威信(Prestige)はキャラクターの社会的地位を表します。これは主に称号(title)を持つことによって得られます。威信は封臣(vassal)との交流、ディシジョン(decisions)、宣戦布告に使うことができます。Prestige has one "weaker" currency, fame.
キャラクターの名声レベル(level of fame)とは、そのキャラクターの世間からの評判(reputation)と誰からどれだけ認知されているかを示した度合いです。名声は蓄積されるリソースではありますが、威信のようには使えません。しかしながらキャラクターが威信を得るたびに、同量の名声も得ることになります。名声が高まれば次の名声レベルに向かって進捗が進み、それはさまざまな恩恵を授けます。不名誉な行動で失った威信はキャラクターの名声レベルを下げるでしょう。キャラクターに十分な威信がなければ、威信の代償として名声レベルを支払うことができます。
信仰点(Piety)とは、あるキャラクターが他人から見てでどれだけ高潔であるかを示す度合いであり、主に宗教的関係と、そのキャラクターの宗派(Faith)が美徳(virtues)とみなす特性と 学識能力から得られます。信仰点は教会と交流したり、聖戦を宣言したりするときに使われます。信仰点を表すために表示されるアイコンは、キャラクターの宗教(religion)によって異なります。
Factors affecting monthly piety
The following table shows factors affecting the gain of monthly piety as a percentage effect. For value additions to monthly piety, see the table above
Source | 月間の信仰点 |
Cologne Cathedral | +15% |
Buddhas of Bamiyan | +10% |
Ananda Temple | +5% |
Temple City | +5% per powerful vassal on the council |
The Third Temple / Dome of the Rock | +3% |
Reconquista innovation | +10% |
Divine Right innovation | +10% |
Ordained Rulership (Second tier of Erudition legacy) | +10% |
Prophet perk (Theologian tree) | |
Defender of Faith perk (Theologian tree) | |
Sculptor's Workshop Investment modifier (A Word of Advice event) | |
Great Sculptor's Workshop Investment modifier (A Word of Advice event) | |
Earthly Focus modifier (Scholarship lifestyle event) | |
Clerical Guidance modifier (Commision Epic decision) | |
Related to Wisdom modifier (Sell Minor Titles decision) | |
Excommunication Recently Lifted | |
Crusading House modifier (house beneficiary won Crusade) | |
House of the Mujahid modifier (house beneficiary won Jihad) | |
Holy Warriors modifier (house beneficiary won Great Holy War) | |
Saoshyant Resurgent modifier (Become the Saoshyant decision) | |
Devotee of Hayagriva modifier (Determine Bhakti decision) | |
Jerusalem holy site | +20% |
Dwin holy site | +5% |
Armagh holy site | +5% |
Mecca holy site | +2% per knight |
Lalish holy site | +20% |
Ayodhya holy site | +1% per knight |
Palitana holy site | +10% |
Maowün holy site | +1% per knight |
Rebgong holy site | +2% per powerful vassal on the council |
Takht-e Soleyman holy site | +10% |
Uppsala holy site | +2% per knight |
Raivola holy site | +2% per powerful vassal on the council |
Kiev holy site | +10% |
Olvia holy site | +10% |
Kabul holy site | +5% |
Multan holy site | +5% |
Lhasa holy site | +20% |
Kukiya holy site | +1% per knight |
Ife holy site | +20% |
Harar holy site | +10% |
Theologian trait | +20% |
Cynical trait | −20% |
Zealous trait | +20% |
Pilgrim trait | +10% |
Excommunicated trait | −50% |
Stuffed Corpse modifier (Mental break event) | |
Church and State perk (Theologian tree) | |
Divine Protection modifier ( Go on a Pilgrimage) | +5% |
Dedicated Pilgrim modifier ( Go on a Pilgrimage) | +10% |
Determined Pilgrim modifier ( Go on a Pilgrimage) | +2.5% |
Each time a character gains piety, they will also gain devotion, which gives progress towards their next level of devotion. Like the levels of fame above, each level of devotion grants various benefits. A character will lose a level of devotion if they are caught doing something their faith doctrines consider shunned. A character can pay a piety cost with devotion if they don't have enough piety. Generated characters and those at the game start begin with the Dutiful level.
Gold is a measure of a character's wealth reserves. Most rulers start the game with Gold equal to 12 months of income.
Debt occurs when a character has negative Gold. During Debt characters cannot declare war, their Counties can always acquire Corruption, their Men-at-Arms cannot reinforce and they can experience various negative events. In addition Debt grants increasingly negative modifiers the longer it goes on.
Years in Debt | Levy Size | Levy Reinforcement Rate | Development Growth | Vassal Opinion | County Opinion | Advantage | Join Faction Acceptance |
0 | −10% | −10% | −10% | −5 | −5 | −5 | +10 |
1 | −20% | −20% | −20% | −10 | −10 | −10 | +20 |
2 | −30% | −30% | −30% | −15 | −15 | −15 | +30 |
3 | −40% | −40% | −40% | −20 | −20 | −20 | +40 |
4 | −50% | −50% | −50% | −25 | −25 | −25 | +50 |
5 | −50% | −50% | −50% | −30 | −30 | −30 | +60 |
10 | −90% | −90% | −90% | −50 | −50 | −50 | +70 |
Monthly gold income comes from multiple sources.
Domain tax is generated by a character's personal holdings. The holder of the barony receives all of the barony's domain tax. It can be increased by the following:
- Character's Stewardship skill (+2% per level)
- Buildings
- Collect Taxes council task (+0.5% per Stewardship level)
- County development (+0.5% per level)
Vassal tax is given to a title holder's direct liege. The amount given depends on the vassal's obligations:
- Castles are limited to normal obligations, giving 10% of their domain tax to the liege.
- Cities are held by republics, who provide 20% taxes.
- Vassal counts, dukes and kings provide tax based on their individual vassal contracts.
- With the Lay Clergy doctrine, churches function identically to castles.
- With the Theocratic doctrine, churches are held directly by a Realm Priest and are taxed under the system explained below.
Realm Priests receive vassal income at a rate of 25% from Realm Priests belonging to their liege's direct vassals. They also provide up to 50% of their income from directly-controlled churches and their vassal priests to their feudal liege, scaled based on opinion.
The taxable income of feudal vassals (count/duke/king) is their own domain tax, as well as vassal tax from their own vassals. If the vassal receives income from a Realm Priest, this income is not included as taxable income.[1]
- 名声, a resource related to dynasties.