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CK3の紹介 - 王朝。 「One Proud Bavarian」が王朝に取り組み、何世紀にもわたって王朝を存続させる方法を紹介します。

王朝は、王朝を創設したのと同じ所領有りのキャラクターから派生した、途切れのない貴族の連なり(Noble line)を表します。それぞれの王朝は、王朝に名誉(Renown)をもたらすために働く複数の一族で構成されています。王朝の名前は、いつでも王朝の当主によって変更できます。


図はCrusader Kings IIIにおける家族関係を示したものです。




A family of a character consists of their relatives.

  • A character's grandparents, parents, siblings (including half-siblings), children and grandchildren are considered Close Family.
  • Uncles, aunts, first cousins, nephews and nieces are considered Extended Family.


こちらも参照: キャラクター#関係

The table below shows static opinion modifiers gained from family relations.[1] These modifiers are only gained given to public connections; for example, if a character is a secret bastard, they will not have the Father relation with their biological father. Also note that in scenarios where a character has multiple relations to another, all relevant modifiers are applied.

Relation to other character Opinion
Parent +50
Child +50
Sibling (includes half-siblings) +25
Spouse (includes secondary spouses) +25
Same Dynasty +5


Marriage is the legal union between two opposite gender characters in a personal relationship. Only characters who are at least 16 years old may marry. If either character is too young, the two prospective partners may enter a betrothal instead until both parties come of age.

Spouses, concubines and consorts who are fertile are able to have legitimate children. Normally, children in a marriage belong to the father's house. However, in a matrilineal marriage, children are born of the mother's house. Moreover, marriage is one way to form   alliances with other characters.

A faith's doctrines affects who a character may marry, how many official partners they may have and whether marriage may be ended in divorce:

  •   The Consorts & Concubines marriage type doctrine allows rulers to have up to three consorts or concubines, alongside their spouse. Children born of consorts or concubines gain the   Child of Consort/Concubine trait. Unlike marriage, concubinage does not yield alliances; however, consorts and concubines can be set aside at will without the need for divorce.
  •   Consanguinity doctrine determines the legality of incestuous marriage.
  •   Marriage may be ended subject to divorce doctrine. The target of the divorce gains   −25 Opinion (Divorced Me) for 50 years with their ex-spouse, while their close family members gain   −5 Opinion (Divorced Close Family) for 5 years. Divorced characters may remarry.


With the Polygamous marriage type doctrine, characters may marry one spouse, and rulers (depending on their View on Gender doctrine) may additionally have up to three secondary spouses. If two married rulers have the Polygamous doctrine and are allowed to do so by the gender doctrine, they may have multiple spouses each. With the Equal gender doctrine, there is no existing restriction on having the same spouse(s) as another ruler.

Any spouse who has the Monogamous doctrine will suffer   −40 opinion (Not in a Monogamous Marriage). Monogamous spouses who were previously in a polygamous marriage (e.g. a secondary spouse was divorced) will gain   −20 opinion (You blasphemed our Marriage by having other Spouses) for 20 years. Any monogamous close relatives will suffer a similar   −20 opinion modifier. Spouses with the Consorts & Concubines doctrine or Polyamory tenet do not suffer similar penalties. When arranging marriages, prospective spouses who would become part of a polygamous marriage and do not believe in polygamy suffer a marriage acceptance penalty of Dynasty.

Rulers receive a penalty of   −0.5 monthly piety per missing spouse if they are under the expected spouse amount for their title tier:[2]

Title tier Expected spouses
  Unlanded 1
  Baron 1
  Count 1
  Duke 2
  King 3
  Emperor 4

Marriage acceptance

In order to successfully arrange marriages with AI characters, the player must reach a marriage acceptance score of at least +1 for the prospective spouses. Below is a list containing all possible conditions that affect marriage acceptance:[3]

Condition Marriage acceptance
弱いフック +100
Strong hook +200, or auto-accept
Promising Prospects Perk
  • +50 (self)
  • +25 (family member)
Dynasty Glory Perk +30
Arranging own marriage −15
Is player's heir
  • +20 (primary heir)
  • +10 (other heirs)
Desires alliance Varied
Does not want alliance −100
Marrying up +30 for each difference in title rank
Marrying down
  • −30 for each difference in title rank (if AI is King)
  • −40 for each difference in title rank (if AI is not King)
  • +0.25 per   opinion (round down) with prospective spouse
  • +0.75 per   opinion (round down) with marriage offerer
Wishes well for Lovers +15
Prospective spouses love each other and AI has compassion greater than zero +0.25 per AI compassion
Candidate is Lowborn
  • −20
  • −120 (if recipient is not lowborn themselves)
Candidate's Level of Splendor +(Level of Splendor * 5 - 5)
Incorrect marriage (patrilineal/matrilineal) Varied
Different faith
  • −10
  • −25 (faith considered astray or hostile)
  • −1000 (faith considered evil)
Faith does not have polygamy doctrine or polyamory tenet and potential spouse would belong in a polygamous marriage. −1000
Age Considerations Varied
The marriage will have Low Fertility Varied
Unimportant courtier +10
Important courtier −10
Prospective spouse is a parent of recipient's children −25
Player is AI's liege
  • +40 (general)
  • +60 (marriage with liege)
Valuable claimant −50
Claimant to one of AI's titles −50
Intimidated Varied
Terrified Varied
Character is dear to AI Varied
The marriage would be incestuous −1000
Age of recipient +(Recipient age − 20)
Spouse councillor - boosted child or heir
  • +50
  • +75 (if heir)


Having a lover outside of marriage creates a   Lover secret. If it is revealed, it may result in the two lover characters gaining the   Fornicator and   Adulterer traits, depending on the faith's   /   adultery doctrines. Children known to be born out of wedlock gain   Bastard (trait), or   Wild Oat if their faith has the   No Bastards bastardry doctrine. If a bastard successfully becomes landed, they gain the   Bastard founder trait.


Incest is sexual activity between family members. A faith's   Consanguinity doctrine determines the legality of incestuous marriage. Characters having an incestuous relation that would not be allowed in marriage gain the Is Incestuous secret, and if exposed the   Incestuous trait. Any form of incestuous relation, legal or not, may risk producing inbred offspring.

The Divine Marriage tenet provides bonuses to incestuous marriages.

Relatives are harder to seduce unless the target character's Faith accepts such an incestuous relation or the seducer has the Subtle Desire perk (  Seducer tree).


Each Dynasty will have a Founding House, usually of the same name as the Dynasty, which is the first House of that Dynasty. Ruling Dynasty members of Feudal or Clan Government who are distant by blood to the current House Head may choose to create a Cadet Branch, a new House under the Dynasty. Each House has its own name and motto, usually inspired by the location in which they are founded and the founding character, which can be changed at will by the House Head. They will also have a unique coat of arms that has two quarters copied from the Dynasty coat of arms.

Creating a Cadet Branch has the following requirements:

  • The character must be blood-related to their current House Head
  • The character must not stand to inherit any of their current House Head's titles
  • The character must have sufficient Prestige
  • All ancestors of the character are dead

If a House Head demands the religious conversion of a House member and the member refuses, it will result in the creation of a new Cadet Branch.

Each character born from a Marriage will belong to the father's House unless the marriage is Matrilineal.

House Head

The House Head is the leader of a House. House Heads have the power to legitimize bastards, call House members to war at no cost and demand that they convert to their Faith. In addition, House Heads will get a   Weak Hook on all newly born House members and monthly prestige from living and landed members of their house. If a faith has the Must be approved doctrine for divorces but no head of faith, the House Head must approve of divorces.

When a character creates a Cadet Branch, they become its House Head, and free from the direct influence of their old House Head unless he or she was the Dynasty Head.

When a House Head dies, their Primary Heir becomes the next House Head. One exception: The house head at the start of the game is determined differently. If the founder of the house is still alive, the founder will always be the house head. If the founder is not alive, then the house head at game start will be the house member with the largest realm size. This is why Ludwig II is the Karling house head in 867, even though he is not the oldest male child.

Dynasty Head

The most powerful House Head of a Dynasty (as determined by military strength) will be the Dynasty Head. If another House Head becomes 10% stronger than the current Dynasty Head it will take its place. The Dynasty Head gains Monthly Prestige from living and landed members of their Dynasty. The Dynasty Head has access to the following interactions with dynasty members of the same faith:

Interaction Effects Cost
Call Dynasty Member To War Targeted Dynasty Member may join the Dynasty Head's current war 75   Renown
Claim Title Gain an   Unpressed Claim on the targeted Dynasty Member's Primary Title and a temporary -50   Opinion 150   Renown
Disinherit Targeted Dynasty Member gains the   Disinherited trait and a permanent -75   Opinion
  • 75   Renown and 150   Prestige if Dynasty Member is Unlanded
  • 150   Renown and 300   Prestige if Dynasty Member is Heir to a title
  • 225   Renown and 900   Prestige if Dynasty Member is Landed
Denounce Targeted Dynasty Member gains the   Denounced trait and a permanent -50   Opinion
  • 50   Renown and 150   Prestige if Dynasty Member is Unlanded
  • 100   Renown and 300   Prestige if Dynasty Member is Heir to a title
  • 125   Renown and 500   Prestige if Dynasty Member is Landed
End Dynasty Wars All wars between members of the same Dynasty end in White Peace
  • 75  Renown
Forgive Targeted Dynasty Member loses the   Denounced trait and the   Opinion malus
  • 25   Renown
Restore Inheritance Targeted Dynasty Member loses the   Disinherited trait and the   Opinion malus
  • 75   Renown


Renown is a resource accumulated by a Dynasty and is used for the most powerful Dynasty Head interactions, unlocking Dynasty Legacies and increasing a Dynasty's level of Splendor. Each living Dynasty member will add Renown to the Dynasty, and Prestige to its Dynasty Head and House Head. Renown can also be gained by marrying to a Ruler of a different Dynasty.

Title rank   Renown   Dynasty Head Prestige   House Head Prestige   Marriage Renown
None (stacks with title bonuses) +0.02 +0.01 +0.02 0
  Baron +0.12 +0.01 +0.02 +0.1
  Count +0.25 +0.02 +0.04 +0.2
  Duke +0.5 +0.03 +0.06 +0.4
  King +1 +0.04 +0.08 +0.8
  Emperor +2 +0.5 +0.1 +1.6

Renown gain is capped at +2 for total non-ruler house members (100 members). Dynasty Head Prestige gain is capped at +3. House Head Prestige gain is capped at +5. Rulers will not add Renown to their Dynasty if any Liege is a member of the same Dynasty.

Level of Splendor

Firstly, all renown earned by a Dynasty counts towards its Level of Splendor, which determines how well-known the Dynasty is in the eyes of the world, how much Prestige characters get from being born or marrying into it, the maximum long reign Opinion characters can get and how decorated the Dynasty's coat of arms will be. Having a high level also makes it much easier to arrange marriages, especially with Dynasties with a Lower Level of Splendor. The Level of Splendor will only decrease if a player character attempts suicide. Peasant Dynasties start at Base Origins.

Level of Splendor   Birth Prestige   Marriage Prestige   Max Long Reign Opinion Max level for guest Congenital traits Required renown
  Base Origins 0 -100 +5 1 0
  Obscure +100 0 +10 1 0
  Insignificant +200 +100 +15 1 700
  Noteworthy +300 +200 +20 2 1000
  Reputable +400 +300 +25 2 2000
  Well-known +500 +400 +30 2 3000
  Significant +600 +500 +35 2 4000
  Famous +700 +600 +40 3 5000
  Glorious +800 +700 +45 3 6000
  Fabled +900 +800 +50 3 7000
  Legendary +1000 +900 +55 3 8000

Dynasty Legacies

Dynasty Legacies are permanent modifiers and unlocks that can be unlocked by the Dynasty Head and affect every member of a Dynasty. Each Legacy contains five unlocks, each costing a progressively higher amount of   Renown to unlock. If an AI character becomes Dynasty Head it will only unlock Legacies belonging to the tree with the highest current progress.

Tree Legacy 1 effects (1000   Renown) Legacy 2 effects (2000   Renown) Legacy 3 effects (3000   Renown) Legacy 4 effects (4000   Renown) Legacy 5 effects (5000   Renown)
  • +2 Prowess
  • +15 Knight Effectiveness
-20% Casus Belli Cost +10% Monthly Martial Experience +5 Advantage +1 Max number of Men-at-Arms Regiments
Can recruit House Guard Men-at-Arms
+5 Popular Opinion +0.2 Monthly Control Growth +10% Monthly Stewardship Experience +5 Powerful Vassal Opinion +1 Domain Limit
+20% Dread Gain +10 Hostile Scheme Success Chance +10% Monthly Intrigue Experience -0.05 Monthly Tyranny 77% chance to prevent one Murder of each Dynasty member
+30% Chance to inherit good congenital traits
+30% Chance of new good congenital traits
+30% Chance to reinforce congenital traits -30% Chance to inherit bad congenital traits
-30% Chance of new bad congenital traits
Select a congenital trait to become more common to all Dynasty children:
  Comely,   Quick,   Hale,   Fecund,
  Albino,   Giant,   Dwarf,   Scaly
The trait has a 5% chance (10% if a player character is a parent) of appearing at birth
Applies to all children of the dynasty who have at least one parent from the dynasty
+5 Years Life Expectancy
+10 Courtier and Guest Opinion
Better Guests are attracted
+10% Monthly piety +10% Monthly Learning Experience +3 Same Faith Opinion +10% Effectiveness of Councilor Tasks
+30 Marriage Acceptance +10% Monthly Prestige +10% Monthly Diplomacy Experience -20% Short Reign Duration +10 General Opinion
+10% Fertility +2-3 Education Score +10 Spouse Opinion
Fewer pregnancy complications
+5 Dynasty Opinion
+30% Personal Scheme Success on Dynasty members
+1 Random skill point every 5[4] years, starting at age 30[5]
Prowess doesn't decrease with age
Dynasty members age at a slower rate



  1. game\common\defines\00_defines.txt, NCharacterOpinion
  2. game\common\defines\00_defines.txt, PIETY_LOSS_PER_MISSING_SPOUSE = 0.5, DESIRED_SPOUSES_PER_TIER = { 1 1 1 2 3 4 }
  3. game\common\scripted_modifiers\00_marriage_scripted_modifiers.txt, marriage_ai_accept_modifier
  4. common\on_action\birthday.txt, common\script_values\00_dynasty_values.txt, kin_legacy_5_every_x_year
  5. common\on_action\birthday.txt, common\script_values\00_dynasty_values.txt, kin_legacy_5_start_age