structure cathedral muslim.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cathedral_muslim.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+75%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+100%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|piety islam}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-15%}} Holy Order Hire Cost
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
| Al-Madina
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|piety islam}} Islam
| ''The Prophetic Mosque, or the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, is an open-air style mosque established by the prophet Muhammad himself. It was one of the first mosques that he constructed, and the site was close to where he had his residence.''
| Imam Ali Mosque<br>[[File:Structure imam ali mosque.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_imam_ali_mosque.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety islam}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
| An-Najaf
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|piety islam}} Islam (Shia doctrine)
| ''The Imam Ali Mosque houses the tomb of Ali, cousin of Muhammad and the first Shi'ite Imam after him. Thousands of pilgrims come to pay tribute each year, greeted by the magnificent green dome of the mosque.''
| Mahabodhi Temple<br>[[File:Structure mahabodhi temple.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_mahabodhi_temple.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety eastern}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+20%}} Different Faith Popular Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Faith Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Religious Vassal Opinion
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning per Level of Devotion
| Gaya
| {{icon|yes}}
| {{icon|nangchos}} Buddhism
| ''The Mahabodhi Temple marks the location where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. The site is a significant destination for pilgrimage by both Buddhists and Hindus. The construction of the temple was started around the year 200 by Emperor Ashoka, and has since been improved and restored multiple times.''
| Great Mosque of Djenne<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of djenne.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_great_mosque_of_djenne.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|piety pagan}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-15%}} Building Construction Cost
| Jenne-Jeno
| {{icon|no}}
* {{icon|siguism}} Mandé
* {{icon|akom}} Akan
| ''The Great Mosque of Djenne stands on the bank of the Bani River. Constructed entirely out of mudbrick it requires a lot of care, which the faithful are more than willing to provide. Every year, large gatherings of people converge to repair and improve the mosque.''
== Historical buildings ==
Historical buildings are unique buildings, both ancient and those built during the middle ages which have to be constructed, located in predetermined Baronies on the map. Some historical buildings are represented with 3D models on the map. Some historical buildings may only be constructed by characters of a certain religion and become disabled if captured by someone of another religion.
[[File:Map_of_special_buildings.png|thumb|Map locations of all special buildings|600x600px|center|リンク=Special:FilePath/Map_of_special_buildings.png]]
{| class="mildtable sortable plainlist"
! Building
! Holding effects
! County effects
! Realm effects
! Barony
! Required innovation
! Required religion
| Buddhas of Bamiyan<br>[[File:Structure buddhas of bamiyan.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_buddhas_of_bamiyan.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+75%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
| Bamiyan
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Any Eastern
| Canterbury Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure canterbury cathedral.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_canterbury_cathedral.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
| Canterbury
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| {{icon|piety}} Christian
| City walls of Toledo<br>[[File:Structure toledo.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_toledo.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+25%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+30%}} Hostile Raid Time
| Madīnat al-Mulūk
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Danevirke<br>[[File:Building palisades.png]]
| {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
| Hedeby
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Doge's Palace<br>[[File:Structure doges palace.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_doges_palace.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+3}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+10}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+100%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+100%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+50%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time
| Venezia
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Farum Brigantium<br>[[File:Structure hercules.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_hercules.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-25%}} Embarkation Cost
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+25%}} Naval Speed
| A Corunnã
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Great Mosque of Samarra<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of samarra.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_great_mosque_of_samarra.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-10%}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
| Samarra
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] Muslim
| Hadrian's Wall<br>[[File:Structure hadrians wall.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_hadrians_wall.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
* Bebbanburg
* Carleol
* Hexham
* Whitehaven
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| House of Wisdom<br>[[File:Structure grand library of baghdad.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_grand_library_of_baghdad.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning per Level of Fame
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Different Culture Opinion
* {{icon|innovation}} {{green|+15%}} Cultural Fascination Progress
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+15%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
* {{green|-20%}} Faith Creation and Reformation Cost
| Baghdad
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Iron Pillar of Delhi<br>[[File:Structure iron pillar of delhi.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_iron_pillar_of_delhi.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Army Maintenance
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
| Indraprastha
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Nalanda University<br>[[File:Structure nalanda.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_nalanda.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Fame
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
| Pataliputra
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Offa's Dyke<br>[[File:Building palisades.png]]
| {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* Chester
* Clifford
* Clun
* Gloucester
* Hereford
* Shrewsbury
* Wigmore
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Palace of Aachen<br>[[File:Structure palace of achen.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_palace_of_achen.png]]
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|-20%}} Tyranny Gain
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Powerful Vassal Opinion
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council
| Aachen
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Petra<br>[[File:Structure petra.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_petra.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.8}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} Supply Limit
| Baidha-Petra
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Rock of Gibraltar<br>[[File:Structure gibraltar.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_gibraltar.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|+20%}} Diplomatic Range
| Algeciras
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Roman Walls of Lugo<br>[[File:Structure lugo walls.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_lugo_walls.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+10%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
| Lugo
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Shwedagon Pagoda<br>[[File:Structure shwedagon pagoda.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_shwedagon_pagoda.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|-10%}} Tyranny Gain
| Dagon
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Any Eastern
| Stonehenge<br>[[File:Structure stonehenge.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_stonehenge.png]]
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning
* [[File:Learning lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+15%}} Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|-20%}} Faith Conversion Cost
| Salisbury
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| The Colosseum<br>[[File:Structure colosseum.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_colosseum.png]]
| {{icon|time}} {{green|-10%}} Building Construction Time
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Army Maintenance
| Rome
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| The Friday Mosque<br>[[File:Structure the friday mosque.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_the_friday_mosque.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
| [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] {{green|+50%}} Level of Devotion impact
| Isfahan
| {{green|Always constructed}}
* [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] Muslim
* [[File:Icon piety zoroastrian 01.png|24px|リンク=Special:FilePath/Icon_piety_zoroastrian_01.png]] Zoroastrian
| The Great Mosque of Cordoba<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of cordoba.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_great_mosque_of_cordoba.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size
* [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Culture Opinion
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development in Realm Capital
| Qurtubah
| {{green|Always constructed}}
* {{icon|piety}} Christian
* {{icon|piety islam}} Muslim
| The Pyramids<br>[[File:Structure the pyramids.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_the_pyramids.png]]
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|-20%}} Short Reign Opinion
| Gizeh
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Walls of Genoa<br>[[File:Structure walls of genoa.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_walls_of_genoa.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+25%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage
| Genoa
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| Dome of the Rock<br>[[File:Structure dome of the rock.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_dome_of_the_rock.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+3%}} Monthly Piety per Knight
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|piety judaism}} '''Jewish faiths can convert the building to use it'''
| Jerusalem
| {{green|Always constructed}}
* {{icon|piety}} Christian
* {{icon|piety islam}} Muslim
| Hagia Sophia Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure hagia sophia.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_hagia_sophia.png]]
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+2}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+2}} Intrigue per Level of Fame
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Piety per Knight
* {{icon|piety islam}} '''Muslim faiths can convert the building to use it'''
| Constantinople
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| {{icon|piety}} Christian
| Al-Azhar University<br>[[File:Structure al-azhar university.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_al-azhar_university.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Fame
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame
| Cairo
* {{iconify|Decision}}
* Always constructed in 1066
| Any
| Aljafería<br>[[File:Structure aljaferia.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_aljaferia.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+4}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+500}} Garrison
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Fame
| Saraqustah
* {{iconify|Hoardings}}
* Always constructed in 1066
| Any
| Brihadeeswarar Temple<br>[[File:Structure brihadeeswarar temple.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_brihadeeswarar_temple.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
| Tanjavur
* {{iconify|Manorialism}}
* Always constructed in 1066
| [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Any Eastern
| Golden Gate of Kyiv<br>[[File:Structure golden gate of kiev.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_golden_gate_of_kiev.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+250}} Garrison
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Prestige
| Kyiv
* {{iconify|Battlements}}
* Always constructed in 1066
| Any
| Iron Pillar of Dhar<br>[[File:Structure iron pillar of dhar.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_iron_pillar_of_dhar.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage
| Dhara
* None
* Always constructed in 1066
| Any
| Temple City<br>[[File:Structure khajuraho temples.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_khajuraho_temples.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.5}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Different Faith Opinion
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|-20%}} Faith Conversion Cost
| Chanderi
* None
* Always constructed in 1066
| [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Any Eastern
| The University of Sankoré<br>[[File:Structure the university of sankore.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_the_university_of_sankore.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Fame
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame
| Tirakka
* {{iconify|Decision}}
* Always constructed in 1066
| Any
| Alcázar of Segovia<br>[[File:Structure alcazar segovia.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_alcazar_segovia.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+4}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+500}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Fame
| Segovia
| {{iconify|Hoardings}}
| Any
| Ananda Temple<br>[[File:Structure shwedagon pagoda.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_shwedagon_pagoda.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning
* [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
| Pagan
| None
| [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Any Eastern
| Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela<br>[[File:Structure compostela.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_compostela.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-15%}} Holy Order Hire Cost
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+20%}} Learn Language Scheme Power
| Santiago
| None
* {{icon|piety}} Christian
* [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] Muslim
| Cologne Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure cologne cathedral.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cologne_cathedral.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Piety per Knight
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
| Cologne
| {{iconify|Crop Rotation}}
| {{icon|piety}} Christian
| Heddal Stave Church<br>[[File:Structure cathedral pagan.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_cathedral_pagan.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1}} Number of Knights
| Túnsberg
| {{iconify|City Planning}}
| Any
| Lund Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure lund cathedral.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_lund_cathedral.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
| Lund
| {{iconify|Crop Rotation}}
| {{icon|piety}} Christian
| Notre-Dame<br>[[File:Structure notre dame.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_notre_dame.png]]
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
| Paris
| {{iconify|Windmills}}
| {{icon|piety}} Christian
| The Tower of London<br>[[File:Structure tower of london.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_tower_of_london.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+6}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+750}} Garrison
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
| {{icon|dread}} {{green|+30%}} Dread Gain
| Lunden
| {{iconify|Battlements}}
| Any
| The University of Siena<br>[[File:Structure university of siena.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_university_of_siena.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+1}} Intrigue per Level of Fame
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame
| Siena
| {{iconify|Decision}}
| Any
| Visby Ringmur<br>[[File:Structure visby ringmur.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_visby_ringmur.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+25%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
| Visby
| {{iconify|Battlements}}
| Any
| Walls of Benin<br>[[File:Structure walls of benin.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_walls_of_benin.png]]
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+50%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+75%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+50%}} Levy Size
| Benin City
| {{iconify|Battlements}}
| Any
=== Upgradable historical buildings ===
The following historical buildings can be upgraded.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Type
! width=1% | Building
! Holding effects
! County effects
! Realm effects
! width=6% | Required innovation
! width=6% | Required religion
! width=25% | Description
! Barony
|- id="Alhambra"
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Alhambra<br>[[File:Structure alhambra.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_alhambra.png]]
| Alhambra Fortress Ruins
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+250}} Garrison Size
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| ''The Alhambra is a fortress built upon the remains of an ancient Roman fortification. While it is serviceable as a defensive structure, with the right investments it could be turned into something more...''
| rowspan=2  | Granada
| Royal Palace of Alhambra
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+8}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+8}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+1000}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Prestige
| Hoardings
| Any
| ''The Alhambra has since its days as a mere roman ruin been upgraded to a royal palace befitting an emperor! A shining example of local architecture, the color of the buildings in contrast with the surrounding woods lead poets to describe it as "a pearl set in emeralds".''
|- id="Citadel of Aleppo"
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Citadel of Aleppo<br>[[File:Structure the citadel of aleppo.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_the_citadel_of_aleppo.png]]
| Citadel of Aleppo
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+250}} Garrison Size
| {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Prestige
| {{green|Always constructed}}
| Any
| ''The Citadel of Aleppo is an ancient fortification, having been in use by numerous powers since it was constructed. The citadel acts as a royal residence, fortified retreat, temple and prison.''
| rowspan=2 | Halab
| Reconstructed Citadel of Aleppo
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+6}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+750}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+2}} Prowess per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Prestige
| Hoardings
| Any
| ''After having went through major reconstruction, the Citadel of Aleppo has been significantly fortified and turned into a proper palatial city!''
|- id="Hotin Fortification"
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Hotin Fortification<br>[[File:Structure_hotin_fortress.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_hotin_fortress.png]]
| Hotin Fort
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+4}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+250}} Garrison Size
| {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
| None
| Any
| ''Hotin Fort is a small fort built on the banks of the river Dniester. Its location allows it to protect local trade routes and grants the owner control of the river.''
| rowspan=2  | Hotin
| Hotin Fortress
* {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+4}} Fort Level
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+500}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|Martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
| Hoardings
| Any
| ''An impressive Fortress that makes the old fort pale in comparison. The fortifications have been expanded across the centuries to include high stone walls, a wide moat, and several massive towers. This defensive structure will hold most besiegers at bay with ease.''
|- id="Temple of Uppsala"
| rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Temple of Uppsala<br>[[File:Structure_temple_of_uppsala.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Structure_temple_of_uppsala.png]]
| Temple of Uppsala
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+15%}} Knight Effectiveness
| {{green|Always constructed}}
* {{icon|piety}} Christian
* {{icon|piety_pagan}} Norse
| ''The temple at Uppsala serves as a religious center for large parts of Scandinavia. A sacred tree stands near the temple, next to a well, similar to that of the legendary Yggdrasil.''
| rowspan=2  | Sigtuna
| Uppsala Cathedral
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Piety
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+2%}}Prestige per Knight
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
| Manorialism
* {{icon|piety}} Christian
* {{icon|piety_pagan}} Norse
| ''A lofty cathedral built to rival the most splendid constructions of southern Europe, Uppsala Cathedral serves as the burial site for some of the most prominent monarchs of Sweden and contains several saintly relics.''
=== Mines ===
Mines are historical buildings that have 4 levels each. Constructing or upgrading a mine takes 5 years. Mines can only be constructed in Castle, City or Temple holdings by rulers of Feudal or Clan government.
* Constructing the Mining Settlement requires 400 {{iconify|Gold}} and the {{iconify|Crop Rotation}} Innovation
* Upgrading to Mine requires 500 {{iconify|Gold}} and the {{iconify|Manorialism}} Innovation
* Upgrading to Large Mine requires 600 {{iconify|Gold}} and the {{iconify|Windmills}} Innovation
* Upgrading to Mining Complex requires 700 {{iconify|Gold}} and the {{iconify|Cranes}} Innovation
{| class="mildtable sortable plainlist"
! rowspan=2 | Mine
! colspan=2 | Mining Settlement effects
! colspan=2 | Mine effects
! colspan=2 | Large Mine effects
! colspan=2 | Mining Complex effects
! rowspan=2 | Barony
! rowspan=2 | Mining Settlement constructed
! rowspan=2 width=35% | Description
! Holding
! County
! Holding
! County
! Holding
! County
! Holding
! County
| Siderokausia
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}}
| Polygyros
| {{icon|yes}}
| ''The Siderokausia mines are rich in silver and gold, and are exploited by twelve separate villages that each run a part of the mines.''
| Argentiera
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}}
| Cagliari
| 1066 only
| ''The Argentaria del Sigerro is rich in underground silver veins. With sufficient incentive and development, this area could be exploited for vast quantities of precious silver.''
| Falun
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3.5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+30%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+6.5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+40%}}
| Falene
| 1066 only
| ''Also known as "Stora Kopparberget" (the Great Copper Mountain) this mine produces vast quantities of copper.''
| Kutná Hora
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}}
| Čáslav
| 1066 only
| ''The Kutná Hora mine is a large silver mine located on the lands of the Sedlec Monastery. With the support of local Abbots (and German miners) industry in the area is prospering.''
| Rammelsberg
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+8}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+11}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+14}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+35%}}
| Goslar
| 1066 only
| ''At the foot of Mt. Rammelsberg lies a profitable and ever sought-after silver mine.''
| Gold Mines of Mali
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+8}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+11}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+14}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+35%}}
* Siguiri
* Yaresnā
* Niani
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The mines of Mali are truly overflowing with gold. Endless wealth stream from their depths and into the treasuries of the local rulers, who adorn themselves with the precious metal.''
| Kremnica
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
| Turiec/Turóc
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The Kremnican mountains are abundant in gold. With blood, sweat, and the assistance of a few hundred experienced German miners, that gold will be minted into Florins in no time!''
| Kollur
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+8}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+11}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+14}}
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}}
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+35%}}
| Mudigonda
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The Kollur mines exploit the largest seam of diamonds in all of the Indian subcontinent. The work is extremely dangerous, but the riches are unimaginable.''
| Schwaz
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}}
| {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}}
| Innsbruck
| {{icon|no}}
| ''The Schwaz silver mine lies at the foot of the Kellerjoch and Eiblschrofen mountains, in the middle of a valley. The opportunity for mining means that a lot of people are drawn to the area.''
== Decision buildings ==
The following buildings can only be created by certain Decisions. The Parliament will become inactive if the realm capital is moved.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building
! County effects
! Realm effects
! Decision
! Location
! width=45% | Description
| style="text-align: center; | Glass Monument<br>[[File:Building generic house.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+25}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Prestige
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|Small Health Boost}}
| Build a Glass Monument
| Realm capital
| ''This building is seemingly excellent for growing vegetables.''
| style="text-align: center; | Parliament<br>[[File:Building generic house.png]]
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+25}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Control
| {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.7}} Monthly Prestige
| Empower the Sicilian Parliament
| ''Representatives of the Three Estates meet regularly at this building to deliberate on the affairs of the realm and advice the current ruler.''
| style="text-align: center; | University<br>[[File:Building university.png]]
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame
| Found University
| ''A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.''
=== Hall of Heroes ===
The Hall of Heroes is a building chain created on a holy site via the ''Defenders of Dievas'', ''Defenders of Rod'' or ''Defenders of Ukko'' decisions. Upgrading the Hall of Heroes costs 225 {{iconify|Gold}} and takes 16 months.
{| class="mildtable plainlist" style="text-align: center;
! Type
! Building
! {{iconify|Levies}}
! {{iconify|Garrison}}
! {{iconify|Prowess}}
! {{iconify|Knight}} Effectiveness
! [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] Piety per Knight
! Description
| rowspan=5 | Hall of Heroes<br>[[File:Building hall of heroes.png]]
| Level 1
| {{green|+150}}
| {{green|+75}}
| {{green|+1}}
| {{green|+5%}}
| {{green|+0.1}}
| rowspan=5 | ''A grand hall where heroic warriors can meet and organize.''
| Level 2
| {{green|+265}}
| {{green|+110}}
| {{green|+1}}
| {{green|+10%}}
| {{green|+0.1}}
| Level 3
| {{green|+375}}
| {{green|+150}}
| {{green|+2}}
| {{green|+15%}}
| {{green|+0.1}}
| Level 4
| {{green|+500}}
| {{green|+225}}
| {{green|+2}}
| {{green|+20%}}
| {{green|+0.1}}
| Level 5
| {{green|+700}}
| {{green|+260}}
| {{green|+3}}
| {{green|+25%}}
| {{green|+0.1}}
The Hall of Heroes can be built multiple times by swapping faiths and remains active for all Baltic, Slavic or Finnish Pagan faiths. The bonuses this building provide stack with eachother, resulting in a possible tripling of the above bonuses.
== Terrain buildings ==
Terrain buildings can be constructed in all Castle, City and Temple Holdings as long as the Barony has the required terrain.
* Level 3-4 buildings require at least a level 2 Holding
* Level 5-6 buildings require at least a level 3 Holding
* Level 7-8 buildings require a level 4 Holding
=== Tradeports ===
Tradeports can be constructed in all Coastal Baronies. Constructing or upgrading a Tradeport takes 2 years.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building type
! Level
! {{icon|gold}} Holding Tax
! {{iconify|Development}} Growth
! Cost
! Required Innovation
! width=55% | Description
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | Tradeport<br>[[File:Building tradeport.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_tradeport.png]]
| Small Harbor
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+0.35}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+5%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 150
| None
| ''A humble harbor sits at the shore, allowing ships to load and off-load their cargo without much effort.''
| Fishing Net Weavers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+0.55}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+10%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 225
| None
| ''A workshop where fishing nets are woven has been set up here. Day in and day out nets are made and repaired tirelessly.''
| Tradeport
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+0.75}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+15%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 300
| {{iconify|Manorialism}}
| ''The harbor has become a hub for trade and travel in the area. Ships from all around the coast come here to trade.''
| Shipwrights
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+0.95}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+20%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 375
| {{iconify|Manorialism}}
| ''Skillful shipwrights gather at this port to construct and repair ships for the highest bidder.''
| Expanded Dock
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1.15}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+25%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 450
| {{iconify|Windmills}}
| ''No longer will merchant ships have to compete for a spot to load and unload their precious cargo — the abundant space on the dock gives more than enough room for everyone to do business!''
| Shipyards
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1.35}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+30%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 525
| {{iconify|Windmills}}
| ''Several ships lay ready in the yards, waiting for a crew to man them in times of need for the crown.''
| Grand Port
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1.55}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+35%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 600
| {{iconify|Cranes}}
| ''This grand port offers plenty of room for merchants and fishermen to dock and handle their cargo. Travelers from far and wide come here, seeking safety in the haven that is the port.''
| Drydocks
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1.75}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+40%}}
| style="text-align: center; | 675
| {{iconify|Cranes}}
| ''A revolutionary new means of docking ships has arrived in the form of the drydock. The ship is sailed into a narrow passage, where the water is pumped out. The ship is then suspended on blocks of stone, and can then be repaired and maintained with ease.''
===Building details===
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building type
! Initial effects
! Full upgrade effects
! Terrain
! Construction time
! Construction cost
! Geographical restrictions
| style="text-align: center; | Barracks<br>[[File:Building barracks.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_barracks.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+125}} Levies
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Damage
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+825}} Levies
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+5%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-2}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+18%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+18%}} Spearmen Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Spearmen Toughness
* {{iconify|Drylands}}
* {{iconify|Farmlands}}
* {{iconify|Forest}}
* {{iconify|Hills}}
* {{iconify|Jungle}}
* {{iconify|Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Plains}}
* {{iconify|Steppe}}
* {{iconify|Taiga}}
* {{iconify|Wetlands}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 150
| style="text-align: center; | Camelry<br>[[File:Building camel farms.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_camel_farms.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+75}} Levies
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Light Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+2%}} Light Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Camel Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+2%}} Camel Cavalry Pursuit
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+425}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.4}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+20%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+200}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+4}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+5%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+16%}} Light Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+8%}} Light Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+16%}} Light Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+8%}} Light Cavalry Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+8%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+16%}} Camel Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+8%}} Camel Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+16%}} Camel Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+8%}} Camel Cavalry Screen
* {{iconify|Desert}}
* {{iconify|Desert Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Floodplains}}
* {{iconify|Oasis}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 150
| style="text-align: center; | Desert Agriculture<br>[[File:Building plantations.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_plantations.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Tax
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Light Cavalry Toughness
* {{iconify|Desert}}
* {{iconify|Drylands}}
* {{iconify|Oasis}}
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
| style="text-align: center; | Elephantry<br>[[File:Building elephant pens.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-2%}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+2%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Elephant Cavalry Damage
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-20%}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-2%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+4}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+16%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+32%}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+12%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+32%}} Elephant Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+12%}} Elephant Cavalry Toughness
| {{iconify|Jungle}}
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| {{icon|gold}} 150
| India or South East Asia
| style="text-align: center; | Farms & Fields<br>[[File:Building cereal fields.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_cereal_fields.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Tax
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2.6}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+5%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+1600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+5%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Temple Building Construction Cost
* {{iconify|Drylands}}
* {{iconify|Farmlands}}
* {{iconify|Floodplains}}
* {{iconify|Plains}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 150
| style="text-align: center; | Forestry<br>[[File:Building logging camps.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_logging_camps.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-2%}} Building Construction Time
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.7}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-20%}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Temple Building Construction Cost
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-1%}} Army Gold Maintenance
* {{iconify|Forest}}
* {{iconify|Jungle}}
* {{iconify|Taiga}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
| style="text-align: center; | Hill Farms<br>[[File:Building hill farms.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_hill_farms.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Tax
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.7}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+2%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Skirmisher Toughness
| {{iconify|Hills}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
| style="text-align: center; | Hunting Grounds<br>[[File:Building hunting grounds.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+50}} Levies
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Light Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+2%}} Light Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Cavalry Pursuit
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+16}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+30%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+225}} Levies
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+16%}} Light Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+16%}} Light Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+8%}} Light Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+8%}} Light Cavalry Screen
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+16%}} Archer Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+16%}} Archer Cavalry Pursuit
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+8%}} Archer Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+4%}} Skirmisher Pursuit
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-1%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{iconify|Drylands}}
* {{iconify|Forest}}
* {{iconify|Hills}}
* {{iconify|Jungle}}
* {{iconify|Plains}}
* {{iconify|Steppe}}
* {{iconify|Taiga}}
* {{iconify|Wetlands}}
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
| style="text-align: center; | Manor Houses<br>[[File:Building farm estates.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_farm_estates.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.7}} Monthly Tax
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3.8}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+15%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+1200}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Control
| {{iconify|Farmlands}}
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| {{icon|gold}} 200
| style="text-align: center; | Orchards<br>[[File:Building orchards.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+75}} Levies
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.7}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+425}} Levies
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+1000}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+10%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Reinforcements Rate
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Prestige
* {{iconify|Floodplains}}
* {{iconify|Oasis}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 200
| style="text-align: center; | Outposts<br>[[File:Building outposts.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_outposts.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+50}} Levies
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+225}} Levies
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+16}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+5%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{icon|pursuit}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Pursuit
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Screen
* {{iconify|Desert}}
* {{iconify|Desert Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Forest}}
* {{iconify|Jungle}}
* {{iconify|Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Steppe}}
* {{iconify|Taiga}}
* {{iconify|Wetlands}}
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
| style="text-align: center; | Pastoral Lands<br>[[File:Building pastures.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+50}} Levies
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+225}} Levies
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+2500}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+5%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Reinforcements Rate
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+2}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Light Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness
* {{iconify|Desert}}
* {{iconify|Desert Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Drylands}}
* {{iconify|Farmlands}}
* {{iconify|Floodplains}}
* {{iconify|Hills}}
* {{iconify|Jungle}}
* {{iconify|Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Oasis}}
* {{iconify|Plains}}
* {{iconify|Steppe}}
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| {{icon|gold}} 150
| style="text-align: center; | Quarries<br>[[File:Building quarries.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_quarries.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-2%}} Building Construction Time
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-20%}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+10%}} Garrison Size
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-5%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-2%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+8%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Toughness
* {{iconify|Desert Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Mountains}}
| {{icon|time}} 2 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
| style="text-align: center; | Regimental Grounds<br>[[File:Building regimental grounds.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_regimental_grounds.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+150}} Levies
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+5%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-0.2%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+1025}} Levies
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+40%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+1000}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-1.6%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-1%}} Army Gold Maintenance
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+18%}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+6%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+6%}} Spearmen Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Toughness
* {{iconify|Farmlands}}
* {{iconify|Floodplains}}
| {{icon|time}} 5 years
| {{icon|gold}} 200
| style="text-align: center; | Wetland Farms<br>[[File:Building peat quarries.png|リンク=Special:FilePath/Building_peat_quarries.png]]
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-1%}} Building Construction Time
| '''Holding'''
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.7}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|time}} {{green|-8%}} Building Construction Time
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+5%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|-10%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
| {{iconify|Wetlands}}
| {{icon|time}} 3 years
| {{icon|gold}} 100
=== Fort buildings ===
Fort buildings can only be constructed in Castle Holdings built in certain terrain and require the same Innovation as the Holding level they require.
* Level 1 buildings cost 150 {{iconify|Gold}}
* Level 2 buildings cost 225 {{iconify|Gold}}
* Level 3 buildings cost 300 {{iconify|Gold}} and at least Keep holding level
* Level 4 buildings cost 375 {{iconify|Gold}} and at least Keep holding level
* Level 5 buildings cost 450 {{iconify|Gold}} and at least Concentric Castle holding level
* Level 6 buildings cost 525 {{iconify|Gold}} and at least Concentric Castle holding level
* Level 7 buildings cost 600 {{iconify|Gold}} and at least Fortress holding level
* Level 8 buildings cost 675 {{iconify|Gold}} and at least Fortress holding level
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Building type
! Level
! {{iconify|Fort Level}}
! {{iconify|Garrison}}
! {{icon|advantage}} Defender Advantage
! Holding effects
! County effects
! Realm effects
! Terrain
! Construction time
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | Forest Forts<br>[[File:Building ramparts.png]]
| Log Forts
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+150}}
| style="text-align: center; | '''0'''
| {{icon|levies}} {{green|+100}} Levies
| rowspan=8 |
* {{iconify|Forest}}
* {{iconify|Taiga}}
| rowspan=8 | {{icon|time}} 3 years
| Earth Ramparts
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+300}}
| style="text-align: center; | '''0'''
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+175}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| Traps & Ditches
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+3}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+450}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+250}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| Rampart Walls
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+600}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+325}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
| Embrasures
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+5}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+750}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+400}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
| Fieldworks
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+6}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+900}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+475}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Damage
| Crenellated Rampart Walls
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+7}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1050}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+550}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archers Toughness
| Forest Fortresses
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+8}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1200}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+625}} Levies
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Holding Taxes
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+6%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archers Toughness
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | Hill Forts<br>[[File:Building hill forts.png]]
| Small Hill Fort
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+250}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
| rowspan=8 |
* {{iconify|Desert Mountains}}
* {{iconify|Hills}}
* {{iconify|Mountains}}
| rowspan=8 | {{icon|time}} 5 years
| Simple Earthworks
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+500}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
| Ditches
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+6}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+750}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+6}}
| {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
| {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Spearmen Toughness
| Stockades
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+8}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1000}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+8}}
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
| {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Spearmen Toughness
| Guardhouses
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+10}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1250}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+10}}
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
| {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Spearmen Toughness
| External Walls
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+12}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1500}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+12}}
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Spearmen Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Damage
| Large Hill Fort
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+14}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1750}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+14}}
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Damage
| Complex Earthworks
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+16}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2000}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+16}}
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Control
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+2%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Toughness
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Spearmen Damage
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | Walls & Towers<br>[[File:Building curtain walls.png]]
| Bastions & Curtain Walls
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+150}}
| style="text-align: center; | '''0'''
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Tax
| rowspan=8 |
* {{iconify|Farmlands}}
* {{iconify|Plains}}
* {{iconify|Wetlands}}
| rowspan=8 | {{icon|time}} 3 years
| Bailey
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+300}}
| style="text-align: center; | '''0'''
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.4}} Monthly Tax
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
| Wall Towers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+3}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+450}}
| style="text-align: center; | '''0'''
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Tax
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
| Second Curtain Wall
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+600}}
| style="text-align: center; | '''0'''
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.7}} Monthly Tax
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
| Zwinger
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+5}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+750}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.8}} Monthly Tax
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
| Outer Baileys
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+6}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+900}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+2%}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
| Trace Italienne
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+7}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1050}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.1}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+2%}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
| Ravelins & Cavaliers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+8}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1200}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.3}} Monthly Tax
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+2%}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Damage
| rowspan=8 style="text-align: center; | Watchtowers<br>[[File:Building watchtowers.png]]
| Mudbrick Towers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+150}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
| rowspan=8 |
* {{iconify|Desert}}
* {{iconify|Drylands}}
* {{iconify|Floodplains}}
* {{iconify|Jungle}}
* {{iconify|Oasis}}
* {{iconify|Steppe}}
| rowspan=8 | {{icon|time}} 3 years
| Tower Houses
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+2}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+300}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
| Wooden Watchtowers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+3}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+450}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+6}}
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
| Small Mudbrick Keeps
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+4}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+600}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+8}}
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Hostile Raid Time
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
| Stone Watchtowers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+5}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+750}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+10}}
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
| {{icon|time}} {{green|+15%}} Hostile Raid Time
| {{icon|damage}} {{green|+4%}} Archer Damage
| Loopholes
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+6}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+900}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+12}}
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+300}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+15%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+5%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+6%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Toughness
| Peel Towers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+7}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1050}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+14}}
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+15%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+5%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+6%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Toughness
| Domed Towers
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+8}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+1200}}
| style="text-align: center; | {{green|+16}}
| {{icon|supply}} {{green|+600}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+20%}} Hostile Raid Time
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+5%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+6%}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+2%}} Archer Toughness
== References ==
<references />
{{Mechanics navbox}}

2022年9月10日 (土) 19:35時点における最新版


各々の所領(Holding)は、多くの 建築物(buildings) を利用できます。通常の建築物は主として課税(tax)と徴募兵(levies)に焦点を当てていますが、要塞レベルの増加や供給(supply)の増加といった副次的な効果もあり、必要な開発度レベル(level of Development)に達した時点で改築(upgrade)することができます。男爵領(Barony)では一度に建築または改築できる建築物は1つだけです。建築物は男爵(Baron)、その直接の主君(direct Liege)、または更に上位の主君によって建築されることができます。

建築物は他の建築物に建替(converted)することができますが、またレベル1から始まり費用も全額支払う必要があります。建替は男爵領の直接の所有者(direct holder)によってのみ開始できます。

所領建築物[編集 | ソースを編集]

所領建築物は、都市(City)もしくは寺院(Temple)所領でのみ構築できます。これらはすべて建築または改築に150 ゴールドと3年を必要とし、必要な所領レベルと同じ革新性(Innovation)を必要とします。

タイプ 建築物 月間の課税 伯領への影響 領国への影響 要求事項 説明[1]
Building guild halls.png
ギルドホール(Guild Halls) +0.3 月間の開発度 +5% Holding city.png 村落の中心部(Village Center) 都市は主要なギルドと市民の家族に、仕事を組織して腕を磨く十分な場所を提供する。
彫刻士ギルド(Carver's Guilds) +0.5 月間の開発度 +10% Holding city.png 村落の中心部 彫刻士は木や骨から枠、装飾、工具などを作り出す。盾に紋章を彫ることもあるので、ギルドは貴族の間で人気がある。
大工ギルド(Carpenter's Guilds) +0.7 月間の開発度 +15% Holding city.png 大都市(Large City) 大工の仕事は、主として彼らの選り抜きの素材である材木を用いた建築だ。特に美しく調った継ぎ目は教会や屋敷に役立つため、彼らの仕事は貴族と聖職者の双方から人気がある。
狩人ギルド(Hunter's Guilds) +0.9 月間の開発度 +20% Holding city.png 大都市 狩人は肉や革を売買しており、肉屋と革屋の両方の仕事を可能にしている。最高級の革は当然のことながら、名門貴族の手へと渡る。
石工ギルド(Mason's Guilds) +1.1 月間の開発度 +25% Holding city.png 街の中心部(City Center) 石工は建築と彫刻の両方で石と共に働く。要塞を構築する際に専門知識は非常に貴重であるため、彼らの技術は引っ張りだこになる。
仕立屋ギルド(Tailor's Guilds) +1.3 月間の開発度 +30% Holding city.png 街の中心部 仕立屋は針や糸、布を武器のように扱う。彼らの比類ない技術で、貴族のための美しい衣服を作っている。
ガラス職人ギルド(Glassworker's Guilds) +1.5 月間の開発度 +35% Holding city.png 繁華な大都市(Bustling Metropolis) ガラス職人は窓ガラスからゴブレットまで、あらゆる魅力的な品物をガラスから作る。ガラス製品を持っているのはとても名誉なことであり、彼らの仕事を非常に望ましいものにしている。
名工ギルド(Artisan's Guilds) +1.7 月間の開発度 +40% Holding city.png 繁華な大都 名工たちは、芸術作品を生み出すだけでなく、まったく新しい革新をも生み出すために、多くの材料を使用している。彼らの創意工夫と洗練された能力は、至る所で貴族たちの注目を集めている。
Building monastic schools.png
礼拝堂(Prayer Halls) +0.2 月間の支配 +0.1 月間の信仰点 +0.1 Holding church.png 聖堂(Shrine) 礼拝堂では説法が行われ、黙想の場が設けられている。
修道学校(Monastic Schools) +0.4 月間の支配 +0.2 月間の信仰点 +0.2 Holding church.png 聖堂 この学校は多くの科目を教えており、高度な学問の希少な中心地だが、ここに在籍する学生は主に聖職者としての将来のキャリアに備えて学んでいる。
図書館(Libraries) +0.5 月間の支配 +0.3 月間の信仰点 +0.3 Holding church.png 寺域(Temple Grounds) 修道院の図書館には、小さな論文から神学に関する膨大な書物まで、多くの本がある。真の知識の宝庫がその壁の中にある。
巡礼者の宿所(Pilgrim's Quarters) +0.7 月間の支配 +0.4 月間の信仰点 +0.4 Holding church.png 寺域 様々な巡礼者が長い旅の間に宿を探す場合は、巡礼者の宿所に滞在して休息することができる。ここではまた、食物、飲料、時にはお風呂までごちそうする。
診療所(Infirmaries) +0.8 月間の支配 +0.5 月間の信仰点 +0.5 Holding church.png 礼拝所(House of Worship) 戦争や疫病が起きた際には、診療所は憐れなる犠牲者たちに再び生きる機会を与えている。まだ手遅れでないならば。
複写室(Copying Chambers) +1 月間の支配 +0.6 月間の信仰点 +0.6 Holding church.png 礼拝所 複写室では献身的な写字生が一日中聖典を写本し続けている。夜になっても、月明りと蝋燭の火を頼りに知識の探求の為に働き続けている。
ホスピス(Hospices) +1.1 月間の支配 +0.7 月間の信仰点 +0.7 Holding church.png 大寺院(Grand Temple) ホスピスは、そこ以外では生きていけない人々のために長期的なケアを提供している。慢性病患者、身体障害者、時には悪魔に悩まされている人も歓迎している。
回廊(Cloisters) +1.3 月間の支配 +0.8 月間の信仰点 +0.8 Holding church.png 大寺院 回廊は外界との強固な障壁を形成しており、壁の中の人々と外の農民の生活を効果的に分離できる。
Building megalith.png
小さな巨石(Minor Megalith) 0
  • 月間の開発度 +2%
  • 領民の評価(Popular Opinion) +2
月間の信仰点 +0.2
  • Holding church.png 聖堂
  • Megalithic Constructions tenet


巨石の霊廟(Megalithic Mausoleum) 0
  • 月間の開発度 +5%
  • 領民の評価 +2
月間の信仰点 +0.4
  • Holding church.png 聖堂
  • 巨石建造物群(Megalithic Constructions)の信条(tenet)
巨石の祭壇(Megalithic Altars) 0
  • 月間の開発度 +10%
  • 領民の評価 +4
月間の信仰点 +0.5
  • Holding church.png 聖堂
  • 巨石建造物群の信条
大きな巨石(Large Megalith) 0
  • 月間の開発度 +15%
  • 領民の評価 +4
月間の信仰点 +0.7
  • Holding church.png 聖堂
  • 巨石建造物群の信条
伝説の巨石(Legendary Megalith) 0
  • 月間の開発度 +20%
  • 領民の評価 +6
  • 月間の信仰点 +0.8
  • 月間の威信(Prestige)+0.25
  • Holding church.png 聖堂
  • 巨石建造物群の信条t

Tribe buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Tribe holdings have only 4 buildings types of 2 buildings each available, but most buildings benefit the entire Realm. Reforming to feudal grants the same amount of random buildings as previously built in the province.

  • Level 1 buildings cost 75  Gold and 200  Prestige
  • Level 2 buildings cost 100  Gold and 300  Prestige
Type Building Holding effects Realm effects County effects Time Required Innovation Description
Gathering Halls
Building longhouses.png
Longhouses +100 Levies +0.2 Monthly Prestige +0.2 Monthly Control 5 years None Longhouses are large enough to accommodate important meetings between elders. Laws and policies are determined here.
Grand Halls +175 Levies +0.5 Monthly Prestige +0.4 Monthly Control 5 years  Barracks Grand halls host a central stage, where a chief or warlord can deliver rousing speeches.
Building market villages.png
Trading Outposts
  • +0.4 Monthly Tax
  • +500 Supply Limit
2 years None Trading outposts offer the opportunity for tribesmen and traders to meet and barter.
Market Villages
  • +0.7 Monthly Tax
  • +1000 Supply Limit
2 years  City Planning By letting traders into their villages, the tribesmen within are able to set up lucrative deals.
Building palisades.png
Simple Palisade
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +100 Levies
  • +150 Garrison
  • +4% Archer Damage
  • +2% Archer Toughness
  • +4% Spearmen Damage
  • +2% Spearmen Toughness
3 years None Simple palisades offer limited protection, while effective against skirmishes they are less reliable against larger groups of enemies.
Walls & Ditches
  • +4 Defender Advantage
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +175 Levies
  • +300 Garrison
  • +8% Archer Damage
  • +4% Archer Toughness
  • +8% Spearmen Damage
  • +4% Spearmen Toughness
3 years  Mottes Outer ditches combined with stone-reinforced palisade walls offer decent protection against sieges.
War Camps
Building warcamps.png
Sparring Grounds +150 Levies
  • +1 Number of Knights
  • +10% Knight Effectiveness
  • +4% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +2% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +4% Skirmisher Damage
  • +2% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +4% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +2% Archer Cavalry Toughness
5 years None Training equipment, arenas and wooden walls define the sparring grounds, warriors go here to hone their skills.
Warrior Lodges +275 Levies
  • +2 Number of Knights
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +8% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +4% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +8% Skirmisher Damage
  • +4% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +8% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +4% Archer Cavalry Toughness
5 years  Barracks Only the greatest fighters are allowed into a warrior lodge, their mere presence is inspiring.

Military Camps[編集 | ソースを編集]

Military Camps can be constructed in all Castle, City or Temple Holdings. Each building takes 1 year to construct or upgrade.

Building type Level  Levies  Supply Limit Control Levy Reinforcement Archer Skirmisher Skirmisher Archer Skirmisher Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Cost Required Innovation
Military Camps
ファイル:Building military camps.png
Hide Tents +100 0 0 0 +4% +2% +2% 0 0 0 0 100 None
Camp Cooks +175 +200 0 0 +6% +4% +4% +2% +2% 0 0 150 None
Training Fields +250 +200 0 0 +8% +6% +6% +2% +2% 0 0 200  Burhs
Watchposts +325 +200 +5% 0 +10% +8% +8% +4% +4% 0 0 250  Burhs
Camp Smiths +400 +200 +5% 0 +12% +10% +10% +4% +4% +2% 0 300  Castle Baileys
Mustering Halls +475 +200 +5% 0 +14% +12% +12% +6% +6% +2% 0 350  Castle Baileys
Militia Barracks +550 +200 +5% +5% +16% +14% +14% +6% +6% +2% 0 400  Royal Armory
Levying Squares +625 +200 +5% +5% +18% +16% +16% +8% +8% +2% +2% 450  Royal Armory

Duchy buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Duchy buildings can only be constructed by a Feudal or Clan Ruler in the de jure capital of a  Duchy and can only be used if the character holds the associated Duchy Title. All Duchy buildings take 5 years to construct or upgrade and most have 3 levels.

  • Level 1 buildings cost 300  Gold with the exception of the Great Megalith that costs 600
  • Level 2 buildings cost 400  Gold
  • Level 3 buildings cost 500  Gold
Building type Level 1 effects Level 2 effects Level 3 effects Requirements Description
Archery Grounds
ファイル:Building royal hunting grounds.png
  • -6% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +15% Archer Damage
  • +5% Archer Toughness
  • +10% Skirmisher Damage
  • +5% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +10% Skirmisher Pursuit
  • +5% Skirmisher Screen
  • +10% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +5% Archer Cavalry Toughness
  • +10% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
  • +5% Archer Cavalry Screen
  • -8% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +30% Archer Damage
  • +10% Archer Toughness
  • +20% Skirmisher Damage
  • +10% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +20% Skirmisher Pursuit
  • +10% Skirmisher Screen
  • +20% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +10% Archer Cavalry Toughness
  • +20% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
  • +10% Archer Cavalry Screen
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +45% Archer Damage
  • +15% Archer Toughness
  • +30% Skirmisher Damage
  • +15% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +30% Skirmisher Pursuit
  • +15% Skirmisher Screen
  • +30% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +15% Archer Cavalry Toughness
  • +30% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
  • +15% Archer Cavalry Screen
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
Dedicated archery ranges allow the common folk to train with bows, and experienced archers to hone their skills.
ファイル:Building blacksmiths.png
  • -6% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +5% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +15% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +5% Spearmen Infantry Damage
  • +15% Spearmen Infantry Toughness
  • -8% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +10% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +30% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +10% Spearmen Infantry Damage
  • +30% Spearmen Infantry Toughness
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +15% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +45% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +15% Spearmen Infantry Damage
  • +45% Spearmen Infantry Toughness
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
Smiths in the employ of the crown forge weapons and armor for the royal guard, ensuring a steady supply of superior armaments.
Jousting Fields
ファイル:Building jousting lists.png
  • -6% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +10% Light & Camel Cavalry Damage
  • +10% Light & Camel Cavalry Toughness
  • +10% Light & Camel Cavalry Pursuit
  • +10% Light & Camel Cavalry Screen
  • +15% Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Damage
  • +15% Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Toughness
  • -8% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +20% Light & Camel Cavalry Damage
  • +20% Light & Camel Cavalry Toughness
  • +20% Light & Camel Cavalry Pursuit
  • +20% Light & Camel Cavalry Screen
  • +30% Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Damage
  • +30% Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Toughness
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +30% Light & Camel Cavalry Damage
  • +30% Light & Camel Cavalry Toughness
  • +30% Light & Camel Cavalry Pursuit
  • +30% Light & Camel Cavalry Screen
  • +45% Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Damage
  • +45% Heavy & Elephant Cavalry Toughness
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
By having dedicated grounds for jousting, more riders and knights are encouraged to train and join the banners.
Leisure Palaces
ファイル:Building leisure palace.png
  • +0.2 Monthly Control
  • +20% Monthly Control


  • +5% Monthly Prestige
  • +15% Stress Loss
  • +5 Hostile Scheme Success Chance
  • +5 Personal Scheme Success Chance
  • +0.3 Monthly Control
  • +40% Monthly Control


  • +10% Monthly Prestige
  • +25% Stress Loss
  • +10 Hostile Scheme Success Chance
  • +10 Personal Scheme Success Chance
  • +0.4 Monthly Control
  • +60% Monthly Control


  • +15% Monthly Prestige
  • +35% Stress Loss
  • +15 Hostile Scheme Success Chance
  • +15 Personal Scheme Success Chance
  •  Manorialism innovation for level 1
  •  Windmills innovation for level 2
  •  Cranes innovation for level 3
While staying in one lavishly luxuriant castle is fine, having a few more to choose between never hurts.
ファイル:Building march.png
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +4 Defender Advantage
  • +25% Supply Limit
  • +25% Garrison Size
  • +25% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  • +20% Hostile Raid Time
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +50% Supply Limit
  • +50% Garrison Size
  • +50% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  • +30% Hostile Raid Time
  • +3 Fort Level
  • +8 Defender Advantage
  • +100% Supply Limit
  • +100% Garrison Size
  • +100% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  • +40% Hostile Raid Time
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
Marcher lords protect the borders with fortifications and local garrisons.
Military Academies
ファイル:Building military academy.png
  • -2.5% Army Maintenance
  • +2 Number of Knights
  • +25% Knight Effectiveness
  • -3.5% Army Maintenance
  • +4 Number of Knights
  • +50% Knight Effectiveness
  • -5% Army Maintenance
  • +6 Number of Knights
  • +75% Knight Effectiveness
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
Dedicated facilities for training officers and knights, improving their efficiency in combat.
Royal Armories
ファイル:Building royal armory.png
  • +20% Levy Size
  • -2.5% Army Gold Maintenance
  • +30% Levy Size
  • -3.5% Army Gold Maintenance
  • +40% Levy Size
  • -5% Army Gold Maintenance
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
By having the crown provide weapons and armor to its soldiers, more peasants can 'volunteer' for the levy.
Royal Reserves
ファイル:Building royal forest.png
  • +5 Popular Opinion
  • +10% Monthly Development


  • +0.8 Monthly Tax
  • +10 Popular Opinion
  • +20% Monthly Development


  • +1.1 Monthly Tax
  • +15 Popular Opinion
  • +30% Monthly Development


  • +1.4 Monthly Tax
  •  Manorialism innovation for level 1
  •  Windmills innovation for level 2
  •  Cranes innovation for level 3
  • NoTerrain desert.png Desert terrain
  • NoTerrain mountains.png Mountains terrain
  • NoTerrain oasis.png Oasis terrain
  • NoTerrain steppe.png Steppe terrain
  • NoTerrain wetlands.png Wetlands terrain
A royal forest is a valuable source of wealth, allowing you to override the law of the land in a province, strip rights from the locals, then sell them back. Needless to say, the hunting is also excellent.
Siege Works
ファイル:Building siege works.png
  • +1 Fort Level


  • Unit stat siege progress.png +20% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +2 Siege Weapon Toughness
  • +2 Fort Level


  • Unit stat siege progress.png +30% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +4 Siege Weapon Toughness
  • +3 Fort Level


  • Unit stat siege progress.png +30% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • +6 Siege Weapon Toughness
  •  Burhs innovation for level 1
  •  Castle Baileys innovation for level 2
  •  Royal Armory innovation for level 3
Dedicated siege works allow the ruler to field and maintain superior-quality siege weapons.
Tax Offices
ファイル:Building tax assessor.png
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +15% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  •  Manorialism innovation for level 1
  •  Windmills innovation for level 2
  •  Cranes innovation for level 3
Collecting money from the peasantry is a 'taxing' venture. By assigning offices to a cohort of tax-collecting officials, we are sure to get what's due!
Royal Gardens
ファイル:Building royal forest.png
  • +5 Popular Opinion


  • +0.8 Monthly Tax


  • +5% Monthly Prestige
  • -10% Stress Gain
  • Grandeur.png +4 Court Grandeur
  • +10 Popular Opinion


  • +1.1 Monthly Tax


  • +10% Monthly Prestige
  • -20% Stress Gain
  • Grandeur.png +8 Court Grandeur
  • +15 Popular Opinion


  • +1.4 Monthly Tax


  • +15% Monthly Prestige
  • -30% Stress Gain
  • Grandeur.png +12 Court Grandeur
  • Yes Garden Architects tradition
  •  Manorialism innovation for level 1
  •  Windmills innovation for level 2
  •  Cranes innovation for level 3
Few places allow people to relax and socialize as well as a beautiful garden. While a small and personal garden would suffice for most, only the most spectacular of creations is good enough for the wealthy and powerful!
Great Megalith
Building megalith.png
  • +15% Development Growth
  • +10 Popular Opinion


  • +1.1 Monthly Tax


  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Learning lifestyle.png +10% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
  • +10% Naval Speed
No No Yes Megalithic Constructions tenet An extremely ambitious version of the Megalith, the Great Megalith project involves covering the landscape of the countryside in small Megalithic constructions centered around a single gargantuan construction.

Historical duchy buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Historical duchy buildings start already constructed. If so desired they can be replaced by other duchy buildings as well as rebuilt afterwards.

Building Holding effects County effects Realm effects Barony Description
Aurelian Walls
  • +3 Fort Level
  • +50% Garrison Size
  • +500 Garrison
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • +15% Duchy Levy Size
  • +15% Duchy Holding Taxes
Rome The Aurelian Walls were built during the reign of the Roman Emperors Aurelian and Probus. To this day they provide formidable defense, completely enclosing the seven hills of Rome.
Theodosian Walls
  • +5 Fort Level
  • +100% Garrison Size
  • +1000 Garrison
  • +300% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.3 Monthly Development
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • +300% Levy Size
  • +15% Duchy Levy Size
  • +15% Duchy Holding Taxes
Constantinople The Theodosian Walls were built during the reign of Emperor Theodosius II in the early 5th century, but they still remain some of the most formidable fortifications built by human hands.

Holy buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Holy buildings can only be constructed in a Faith's holy sites by Feudal or Clan Rulers and can only be used if the county owner's faith considers the barony a holy site. All holy buildings require 1000  Gold and 6 years to be completed.

Building Holding effects County effects Realm effects Religion Description
Grand Cathedral
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5% Monthly Control
  • -15% Holy Order Hire Cost
  • +5 Clergy Opinion
Christianity The Holy Site in this area attracts Christian pilgrims from all around the known world. The grand cathedral is not just a marvel of engineering and beauty, but also a safe haven for travelers and a prestigious monument to its sponsor.
Grand Mosque
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety islam 01.png +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5% Monthly Control
  • +15% Levy Reinforcement Rate (same Faith)
  • +15% Domain Taxes (different Faith)
Islam The Holy Site in this area is a popular destination for devout pilgrims. The grand mosque gives them a place to pray, rest and pay homage before continuing their journey. Its beautiful domes and great intricate spires signal the greatness of god for all to see.
Grand Temple
  • +1 Monthly Tax
  • +500 Levies
  • +10% Levy Size
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety pagan 01.png +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +15% Knight Effectiveness
  • +10% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  • +5% Monthly Control
All Pagan The Holy Site in this area attracts the faithful in droves. The grand temple is covered in ornate carvings displaying heroic deeds by gods and demi-gods alike. Massive bonfires send plumes of smoke upwards to the gods themselves, with holy men administering blessings to all who venerate the spirits.
Grand Temple
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Different Faith Opinion
  • +5% Monthly Control
  • -15% Different Faith Popular Opinion
Icon piety eastern 01.png Buddhism, Hinduism or Jainism The Holy Site in this area attracts scores of humble pilgrims seeking to cleanse their souls. The grand temple is covered from foundation to spire with statues and idols to the gods, retelling ancient legends and the lifes of noble prophets.
Grand Temple
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety pagan 01.png +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5% Monthly Control
  • -2.50% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • -10% Short Reign Opinion
All others The Holy Site in this area is a meeting point for the devout and dedicated. The grand temple stands as a noble tribute to the higher powers, its walls and domes smoothed and painted in resplendent colors that honor the divine.

Historical holy buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Historical holy buildings are constructed in the place of regular holy buildings in certain baronies.

Building Holding effects County effects Realm effects Barony Constructed Religions Description
Great Mosque of Mecca
ファイル:Structure great mosque of mecca.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +35% Monthly Development
  • +0.3 Monthly Development
  • +1 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +10% Monthly Control
Mecca Yes Islam The Great Mosque of Mecca is a massive and ancient structure whose walls surround the holy Kaaba. Many great Sultans have expanded upon the mosque and its surroundings since its construction. Every Muslim is supposed to visit this site when on the Hajj.
The Prophetic Mosque
ファイル:Structure cathedral muslim.png
  • +15% Holding Taxes
  • +75% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +100% Supply Limit
  • +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • -15% Holy Order Hire Cost
  • +5 Popular Opinion
Al-Madina Yes Islam The Prophetic Mosque, or the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, is an open-air style mosque established by the prophet Muhammad himself. It was one of the first mosques that he constructed, and the site was close to where he had his residence.
Imam Ali Mosque
ファイル:Structure imam ali mosque.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +30% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +1 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion
  • -10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +10% Monthly Control
An-Najaf Yes Islam (Shia doctrine) The Imam Ali Mosque houses the tomb of Ali, cousin of Muhammad and the first Shi'ite Imam after him. Thousands of pilgrims come to pay tribute each year, greeted by the magnificent green dome of the mosque.
Mahabodhi Temple
ファイル:Structure mahabodhi temple.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +30% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +1 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +20% Different Faith Popular Opinion
  • +5 Different Faith Opinion
  • +10 Religious Vassal Opinion
  • +2 Learning per Level of Devotion
Gaya Yes Buddhism The Mahabodhi Temple marks the location where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. The site is a significant destination for pilgrimage by both Buddhists and Hindus. The construction of the temple was started around the year 200 by Emperor Ashoka, and has since been improved and restored multiple times.
Great Mosque of Djenne
ファイル:Structure great mosque of djenne.png
  • +15% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +15% Levy Size
  • +1 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • -15% Building Construction Cost
Jenne-Jeno No
  • Mandé
  • Akan
The Great Mosque of Djenne stands on the bank of the Bani River. Constructed entirely out of mudbrick it requires a lot of care, which the faithful are more than willing to provide. Every year, large gatherings of people converge to repair and improve the mosque.

Historical buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Historical buildings are unique buildings, both ancient and those built during the middle ages which have to be constructed, located in predetermined Baronies on the map. Some historical buildings are represented with 3D models on the map. Some historical buildings may only be constructed by characters of a certain religion and become disabled if captured by someone of another religion.

Building Holding effects County effects Realm effects Barony Required innovation Required religion
Buddhas of Bamiyan
ファイル:Structure buddhas of bamiyan.png
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +75% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png +10% Monthly Piety
  • +1 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
Bamiyan Always constructed Icon piety eastern 01.png Any Eastern
Canterbury Cathedral
ファイル:Structure canterbury cathedral.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.3 Monthly Piety
  • +0.2 Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5% Monthly Control
Canterbury Always constructed Christian
City walls of Toledo
ファイル:Structure toledo.png
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +25% Garrison Size
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +30% Hostile Raid Time
Madīnat al-Mulūk Always constructed Any
Building palisades.png
+2 Defender Advantage Hedeby Always constructed Any
Doge's Palace
ファイル:Structure doges palace.png
  • +3 Fort Level
  • +10 Defender Advantage
  • +100% Levy Size
  • +100% Garrison Size
  • +50% Holding Taxes
  • +30% Monthly Development
  • +0.3 Monthly Development
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
Venezia Always constructed Any
Farum Brigantium
ファイル:Structure hercules.png
+1 Monthly Tax
  • -25% Embarkation Cost
  • +25% Naval Speed
A Corunnã Always constructed Any
Great Mosque of Samarra
ファイル:Structure great mosque of samarra.png
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety islam 01.png +0.3 Monthly Piety
  • -10% Building Construction Time
  • -10% Building Construction Gold Cost
Samarra Always constructed Icon piety islam 01.png Muslim
Hadrian's Wall
ファイル:Structure hadrians wall.png
-10% Building Construction Gold Cost
  • Bebbanburg
  • Carleol
  • Hexham
  • Whitehaven
Always constructed Any
House of Wisdom
ファイル:Structure grand library of baghdad.png
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +2 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +10 Different Culture Opinion
  • +15% Cultural Fascination Progress
  • Focus invalid.png +15% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • -20% Faith Creation and Reformation Cost
Baghdad Always constructed Any
Iron Pillar of Delhi
ファイル:Structure iron pillar of delhi.png
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +5% Monthly Prestige
  • -5% Army Maintenance
  • +10% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  • +10% Heavy Infantry Toughness
Indraprastha Always constructed Any
Nalanda University
ファイル:Structure nalanda.png
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +1 Stewardship per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +0.2 Monthly Renown
  • Focus invalid.png +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
Pataliputra Always constructed Any
Offa's Dyke
Building palisades.png
+2 Defender Advantage
  • Chester
  • Clifford
  • Clun
  • Gloucester
  • Hereford
  • Shrewsbury
  • Wigmore
Always constructed Any
Palace of Aachen
ファイル:Structure palace of achen.png
+0.2 Monthly Development
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • -20% Tyranny Gain
  • +5 Clergy Opinion
  • +5 Powerful Vassal Opinion
  • +0.1 Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council
Aachen Always constructed Any
ファイル:Structure petra.png
+0.8 Monthly Tax
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +15% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +25% Supply Limit
Baidha-Petra Always constructed Any
Rock of Gibraltar
ファイル:Structure gibraltar.png
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +2 Defender Advantage
+10% Monthly Development
  • +1 Stewardship
  • +20% Diplomatic Range
Algeciras Always constructed Any
Roman Walls of Lugo
ファイル:Structure lugo walls.png
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +1 Monthly Tax
  • +10% Garrison Size
  • +1 Learning
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +1 Learning
  • +5% Monthly Renown
Lugo Always constructed Any
Shwedagon Pagoda
ファイル:Structure shwedagon pagoda.png
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Clergy Opinion
  • -10% Tyranny Gain
Dagon Always constructed Icon piety eastern 01.png Any Eastern
ファイル:Structure stonehenge.png
  • +2 Learning
  • Learning lifestyle.png +15% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
  • -20% Faith Conversion Cost
Salisbury Always constructed Any
The Colosseum
ファイル:Structure colosseum.png
-10% Building Construction Time -5% Army Maintenance Rome Always constructed Any
The Friday Mosque
ファイル:Structure the friday mosque.png
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +25% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
Icon piety islam 01.png +50% Level of Devotion impact Isfahan Always constructed
  • Icon piety islam 01.png Muslim
  • 24px Zoroastrian
The Great Mosque of Cordoba
ファイル:Structure great mosque of cordoba.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +15% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +15% Levy Size
  • Icon piety islam 01.png +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Different Culture Opinion
  • +0.2 Monthly Development in Realm Capital
Qurtubah Always constructed
  • Christian
  • Muslim
The Pyramids
ファイル:Structure the pyramids.png
+0.1 Monthly Development
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • -20% Short Reign Opinion
Gizeh Always constructed Any
Walls of Genoa
ファイル:Structure walls of genoa.png
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +25% Garrison Size
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5 Defender Advantage
Genoa Always constructed Any
Dome of the Rock
ファイル:Structure dome of the rock.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +30% Holding Taxes
  • +30% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +10% Monthly Control
  • +3% Monthly Piety per Knight
  • +1 Martial per Level of Devotion
  • 24px Jewish faiths can convert the building to use it
Jerusalem Always constructed
  • Christian
  • Muslim
Hagia Sophia Cathedral
ファイル:Structure hagia sophia.png
  • +2 Learning
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +2 Number of Knights
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +2 Intrigue per Level of Fame
  • +0.1 Monthly Piety per Knight
  • Muslim faiths can convert the building to use it
Constantinople Always constructed Christian
Al-Azhar University
ファイル:Structure al-azhar university.png
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Renown
  • Focus invalid.png +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  •  Decision
  • Always constructed in 1066
ファイル:Structure aljaferia.png
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +500 Garrison
  • +5% Holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Monthly Control
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  •  Hoardings
  • Always constructed in 1066
Brihadeeswarar Temple
ファイル:Structure brihadeeswarar temple.png
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion
  • +1 Stewardship per Level of Devotion
  •  Manorialism
  • Always constructed in 1066
Icon piety eastern 01.png Any Eastern
Golden Gate of Kyiv
ファイル:Structure golden gate of kiev.png
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +250 Garrison
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +10% Monthly Piety
  • +10% Monthly Prestige
  •  Battlements
  • Always constructed in 1066
Iron Pillar of Dhar
ファイル:Structure iron pillar of dhar.png
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +15% Levy Size
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +5 Advantage
  • None
  • Always constructed in 1066
Temple City
ファイル:Structure khajuraho temples.png
+1.5 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +10 Different Faith Opinion
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png +5% Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png -20% Faith Conversion Cost
  • None
  • Always constructed in 1066
Icon piety eastern 01.png Any Eastern
The University of Sankoré
ファイル:Structure the university of sankore.png
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Renown
  • Focus invalid.png +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • +1 Martial per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  •  Decision
  • Always constructed in 1066
Alcázar of Segovia
ファイル:Structure alcazar segovia.png
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +500 Garrison Size
  • +5% Holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Monthly Control
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +1 Martial per Level of Fame
Segovia  Hoardings Any
Ananda Temple
ファイル:Structure shwedagon pagoda.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +2 Learning
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png +5% Monthly Piety
  • +10% Monthly Control
  • +5 Popular Opinion
Pagan None Icon piety eastern 01.png Any Eastern
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
ファイル:Structure compostela.png
+3 Monthly Tax
  • +30% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • -15% Holy Order Hire Cost
  • +5 Clergy Opinion
  • +20% Learn Language Scheme Power
Santiago None
  • Christian
  • Icon piety islam 01.png Muslim
Cologne Cathedral
ファイル:Structure cologne cathedral.png
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +15% Monthly Piety
  • +0.1 Monthly Piety per Knight
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +5% Monthly Control
Cologne  Crop Rotation Christian
Heddal Stave Church
ファイル:Structure cathedral pagan.png
  • +1 Monthly Tax
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +10% Levy Size
  • +10 Popular Opinion
  • +10% Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • +1 Number of Knights
Túnsberg  City Planning Any
Lund Cathedral
ファイル:Structure lund cathedral.png
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.3 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +10% Monthly Control
Lund  Crop Rotation Christian
ファイル:Structure notre dame.png
+2 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +30% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +5 Popular Opinion
  • +1 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • +1 Stewardship per Level of Devotion
Paris  Windmills Christian
The Tower of London
ファイル:Structure tower of london.png
  • +6 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +750 Garrison
  • +5% Holding Taxes
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
+30% Dread Gain Lunden  Battlements Any
The University of Siena
ファイル:Structure university of siena.png
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.1 Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Renown
  • Focus invalid.png +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • +1 Intrigue per Level of Fame
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
Siena  Decision Any
Visby Ringmur
ファイル:Structure visby ringmur.png
  • +1 Fort Level
  • +25% Garrison Size
  • +15% Holding Taxes
  • +15% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +5 Popular Opinion
Visby  Battlements Any
Walls of Benin
ファイル:Structure walls of benin.png
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +50% Garrison Size
  • +20% Holding Taxes
  • +75% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • +50% Levy Size
Benin City  Battlements Any

Upgradable historical buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

The following historical buildings can be upgraded.

Type Building Holding effects County effects Realm effects Required innovation Required religion Description Barony
ファイル:Structure alhambra.png
Alhambra Fortress Ruins
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +250 Garrison Size
Always constructed Any The Alhambra is a fortress built upon the remains of an ancient Roman fortification. While it is serviceable as a defensive structure, with the right investments it could be turned into something more... Granada
Royal Palace of Alhambra
  • +8 Fort Level
  • +8 Defender Advantage
  • +1000 Garrison Size
  • +25% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +1 Monthly Control
  • +10% Monthly Prestige
Hoardings Any The Alhambra has since its days as a mere roman ruin been upgraded to a royal palace befitting an emperor! A shining example of local architecture, the color of the buildings in contrast with the surrounding woods lead poets to describe it as "a pearl set in emeralds".
Citadel of Aleppo
ファイル:Structure the citadel of aleppo.png
Citadel of Aleppo
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +250 Garrison Size
+0.1 Monthly Prestige Always constructed Any The Citadel of Aleppo is an ancient fortification, having been in use by numerous powers since it was constructed. The citadel acts as a royal residence, fortified retreat, temple and prison. Halab
Reconstructed Citadel of Aleppo
  • +6 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +750 Garrison Size
  • +15% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Development
  • +2 Prowess per Level of Devotion
  • +0.3 Monthly Prestige
Hoardings Any After having went through major reconstruction, the Citadel of Aleppo has been significantly fortified and turned into a proper palatial city!
Hotin Fortification
ファイル:Structure hotin fortress.png
Hotin Fort
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +4 Defender Advantage
  • +250 Garrison Size
+5% Monthly Renown None Any Hotin Fort is a small fort built on the banks of the river Dniester. Its location allows it to protect local trade routes and grants the owner control of the river. Hotin
Hotin Fortress
  • +4 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +500 Garrison Size
  • +5% Holding Taxes
  • +0.5 Monthly Control
  • +1 Martial per Level of Devotion
  • +5% Monthly Renown
Hoardings Any An impressive Fortress that makes the old fort pale in comparison. The fortifications have been expanded across the centuries to include high stone walls, a wide moat, and several massive towers. This defensive structure will hold most besiegers at bay with ease.
Temple of Uppsala
ファイル:Structure temple of uppsala.png
Temple of Uppsala +1 Monthly Tax
  • +10% Levy Size
  • +10% Holding Taxes
  • +20% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • −10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +15% Knight Effectiveness
Always constructed
  • Christian
  • Norse
The temple at Uppsala serves as a religious center for large parts of Scandinavia. A sacred tree stands near the temple, next to a well, similar to that of the legendary Yggdrasil. Sigtuna
Uppsala Cathedral +2 Monthly Tax
  • +15% Levy Size
  • +15% Holding Taxes
  • +25% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • +2%Prestige per Knight
  • +5% Monthly Renown
  • −10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • Christian
  • Norse
A lofty cathedral built to rival the most splendid constructions of southern Europe, Uppsala Cathedral serves as the burial site for some of the most prominent monarchs of Sweden and contains several saintly relics.

Mines[編集 | ソースを編集]

Mines are historical buildings that have 4 levels each. Constructing or upgrading a mine takes 5 years. Mines can only be constructed in Castle, City or Temple holdings by rulers of Feudal or Clan government.

  • Constructing the Mining Settlement requires 400  Gold and the  Crop Rotation Innovation
  • Upgrading to Mine requires 500  Gold and the  Manorialism Innovation
  • Upgrading to Large Mine requires 600  Gold and the  Windmills Innovation
  • Upgrading to Mining Complex requires 700  Gold and the  Cranes Innovation
Mine Mining Settlement effects Mine effects Large Mine effects Mining Complex effects Barony Mining Settlement constructed Description
Holding County Holding County Holding County Holding County
Siderokausia +3 +10% +5 +15% +7 +20% +9 +25% Polygyros Yes The Siderokausia mines are rich in silver and gold, and are exploited by twelve separate villages that each run a part of the mines.
Argentiera +3 +10% +5 +15% +7 +20% +9 +25% Cagliari 1066 only The Argentaria del Sigerro is rich in underground silver veins. With sufficient incentive and development, this area could be exploited for vast quantities of precious silver.
Falun +2
  • +5%
  • +5%
  • +10%
  • +10%
  • +10%
  • +20%
  • +15%
  • +15%
  • +30%
  • +20%
  • +20%
  • +40%
Falene 1066 only Also known as "Stora Kopparberget" (the Great Copper Mountain) this mine produces vast quantities of copper.
Kutná Hora +3
  • +5%
  • +10%
  • +10%
  • +15%
  • +15%
  • +20%
  • +20%
  • +25%
Čáslav 1066 only The Kutná Hora mine is a large silver mine located on the lands of the Sedlec Monastery. With the support of local Abbots (and German miners) industry in the area is prospering.
Rammelsberg +5
  • +5%
  • +20%
  • +10%
  • +25%
  • +15%
  • +30%
  • +20%
  • +35%
Goslar 1066 only At the foot of Mt. Rammelsberg lies a profitable and ever sought-after silver mine.
Gold Mines of Mali +5
  • +5%
  • +20%
  • +10%
  • +25%
  • +15%
  • +30%
  • +20%
  • +35%
  • Siguiri
  • Yaresnā
  • Niani
No The mines of Mali are truly overflowing with gold. Endless wealth stream from their depths and into the treasuries of the local rulers, who adorn themselves with the precious metal.
Kremnica +3 +5% +5 +10% +7 +15% +9 +20% Turiec/Turóc No The Kremnican mountains are abundant in gold. With blood, sweat, and the assistance of a few hundred experienced German miners, that gold will be minted into Florins in no time!
Kollur +5
  • +10%
  • +20%
  • +15%
  • +25%
  • +20%
  • +30%
  • +25%
  • +35%
Mudigonda No The Kollur mines exploit the largest seam of diamonds in all of the Indian subcontinent. The work is extremely dangerous, but the riches are unimaginable.
Schwaz +3 +10% +5 +15% +7 +20% +9 +25% Innsbruck No The Schwaz silver mine lies at the foot of the Kellerjoch and Eiblschrofen mountains, in the middle of a valley. The opportunity for mining means that a lot of people are drawn to the area.

Decision buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

The following buildings can only be created by certain Decisions. The Parliament will become inactive if the realm capital is moved.

Building County effects Realm effects Decision Location Description
Glass Monument
Building generic house.png
  • +1 Monthly Tax
  • +25% Monthly Development
  • +25 Popular Opinion
  • +1 Monthly Prestige
  • Small Health Boost
Build a Glass Monument Realm capital This building is seemingly excellent for growing vegetables.
Building generic house.png
  • +1 Monthly Tax
  • +25% Monthly Development
  • +25 Popular Opinion
  • +1 Monthly Control
+0.7 Monthly Prestige Empower the Sicilian Parliament
  • Palermo
  • Sicily
Representatives of the Three Estates meet regularly at this building to deliberate on the affairs of the realm and advice the current ruler.
Building university.png
  • +10% Monthly Development
  • +0.2 Monthly Renown
  • Focus invalid.png +5% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
Found University
  • Fes
  • Bologna
  • Salamanca
  • Madrid
  • Oxford
  • Cambridge
  • Padua
  • Coimbra
  • Napoli
A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.

Hall of Heroes[編集 | ソースを編集]

The Hall of Heroes is a building chain created on a holy site via the Defenders of Dievas, Defenders of Rod or Defenders of Ukko decisions. Upgrading the Hall of Heroes costs 225  Gold and takes 16 months.

Type Building  Levies  Garrison  Prowess  Knight Effectiveness Icon piety pagan 01.png Piety per Knight Description
Hall of Heroes
Building hall of heroes.png
Level 1 +150 +75 +1 +5% +0.1 A grand hall where heroic warriors can meet and organize.
Level 2 +265 +110 +1 +10% +0.1
Level 3 +375 +150 +2 +15% +0.1
Level 4 +500 +225 +2 +20% +0.1
Level 5 +700 +260 +3 +25% +0.1

The Hall of Heroes can be built multiple times by swapping faiths and remains active for all Baltic, Slavic or Finnish Pagan faiths. The bonuses this building provide stack with eachother, resulting in a possible tripling of the above bonuses.

Terrain buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Terrain buildings can be constructed in all Castle, City and Temple Holdings as long as the Barony has the required terrain.

  • Level 3-4 buildings require at least a level 2 Holding
  • Level 5-6 buildings require at least a level 3 Holding
  • Level 7-8 buildings require a level 4 Holding

Tradeports[編集 | ソースを編集]

Tradeports can be constructed in all Coastal Baronies. Constructing or upgrading a Tradeport takes 2 years.

Building type Level Holding Tax  Development Growth Cost Required Innovation Description
ファイル:Building tradeport.png
Small Harbor +0.35 +5% 150 None A humble harbor sits at the shore, allowing ships to load and off-load their cargo without much effort.
Fishing Net Weavers +0.55 +10% 225 None A workshop where fishing nets are woven has been set up here. Day in and day out nets are made and repaired tirelessly.
Tradeport +0.75 +15% 300  Manorialism The harbor has become a hub for trade and travel in the area. Ships from all around the coast come here to trade.
Shipwrights +0.95 +20% 375  Manorialism Skillful shipwrights gather at this port to construct and repair ships for the highest bidder.
Expanded Dock +1.15 +25% 450  Windmills No longer will merchant ships have to compete for a spot to load and unload their precious cargo — the abundant space on the dock gives more than enough room for everyone to do business!
Shipyards +1.35 +30% 525  Windmills Several ships lay ready in the yards, waiting for a crew to man them in times of need for the crown.
Grand Port +1.55 +35% 600  Cranes This grand port offers plenty of room for merchants and fishermen to dock and handle their cargo. Travelers from far and wide come here, seeking safety in the haven that is the port.
Drydocks +1.75 +40% 675  Cranes A revolutionary new means of docking ships has arrived in the form of the drydock. The ship is sailed into a narrow passage, where the water is pumped out. The ship is then suspended on blocks of stone, and can then be repaired and maintained with ease.

Building details[編集 | ソースを編集]

Building type Initial effects Full upgrade effects Terrain Construction time Construction cost Geographical restrictions
ファイル:Building barracks.png
  • +125 Levies


  • +4% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +4% Spearmen Damage
  • +825 Levies
  • +5% Levy Reinforcement Rate


  • -2 Building Construction Time


  • +18% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +18% Spearmen Damage
  • +10% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +10% Spearmen Toughness
  •  Drylands
  •  Farmlands
  •  Forest
  •  Hills
  •  Jungle
  •  Mountains
  •  Plains
  •  Steppe
  •  Taiga
  •  Wetlands
3 years 150
ファイル:Building camel farms.png
  • +75 Levies


  • +1 Number of Knights
  • +2% Light Cavalry Damage
  • +2% Light Cavalry Pursuit
  • +2% Camel Cavalry Damage
  • +2% Camel Cavalry Pursuit
  • +425 Levies
  • +0.4 Monthly Tax
  • +20% Hostile Raid Time


  • +200 Supply Limit


  • +4 Number of Knights
  • +5% Knight Effectiveness
  • +2% Archer Damage
  • +16% Light Cavalry Damage
  • +8% Light Cavalry Toughness
  • +16% Light Cavalry Pursuit
  • +8% Light Cavalry Screen
  • +4% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  • +8% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  • +16% Camel Cavalry Damage
  • +8% Camel Cavalry Toughness
  • +16% Camel Cavalry Pursuit
  • +8% Camel Cavalry Screen
  •  Desert
  •  Desert Mountains
  •  Floodplains
  •  Oasis
3 years 150
Desert Agriculture
ファイル:Building plantations.png
  • +0.2 Monthly Tax
  • +1.3 Monthly Tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +600 Supply Limit


  • +5% Monthly Development


  • +2% Light Cavalry Toughness
  •  Desert
  •  Drylands
  •  Oasis
2 years 100
Building elephant pens.png
  • +0.2 Monthly Tax
  • -2% Building Construction Time


  • +1 Number of Knights
  • +2% Knight Effectiveness
  • +4% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  • +4% Elephant Cavalry Damage
  • +1.3 Monthly Tax
  • -20% Building Construction Time


  • -2% Building Construction Gold Cost
  • +5% Monthly Development


  • +4 Number of Knights
  • +16% Knight Effectiveness
  • +32% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  • +12% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  • +32% Elephant Cavalry Damage
  • +12% Elephant Cavalry Toughness
 Jungle 5 years 150 India or South East Asia
Farms & Fields
ファイル:Building cereal fields.png
  • +0.5 Monthly Tax
  • +2.6 Monthly Tax


  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +5% Supply Limit
  • +1600 Supply Limit
  • +5% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  • +5% Monthly Development
  • -5% Temple Building Construction Cost
  •  Drylands
  •  Farmlands
  •  Floodplains
  •  Plains
3 years 150
ファイル:Building logging camps.png
  • +0.3 Monthly Tax
  • -2% Building Construction Time
  • +1.7 Monthly Tax
  • -20% Building Construction Time


  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +2% Monthly Development
  • +600 Supply Limit
  • -5% Temple Building Construction Cost


  • -1% Army Gold Maintenance
  •  Forest
  •  Jungle
  •  Taiga
3 years 100
Hill Farms
ファイル:Building hill farms.png
  • +0.3 Monthly Tax
  • +1.7 Monthly Tax
  • +2 Defender Advantage


  • +2% Supply Limit
  • +600 Supply Limit
  • +10% Monthly Development


  • +4% Skirmisher Toughness
 Hills 3 years 100
Hunting Grounds
Building hunting grounds.png
  • +0.2 Monthly Tax
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +50 Levies


  • +2% Light Cavalry Damage
  • +2% Light Cavalry Pursuit
  • +2% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +2% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
  • +1.3 Monthly Tax
  • +16 Defender Advantage
  • +30% Hostile Raid Time
  • +225 Levies


  • +2% Monthly Development


  • +16% Light Cavalry Damage
  • +16% Light Cavalry Pursuit
  • +8% Light Cavalry Toughness
  • +8% Light Cavalry Screen
  • +16% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +16% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
  • +8% Archer Cavalry Toughness
  • +4% Skirmisher Pursuit
  • -1% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  •  Drylands
  •  Forest
  •  Hills
  •  Jungle
  •  Plains
  •  Steppe
  •  Taiga
  •  Wetlands
2 years 100
Manor Houses
ファイル:Building farm estates.png
  • +0.7 Monthly Tax
  • +3.8 Monthly Tax
  • +2% Levy Size
  • +15% Supply Limit
  • +1200 Supply Limit


  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +5% Monthly Development
  • +2% Monthly Control
 Farmlands 5 years 200
Building orchards.png
  • +0.3 Monthly Tax
  • +75 Levies
  • +1.7 Monthly Tax
  • +425 Levies
  • +1000 Supply Limit
  • +10% Supply Limit
  • +10% Levy Reinforcements Rate


  • +2% Levy Size
  • +5% Monthly Development


  • +0.1 Monthly Prestige
  •  Floodplains
  •  Oasis
3 years 200
ファイル:Building outposts.png
  • +50 Levies
  • +2 Defender Advantage
  • +225 Levies
  • +16 Defender Advantage


  • +5% Garrison Size
  • +0.1 Monthly Control
  • +15% Monthly Control


  • +4% Archer Damage
  • +2% Skirmisher Damage
  • +2% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +2% Skirmisher Pursuit
  • +2% Skirmisher Screen
  •  Desert
  •  Desert Mountains
  •  Forest
  •  Jungle
  •  Mountains
  •  Steppe
  •  Taiga
  •  Wetlands
2 years 100
Pastoral Lands
Building pastures.png
  • +0.2 Monthly Tax
  • +50 Levies
  • +1.3 Monthly Tax
  • +225 Levies
  • +2500 Supply Limit
  • +5% Garrison Size
  • +15% Levy Reinforcements Rate


  • +2% Monthly Development
  • +2 Popular Opinion


  • +2% Light Cavalry Toughness
  • +4% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  •  Desert
  •  Desert Mountains
  •  Drylands
  •  Farmlands
  •  Floodplains
  •  Hills
  •  Jungle
  •  Mountains
  •  Oasis
  •  Plains
  •  Steppe
2 years 150
ファイル:Building quarries.png
  • +0.2 Monthly Tax
  • -2% Building Construction Time
  • +1.3 Monthly Tax
  • -20% Building Construction Time


  • +10% Garrison Size
  • -5% Building Construction Gold Cost
  • +2% Monthly Development


  • -2% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +8% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  • +4% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +4% Spearmen Toughness
  •  Desert Mountains
  •  Mountains
2 years 100
Regimental Grounds
ファイル:Building regimental grounds.png
  • +150 Levies
  • +5% Levy Reinforcement Rate


  • +4% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  • -0.2% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +1025 Levies
  • +40% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  • +1000 Supply Limit


  • +2% Levy Size
  • +5% Monthly Control


  • -1.6% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • -1% Army Gold Maintenance
  • +1 Number of Knights
  • +18% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  • +10% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  • +6% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +4% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +6% Spearmen Damage
  • +4% Spearmen Toughness
  •  Farmlands
  •  Floodplains
5 years 200
Wetland Farms
ファイル:Building peat quarries.png
  • +0.3 Monthly Tax
  • -1% Building Construction Time
  • +1.7 Monthly Tax
  • -8% Building Construction Time
  • +10% Hostile Raid Time


  • +5% Supply Limit
  • +600 Supply Limit
  • +5% Monthly Development
  • -10% Building Construction Gold Cost
 Wetlands 3 years 100

Fort buildings[編集 | ソースを編集]

Fort buildings can only be constructed in Castle Holdings built in certain terrain and require the same Innovation as the Holding level they require.

  • Level 1 buildings cost 150  Gold
  • Level 2 buildings cost 225  Gold
  • Level 3 buildings cost 300  Gold and at least Keep holding level
  • Level 4 buildings cost 375  Gold and at least Keep holding level
  • Level 5 buildings cost 450  Gold and at least Concentric Castle holding level
  • Level 6 buildings cost 525  Gold and at least Concentric Castle holding level
  • Level 7 buildings cost 600  Gold and at least Fortress holding level
  • Level 8 buildings cost 675  Gold and at least Fortress holding level
Building type Level  Fort Level  Garrison Defender Advantage Holding effects County effects Realm effects Terrain Construction time
Forest Forts
Building ramparts.png
Log Forts +1 +150 0 +100 Levies
  •  Forest
  •  Taiga
3 years
Earth Ramparts +2 +300 0
  • +175 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
Traps & Ditches +3 +450 +2
  • +250 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
Rampart Walls +4 +600 +2
  • +325 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
+10% Hostile Raid Time
Embrasures +5 +750 +2
  • +400 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
+10% Hostile Raid Time +4% Archer Damage
Fieldworks +6 +900 +4
  • +475 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
+10% Hostile Raid Time
  • +4% Archer Damage
  • +2% Skirmisher Damage
Crenellated Rampart Walls +7 +1050 +4
  • +550 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
+10% Hostile Raid Time
  • +4% Archer Damage
  • +2% Skirmisher Damage
  • +2% Archers Toughness
Forest Fortresses +8 +1200 +4
  • +625 Levies
  • +2% Holding Taxes
+10% Hostile Raid Time
  • +6% Archer Damage
  • +2% Skirmisher Damage
  • +2% Archers Toughness
Hill Forts
Building hill forts.png
Small Hill Fort +2 +250 +2
  •  Desert Mountains
  •  Hills
  •  Mountains
5 years
Simple Earthworks +4 +500 +4 +10% Monthly Control
Ditches +6 +750 +6 +10% Monthly Control +2% Spearmen Toughness
Stockades +8 +1000 +8
  • +10% Monthly Control
  • +2% Levy Size
+2% Spearmen Toughness
Guardhouses +10 +1250 +10
  • +15% Monthly Control
  • +2% Levy Size
+2% Spearmen Toughness
External Walls +12 +1500 +12
  • +15% Monthly Control
  • +2% Levy Size
  • +2% Spearmen Toughness
  • +4% Spearmen Damage
Large Hill Fort +14 +1750 +14
  • +15% Monthly Control
  • +2% Levy Size
  • +4% Spearmen Toughness
  • +4% Spearmen Damage
Complex Earthworks +16 +2000 +16
  • +20% Monthly Control
  • +2% Levy Size
  • +4% Spearmen Toughness
  • +4% Spearmen Damage
Walls & Towers
Building curtain walls.png
Bastions & Curtain Walls +1 +150 0 +0.2 Monthly Tax
  •  Farmlands
  •  Plains
  •  Wetlands
3 years
Bailey +2 +300 0 +0.4 Monthly Tax +300 Supply Limit
Wall Towers +3 +450 0 +0.5 Monthly Tax +300 Supply Limit +2% Archer Damage
Second Curtain Wall +4 +600 0 +0.7 Monthly Tax +300 Supply Limit +2% Archer Damage
Zwinger +5 +750 +4 +0.8 Monthly Tax +300 Supply Limit +2% Archer Damage
Outer Baileys +6 +900 +4 +1 Monthly Tax
  • +300 Supply Limit
  • +2% Supply Limit
+2% Archer Damage
Trace Italienne +7 +1050 +4 +1.1 Monthly Tax
  • +300 Supply Limit
  • +2% Supply Limit
+2% Archer Damage
Ravelins & Cavaliers +8 +1200 +4 +1.3 Monthly Tax
  • +300 Supply Limit
  • +2% Supply Limit
+2% Archer Damage
Building watchtowers.png
Mudbrick Towers +1 +150 +2
  •  Desert
  •  Drylands
  •  Floodplains
  •  Jungle
  •  Oasis
  •  Steppe
3 years
Tower Houses +2 +300 +4 +10% Hostile Raid Time
Wooden Watchtowers +3 +450 +6 +10% Hostile Raid Time +4% Archer Damage
Small Mudbrick Keeps +4 +600 +8 +300 Supply Limit +10% Hostile Raid Time +4% Archer Damage
Stone Watchtowers +5 +750 +10 +300 Supply Limit +15% Hostile Raid Time +4% Archer Damage
Loopholes +6 +900 +12 +300 Supply Limit
  • +15% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5% Supply Limit
  • +6% Archer Damage
  • +2% Archer Toughness
Peel Towers +7 +1050 +14 +600 Supply Limit
  • +15% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5% Supply Limit
  • +6% Archer Damage
  • +2% Archer Toughness
Domed Towers +8 +1200 +16 +600 Supply Limit
  • +20% Hostile Raid Time
  • +5% Supply Limit
  • +6% Archer Damage
  • +2% Archer Toughness

References[編集 | ソースを編集]

  1. 日本語化MODより翻訳を拝借