
2021年1月6日 (水) 16:24時点におけるGnagaoka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎Diplomatic range)
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CK3の紹介 #01 - キャラクター。この最初のビデオではOne Proud Bavarianが私達にプレイキャラクターのギャラリーと彼らが何からできているのかを理解するのを手伝ってくれます!

キャラクターとは、Crusader Kings IIIで個人として表現されている、史実の人物または新規に生成された人物を指します。すべてのキャラクターは、個々に行動し、歴史を変える可能性を持つ、個人の生きた存在です。キャラクターには貴族も庶民もいますし、所領有りの人も無しの人もいます。

  • 貴族キャラクターは特定の王朝のメンバーです。
  • 庶民キャラクターは特定の王朝の一員ではありません。もし彼らが共和国神権政治称号を得たなら、庶民のままになります。他の称号を与えられると、彼らは貴族になり、彼らの王朝がはじまります。
  • 所領有りのキャラクターは最低1つのホールディングスを所有します。
  • 所領無しのキャラクターは1つもホールディングスを持っていません。



Crusader Kings IIIはユーラシアと北アフリカの大部分を舞台としているため、登場人物は多様な、西/中央ヨーロッパ、北ヨーロッパ、スラブ、北極、地中海、西アフリカ、東アフリカ、アラビア、アジア、北インド、または南インドといった、民族性を持ちます。





A character's sexual orientation determines with which gender they will gain attraction opinion and can form lover relations. It is decided when the character is around 10 years old and cannot be changed. AI characters will never try to form a relation with characters that do not match their sexual orientation. Both the initial distribution of sexual orientation and the chance for children to gain a certain sexual orientation is determined by the sexuality distribution game rule.


男性アイコン 女性アイコン 好み 恋人関係を形成して、魅了の評価を持つことができる対象
Heterosexual.png Heterosexual.png 異性愛 キャラクターと異なる性別
Homosexual male.png Homosexual female.png 同性愛 キャラクターと同じ性別
Bisexual male.png Bisexual female.png 両性愛 誰とでも
Asexual.png Asexual.png 無性愛 だれもなし


Each character has an opinion of every other character. The  opinion the player character holds influences the success rate of certain actions that target another character while the  opinion of AI characters also determines their behavior towards other characters.

When a character dies, their primary heir will temporarily inherit part of the  opinion of vassals towards the late liege, shown as Opinion of Predecessor.

  • Positive opinion towards predecessor: 25% of  opinion is inherited.
  • Negative opinion towards predecessor: 50% of  opinion is inherited.


Attraction is an  opinion modifier that can only be held towards characters one's sexual preference allows. Male characters aged above 65 years and female character above 50 years are not affected by attraction.


When certain requirements are met, two characters can have one of three types of relations, with each type having three levels. Relations have a great impact on how two characters act towards each other.

  • Childhood relations can only be held between two child character and might evolve into their corresponding adulthood relations when the characters reach adulthood
  • Adulthood relations can be gained and lost as a result of events
  • Lifelong relations can only be obtained towards characters with an existing adulthood relation and each character can have only one of each lifelong relation
Relation Childhood Adulthood Lifelong
Friendship Friend
  • +60 opinion
  • +60 opinion
  • +10 stress when character dies
Best Friend
  • +120 opinion
  • +10 stress when character dies
Love Crush
  • +60 opinion
  • +60 opinion
  • +25% fertility
  • +10 stress when character dies
  • +120 opinion
  • +25% fertility
  • +10 stress when character dies
Conflict Bully-Victim
  • -20 opinion
  • -60 opinion
  • -35 stress when character dies
  • -120 opinion
  • -35 stress when character dies


Tyranny is negative opinion gained by rulers who take unjust actions. It is felt by vassals and courtiers towards a liege. The maximum tyranny a character can have is 1000. Tyranny is not gained if the liege has a valid reason.

Action Tyranny
Successfully imprisoning a character +20 tyranny
Increasing feudal obligations +20 tyranny per obligation without concession or hooks
Revoking title without title revocation reason +20 tyranny
Retracting a vassal +5 tyranny
Banishing a vassal +5 tyranny
Executing a vassal +10 tyranny
Events Varies

Tyranny is reduced over time. This amount can be increased by Action can choose lifestyle.png perks, legacies and more. Tyranny gained through actions can also be reduced.

Condition Effect
Base decay -0.25 tyranny per month
Venial (Guile dynasty legacy) -0.05 tyranny per month.
Defender of the Faith (Theologian lifestyle perk)
Faith has Righteous doctrine
-25% tyranny gain
Soon Forgiven (Administrator lifestyle perk) -0.15 monthly tyranny
Easy difficulty -25% tyranny gain (player)
Very easy difficulty -75% tyranny gain (player)
Pursuit of Power tenet -50% tyranny gain
Faith is Donyi-Poloism or Sedism
Faith holds holy site Pemako
-20% tyranny gain
Faith is Bidaism or Siguism
Faith holds holy site Niani
-0.1 monthly tyranny
-20% tyranny gain
Callous personality trait -20% tyranny gain
Palace of Aachen special building -20% tyranny gain

With the Torturer lifestyle perk Malice Implicit, characters gain +0.5 dread per tyranny.


すべてのキャラクターには、キャラクターのスキルに基づいた 「個人外交」 という評価補正があります。これはキャラクターのテンプレート:Icon/外 外交スキルから8を引いて計算されます。





  • 彼らのファーストネームは生まれたとき(または、生成キャラクターが作成されたとき)に決められ、それは彼らの 文化に基づきます。
  • 文化によっては、ミドルネームとして機能する父性(父親にちなんだ名前)をもつものもいます。[3]
  • 彼らの姓(ラストネーム)は 王朝によって決められます。


メイン記事へ: ニックネーム

ニックネームはキャラクターに付与された形容詞で、キャラクターの名前の前または後に表示されます。主に ディシジョンとイベントを通して得られます。

AI Personality

AI characters will use  decisions and character interactions based on the following attributes:

  • Boldness: determines how much the character is affected by  dread.
  • Compassion: determines how the character will treat its prisoners.
  • Energy: determines how often the character will consider a  decision.
  • Greed: determines how easily the character will spend  gold.
  • Honor: determines how often the character will honor relationships and alliances as well as how often they will become agents.
  • Rationality: determines how strong a character's army has to be before declaring war.
  • Sociability: determines how often the character will consider a character interaction.
  • Vengefulness: determines how much the character will seek to punish transgressions.
  • Zeal: determines how often the character will join holy wars.

Each attribute is capped at -100 and +100.

Each AI character will have its personality described with an adjective and a noun based on the highest two attributes:

Attribute Very Negative (-76 to -100) Negative (-1 to -75) Positive (+1 to +75) Very Positive (+76 to +100)
Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
Boldness Spineless Craven Cowardly Coward Bold Gambler Fearless Adventurer
Compassion Evil Villain Callous Brute Compassionate Altruist Gracious Empath
Greed Content Lackey Content Follower Covetous Grasper Rapacious Ravener
Honor Treacherous Blackguard Dishonorable Knave Honorable Gentleman / Gentlewomen Righteous Paragon
Rationality Insane Maniac Irrational Fool Rational Thinker Analytic Planner
Vengefulness Magnanimous Absolver Forgiving Conciliator Resentful Quarreler Vindictive Antagonist
Zeal Godless Atheist Cynical Unbeliever Religious Believer Zealous Zealot
  1. 訳者注:バーバーショップの起動方法についてはこちら: https://www.pcgamesn.com/crusader-kings-3/ck3-character-ruler-creator-barbershop
  2. 訳者注:十字軍国家を作ることができたとしても、出身が遠い国だった場合は元の国と交流することが範囲的にできない可能性に注意してください。
  3. 訳者注:父性はCK3で取り入れられたシステムですが、日本語化MODでは正しく扱えないため、省略されています。