
2021年2月12日 (金) 14:27時点におけるGnagaoka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎Cultural innovations)
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CK3の紹介 #08 - テクノロジー. Havocがテクノロジーと、それをどのようにアンロックするかについて紹介してくれます!

革新性(Innovations)とは、ある文化が編みだすことのできた技術的、法的、イデオロギー的な進展を表すものです。ひとたび革新性がアンロックされると、アンロックした文化のあらゆる伯爵領とキャラクターがそれを使うことができるようになります。革新性は、軍隊と市民(Military and Civic)、文化(Cultural)、地域(Regional)の3つのカテゴリーに分類されます。

  • 軍隊と市民の革新性にはいくつかの要因に基づいて毎月アンロックに向けて進捗するわずかな可能性があります。要因の中で最も重要なのはその文化の伯爵領の開発度の平均です。最も重要な要因の2番目は、すでに革新性をアンロックした別の文化に属する伯爵領との隣接数です(伝播/Exposure)。
  • 地域の革新性は、文化が特定の地域(Region)において十分な存在感を持っているときにアンロックされます。たとえその地域が失ったとしてもアンロックは維持されます。
  • 文化の革新性は常に有効ですが、特定の文化を必要とします。

封建制(Feudal)と氏族制(Clan)の政府はより高い王権(Crown Authority)と慣習的領有権(De Jure claim)をアンロックするのを革新性に依存しています。開戦事由

進捗の可能性は、5パーセント + 志向(Fascination)のパーセント + 伝播の40%です。


志向のパーセントは20%がベースで、それに加えて文化指導者(Culture Head)の学識能力1に対して2%追加されます。 科学的手法(Scientific)のパークがあればこれらの値は文化指導者の学識能力1に対して2.7%となり、最大27%まで上がります。

進捗量 = 0.3 + (その文化の州の平均の開発度 * 0.02) + 0.2(時代が進んでいれば)

「スラヴの統一(Unite the Slavs)」のようなディシジョン(decisions)によるランダムの革新性は、ゲーム内の日付によって決定されます。



ある時代の革新性の少なくとも50%がアンロックされ、必要最低限の西暦に達すると、文化はその文化の伯爵領の平均的な  開発度に基づいて次の時代にゆっくりと進捗します。

文化指導者(Cultural Head)が部族制(Tribal)なら、その文化は他の時代に進むことはできません。


時代 最低限の西暦 説明
476 部族の時代は成文化した法と制度化された政府の出現以前の文化です。部族制の政府を持つ統治者は部族の時代の革新性しか利用できません。
中世初期(Early Medieval)
900 中世初期の時代は専門の管理者の出現と複数の重要な革新性が見られ、文化が暗黒時代を抜け出せるようになります。
中世盛期(High Medieval)
1050 中世盛期の時代は技術と行政が大きく進歩をはじめ、町が都市へと発展し貴族が最高の地位を占める一方で市民階級が台頭してきます。
中世後期(Late Medieval)
1200 中世後期の時代は封建世界の頂点です。官僚、職人、商人、貸金業者は旧特権階級の力を侵害しはじめていますが、君主自身には及んでいません。


部族時代のすべての革新性をアンロックすることは、(独立した部族制の支配者のために)封建制の受け入れ(Adopt Feudal Ways)氏族制の受け入れ(Adopt Clan Ways)のディシジョンが求められます。


市民の革新性 効果 説明 デバッグID
  開戦事由(Casus Belli)   慣習的領土の伯爵領(De Jure County)の開戦事由を使うことができる 権力は何世代にもわたってこの土地の法となってきましたが、もし戦争に正当な理由があれば、隣人の怒りを買うことや、それに伴う報復を避けることもできます。 innovation_casus_belli
  都市計画(City Planning)   村落の中心部(Village Center)をアンロックする
  聖堂(Shrine)と礼拝堂(Prayer Halls)をアンロックする
  交易前哨地(Trading Outposts)をアンロックする
都市の建設を始める前に設計を行うことで、戦略的な場所に新たな土地を作ることができ、時間の経過とともに無造作に生まれた古い土地よりも機能的かつ美的な土地を作ることができます。 innovation_city_planning
  輪作(Crop Rotation)   すべての部族時代の経済的な建造物(Economic Buildings)をアンロックする 伝統的な二圃式農業から三圃式農業に移行することで、農場の土壌を枯渇させることなく、毎年より多くの作物を栽培することができます。 innovation_crop_rotation
  通貨(Currency)   +10% 月間の開発度成長 物々交換は時間がかかり非効率的です。カウリーシェルやメタルナゲットのような公式に認められた通貨を採用することで、交易を強化し、我々の領域内でのアイデアの普及を促進することができます。 innovation_currency_01
  分割相続制(Gavelkind)   分割連合相続制(Confederate Partition)法が制定可能になる 安定と繁栄は手を取り合って行われます。旧君主が亡くなったときに家臣たちに権力を争わせるのではなく、あらかじめ決められた公平な相続制度を定義することで、伝統的に発生していた相続の不安定さの多くを取り除くことができます。 innovation_gavelkind
  台帳(Ledger)   +1 直轄領の上限 我々の土地が大きくなるにつれて、所有物を記録しておくためのより良い方法が必要になります。所有物の台帳を維持することで、自分たちが自由に使える資源を常に把握することができるようになります。 innovation_ledger
  民会(Plenary Assemblies)[1]  要塞化された部族の砦(Fortified Tribal Hold)をアンロックする
  限定的な王権(Limited Crown Authority)法が制定可能になる
効果的に統治を行うには、王国のすべての自由民を集めて立法事項を議論し解決しなければなりません。出席は義務であり、来ない者には罰金が課せられ、決定に影響を与える能力を失うことになります。 innovation_plenary_assemblies
  公共事業(Public Works)   伯爵領の既存の開発度(Existing Development)ペナルティの開発度上限が20になる 道路、学校、水道橋のような公共事業の建設に出資することで、我々の居住地はより大きなサイズに成長し、来たるべき世代のために人々の繁栄を保証することができます。 innovation_development_01


軍隊の革新性 効果 説明 デバッグID
  禁止令(Bannus)   +15% 徴募兵の補充率 戦場で兵士を指揮する権限に基づいて、禁止令は支配者に自由民に戦うことを強制する権力を与え、大規模な軍隊を召集するための法的根拠を形成している。 innovation_bannus
  兵舎(Barracks)   部族時代のすべての軍事的な建造物(Military Buildings)をアンロックする 兵士を収容するための専用の建物を建設することで、軍隊を収容するのに十分なスペースを確保することができます。 innovation_barracks
  丘塁(Mottes)   部族時代のすべての要塞建築物(Fortification Buildings)をアンロックする シンプルでありながら効果的な、盛り上がった土の小山に城を建てることは、文字通り敵を圧倒する高台を確保するための最良の方法である。 innovation_motte
  召集場(Mustering Grounds)   +2 常備軍連隊(Men-at-Arms Regiments)のサイズ
  +1 常備軍連隊の最大数
我々のために戦ってくれる人々がいるだけでは、戦争に勝利するためには十分ではありません。戦いのために訓練するためのスペースを確保することは、我々を勝利に導くことを可能にする、より経験豊富な戦士の集団を養うことができます。 innovation_mustering_grounds
  オナガー(Onager)   常備軍でオナガーを雇用可能にします 装填と発射に時間がかかるが、これらのようなねじり動力のカタパルトは、敵の射手の射程外にいながら敵の要塞を攻撃することを可能にします。 innovation_catapult
  キルテッドアーマー(Quilted Armor)   常備軍で重歩兵(Armored Footmen)を雇用可能にします リネンを何十層も重ねて縫い合わせて作られたジャケットは、重い矢でさえも止めることができ、我々が戦闘のために連隊全体を装甲化するための手頃な方法です。 innovation_quilted_armor


文化の革新性 文化 効果 説明 デバッグID
  茂みでの狩り(Bush Hunting)
  • アカン(Akan)グループのすべて
  • ヨルバ(Yoruba)グループのすべて
  常備軍で茂みの狩人(Bush Hunters)が雇用可能になる 茂みは荒々しく険しい場所だが、どこを見て、どう利用すればよいかを知っている人たちにはチャンスの宝庫だ。これらの技術を弓の射手に教えることは、茂みで敵と戦うとき有利になる。 innovation_bush_hunting
  • Han
  Can recruit Chu-ko-nu Archers Men-At-Arms The repeating crossbow, known as Chu-ko-nu, is an ingenious invention with an easy-to-use mechanism that can be operated by anyone. What it lacks in range and firepower, it more than makes up for in rate of fire, making it an ideal weapon for defensive positions. innovation_repeating_crossbow
  Compound Bows
  • All Mongolic
  • All Turkic
  • Alan
  • Mogyër
  Can recruit Horse Archers Men-At-Arms Crafted from laminated strips of horn, wood, and sinew, our compound bows are much smaller than a traditional bow while being just as powerful. This reduced profile makes it possible to comfortably fire from horseback, allowing us to field truly devastating horse archers in battle. innovation_compound_bows
  Defensive Tactics
  • All Israelite
  Can recruit Shomer Men-At-Arms Our people have been exiled and driven out time and time again. While tragic, these experiences have led us to become exceptionally skilled in rear-guard tactics which minimize casualties. innovation_mobile_guards
  Forest Wardens
  • All Baltic
  • All Balto-Finnic
  • All Urgo-Permian
  • All Volga-Finnic
  Can recruit Metsänvartija Men-At-Arms Our ancestors have lived in these forests for generations, but now they are under threat by outsiders. Centuries of accumulated experience fighting in forests will aid us in protecting our ancestral homeland. innovation_forest_wardens
  • All Iranian
  Can recruit Ayyar Men-At-Arms "Our youth have begun forming clubs that promote prowess, vigor, and moral behavior. By endorsing and supporting these clubs, we will ensure a supply of able-bodied soldiers we can rally to our cause." innovation_futuwaa
  Konni Raids
  • All South Slavic
  • Hungarian
  • Polabian
  • Polish
  • Pommeranian
  Can recruit Konni Men-At-Arms Light cavalry which can strike quickly at exposed enemies before darting back away, our Konni can be formed into regiments which specialize in harassment and raiding. innovation_hussar_raids
  Mountain Skirmishing
  • Afar
  • Somali
  • Welayta
  Can recruit Horn Warriors Men-At-Arms The great mountains in the Horn of Africa pose logistical challenges to many types of armies, but our skirmishers can easily adapt to these conditions to rout enemy invaders. innovation_mountain_skirmishing
  • Bedouin
  • Butr
  • Egyptian
  • Mashriqi
  • Nubian
  Can recruit Mubarizun Men-At-Arms Modeled after the legendary champions of the Rashidun army, our Mubarizun soldiers are trained to excel in both formation fighting as well as single combat. innovation_mubarizuns
  Sahel Horsemen
  • All Sahelian
  • All Senegambian
  • All Central African
  • Daju
  • Zaghawa
  Can recruit Sahel Horsemen Men-At-Arms The Sahel is a dry and arid plain, where vast distances are often covered with horses. The Sahel Riders are mounted warriors who use light quilted armor and javelins to devastate their enemies. They are quick and can easily brave deserts and drylands. innovation_sahel_horsemen
  Table of Princes
  • Czech
  • Slovien
  Can enact the House Seniority Law and at any Crown Authority The Table of Princes is the royal seat of Bohemian rulers, with the one sitting at the table being recognized as the rightful ruler. Under the code of house seniority, titles were given to the eldest living member of the ruling dynasty. innovation_table_of_princes
  Upland Skirmishing
  • All Guinean Uplanders
  Can recruit Guinean Uplanders Men-At-Arms The hills of the wooded savanna have been our homeland for generations. Our ancestors showed us how to utilize this terrain, and with raiders threatening our borders, we can use this knowledge in our defense. innovation_upland_skirmishing
  Visigothic Codes
  • Aragonese
  • Basque
  • Catalan
  • Occitan
  •   Can enact the High Partition Law
  •   Can enact the Equal Law and at any Crown Authority
Although many of the older traditions of the Visigoths have long been wiped from the world, the children of the Pyrenees remember the ancient ways, and how land was divided between sons and daughters practically but fairly. innovation_visigothic_codes
  • Czech
  • Slovien
  Can recruit Zbrojnosh Men-At-Arms The forested hills and mountains of our homeland demand a different approach to warfare. Our armed men, the Zbrojnosh, are trained to turn the terrain to their advantage and have proven to be good fighters capable of defeating much larger armies. innovation_zbrojnosh

Regional innovations

Regional innovation Region Effect Description Debug ID
  Elephantry India or South East Asia   Can recruit War Elephants Men-at-Arms Elephants are difficult to raise in captivity, so each mahout must capture their own wild elephants and train them. This means there is a delicate art to properly using these great creatures in battle, but it is an art we are dedicated to mastering. innovation_elephantry
  Longships Northern Europe
  •   -75% Embarkation Cost
  •   +25% Naval Speed
  •   Unlocks the ability to sail in Major Rivers
  •   Unlocks the ability to Raid over seas if Raiding is allowed
Our longships are formidable seafaring vessels which can travel almost anywhere and even brave rough weather, giving us exceptional mobility on the seas. innovation_longboats
  War Camels Middle East, North Africa or Persia   Can recruit Camel Riders Men-at-Arms Camels are naturally suited for living in desert terrain, but they aren't inherently creatures of battle. Our breeders and trainers can change this, giving us access to adaptive cavalry which will let us master the sands. innovation_war_camels
  West African Canoes West Africa
  •   -25% Embarkation Cost
  •   +10% Raid Speed
  •   Unlocks the ability to sail in Major Rivers
  •   Unlocks the ability to Raid over seas if Raiding is allowed
The great canoes of West Africa are excellent for navigating rivers and allows us to quickly ferry troops to where we need them. innovation_african_canoes
  Wootz Steel Deccan India
  •   +1 Prowess
  •   +2 Heavy Cavalry Damage
  •   +2 Heavy Infantry Damage
Also known as Hinduwani or Seric steel, this carbon-rich metal is excellent for making weapons. Wootz steel is widely traded and is deemed the finest steel in the world. Throughout most of history, it has drawn the attention of Arab, Egyptian, Chinese, and even Roman traders. innovation_wootz_steel

List of Early Medieval innovations

Civic innovations

Civic innovation Effect Description Debug ID
  Armillary Sphere   +25% Naval Speed Comprised of a spherical framework of moving rings, these devices allow us to chart and predict the movement of the heavens. While a fascinating astrological device in its own right, this knowledge will also help aid our captains when navigating waters far from land. innovation_armilary_sphere
  Bailiffs   +1 Domain Limit A king cannot be everywhere at once. By appointing bailiffs to enforce the king's law throughout the realm, we can govern a larger area more effectively than we could otherwise. innovation_baliffs
  Chronicle Writing   Can use De Jure Duchy Casus belli
  -10% Casus Belli Prestige Cost
No more will the stories of our family's exploits be passed down just through oral tradition. We will keep a record of all that we accomplish, both to inspire future generations as well as to prove our claims over lands we should rightfully hold. innovation_chronicle_writing
  Coinage   +10% Monthly Development Growth
  Unlocks the Coinage Rights Feudal Contract
Unregulated currencies are difficult to control and lack stability. Minted coins, measured to specific weights and stamped with a royal seal, give new confidence to commercial transactions. innovation_currency_02
  Communal Government   Counties reach the maximum Existing Development penalty at 35 Development Larger towns regularly face a series of increasingly complex problems. Delegating some authority to local councils will let them resolve these issues without needing to get the king involved. innovation_development_02
  Hereditary Rule   Can enact the Partition Law Evenly dividing the realm amongst all eligible heirs fractures the unity of our people. Instead of tearing our realm asunder on every succession we can ensure we have a stable and prosperous heartland by establishing a system of hereditary rule. innovation_hereditary_rule
  Manorialism   -10% Building Construction Time
  Unlocks all Early Medieval Era Economic Buildings
With land ownership consolidated under our elite, many men and women find themselves unable to work. We will establish a manor system where free men can work our fields in exchange for rent, while those who cannot pay may enter our service as bound serfs instead. innovation_manorialism
  Royal Prerogative   Can enact High Crown Authority Law
  Can enact Absolute Crown Authority Law
As our royalty has a greater burden placed upon them by their responsibility to govern the realm, so too shall they be bestowed with privileges reserved exclusively for them. innovation_royal_prerogative

Military innovations

Military innovation Effect Description Debug ID
  Arched Saddle   Can recruit Armored Horsemen Men-at-Arms Light cavalry are a force to be reckoned with, but they do not truly exploit the potential of the warhorse. Arched saddles allow us to field heavily armored warriors with couched lances, which lets them take full advantage of their momentum as they charge into enemy lines. innovation_arched_saddle
  Battlements   -5% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  Unlocks all Early Medieval Era Fortification Buildings
  Unlocks the Fortification Rights Feudal Contract
Beyond fortifying just the keep itself, building a durable outer wall which can be safely manned by our archers will give our castles an extra layer of protection against attackers. innovation_battlements
  Burhs   +5% Levy Size
  Unlocks all Early Medieval Era Military Buildings
  Unlocks the March Feudal Contract
Scattered across the countryside, burhs are important fortified settlements we can use both to muster troops and to serve as administrative centers. innovation_burhs
  Household Soldiers   +3 Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments
  +1 Max number of Men-at-Arms Regiments
As our noble families grow in power, they need soldiers to enforce their will. Establishing an order of dedicated household soldiers will ensure that we have troops which are better trained and equipped than a standard levy. innovation_house_soldiers
  Horseshoes   +10% Movement Speed A horse with a split hoof will quickly go lame and be unable to work or be ridden into battle. By shoeing our horses with bronze or iron plates, we can keep their hooves healthy and protected from damage. innovation_horseshoes
  Mangonels  Can recruit Mangonels Men-at-Arms A significant improvement to our existing catapult designs, traction-powered mangonels are much faster to load and fire than torsion-powered machines. innovation_mangonel

Cultural innovations

Cultural innovation Cultures Effect Description Debug ID
  Alpine Supremacy
  • All Qiangic
  • All Tibetan
  Can recruit Mountaineers Men-At-Arms The high altitude of our homeland demands different logistics and fighting techniques from our soldiers than the lowlands do. Mastering these abilities will make us undisputed lords of the mountains. innovation_alpine_supremacy
  • All Iberian
  • Andalusian
  Can recruit Caballeros Men-At-Arms Andalusian stallions are better at traveling and fighting in rough terrain than other breeds of horses. We can train specialized cavalry regiments which take advantage of this. innovation_caballeros
  • All Byzantine except Alan
  Can recruit Cataphracts Men-At-Arms Fully encased in protective iron suits, our intimidating cataphract cavalry can break almost any defensive line by charging straight into it with their lances. innovation_cataphracts
  Desert Mountain Practices
  • Baranis
  • Beja
  • Maghrebi
  • Yemeni
  Can recruit Abudrar Men-At-Arms Since ancient times the people of our mountains have been searching for methods to pasture their herds in inhospitable terrain. Doing so has turned them into very resilient and robust warriors, called Abudrar. innovation_desert_mountain_herding
  • All East Slavic
  Can recruit Druzhina Men-At-Arms Varangian soldiers have long served as imposing bodyguards for our monarchs, but they can just as easily serve as dedicated heavy infantry in our armies. innovation_druzhina
  • All North Germanic
  • Anglo-Saxon
  • Frisian
  • Old Saxon
  Can recruit Huscarls Men-At-Arms The tradition of keeping armed retinues in service to a household has served us well. By formalizing and expanding this system we can field entire regiments of huscarls in our armies. innovation_hird
  • All Dravidian
  • All Indo-Aryan
  Can recruit Khandayats Men-At-Arms Skilled in the use of the khanda broadsword, our prized infantrymen are adept at both fighting in jungles as well as cutting down enemy light cavalry. innovation_khandayats
  Royal Army Tradition
  • All Burman
  •   +10% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  •   Can recruit Palace Guards Men-At-Arms
We have a long tradition of a standing army made to protect the capital. This has given us access to tough soldiers that work exceedingly well with supporting troops, such as War Elephants. innovation_royal_army_tradition

Regional innovations

Regional innovation Region Effect Descriptions Debug ID
  Ghilman Arabia   -15% Men-at-Arms Maintenance Slave-soldiers taken as prisoners of war, ghilman are dedicated fighters who are both more loyal to us and cheaper to pay than common mercenaries. innovation_ghilman
  Reconquista Iberia
  •   -10% Casus Belli Cost
  •   +10% Monthly Piety
Distracted by infighting, we have tolerated the presence of infidels in Hispania for too long. The time has come for us to rally our forces to drive them from this land once and for all! innovation_reconquista
  Stammesherzogtum Western Germany
  •   +5 Direct Vassal Opinion
  •   -25 Vassal Faction Acceptance
Despite coming from different tribes, we recognize the importance of unity and cooperation. Independence is overvalued when stability is what leads to safety and prosperity. innovation_stem_duchies

List of High Medieval innovations

Civic innovations

Civic innovation Effect Description Debug ID
  Banking   +10% Monthly Development Growth Particularly large or expensive trades often require an unwieldy amount of heavy coinage. Depositing that wealth in secure treasuries and transferring ownership without moving the physical coins will allow large quantities of goods to be traded more easily. innovation_currency_03
  Divine Right
  •   Can press several Claims in a single war
  •   Unlocks the Palatinate Feudal Contract
  •   -10% Short Reign Duration
  •   -20% Title Creation Cost
  •   +10% Monthly Piety
It is time that we recognize that it is divine will that has placed our rulers on their thrones, and to oppose them is to oppose divinity itself. innovation_divine_right
  Guilds   +1 Domain Limit As our lands expand it becomes increasingly inefficient to directly manage all trade going on within our domain. By granting guild charters to organizations of merchants and craftsmen we can give them more autonomy over their businesses while still ensuring we profit from their ventures. innovation_guilds
  Heraldry   +5% Monthly Prestige
  Can enact the High Partition Law
  Can enact the House Seniority Law
Establishing hereditary designs to identify our noble families will cause their members to see themselves as part of a greater whole, encouraging them to improve their dynasty's reputation instead of merely being obsessed with personal status. innovation_heraldry
  Land Grants   -10% Casus Belli Prestige Cost
  +50%"Fabricate Claim on County" Councilor Task Speed
Land is the most valuable reward we can bestow upon our subjects, but there is only so much that we directly own. However, if we were to grant them permission to start farming that unworked land over there... who would object? Even if conflict does result, we will clearly be in the right when we defend our subjects! innovation_land_grants
  Scutage   +5% Republican Vassal Tax Contribution
  Unlocks the Scutage Feudal Contract
Military service has always been expected of our subjects, but there are some who are unable or unwilling to provide it. By offering a way for them to meet their obligations with coin instead of steel, we can ensure that we get our dues from everyone. innovation_scutage
  Urbanization   Counties reach the maximum Existing Development penalty at 55 Development The great cities of Rome, Byzantium, and Delhi have long stood out as relics of a great, unmatchable legacy. As our infrastructure and population grow, we finally have the means to develop new settlements which rival these ancient urban centers. innovation_development_03
  Windmills   +5% Domain Taxes
  Unlocks all High Medieval Era Economic Buildings
The invention of the vertical windmill allows us to harness the power of the wind much more efficiently than before, vastly reducing the labor necessary to grind grains and process raw materials. innovation_windmills

Military innovations

Military innovation Effect Description Debug ID
  Advanced Bowmaking   +3 Damage for Archers
  Can recruit Crossbowmen Men-at-Arms
While archers have traditionally made and maintained their own bows, craftsmen have begun making new types of bows which are stronger and more complex than before. By embracing these new designs we can turn these master bowyers into an invaluable military asset. innovation_advanced_bowmaking
  Castle Baileys   +15% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  Unlocks all High Medieval Era Military Buildings
While the keep serves as the heart of a castle, it is far from the only important building. Constructing buildings like the stables and armory in a protected bailey will ensure we can properly garrison and equip our levies no matter the circumstances. innovation_castle_baileys
  Hoardings   Unlocks all High Medieval Era Fortification Buildings Placed on the top of our battlements, these wooden constructions extend out above the base of our castle walls.
They allow our defenders to fire arrows, drop stones, or pour boiling oil on attackers while remaining completely protected from enemy archers.
  Knighthood   +5 Direct Vassal Opinion
  +20% Knight Effectiveness
By bestowing knighthoods upon our best fighters and paying them with land holdings instead of mere coin, we can give them the honor they deserve as well as secure their loyalty to us. innovation_knighthood
  Men-at-Arms   +4 Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments
  +1 Max number of Men-at-Arms Regiments
Those skilled in the horse and the lance will always be in demand, but are not always available. Keeping groups of men-at-arms on retainer will ensure that we do not lack experienced fighters when war inevitably breaks out. innovation_men_at_arms
  Trebuchet   Can recruit Trebuchets as Men-at-Arms An engineering marvel, the counterweight trebuchet can hurl heavy projectiles at distances further than any siege engine that came before it. innovation_trebuchet

Cultural innovations

Cultural innovation Cultures Effect Description Debug ID
  Desert Tactics
  • Outremer
  Can recruit Chasseurs Men-At-Arms The Levant is an unfamiliar place with poor terrain for cavalry charges. We should adapt to these lands and field cavalry which is better suited to fight in our new home. innovation_desert_tactics
  • Pictish
  • Cumbrian
  • Cornish
  • Irish
  Can recruit Hobelars Men-At-Arms Riders on our Celtic hobby horses are both fast and agile — perfect for scouting and raiding in rough terrain where enemy knights are loathe to go. innovation_hobbies
  Pike Columns
  • All Latin
  •   Lombard
  •   Roman
  Can recruit Picchieri Men-At-Arms Pikemen have always been strong defenders, but they have historically lacked in mobility and offense. Devising new formations to address this deficiency will improve our chances of victory in battle. innovation_pike_columns
  • Ethiopian
  Can recruit Sarawit Men-At-Arms The highlands where our ancestors settled requires a particular approach to agriculture. The building of terraced fields taught us to develop new military tactics, which are employed by our Serawit soldiers. innovation_sarawit

Regional innovations

Regional innovation Region Effect Description Debug ID
  Muladi Northern Africa
  •   +10 Different Culture Opinion
      +10% Monthly Development Growth
Wars, raids, and persecution all over the world have driven many people from their homes. By welcoming these displaced souls to our lands regardless of their background we can develop a rich and prosperous society. innovation_muladi
  Ostsiedlung Eastern Germany
  •   +15% "Promote Culture" Councilor Task Speed
      +15% Monthly Development Growth
The lands to our east are sparsely inhabited, but rich in natural resources. Establishing an initiative to expand and establish homesteads there will lead to the growth and prosperity of our people. innovation_east_settling
  Peerage Francia
  •   +10% Vassal Tax Contribution
  •   +5 Direct Vassal Opinion
  •   -10 Fellow Vassal Opinion
  •   Must be unlocked through the Inspire Opus Francigenum decision
By rightfully recognizing the most illustrious amongst the noble vassals of our realm we will foster a sentiment of greater loyalty towards the crown. innovation_french_peerage
  Seigneurialism Francia   +5% Domain Taxes By delegating more responsibilities to local nobles, we can both make them happy as well as freeing up more of our attention to focus on our own domain. innovation_seigneurialism

List of Late Medieval innovations

Civic innovations

Civic innovation Effect Description Debug ID
  Court Officials   +1 Domain Limit Our realm has expanded to the point where even minor nobles cannot administer everything effectively. Appointing court officials and bureaucrats to handle the more mundane court tasks will ensure that the wheels of government continue turning smoothly. innovation_court_officials
  Cranes   -15% Building Construction Time
  Unlocks all Late Medieval Era Economic Buildings
A forgotten marvel of engineering, the Romans used tread-wheel cranes to great effect when building their empire, and so too shall we. innovation_cranes
  Ermine Cloaks   +10% Monthly Prestige Anyone may claim a title, but in order to be a true monarch they must inspire awe and majesty in their subjects. Our new ermine cloaks are a form of regal dress which is sure to accomplish just that. innovation_ermine_cloaks
  Noblesse Oblige   +5 Direct Vassal Opinion
  +5 Fellow Vassal Opinion
Nobility is more than just privileges and rights; it also comes with a duty to the realm, an obligation to act in ways that are proper and just. Clearly establishing what is expected from our elite will give us an ideal to aspire to and bring us together as we work to achieve it. innovation_noblesse_oblige
  Primogeniture   Can enact the Primogeniture Law
  Can enact the Ultimogeniture Law
One kingdom, one heir. While the younger children of our monarch may feel forsaken by being denied an inheritance, this is the best way to ensure we keep a stable realm which does not get torn apart by succession crises. innovation_primogeniture
  Promissory Notes   +10% Monthly Development Growth An evolution of earlier banking systems, paper promissory notes allow our citizens to quickly and safely trade goods and services across large distances without being weighed down by heavy specie. innovation_currency_04
  Renaissance Thought   Counties reach the maximum Existing Development penalty at 90 Development Developments in science, philosophy, and logic have turned our cities into wondrous centers of education and innovation. The massive technological and cultural leaps we are now making has put hitherto undreamed potential within our grasp. innovation_development_04
  Rightful Ownership   -10% Casus Belli Prestige Cost
  Can use De Jure Casus Belli
  Can press multiple Claims of another Character in a single war
It is our divine right to possess our de jure lands, and it is time the world recognizes this fact. No longer will we be held back by obsolete protocols and decorum. innovation_rightful_ownership

Military innovations

Military innovation Effect Description Debug ID
  Bombards   Can recruit Bombards Men-at-Arms The development of gunpowder-based weaponry has allowed us to surpass the limitations of levers and pulleys. Our new siege weapons can tear down enemy walls with a force and efficiency that our ancestors could scarcely dream of. innovation_bombard
  Machicolations   Unlocks all Late Medieval Era Fortification Buildings A notable improvement on our earlier hoardings, stone machicolations serve the same purpose while being significantly more durable and offering more protection for our defenders. innovation_machicolations
  Plate Armor   +3 Heavy Cavalry Toughness
  +3 Heavy Infantry Toughness
The ultimate form of personal protection, a well-crafted suit of plate armor has articulated joints which give it a superior range of motion to earlier armors, while being all but impenetrable to enemy weapons. innovation_plate_armor
  Royal Armory   +15% Levy Reinforcement Rate
  Unlocks all Late Medieval Era Military Buildings
As the size of our armies increases, we must guarantee that each and every soldier will be properly armed and armored. The establishment of a royal armory to produce and house all of our armies' equipment will go a long way towards meeting this need. innovation_royal_armory
  Sappers   -10% Siege Phase Time It does not matter how strong a our enemy's walls are if the earth beneath them can be dug through. Employing sappers to undermine enemy fortifications is an effective way to breach even the toughest defenses. innovation_sappers
  Standing Armies   +5 Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments
  +1 Max number of Men-at-Arms Regiments
Military levies provide us with large numbers of soldiers, yet no matter how well we try to train and equip them they will always be inferior to professional soldiers. Establishing a large standing army will ensure the interests of our realm are enforced by the best fighters around. innovation_standing_armies

Cultural innovations

Cultural innovation Cultures Effect Description Debug ID
  Adaptive Militia
  • Dutch
  Can recruit Goedendag Militia Men-At-Arms Weapons like the goedendag are cheap and easy to produce, yet surprisingly effective against cavalry charges. Their existence allows us to adapt our militias to have much better odds when fighting armored knights. innovation_adaptive_militia
  • Roman
  Can recruit Palatini Men-At-Arms Just as we have restored the Roman empire, so too shall restore the structure of the old Roman legion and its feared elite troops! innovation_legionnaires
  • English
  • Welsh
  Can recruit Longbowmen Men-At-Arms Taking advantage of the strong yew wood that grows here, our bowyers have learned to make longbows so powerful they require specialized training from an early age to use effectively. This investment is worth it, as our longbowmen can shoot arrows which travel further and penetrate deeper than those fired by other archers. innovation_longbows
  Rectilinear Schiltron
  • Gaelic
  • Scots
  Can recruit Schiltron Men-At-Arms The traditional pike circle is a powerful defensive formation, but it is limited in offense and mobility. While requiring great discipline to employ, our rectilinear schiltron is a superior formation which is capable of both powerful offensive and defensive tactics. innovation_rectilinear_schiltron
  • Breton
  • French
  • Norman
  • Occitan
  Can recruit Gendarmes Men-At-Arms Establishing a valet system of dedicated servants for our noble horsemen will enable us to field knights who are both better armed and armored. innovation_valets
  • Frankish
  • Lombard
  • All Central Germanic except Dutch and Frisian
  Can recruit Landsknechts Men-At-Arms These massive two-handed swords are as adept at cutting down charging knights as they are at breaking enemy pike formations, making them a formidable addition to our own pike regiments. innovation_zweihanders

Regional innovations

Regional innovation Region Effect Description Debug ID
  Condottieri Italia
  •   -25% Same Culture Mercenary Hire Cost
  •   +100% Number of Mercenary Companies
Being both wealthy and centrally located, Italy has become a major center for mercenary companies to travel to when not on active campaign. Since they are already here, we should be able to negotiate a better rates for them than they would normally charge. innovation_condottieri
  Deccan Unity Deccan India   +5 Same Faith Opinion The influx of new beliefs and religions into our society has made it clear that our past focus on regionalism has been a mistake. We should band together with others of our faith and ensure a strong and enduring state that can stand up to external pressures. innovation_deccan_unity
  Wierdijks Netherlands
  •   +1% Levy Size
  •   +10% Monthly Development Growth
  •   -10% City Holdings and Buildings Construction Time
Building strong and reliable dikes is an essential task if we wish to live and prosper within the low countries. New techniques of reinforcing earthen dikes with seaweed mats will increase their strength and durability. innovation_wierdijks


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