政府(government)とはキャラクターと土地を支配する制度のことです。Crusader Kings IIIには、さまざまな政府のタイプや政体があります。これによりキャラクターが使用できる法律(laws)と、封臣(vassal)が主君(liege)に対して負う義務(税金と徴募兵)が決まります。プレイ可能な政府政体が三つあり(封建制(feuda)、部族制(tribal)、クラン制(clan))、プレイ不可能な政府政体が二つあります(神権制(theocracy)と共和制(republic))。
Feudal governments can create new holdings and cadet branches. They also have access to the Crown Authority law. Each feudal vassal has a feudal contract, which can only be changed once per character and determines their obligations as well as whether they have special rights.
The feudal contract of each feudal vassal determines their obligations, which can only be changed one step at a time. Obligations can be lowered at any time but raising them will add +20 tyranny opinion unless the liege lowers the other obligation or provides the vassal a right. The liege can also use a hook on the vassal to avoid tyranny.
Obligations may be reduced if a character is not a vassal's rightful liege. By default, the reduction is 50%. If the liege holds the de jure title two ranks above the vassal (e.g. king over count), the reduction is only 25%. To be the rightful liege, a character must hold the direct de jure liege title of the vassal's primary title. Dukes whose liege holds the de jure empire title are exempt from the penalty.
Obligation type | Exempt effects | Low effects | Normal effects | High effects | Massive effects |
Taxes |
Levies |
Rights grant a vassal permissions that vassals do not have by default. A right can be added when increasing an obligation in order to avoid tyranny. Revoking a right will incur tyranny unless another right is added.
Right | Liege effects | Vassal effects | Requirements |
Coinage Rights: Granted |
Coinage innovation |
Council Rights: Guaranteed |
Fortification Rights: Granted |
Battlements innovation |
Religious Rights: Protected |
Vassal does not have liege's faith |
Succession Rights: Forced Partition |
Title Revocation: Protected |
War Declaration: Sanctioned |
Special contract
Special contracts are only available towards duke and king vassals and require a certain innovation. All special contracts grant additional bonuses to the vassal.
Clan governments can create new holdings and cadet branches and have access to the crown authority law; just like feudal governments, innovations are required to unlock higher crown authority. They also have access to the Conquest casus belli, which can be used once in a lifetime to invade a realm, with higher-rank realms allowed at higher levels of fame.
Clan vassals provide taxes and levies based on their opinion of their liege. There is always a minimum of taxes and levies they will provide, which is determined by the liege's crown authority law. All vassals will want to be in an Alliance with their liege and will gain -15 Opinion of their liege if they are not. The penalty is doubled for Powerful Vassals.
If a clan ruler is a Dynasty Head, their realm will be named after their dynasty rather than the primary title.
Taxes and levies contribution
By default, a clan vassal will provide 15% of their taxes to their liege, and 30% of their levies. This amount is then adjusted with the vassal's opinion of their liege.
Scaling contribution
For every point of opinion above 0, a clan vassal will provide an additional 0.1% taxes and 0.305% levies, for a maximum of +10% taxes and +30.5% levies at 100 opinion.
For every point of opinion below 0, a clan vassal will subtract 0.3% taxes and 0.4% levies from their obligations, meaning that at −50 Opinion of their liege, a clan vassal will provide no taxes, and that at −75 opinion of their liege, a clan vassal will provide no levies.
The following table gives a quick recap of a vassal contribution to their liege, taking their opinion of said liege into account.
Opinion of their liege | −100 | −50 | 0 | 50 | 100 |
Taxes |
Levies |
Minimum contribution
The minimum amount of taxes and levies provided by a clan vassal is dictated by the liege's crown authority law. The following table gives the minimum contribution of a lord's vassals, depending on the lord's crown authority law.
The "Opinion of their liege" line corresponds to the opinion needed by a clan vassal to be provided the same amount of taxes or levies. A vassal having a worse opinion of their liege would not affect their contributions to their suzerain.
Crown authority | Autonomous vassals | Limited crown authority | High crown authority | Absolute crown authority |
Minimum taxes |
Minimum levies |
Player vassal
If the clan vassal is a human player, then they will always contribute 10% of their taxes and 25% of their levies to their liege. This amount is flat, and will not be adjusted by the player character's opinion of their liege. This is roughly equivalent to a clan vassal having −15 opinion of their suzerain.
Unlike feudal or clan governments, tribal governments have access to the Tribal Authority law, and can raise it without having to research innovations. If tribal authority is high enough, a tribal ruler can reform their government to become feudal or clan. They also have access to the Conquest casus belli, which can be used to invade a realm, with higher-rank realms allowed at higher levels of fame.
Tribal governments have the following unique effects:
- Holdings cannot be created in counties ruled by a tribal ruler, even by a clan or feudal liege.
- Development will only affect supply limit, as tax and levy development increase does not apply in counties ruled by a tribal ruler. (However, a certain level of development is needed to reform government.)
- Development does not passively grow in counties ruled by a tribal ruler.
- Tribal baronies only provide half of their supply limit to armies belonging to other governments.
- Tribal rulers can only discover Tribal-era innovations.
- For succession, tribal rulers are locked to Confederate Partition.
- Tribal rulers can also be challenged by other tribal characters for their titles via personal combat (duel).
- Tribal rulers pay for men-at-arms using prestige instead of gold.
- Tribal rulers can raid (unless their religion forbids it).
- Once per lifetime, a tribal Ruler can use the Subjugation casus belli.
- Tribal rulers cannot prevent their vassals from declaring war, and cannot imprison vassals or courtiers without passing level 2 tribal authority.
- −50% Title creation cost.
- −20 Opinion with feudal, clan, and republic vassals.
Tribal vassals contribution
Tribal Vassals provide taxes and levies based on the Liege's Level of Fame.
For each level of fame, a character tribal vassals will contribute an additional 8% of their taxes and 15% of their levies, starting at 0% for both when the liege is Disgraced, and ending at 40% taxes and 75% levies when the liege is The Living Legend.
Reforming tribal government is significantly easier if the tribal ruler swears fealty to a non-tribal liege, as it only requires the ruler to adopt low tribal authority (and have an organized religion). Remaining independent requires the ruler to go all the way to absolute tribal authority and imposes other conditions.
Reforming from a Clan government to a Feudal government and vice-versa is normally not possible. There is however a 'gamey' way in doing so, but it will take some time and planning: By ensuring that your heir inherits a title of the other government form before inheriting your(s). This will however require a similar or a higher tier of title. For example: You have the Feudal kingdom-tier title of Sicily, and want to become a Clan. You make sure that your son and heir inherits the Clan kindom-tier title of Valencia, before inheriting your title of Sicily. He will then become a Clan. Once he inherits your titles, they will switch to the Clan government form as well.
Republic government is used by characters whose capital holding is a city and is not playable. Republic vassals always provide 20% taxes and 10% levies to their liege.
Theocracy government is only available to faiths with the Theocratic clerical tradition doctrine and is used by characters whose capital holding is a temple. Theocracy governments are not playable. Theocracy vassals provide taxes and levies based on the liege's level of devotion. Realm Priests receive vassal income at a rate of 25% from Realm Priests belonging to their liege's direct vassals. They also provide up to 50% of their income from directly-controlled churches and their vassal priests to their feudal liege, scaled based on opinion.
Lay Priests and Castles
With the Lay Clergy doctrine, churches function identically to castles. Castles are limited to normal obligations, giving 10% of their domain tax to the liege and 25% of their domain levy.
Holy order
- メイン記事へ: Holy order
Holy order government is used by characters who own a holy order title and is not playable. They may own land, but usually (and initially) lease holdings from feudal rulers of their religion, typically cities. Holy order vassals do not pay taxes or levies, but allow their armies to be hired for free.