
2021年2月2日 (火) 21:39時点におけるGnagaoka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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Introducing CK3 #07 - Money. Havoc teaches you how to get more money in CK3!

There are three important resources which are necessary for most actions in the game: Prestige, Piety and Gold. Each resource can be spent on different things and all of them can be spent or gained through events.


Prestige represents a character's social standing. It is gained primarily by holding titles. Prestige can be spent on vassal interactions, decisions and declarations of war. Prestige has one "weaker" currency, fame.

Level of fame

A character's level of fame measures their general reputation and how well perceived they are by everyone. Fame is a resource that accrues but cannot be spent in the way that prestige can. However, each time a character gains prestige, they will also get an equivalent amount of fame. As fame accrues, it will increase progress towards their next level of fame, which grants various benefits. Prestige lost from doing dishonorable actions will lower a character's level of fame. A character can pay a prestige cost by paying levels of fame if it doesn't have enough prestige.

Level of fame   Feudal secular opinion   Tribal secular opinion   Knights   Tribal Vassal Tax   Tribal Vassal Levies   Max conquest CB rank   Adopt Feudal / Clan Ways   Custom Kingdoms   Custom Empires   Fame
  Disgraced −10 −10 −1 0% 0%   None       0
  Established 0 0 0 8% 15%   County       1000
  Distinguished +5 +3 +1 16% 30%   County       2000
  Illustrious +10 +5 +2 24% 45%   Duchy       4000
  Exalted among Men +20 +10 +3 32% 60%   Kingdom       8000
  The Living Legend +30 +20 +4 40% 75%   Kingdom       16000


Piety is a measure of how virtuous a character is in the eye of others and is gained primarily from religious relations and the character's   Learning skill and traits that its Faith considers virtues. Piety is spent when interacting with the church and declaring holy wars. The icon displayed for representing piety depends on the character's religion.

Monthly piety

The table below shows available sources of monthly piety. Note that these are value gains; for percentage effects, see the table on factors.

Source   Monthly piety
  Learning skill


  Reincarnation trait


  Humble trait


  Celibate trait


  Devoted trait


  Saint trait (unobtainable)


  Is Court Chaplain
  • +1 if liege is Duke
  • +2 if liege is King
  • +3 if liege is Emperor
  Religious Relations council task

+0.05 per Learning skill

  Theology focus


Has a virtuous trait
  • +1 /美徳
  • +2 /偉大な美徳
Has a sinful trait
  • −1 /罪
  • −2 /大罪
Grand Cathedral


Grand Mosque



Mahabodhi Temple


Imam Ali Mosque


Great Mosque of Mecca


Great Mosque of Cordoba


Great Mosque of Djenne


Great Mosque of Samarra


Canterbury Cathedral
  • +0.3 base
  • +0.2 per powerful vassal on the council
Prophetic Mosque


Notre Dame


Brihadeeswarar Temple


Shwedagon Pagoda


Hagia Sophia

+0.1 per knight

Hall of Heroes



+0.1 per level

Ritual Hospitality tenet


Braslau holy site

+0.1 per knight

Is head of faith

Head of faith

  Polygamous marriage doctrine


  Prophetic Visions modifier (  Possessed trait)


  Steward of the Sacred River modifier (  Take Stewardship of the Sacred River decision)


Cologne Cathedral

+0.1 per knight

  Halq modifier (  Undertake the Hajj)


Various events

Factors affecting monthly piety

The following table shows factors affecting the gain of monthly piety as a percentage effect. For value additions to monthly piety, see the table above

Source   Monthly piety
Cologne Cathedral +15%
Buddhas of Bamiyan +10%
Ananda Temple +5%
Temple City +5% per powerful vassal on the council
The Third Temple / Dome of the Rock +3%
Reconquista innovation +10%
Divine Right innovation +10%
Ordained Rulership (Second tier of   Erudition legacy) Dynasty
Prophet perk (Theologian tree)
Defender of Faith perk (Theologian tree)
Sculptor's Workshop Investment modifier (A Word of Advice event)
Great Sculptor's Workshop Investment modifier (A Word of Advice event)
Earthly Focus modifier (Scholarship lifestyle event)
Clerical Guidance modifier (Commision Epic decision)
Related to Wisdom modifier (Sell Minor Titles decision)
Excommunication Recently Lifted
Crusading House modifier (house beneficiary won Crusade)
House of the Mujahid modifier (house beneficiary won Jihad)
Holy Warriors modifier (house beneficiary won Great Holy War)
Saoshyant Resurgent modifier (Become the Saoshyant decision)
Devotee of Hayagriva modifier (Determine Bhakti decision)
Jerusalem holy site +20%
Dwin holy site +5%
Armagh holy site +5%
Mecca holy site +2% per knight
Lalish holy site +20%
Ayodhya holy site +1% per knight
Palitana holy site +10%
Maowün holy site +1% per knight
Rebgong holy site +2% per powerful vassal on the council
Takht-e Soleyman holy site +10%
Uppsala holy site +2% per knight
Raivola holy site +2% per powerful vassal on the council
Kiev holy site +10%
Olvia holy site +10%
Kabul holy site +5%
Multan holy site +5%
Lhasa holy site +20%
Kukiya holy site +1% per knight
Ife holy site +20%
Harar holy site +10%
Theologian trait +20%
Cynical trait −20%
Zealous trait +20%
Pilgrim trait +10%
Excommunicated trait −50%
Stuffed Corpse modifier (Mental break event)
Church and State perk (Theologian tree)
  Divine Protection modifier (  Go on a Pilgrimage) +5%
  Dedicated Pilgrim modifier (  Go on a Pilgrimage) +10%
  Determined Pilgrim modifier (  Go on a Pilgrimage) +2.5%

Level of devotion

Each time a character gains piety, they will also gain devotion, which gives progress towards their next level of devotion. Like the levels of fame above, each level of devotion grants various benefits. A character will lose a level of devotion if they are caught doing something their faith doctrines consider shunned. A character can pay a piety cost with devotion if they don't have enough piety. Generated characters and those at the game start begin with the   Dutiful level.

Icons Level of devotion   Clergy Opinion   Theocracy Vassal Tax   Theocracy Vassal Levies   Max Holy War objective rank   Create Holy Orders   Consecrate bloodline   Required piety
     Sinner −10 0% 0%   None     0
     Dutiful 0 15% 10%   County     1000
     Faithful +5 25% 20%   Duchy     1500
     Devoted Servant +10 35% 30%   Duchy     2500
     Paragon of Virtue +20 45% 40%   Kingdom     4500
     Religious Icon +30 55% 50%   Kingdom     8500


Gold is a measure of a character's wealth reserves. Most rulers start the game with Gold equal to 12 months of income.


Debt occurs when a character has negative Gold. During Debt characters cannot declare war, their Counties can always acquire Corruption, their Men-at-Arms cannot reinforce and they can experience various negative events. In addition Debt grants increasingly negative modifiers the longer it goes on.

  Years in Debt   Levy Size   Levy Reinforcement Rate   Development Growth   Vassal Opinion   County Opinion   Advantage   Join Faction Acceptance
0 −10% −10% −10% −5 −5 −5 +10
1 −20% −20% −20% −10 −10 −10 +20
2 −30% −30% −30% −15 −15 −15 +30
3 −40% −40% −40% −20 −20 −20 +40
4 −50% −50% −50% −25 −25 −25 +50
5 −50% −50% −50% −30 −30 −30 +60
10 −90% −90% −90% −50 −50 −50 +70


Monthly gold income comes from multiple sources.

Domain tax is generated by a character's personal holdings. The holder of the barony receives all of the barony's domain tax. It can be increased by the following:

  • Character's Stewardship skill (+2% per level)
  • Buildings
  • Collect Taxes council task (+0.5% per Stewardship level)
  • County development (+0.5% per level)

Vassal tax is given to a title holder's direct liege. The amount given depends on the vassal's obligations:

  • Castles are limited to normal obligations, giving 10% of their domain tax to the liege.
  • Cities are held by republics, who provide 20% taxes.
  • Vassal counts, dukes and kings provide tax based on their individual vassal contracts.
  • With the Lay Clergy doctrine, churches function identically to castles.
  • With the Theocratic doctrine, churches are held directly by a Realm Priest and are taxed under the system explained below.

Realm Priests receive vassal income at a rate of 25% from Realm Priests belonging to their liege's direct vassals. They also provide up to 50% of their income from directly-controlled churches and their vassal priests to their feudal liege, scaled based on opinion.

The taxable income of feudal vassals (count/duke/king) is their own domain tax, as well as vassal tax from their own vassals. If the vassal receives income from a Realm Priest, this income is not included as taxable income.[1]

See also

  • Renown, a resource related to dynasties.
