
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
14行目: 14行目:
|- id="Found a New Kingdom"
|- id="Found a New Kingdom"
| 新たな王国の創設<br>{{collapse|1=''私は新しい王国の称号の下に王国を統一し、永遠に我が王朝のものとするだろう。''}}
| 新たな王国の創設する<br>{{collapse|1=''私は新しい王国の称号の下に王国を統一し、永遠に我が王朝のものとするだろう。''}}
* {{icon|kingdom}} 王国の称号を作成する
* {{icon|kingdom}} 王国の称号が作成される
* {{icon|de jure}} 作成した称号の慣習上の一部になるような公爵領称号をすべて保持する
* {{icon|de jure}} 保持されているすべての公爵領称号が作成された称号の慣習的領土の一部となる
| {{icon|gold}} 300ゴールド<br>{{icon|prestige}} 500の威信(Prestige)<br>{{icon|piety}} 200の信仰点(Piety)
| {{icon|gold}} 300ゴールド<br>{{icon|prestige}} 500の威信(Prestige)<br>{{icon|piety}} 200の信仰点(Piety)
24行目: 24行目:
* {{icon|yes}} 平和状態にある
* {{icon|yes}} 平和状態にある
* {{icon|yes}} 称号階位が公爵である
* {{icon|yes}} 称号階位が公爵である
* {{icon|yes}} 領国(Realm)サイズが30、もしくは最低でも3つの公爵称号
* {{icon|yes}} 領国(Realm)サイズが30、もしくは最低でも3つの公爵領称号
* {{icon|illustrious}} 名声レベル(Level of Fame)が最低でも屈指の大成者(Illustrious)
* {{icon|illustrious}} 名声レベル(Level of Fame)が最低でも屈指の大成者(Illustrious)
* [[File:Rules.png|24px]] カスタム王国(Custom Kingdoms)がゲームルールで有効になっている
* [[File:Rules.png|24px]] カスタム王国(Custom Kingdoms)がゲームルールで有効になっている
|- id="Found a New Empire"
|- id="Found a New Empire"
| 新たな帝国を創設する<br>{{collapse|1=''I will create an Empire to outshine all others, and to outlast history itself.''}}
| 新たな帝国を創設する<br>{{collapse|1=''他のすべてのものより輝き、歴史そのものよりも長く続く帝国を私は創造する。''}}
* {{icon|empire}} Creates an empire title
* {{icon|empire}} 帝国の称号が作成される
* {{icon|de jure}} All held kingdom titles become de jure part of the created title
* {{icon|de jure}} 保持されているすべての王国称号が作成された称号の慣習的領土の一部となる
| {{icon|gold}} 1200 Gold<br>{{icon|prestige}} 2000 Prestige<br>{{icon|piety}} 600 Piety
| {{icon|gold}} 1200ゴールド<br>{{icon|prestige}} 2000の威信<br>{{icon|piety}} 600の信仰点
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成人している
* {{icon|yes}} Independent
* {{icon|yes}} 独立している
* {{icon|yes}} At peace
* {{icon|yes}} 平和状態にある
* {{icon|yes}} Title rank is king
* {{icon|yes}} 称号階位が王である
* {{icon|yes}} 120 Realm size or at least 3 kingdom titles and 80 realm size
* {{icon|yes}} 領国サイズが120もしくは最低でも3つの王国称号と80の領国サイズ
* {{icon|exalted among men}} Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
* {{icon|exalted among men}} 名声レベルが最低でも雲上人(Exalted among Men)
* [[File:Rules.png|24px]] Custom Kingdoms are enabled in game rules
* [[File:Rules.png|24px]] カスタム王国がゲームルールで有効になっている
|- id="Adopt Special Succession Type"
|- id="Adopt Special Succession Type"
| Adopt Special Succession Type<br>{{collapse|1=''Partition succession makes us weak and divided. Perhaps the realm's magnates would accept a historical alternative...''}}
| 特別な継承法を導入する<br>{{collapse|1=''分割相続制は我々を弱体化させ、分裂させる。領国の有力者たちは歴史的な代替案を受け入れるだろうか…''}}
* {{icon|law}} Changes the title succession of the primary title to the one specific to the character's culture
* {{icon|law}} 主要称号の継承法がキャラクターの文化特有のものに変更される
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+30}} Opinion with vassals of the same culture for 30 years
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+30}} 30年の間、同じ文化の封臣たちの評価が上がる
| {{icon|prestige}} 300 Prestige
| {{icon|prestige}} 300の威信
* {{icon|yes}} Title rank is king or emperor
* {{icon|yes}} 称号階位が国王または皇帝
* {{icon|culture}} Goidelic or North Germanic culture group or Anglo-Saxon culture
* {{icon|culture}} ゴイデル(Goidelic)または北ゲルマン(North Germanic)文化グループ。もしくはアングロサクソン(Anglo-Saxon)文化
* {{icon|no}} Year is 1100 or above
* {{icon|no}} 西暦1100年以上
|- id="Challenge the Ruler"
|- id="Challenge the Ruler"
| Challenge the Ruler<br>{{collapse|1=''The ruler carries the title as if it is unquestionable theirs; as if it is not skill and strength alone that should decide our leader.<br>I, [name], question their right to the title, to all of [title], and I will be silent no longer!''}}
| 支配者に挑戦する<br>{{collapse|1=''支配者は問題の称号を己の疑いのないものであるかのように扱っている。我々の指導者が誰かを決定するのは能力や強さだけではないと言わんばかりだ。私、[名前]は彼の称号及びすべての[称号]への権利に対して疑問を抱いており、私はもう黙っていることはしないだろう!''}}
* If victorious take the claimed title and lose {{red|−50}} {{iconify|Opinion}} with the former liege for 12 years
* 勝利した場合は「請求された称号(claimed title)」を取得、12年間の間、前支配者からの{{iconify|Opinion||||評価}}{{red|−50}}
* If defeated lose {{red|−30}} {{iconify|Opinion}} with the former liege for 12 years and a Level of Fame
* 敗北した場合は、12年間の間、前支配者からの{{iconify|Opinion||||評価}}{{red|−30}}、名声レベルを失う
* Defeated character gets the {{icon|wounded}} Wounded trait
* 敗北したキャラクターは{{icon|wounded}} 負傷(Wounded)の特性を得る
** If they already have the {{icon|wounded}} Wounded trait, they get the {{icon|severely injured}} Severely Injured trait
** もしすでに{{icon|wounded}} 負傷(Wounded)の特性があれば、{{icon|severely injured}} 重傷(Severely Injured)の特性を得る
** If they already have the {{icon|severely injured}} Severely Injured trait, they get the {{icon|Brutally Mauled}} Brutally Mauled trait
** もしすでに{{icon|severely injured}} 重傷の特性があれば、{{icon|Brutally Mauled}} 致命傷(Brutally Mauled)の特性を得る
** If they already have the {{icon|Brutally Mauled}} Brutally Mauled trait, they are killed
** もしすでに{{icon|Brutally Mauled}} 致命傷の特性があれば、その者は死ぬ
| None
| なし
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成人している
* {{icon|yes}} Tribal government
* {{icon|yes}} 部族政府(Tribal government)
* {{icon|vassal}} Vassal
* {{icon|vassal}} 封臣である
* [[File:Default cb.png|24px]] Claim on the Liege's title
* [[File:Default cb.png|24px]] 主君の称号を請求している
* [[File:Doctrine gender equal.png|24px]] Characters have the same gender or faith has the Equal doctrine
* [[File:Doctrine gender equal.png|24px]] キャラクターは同じ性別もしくは宗派(Faith)が「平等(Equal)」の教義(doctrine)を有する
* {{icon|yes}} Liege is adult
* {{icon|yes}} 主君が成人している
* {{icon|warning}} Can only be tried once every 10 years
* {{icon|warning}} 10年毎に1度しか挑戦できない
|- id="Create Cadet Branch"
|- id="Create Cadet Branch"
| Create Cadet Branch<br>{{collapse|1=''It may be time for my family to abandon the legacy of the House [house] and carve its own path in history, with me as the head of this new branch of our great dynasty.''}}
| 分家の創設<br>{{collapse|1=''我々の一族は[]の遺産を放棄し、私を偉大な王朝のこの新しい家系の長として、歴史の中で独自の道を切り開く時が来たのかもしれぬ。''}}
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+350}} Prestige
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+350}} 威信
* {{icon|yes}} Creates a Cadet Branch of the current House
* {{icon|yes}} 現在の家(House)の分家(Cadet Branch)を作成する
| None
| なし
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成人している
* {{icon|no}} Tribal government
* {{icon|no}} 部族政府
* {{icon|no}} House head
* {{icon|no}} 家長(House head)
* {{icon|no}} Third or closer in succession for one of the house head's titles
* {{icon|no}} 家長の称号の1つに対して継承順位が3番目以降
* {{icon|no}} Court chaplain if faith has the Theocratic doctrine
* {{icon|no}} 宗派が「神権制(Theocratic)」の教義を有している状態での宮廷司祭(Court chaplain)
* {{icon|no}} {{icon|bastard}} Bastard trait
* {{icon|no}} {{icon|bastard}} 私生児(Bastard)の特性
|- id="Consecrate Bloodline"
|- id="Consecrate Bloodline"
| Consecrate Bloodline<br>{{collapse|1=''By showing sufficient devotion and gathering the favor of the clergy, I can ensure that my dynasty is forever enshrined as a holy bloodline under divine protection.''}}
| 血統の聖別<br>{{collapse|1=''十分な献身を示し、聖職者たちの支持を得ることで、我々の王朝は神聖なる血統として神の加護の下に永遠に祀られるだろう。''}}
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+500}} Renown
* {{icon|renown}} {{green|+500}} 名誉(Renown)
* {{icon|fervor}} {{green|+25%}} Fervor
* {{icon|fervor}} {{green|+25%}} 情熱(Fervor)
* {{icon|Paragon}} Gain the Paragon trait if not Head of Faith
* {{icon|Paragon}} 宗教指導者(Head of Faith)でない場合、規範(Paragon)の特性を取得
* {{icon|Savior}} Gain the The Savior trait if Head of Faith
* {{icon|Savior}} 宗教指導者の場合、救世主(Savior)の特性を取得
| {{icon|piety}} 2500 Piety
| {{icon|piety}} 2500の信仰点
* {{icon|yes}} At least 3 titles above County
* {{icon|yes}} 最低でも伯爵領以上の称号が3つ
* {{icon|yes}} Faith is Organized
* {{icon|yes}} 宗派が組織化されている(Organized)
* {{icon|yes}} Control a holy site
* {{icon|yes}} 聖地(holy site)を支配している
* {{icon|religious icon}} Religious Icon Level of Devotion
* {{icon|religious icon}} 献身レベル(Level of Devotion)が宗教的イコン(Religious Icon)
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+75}} Opinion with head of faith if one exists
* {{icon|opinion}} それが存在すれば、宗教指導者の評価が{{green|+75}}
* {{icon|warning}} Can only be done once per faith
* {{icon|warning}} 1つの宗派につき1回しかできない
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{red|+100}} Stress if character has the {{icon|content}} Content trait
* {{icon|stress gain}} キャラクターが{{icon|content}} 満足(Content)の特性を持っていれば、ストレスが{{red|+100}}
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{red|+100}} Stress if character has the {{icon|humble}} Humble trait
* {{icon|stress gain}} キャラクターが{{icon|humble}} 謙虚(Humble)の特性を持っていれば、ストレスが{{red|+100}}
|- id="Found Witch Coven"
|- id="Found Witch Coven"

2021年1月26日 (火) 22:55時点における版

ディシジョン(Decisions)とは、伯爵以上の所領有りのキャラクターがとることのできるユニークな行動です。キャラクターに 無能力者の特性がある場合、ほとんどのディシジョンは使用できません。キャラクターが仕様要件の1つ以上を満たさない限り、ディシジョンは表示されません。


大ディシジョン(Major decisions)[1]は世界に永続的な痕跡を残し、そのディシジョンによって影響を受けるすべての支配者に対して通知がされます。


ディシジョン 効果 コスト 要求事項


  • 王国の称号が作成される
  • 保持されているすべての公爵領称号が作成された称号の慣習的領土の一部となる
  • Yes 成人している
  • Yes 独立している
  • Yes 平和状態にある
  • Yes 称号階位が公爵である
  • Yes 領国(Realm)サイズが30、もしくは最低でも3つの公爵領称号
  • 名声レベル(Level of Fame)が最低でも屈指の大成者(Illustrious)
  • Rules.png カスタム王国(Custom Kingdoms)がゲームルールで有効になっている


  • 帝国の称号が作成される
  • 保持されているすべての王国称号が作成された称号の慣習的領土の一部となる
  • Yes 成人している
  • Yes 独立している
  • Yes 平和状態にある
  • Yes 称号階位が王である
  • Yes 領国サイズが120もしくは最低でも3つの王国称号と80の領国サイズ
  • 名声レベルが最低でも雲上人(Exalted among Men)
  • Rules.png カスタム王国がゲームルールで有効になっている


  • 主要称号の継承法がキャラクターの文化特有のものに変更される
  • +30 30年の間、同じ文化の封臣たちの評価が上がる
  • Yes 称号階位が国王または皇帝
  • ゴイデル(Goidelic)または北ゲルマン(North Germanic)文化グループ。もしくはアングロサクソン(Anglo-Saxon)文化
  • No 西暦1100年以上


  • 勝利した場合は「請求された称号(claimed title)」を取得、12年間の間、前支配者からの 評価が−50
  • 敗北した場合は、12年間の間、前支配者からの 評価が−30、名声レベルを失う
  • 敗北したキャラクターは 負傷(Wounded)の特性を得る
    • もしすでに 負傷(Wounded)の特性があれば、 重傷(Severely Injured)の特性を得る
    • もしすでに 重傷の特性があれば、 致命傷(Brutally Mauled)の特性を得る
    • もしすでに 致命傷の特性があれば、その者は死ぬ
  • Yes 成人している
  • Yes 部族政府(Tribal government)
  • 封臣である
  • Default cb.png 主君の称号を請求している
  • Doctrine gender equal.png キャラクターは同じ性別もしくは宗派(Faith)が「平等(Equal)」の教義(doctrine)を有する
  • Yes 主君が成人している
  • 10年毎に1度しか挑戦できない


  • +350 威信
  • Yes 現在の家(House)の分家(Cadet Branch)を作成する
  • Yes 成人している
  • No 部族政府
  • No 家長(House head)
  • No 家長の称号の1つに対して継承順位が3番目以降
  • No 宗派が「神権制(Theocratic)」の教義を有している状態での宮廷司祭(Court chaplain)
  • No 私生児(Bastard)の特性


  • +500 名誉(Renown)
  • +25% 情熱(Fervor)
  • 宗教指導者(Head of Faith)でない場合、規範(Paragon)の特性を取得
  • 宗教指導者の場合、救世主(Savior)の特性を取得
  • Yes 最低でも伯爵領以上の称号が3つ
  • Yes 宗派が組織化されている(Organized)
  • Yes 聖地(holy site)を支配している
  • 献身レベル(Level of Devotion)が宗教的イコン(Religious Icon)
  • それが存在すれば、宗教指導者の評価が+75
  • 1つの宗派につき1回しかできない
  • キャラクターが 満足(Content)の特性を持っていれば、ストレスが+100
  • キャラクターが 謙虚(Humble)の特性を持っていれば、ストレスが+100
Found Witch Coven

Our proud house is united by blood, but the truth divides us. I long for the day when we will no longer live in fear, but be completely open with each other. Our sons and daughter will be raised to embrace their powers and the will of [witch god]. May we serve them well!

  • House gains the Witch Coven permanent modifier, which grants each house member:
    • +10% 生殖力
    • +0.5 健康
    • +10 敵対的な計画力
    • +10 敵対的な計画への抵抗
  • All children educated by a character with the Witch trait gain it
  • All characters with the Witch trait are more successful when converting others to witchcraft
  • Yes House Head
  • Witch trait or secret
  • Player Heir has the Witch trait or secret known by you
  • At least 60% of House members, but no fewer than 4 for smaller Houses, have the Witch trait or secret known by you
Adopt Feudal Ways through Liege

As my realm grows, so does the challenge to control it. My liege already follows the feudal system; I could ask their help in restructuring my realm along similar lines.

  • Yes Government becomes Feudal
  • Yes Government of Tribal vassals becomes Feudal
  • Holding castle.png All tribal holdings become castle holdings
150 Prestige
  • Yes Tribal government
  • Yes Faith is Organized
  • Yes Liege with Feudal government
  • No  Disparate Tribes Authority law
Adopt Clan Ways through Liege

'As my realm grows, so does the challenge to control it. My liege already follows the feudal system; I could ask their help in restructuring my realm along similar lines.

  • Yes Government becomes Clan
  • Yes Government of Tribal vassals becomes Clan
  • Holding castle.png All tribal holdings become castle holdings
150 Prestige
  • Yes Tribal government
  • Yes Faith is Organized
  • Yes Liege with Clan government
  • No  Disparate Tribes Authority law
Adopt Feudal Ways

For [title] to keep expanding and developing we must leave the old ways behind and adopt a new method of governance, together.

  • Yes Government becomes Feudal
  • Yes Government of Tribal vassals becomes Feudal
  • Holding castle.png All tribal holdings become castle holdings
  • Buildings constructed in tribal holdings will now become feudal buildings when you adopt feudalism. Which buildings the old ones convert to is random, but the total level of the old buildings will be identical. (For example, an upgraded palisade could become a level two watch tower, or a level one hunting ground and a level one pastoral lands, but there will always be two levels of building.) Upgrading the tribal hold itself is equivalent to one level of building, but if all the tribal buildings are fully upgraded, then it doesn't give anything. Starting with 1.2 update, this also applies to all of your vassals.
200 Prestige
  • Yes Tribal government
  • Yes Faith is Organized
  • All Tribal Era innovations
  • 5 or more Development in the realm capital
  •  Absolute Tribal Authority law
  • Level of Fame is at least Distinguished
  • No Liege with Feudal or Clan government
  • No Islam religion
Adopt Clan Ways

For [title] to keep expanding and developing we must leave the old ways behind and adopt a new method of governance, together.

  • Yes Government becomes Clan
  • Yes Government of Tribal vassals becomes Clan
  • Holding castle.png All tribal holdings become castle holdings
200 Prestige
  • Yes Tribal government
  • Yes Faith is Organized
  • All Tribal Era innovations
  • 5 or more Development in the realm capital
  •  Absolute Tribal Authority law
  • Level of Fame is at least Distinguished
  • No Liege with Feudal or Clan government
  • Yes Islam religion
Found Holy Order

There can never be too many warriors dedicated to defending the true faith. I will honor [war god] by giving those who would serve a home and arms!

  • Yes Become the Patron of a newly created Holy Order
500 Gold
1000 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Yes At least one Castle or City holding except the realm capital
  • At least 60 Opinion with the head of faith if one exists
  • Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant
  • No Patron of a holy order
Take Stewardship of the Sacred River

With control over all the lands along the Ganges' flow, I have some authority over which rulers are allowed access to the sacred waters and its rituals. It is time to have the priest formalize this authority as the protector of holiness itself

    • +1 外交
    • +1 学識
    • Icon piety eastern 01.png +5 月間の信仰点
    • +10 同じ宗派の神権制の支配者の評価
  • If another character has the Steward of the Sacred River modifier it is removed and gain −40  Opinion with them
  • Yes Gain the Lord of the Ganges nickname
350 Piety
Scaled Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Title rank is at least duke
  • Yes Control the region of Ganges Plain
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Ganges Plain
  • Religion shaivism.png Hinduism religion
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • Icon piety eastern 01.png Level of Devotion is at least Dutiful
Found University

Learned scholars have been congregating within my realm as of late. Many are sought after as teachers, but to pool — and pass on — their knowledge, they need somewhere to gather.

  • Building university.png Creates a University building on a historical site
  • Yes Gain the Scholar nickname
150 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
  • At least 40 Development in a historical university site

Reclaim Constantinople

Constantinople is the capital of the Eastern Empire and as such she rightfully belongs to me.

  • Realm capital.png Barony of Constantinople becomes realm capital
  • Yes Adult
  • Own the Byzantine Empire title
  • Own or is liege of County of Constantinople
Reclaim Rome

Rome is the ancestral capital of the Roman Empire and as such she rightfully belongs to me.

  • Realm capital.png Barony of Rome becomes realm capital
  • Yes Adult
  • Own the Roman Empire title
  • Own or is liege of County of Rome
Repay Loan

To have a debt hanging over me is unbecoming of a [title] – the time has come to repay the money I owe.

  • Yes Removes all negative effects associated with holy order loans
Scaled Gold
  • Borrow Gold from Holy Order decision
Escape from Prison

The same walls, the same routine, the same gruel for food – every day is just like the last. This prison is eating away at me, and I will stand it no longer!

  • 50% chance to escape prison
  • 50% chance to gain −20  Opinion with the jailer and Moderate Health Penalty for 5 years
    • Chance is increased to 66% if the character has the Craven, Delicate or Weak traits
    • Chance is increased to 75% if the character has the Frail or Feeble trait
  • Yes At least 10 years old
  • Imprisoned
  • Can only be tried once every 5 years

Unique decisions

The following major decisions can only be taken once per game, regardless of character.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements
Avenge the Battle of Tours

In 732, the Umayyad forces were defeated by the Franks on the road to Tours. Had things gone differently, all of Europe would be under Muslim rule today.
I will avenge our fallen martyrs and make their dream a reality.

  • +750 Prestige
  • +500 Piety
  • +25% Fervor
  • −25% Catholicism faith fervor
  • 33% chance for each vassal or county in Western Europe to convert to the character's faith
  • Yes Gain the Avenger nickname
  • Yes Gain Avenger of the Martyrs modifier
  • Icon piety islam 01.png Islam religion
  • Yes Control the regions of Iberia and Southern Francia
  • Yes Realm capital is in one of the regions of Francia, Iberia, or Northwest Africa
Become the Saoshyant

By driving out the Muslims and restoring Zoroastrian rule over the entirety of the Persian Empire, a pious ruler may be recognized to be Zoroaster's prophesied Saoshyant — the chosen savior of the world.

  • +15% Fervor
  • Gain the Saoshyant trait
  • Descendants gain the Saoshyant Descendant trait
  • 35% chance for each courtier to convert to the character's faith
  • Dynasty gains the Saoshyant Resurgent modifier for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • +15% Monthly Prestige
    • +15% Monthly Piety
    • +25 Same Faith Opinion
  • Yes Gain the Saoshyant nickname
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Own the Persian Empire title and all its de jure territory
  • Religion urartuism.png Zoroastrianism religion
  • Icon piety eastern 04.png Level of Devotion is at least Paragon of Virtue
Build a Glass Monument

I dreamed of a building all made of glass, where the sun warms like a summer's day even in the deepest of winters, and plants can grow year round!

  • Building generic house.png Creates a Glass Monument building in the realm capital
  • Yes Gain the Man of Glass nickname
150 Prestige
Scaled Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Lunatic trait event
  • Level of Fame is at least Distinguished
Dismantle German Pretenders

Retaking the Italian Peninsula and the Gallic border will allow us to be in a position strong enough to challenge the German pretenders who are wrongfully claiming Imperial dignity.

  • Default cb.png Start a war against the Holy Roman Empire to conquer it
10000 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Own the Byzantine Empire or Roman Empire title
  • Yes Another character owns the Holy Roman Empire title
  • Yes Control the region of Italia
  • Yes Control Brabant, Jülich, Luxembourg, Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine
  • The Living Legend Level of Fame
  • Greek, Italian or Roman culture
Dismantle Greek Pretenders

Controlling the Italian Peninsula and gaining a foothold in Greece will allow us to be in a position strong enough to challenge the decaying Empire of the Greeks still clinging to a waning shred of Imperial dignity.

  • Default cb.png Start a war against the Byzantine Empire to conquer it
10000 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Own the Holy Roman Empire title
  • Yes Another character owns the Byzantine Empire title
  • Yes Control the region of Italia
  • Yes Control Achaia, Athens, Cephalonia, Dyrrachion and Epirus
  • The Living Legend Level of Fame
  • One of the following cultures:
    • Any culture in the Central Germanic group
    • Frankish, French or Italian
Dynasty of Many Crowns

One day, our dynasty will rule realms across the world. Through marriage and conquest, the [dynasty] name will be known to all.

  • +1000 Renown
  • Dynasty gains the Dynasty of Many Crowns permanent modifier, giving:
    • +2 Stewardship
    • +20% Monthly Prestige
    • +10% Levy Size
    • +5 Direct Vassal Opinion
  • Yes 10 Dynasty members are independent kings or emperors
Empower Sicilian Parliament[2]

By balancing the representative of Nobility, Clergy and Burghers with the old Roman infrastructure, a new advisory body could be organized, for the benefit of both monarch and subjects.

  • Building generic house.png Realm Capital gains a new building slot to construct the Parliament building
  • Gain the next level of Crown Authority Law
  • De jure counties in the realm capital duchy gain the Parliamentary Bureaucracy modifier for 150 years, giving:
    • −5% Building Construction Time
    • −5% Building Construction Gold Cost
    • +10% Monthly Development
1500 Gold
3000 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Feudal government
  • At least 10 Learning
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • Central Germanic, Iberian or Latin culture group
  • Own the Kingdom of Naples, Kingdom of Sicily or Kingdom of Trinacria title
  • Yes Control Duchy of Capua or Duchy of Sicily
  • Yes Realm capital is in the Duchy of Capua or Duchy of Sicily
  • No  Autonomous Vassals Law
Inspire Opus Francigenum

A new age of art and discovery awaits us to drag [title] out of these dark times and make our homeland the pulsating heart of European culture.

  • Gain the next level of Crown Authority Law
  • Capitals of the required duchies gain the Flourishing Culture modifier for 150 years, giving the following effects:
    • −10% Building Construction Time
    • −10% Building Construction Gold Cost
    • −10% Building Construction Prestige Cost
    • +10% Monthly Development
3000 Prestige
500 Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Feudal government
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • At least 10 Learning
  • Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
  • Knighthood, Royal Prerogative and Windmills innovations
  • Yes Own the Empire of Francia, Kingdom of France or Kingdom of Burgundy title
  • Yes Control one of the following:
    • Yes Duchy of Orleans and Duchy of Valois
    • Yes Duchy of Provence and Duchy of Toulouse
  • Frankish or Latin culture group
  • No Italian culture
  • No  Autonomous Vassals Law
Mend the Great Schism

The Great Schism saw the Christian Church divided into two branches, but if all five of the Episcopal Sees of the Pentarchy could be restored under the rule of a single Empire under the enlightened leadership of a saintly ruler, there may be a chance to finally reunite Christendom.

  • +25% Fervor
  • −25% Fervor for all other Christian faiths
  • 80% chance for each character of a different Christian faith that used to have the Ecumenism doctrine to convert to the character's faith (main christian faiths)
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Your faith gains Ecumenism if it did not already have it.
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png All other Christian faiths lose the Ecumenism doctrine
    • All characters with the Cynical trait will convert and all characters with the Zealous trait will refuse
  • Yes Gain the Ecumenist nickname
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is emperor
  • Christian religion
  • Icon piety christian 05.png Religious Icon Level of Devotion
  • Yes Control Alexandria, Antiocheia, Constantinople, Jerusalem and Roma
  • Yes Holders of Alexandria, Antiocheia, Constantinople, Jerusalem and Roma are same faith
Prepare to Cross the Carpathians

Competing tribes on the steppe, especially the marauding Pecheneg warbands that litter our territory, are making life increasingly difficult. Across the Carpathians, however, lie the fertile, wooded valleys and rolling plains of weak Pannonia...

  • Default cb.png Gain the Migrate to Pannonia casus belli
1000 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Tribal government
  • Yes Year is 911 or earlier
  • Mogyër culture
  • Liege is not Mogyër if not independent
  • No Owns 12 or more county titles de jure in Kingdom of Pannonia
  • No Title rank is emperor
  • NoRules.png Immediate Hungarian Migration game rule
Promote Christian Settlements

By opening the [title] to traders and settlers from nearby Christian realms, I will be able to speed the development of my country and strengthen our bond with the Universal Church.

  • Every Magyar county de jure part of Kingdom on Hungary changes culture to Hungarian
  • Every Magyar county de jure part of Kingdom on Hungary gains 1 development if below 5
  • Every Magyar county de jure part of Kingdom on Hungary may convert to a Christian faith
  • Every Magyar county de jure part of Kingdom on Hungary gains the Christian Settlers modifier for 100 years:
    • +10% Monthly Development
    • −10% Building Construction Time
    • −10 Popular Opinion
2000 Prestige
500 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Magyar culture group
  • Realm capital has a Magyar culture
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Faith has the Ecumenism doctrine
  • At least 2 neighbor independent rulers are Christian
  • Yes Owns Kingdom of Hungary or Empire of Carpathia
  • No Revive Táltosism
  • No Starting Year is 1066
Revive Táltosism

Christianity might have its advantages, but it has caused no end of grief and unrest amongst our subjects. Perhaps it is time to rekindle our connection with the ancient rites...

  • Convert to Táltosism
  • Close family and vassals may convert
  • Yes Gain the Apostate nickname
  • Counties of the same culture group may convert and gain the Magyar Sympathy modifier for 25 years, giving the following effects:
    • +25 Popular Opinion
  • Choice to gain one Level of Devotion or swap one of the following Táltosism tenets:
    • Astrology for Christian Syncretism
    • Ancestor Worship for Human Sacrifice
    • Auspicious Birthright for Adaptive
2000 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Feudal government
  • Magyar culture group
  • Realm capital has a Magyar culture
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  •  Absolute Crown Authority
  • Early Medieval era
  • Theologian trait
  • Yes Owns Kingdom of Hungary or a vassal does
  • No Icon piety pagan 01.png Pagan religion
  • No Promote Christian Settlements decision
Reclaim Britannia

These lands were once ruled by Celts, and the significance and influence of the culture is once again spreading throughout the lands. As more men and women embrace the Celtic tongue and culture, it is only right to make it official!

  • All counties in the region of Britannia gain the Reclaimed Britannia modifier for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • +75% Promote Celtic Culture Speed
  • Yes Gain the Pendragon nickname if not of the Goidelic culture group
  • Yes Gain the Tuatha Dé Danann nickname if of the Goidelic culture group
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Brythonic or Goidelic culture group
  • All powerful vassals belong to Brythonic or Goidelic
  • Yes Control the region of Britannia
Request Claim on Ireland

If the Holy See sanctions a campaign against the barbarous tribes of Ireland, all of the British Isles could become ours to rule.

  • Default cb.png Gain the Laudably Conquer County casus belli for 100 years
1000 Gold
2000 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Feudal government
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Frankish, North Germanic or West Germanic culture group
  • Catholicism faith
  • Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant
  • +80 Opinion with the pope
  • Yes Control Deira, Essex, Lancester and Mercia
  • No Control the region of Ireland
Restore Carolingian Borders

The dream of Charlemagne of a united Europe was unraveled by his sons and the pettiness of German Princes, yet it can still come true if the Franks unite under this single purpose.

  • +350 Prestige
  • Gain the Primogeniture Law
  • Culture gains the Heraldry, Knighthood, and Royal Prerogative innovations if it did not already have them
  • −100 Opinion with the owner of the Holy Roman Empire title
  • Owner of the Holy Roman Empire spends -350 Prestige
  • Destroy the Holy Roman Empire title
  • Yes Gain the Great nickname
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Own the Empire of Francia title
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Western Europe
  • Yes The Holy Roman Empire title is owned by another character
  • Yes Control the western half of Europe
  • French culture
  • Christian religion
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
Restore the Ash'ari Caliphate

If a righteous ruler reclaims the holy cities from the clutches of the infidels, the Caliphate could be restored and unite the true worshipers of Allah under a single cause.

  • +250 Piety
  • +15% Fervor
  • Yes Gain the Sunni Caliphate title
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Yes Control the County of Mecca
  • Yes Control Hashimid, Oultrejourdain, Palestine and Shammar
  • Ash'arism faith
  • 3000 Piety
  • Form the Outremer Empire decision
Strengthen Bloodline

Vigor, beauty and intellect are all proof of a bloodline's strength. A dynasty thus blessed will pass these gifts on from generation to generation.

  • Dynasty gains the Strong Blood permanent modifier
  • Yes Dynasty Head
  • No Negative congenital traits
  • Yes One of the following traits
    •  Beautiful
    •  Genius
    •  Herculean
  • Yes One positive manifestation of each of the congential traits above
Defenders of High God (Ukko / Rod / Dievas)

Foreign forces are skirting our territories like a pack of hungry wolves. If the ways of old are to survive, I must win the respect of the clans. Together we will raise a glorious war hall in (Perun's / Perkele's / Perkūnas') honor.

  • Building hall of heroes.png Creates a Hall of Heroes on a ( Slovianskan / (unrecognized string “suomenusko” for Template:Icon) Suomenusko /  Vidilist) Holy Site you hold
  • Yes Gain +1 building slot on Holy Site you hold
  • Gain Defender Of The Faith
  • Gain trait Holy warrior
  • +25% Fervor
  • Yes Any Holy Site ( Slovianskan / (unrecognized string “suomenusko” for Template:Icon) Suomenusko /  Vidilist)
    • Is held by you.
  • Yes Your level of devotion is Devoted servant (3) or above
  • Yes At least 3/4/5 of your Vassals (Count or Duke/King/Emperor)
    • Is a Powerful Vassal
    • Has at least 60 opinion of you
Unite Africa

The peoples of Africa are proud, brave and strong. Yet, so many are misled and worship false gods. The time has come to unite them all under [god].

  • +750 Prestige
  • +500 Piety
  • +25% Fervor
  • 33% chance for each vassal or county in Africa to convert to the character's faith
  • Yes Gain the Unifier of Africa nickname
  • Yes Control the region of Africa
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Africa
  • Any African culture group

Realm founding decisions

The following unique decisions will result in the creation of a powerful new realm.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements
Become Chakravarti

With the necessary rituals and ceremonies, I will formalize my divine status as the rightful ruler of the entire world.

  • +750 Prestige
  • +2 Levels of Fame
  • +50% Fervor
  • −50% Holy War Piety Cost
  • Gain the Chakravarti trait
  • Deccan Empire, Empire of Rajastan and The Bengal Empire titles are replaced by Empire of India
  • Gain the Empire of India title
  • Yes Faith gains the Rightful Rulers of the World special doctrine
  • 50% chance for each vassal to convert to the character's faith
500 Piety
Scaled Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Icon piety eastern 05.png Religious Icon Level of Devotion
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of India
  • Yes Control Deccan Empire, Empire of Rajastan and The Bengal Empire
  • Yes One of the following religions
    • Religion lamaism buddhism.png Buddhism
    • Religion shaivism.png Hinduism
    • Religion jainism.png Jainism
Become Greatest of Khans

I am ready to call every clan leader from across my vast realm to a gathering. They will proclaim me the Khan of Khans, lord of all that is under the Sky.
From there, we conquer.

  • Gain the Mongol Empire title
  • Mongol Empire gains High Partition title succession law
  • Gain the Greatest of Khans trait
  • Gain the The Great Khan permanent modifier
  • Default cb.png Gain the Mongol Invasion of Kingdom casus belli
  • Level of Fame becomes The Living Legend if not already
  • Gain 3 armies of 5000 Levies, 2000 Horse Archers, 2000 Light Horsemen, 150 Armored Horsemen, 50 Mangonels, and 1 army of 1400 Horse Archers, 2000 Light Horsemen, 250 Armored Horsemen, and 100 Mangonels, that do not use supply
350 Prestige
Scaled Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Tribal government
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Yes At least 25 realm size
  • Yes Realm capital is in the Steppe region
  • Tengriism faith
  • Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
  • Mongolic culture group
Establish Bactrian Supremacy

For generations, Bactrian kings dominated the crossroad of civilizations. It is time to take up their mantle, and let word spread from caravanserai to oasis that here, under the four corners of the sky, it is we who rule.

  • Gain the Empire of Bactria title
  • County of Balkh gains the Royal Tolls permanent modifier
350 Prestige
Scaled Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Feudal government
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Bactria
  • Yes Control the region of Bactria
  • Afghan culture
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • Yes One of the following religions
    • Religion lamaism buddhism.png Buddhism
    • Religion urartuism.png Zoroastrianism
Form the Outremer Empire

Only once the golden cross shines from Ascalon to Omar and the infidels have been truly cast out of the Holy Land will the sacred mission of the Crusades be achieved.

  • +150 Prestige
  • +100 Piety
  • +15% Fervor
  • −25% Ash'arism faith fervor
  • Gain the Empire of Outremer title
  • Kingdom of Arabia becomes de jure part of Empire of Outremer
  • Kingdom of Jerusalem becomes de jure part of Empire of Outremer
  • Kingdom of Mesopotamia becomes de jure part of Empire of Outremer
  • Kingdom of Syria becomes de jure part of Empire of Outremer
  • Kingdom of Israel becomes de jure part of Empire of Outremer if owned
  • Any other Kingdom Title becomes de jure part of Empire of Outremer if owned
  • Change culture to Outremer
  • County of Jerusalem changes culture to Outremer
  • Culture gains the Men-at-Arms innovation
  • Culture gains the Desert Tactics innovation
  • Culture gains all innovations from the founder's previous culture
  • Culture gains two random innovations from the Levantine culture
  • Culture gains one random innovation from the Bedouin culture
  • Destroy the Sunni Caliphate title
  • 35% chance for each owned county to change faith to Catholicism
  • 35% chance for each Muslim vassal to change faith to Catholicism
  • 50% chance for each vassal in the same culture group to change culture to Outremer
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is king
  • Catholicism faith
  • The Living Legend Level of Fame
  • Yes Control the region of Outremer
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Outremer
  • Yes Crusades are available
  • Not in Byzantine culture group
Form the Sultanate of Rum

By bringing the Roman heartland of Asia Minor under Faith control, we will create a new, better Rome under the guiding light of [god].

  • +150 Prestige
  • Gain the Kingdom of Rum title
  • If vassal become independent and the former liege gains the following:
    • Unpressed claim on the Kingdom of Rum title
    • −100 Opinion for 50 years
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Control the region of Asia Minor
  • Yes Realm capital is in the regions of Asia Minor or Persia
  • Icon piety islam 01.png Islam religion
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • Icon piety islam 03.png Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant
  • Yes One of the following:
    • Yes Independent
    • Icon piety islam 01.png Liege follows Islam religion
  • No Title rank is emperor
  • No Greek culture
Form Portugal

Once I am in control of the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula, I can form the Kingdom of Portugal and establish our own unique culture.

  • +350 Prestige
  • Gain the Kingdom of Portugal title
  • Duchy of Algarve becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Portugal
  • Duchy of Beja becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Portugal
  • Duchy of Coimbra becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Portugal
  • Duchy of Portucale becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Portugal
  • All Iberian culture group characters and counties adopt Portuguese culture
  • Culture gains a random Civic and Military Innovation
  • Yes Gain the Great nickname
300 Gold
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Control Algarve, Beja, Coimbra and Portucale
  • Iberian culture group

Found the Kingdom of Aragon

The Aragón river flows through my realm, creating rich and fertile lands. Such a land deserves to be its own kingdom, so I shall make it one!

  • +350 Prestige
  • Gain the Kingdom of Aragon title
  • Duchy of Aragon becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Aragon
  • Duchy of Barcelona becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Aragon
200 Gold
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Control the Duchy of Aragon and Duchy of Barcelona
  • Yes Title rank is count or duke
Found Kingdom of Bosnia[2]

The mountains and forests of central Bosnia flit ceaselessly between lords from the north and south. Perhaps not for much longer...

  • Gain the Kingdom of Bosnia title
  • Duchy of Bosnia becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Bosnia
  • Duchy of Zachlumia becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Bosnia
300 Gold
200 Prestige
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Control Bosnia and Zachlumia
  • Yes Capital is within Bosnia or Zachlumia
  • Yes Feudal or Clan government
  • Yes Title rank is count or duke
  • Level of Splendor is at least Reputable
  • Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian culture
  • No Tribal era
Restore Israel

It is time for the Children of Israel to found a new United Monarchy built around Jerusalem and the Promised Land, so that Jews may once more live together in peace and harmony.

  • +150 Prestige
  • +100 Piety
  • +25% Fervor
  • Kingdom of Jerusalem title is replaced by Kingdom of Israel
  • Gain the Kingdom of Israel title
  • 33% chance for each owned county to gain the character's faith and culture
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Religion kabarism.png Judaism religion
  • Religion kabarism.png County of Jerusalem shares the character's faith
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant
  • Yes Control Oultrejourdain, Palestine and Urdunn
Restore the Danelaw

As the laws of the Danes once ruled these lands they shall once again!

  • Kingdom of England title is replaced by Kingdom of the Danelaw
  • Gain the Kingdom of the Danelaw title
  • Kingdom of the Danelaw gains Scandinavian Elective title succession law
  • Yes Gain the Dane nickname
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Control Deira, East Anglia, East Seaxe, Lancester and Mercia
  • North Germanic culture group
Restore the Kingdom of Cornwall

The spirit of ancient Dumnonia has burned in our breasts since Brutus first landed on Britannia's misty shores. It will burn brighter yet.

  • Gain the Kingdom of Cornwall title
  • Duchy of Hwicce becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Cornwall if owned
  • Duchy of Wessex becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Cornwall if owned
300 Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Feudal or Clan government
  • Yes Title rank is count or duke
  • Yes Owns Duchy of Cornwall and all its counties
  • Brythonic culture group
  • At least one barony has Brythonic culture group
  • Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
Restore the Holy Roman Empire

The true Empire in the West lies in tatters, the legacy of Charlemagne shattered by cruel fate. It would take a strong and godly ruler to return Germany's imperial dignity.

  • +750 Prestige
  • +500 Fame
  • +30 Opinion with current direct vassals for 30 years
  • Gain the Holy Roman Empire title
  • Holy Roman Empire gains Princely Elective title succession law
  • Unless the Empire of Germania is held, kingdoms that are part of its dejure become dejure part of the HRE
  • Held Kingdom Titles that are completely controlled become de jure part of Holy Roman Empire
  • Destroy the Kingdom of East Francia title
  • Yes Gain the Great nickname
500 Gold
200 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Feudal or Clan government
  • Yes Title rank is king
  • Yes At least 140 realm size
  • Owns the Kingdom of East Francia title
  • Own at least 3 kingdom titles
  • Christian religion
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  •  Spiritual head of faith
  • Yes One of the following
    • +60 Opinion with the head of faith
    • A hook on the head of faith
  • No Owner of the Byzantine Empire title follows the same faith
  • No Excommunicated trait
  • No Empire of Francia exists
Revive Greater Armenia

Greece and Persia are not the only lands ever to maintain imperial dignity. There was a time long ago, before Rome had ever seen an emperor, when our monarch was King of Kings. That time may yet come again.

  • Gain the Empire of Greater Armenia title
  • All held kingdoms in the region of Armenia become de jure part of Empire of Greater Armenia
2000 Prestige
1000 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Feudal or Clan government
  • Yes Title rank is king
  • Yes Control the region of Armenia
  • Yes One of the following
    • Armenian culture
    • Apostolic faith
Form Archduchy of Austria

By gaining enough influence within the Empire, the Austrian Duchy could achieve greater dignity than any other Elector.

  • +350 Prestige
  • Gain the Archduchy of Austria title
  • Gain the Primogeniture Law
  • Duchy of Austria becomes de jure part of Archduchy of Austria
  • Duchy of Carinthia becomes de jure part of Archduchy of Austria if controlled
1000 Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Control the region of Austria
  • Yes Same faith as emperor
  • Yes Same dynasty as emperor, or have a strong hook on emperor
  • Own the Holy Roman Empire title or be a vassal of its owner
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • No Title rank is king
Form the Swiss Confederation

If all the Alpine Cantons are brought together, the Empire will have to recognize their claim as a unified Confederation.

  • +350 Prestige
  • Gain the Kingdom of Switzerland title
  • Duchy of Currezia becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Switzerland
  • Duchy of Transjurania becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Switzerland
  • Duchy of Savoy becomes de jure part of Kingdom of Switzerland if controlled
  • Gain Absolute Crown Authority Law if government is Feudal/Clan
250 Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • No Does not own a Kingdom title
  • Yes Control Duchy of Currezia, and Duchy of Transjurania
  • Liege owns an Empire title
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
  • Central Germanic group, Cisalpine, Frankish, Italian, Lombard or Occitan culture
Unify the Burgundies

Ever since being brought under Frankish heel, the lands of the Burgundians have been fragmented, split by foreign Kings. If all the Burgundies were united under the same banner, they could finally reclaim their place as a sovereign power in Europe.

  • +150 Prestige
  • Gain the Kingdom of Burgundy title
  • Change culture to Occitan if not already
  • Culture discovers the Bailiffs, Burhs and Guilds innovations
  • Become independent
  • Former liege gains an unpressed claim on the Kingdom of Burgundy title
  • −100 Opinion with the former liege gains for 50 years
1000 Gold
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Burgundy
  • Yes Control the region of Burgundy
  • Yes Title rank is count or duke
  • French or Occitan culture
  • Liege owns the Holy Roman Empire, Empire of Francia or Kingdom of France title
  • Level of Fame is at least Illustrious
Unify Italy

If the squabbling city-states and barbarous realms of Italy are brought once again under Imperial rule, the entire peninsula will regain its dignity and power.

  • +350 Prestige
  • Kingdom of Croatia and Kingdom of Sicily become de jure part of Empire of Italia
  • Culture discovers the Guilds, Men-at-Arms, and Pike Columns innovations
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Own the Empire of Italia title
  • Yes Control the regions of Italia and Illyricum
  • Yes Realm Capital is in the region of Italia
  • Italian or Roman culture
  • Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
  • No Restore Carolingian Borders decision
Unite the Slavs

If all of the Slavic peoples unite, there is no one who can stop us. I will bring about the mightiest empire the world has ever known!

  • +750 Prestige
  • Culture gains up to 3 Innovations from other Slavic cultures
  • Gain the Empire of Slavia title
  • All owned Slavic kingdom titles become de jure part of Empire of Slavia
  • Yes Gain the Bogatyr nickname if male
  • Yes Gain the Polyanitsa nickname if female
600 Gold
  • East Slavic, West Slavic or South Slavic culture group except Vlach
  • Yes Control the region of Slavia
Unite the South Slavs

We were one people when we first came to these lands. Over the years we scattered, dividing ourselves into many tribes.
Now we are surrounded by mighty Empires with strange customs. Due to their influence our own way of life is slowly fading. We cannot let this happen — the time has come to unite once more.

  • +750 Prestige
  • Culture gains a random Civic and Military Innovation
  • All owned South Slavic kingdom titles are merged under the primary title
  • South Slavic culture group except Vlach
  • Yes Control Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldavia, Serbia and Wallachia
  • Yes Primary title is Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldavia, Serbia or Wallachia unless emperor
Unite the West Slavs

We were one people when we first came to these lands. Over the years we scattered, dividing ourselves into many tribes. With foreign forces lurking at our doorstep, it is time to stand together once more.

  • +750 Prestige
  • Culture gains a random Civic and Military Innovation
  • All owned West Slavic kingdom titles are merged under the primary title
  • Gain two levels of Crown Authority Law if government is Feudal or Clan
  • West Slavic culture group
  • Yes Control Bohemia, Great Moravia, Poland and Pomerania
  • Yes Primary title is Bohemia, Great Moravia, Poland or Pomerania unless emperor
Unite the Spanish Thrones

The Spanish Thrones will be united once more, and this time under the banner of [title].

  • +750 Prestige
  • All owned Spanish kingdom titles are merged under the primary title
  • Gain the next level of Crown Authority Law if government is Feudal or Clan
  • Iberian culture group
  • Yes Control Castille, Léon and Galicia
  • Yes Primary title is Castille, Léon, Galicia or Portugal unless emperor
  • Yes Year is 1000 or above

Restore the Roman Empire

There are three separate decisions named Restore the Roman Empire, allowing the taker to form the Roman Empire title. They differ in description and requirements; there is a decision for each of these titles:[3]

If a character holds these titles at the same time, the decision for the title that appears first takes precedence (i.e. Byzantine Empire > Holy Roman Empire > Empire of Italia). The new Roman Empire inherits the title history of the decision's respective title.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements
Restore the Roman Empire
(Byzantine Empire)

If Rome and other key territories of the old empire could be reclaimed, the Byzantine Empire would win recognition in the eyes of the West as the true and rightful continuation of the Roman State.


  • Yes If capital is not Byzantion or Roma, move capital to Byzantion (if culture is part of Byzantine group) or Roma (otherwise), usurping the title if needed[4]


  • Own the Byzantine Empire
  • Yes One of the following is true:
    • Has a Christian religion
    • Has a Greco-Roman religion
    • Has Roman culture
Restore the Roman Empire
(Holy Roman Empire)

If enough old provinces of the Empire are reclaimed, the Holy Roman Empire would win recognition in the eyes of the East as the true and rightful continuation of the Roman State.

Decisions Decisions

  • The Roman Empire gains the coat of arms and color of the Holy Roman Empire
  • If Byzantine Emperor is a different character, they gain 35 stress.[5]


  • Own the Holy Roman Empire
  • Does not own the Byzantine Empire
  • Has a Christian religion
Restore the Roman Empire
(Empire of Italia)

Italy is already under Imperial rule once more. The only thing that we have left is to reclaim the historical provinces in order to restore dignity to our new Roman Empire.

Decisions Decisions

  • If restorer is of Greco-Roman religion, the Byzantine and Holy Roman Emperors gain 10 stress if they are  Zealous and Christian.[6]


  • Own the Empire of Italia
  • Owns neither the Byzantine Empire nor the Holy Roman Empire
  • Italy must have been unified
  • One of the following is true:
    • Has Roman culture
    • Has Italian culture and has a Christian religion
    • Has Italian culture and has a Greco-Roman religion

Culture creation decisions

こちらも参照: Culture#Creatable_cultures

The following decisions allow characters to create a new  culture.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements
Embrace English Culture

My vassals, my family, and I have lived side by side with Saxons and Celts, and as our language and customs have mixed with theirs, it is time to embrace the fact that we have become one.

  • +150 Prestige
  • Change culture to English
  • Family Members change culture to English
  • Every owned county de jure in Kingdom of England has a 40% chance to change culture to English
  • English culture gains several Norman and Anglo-Saxon culture innovations
  • Yes Adult
  • Own the Kingdom of England title
  • Yes Realm capital is in Kingdom of England
  • Frankish culture group

Embrace Outremer Culture

The European incursions in the Levant have brought a multitude of strident cultures together. From their clashes, a new Outremer identity is emerging.

  • Change culture to Outremer
  • Courtiers of the same Dynasty change culture to Outremer
  • Realm Capital changes culture to Outremer
  • Domain counties in the region of Middle-East change culture to Outremer
  • Frankish culture group
  • Character or liege follows a Christian faith
  • Form the Outremer Empire decision
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Africa, Middle-East or Persia
  • Yes One of the following:
    • Own the Empire on Outremer title
    • Liege owns the Empire on Outremer title
    • Liege belongs to the Outremer culture
    • Level of Fame is at least Exalted among Men
  • No Roman culture

Establish Norman Culture

Our old traditions do not serve us well in our new home. We should look to the locals and see what we can learn from them.

  • Change culture to Norman
  • Norse and French culture characters in the Northern France region change culture to Norman
  • Culture gains all innovation discovered by the Norse and French cultures
  • Yes Duchy of Neustria is renamed Duchy of Normandy
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Own and fully control the Duchy of Neustria
  • Norse culture
  • At least one county de jure part of Duchy of Neustria has French culture
  • No Norman culture doesn't exist

Religious decisions

These decisions greatly affect at least one faith.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements
Accuse the Krstjani of Heresy

The wild Bosnian highlands have, for years, housed a sect that does not truly belong to East or West, yet both seem content to ignore this growing deviation.\n\nNo longer! We shall have the [religious head] formally declare them heretics, and they will have nowhere to hide!

  • If the head of faith refuses lose −30  Opinion with them and cannot take the decision for 30 years
  • If the head of faith agrees gain +30  Opinion with them and the Krstjani loses the Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Ecumenism doctrine
    • The head of faith always agrees if the character has a  Strong Hook on them
250 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title tier is at least duke
  • Yes Feudal or Clan government
  • Yes Faith has a head of faith
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Character's faith has the Ecumenism doctrine
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Krstjani faith has the Ecumenism doctrine
  • Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant
  • A neighbor Duke of at least 8 Realm Size practices Krstjani
  • No Excommunicated trait
Restore Ecumenical Patriarchate

Only a pious and influential ruler that holds sway over Constantinople will be capable of cleansing the Patriarchate to restore it to a purer form, devoid of barbarity and iconoclasm.

  • +250 Piety
  • +15% Fervor
  • −30% Iconoclasm Fervor
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Orthodoxy faith gains the Ecumenism doctrine
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Iconoclasm faith loses the Ecumenism doctrine
  • The Ecumenical Patriarchate replaces the Iconoclast Patriarchate
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Own the County of Constantinople title
  • 1500 Piety
  • Orthodoxy Faith
  • No Ecumenical Patriarchate
Establish Iconoclast Patriarchate

Only a pious and influential ruler that holds sway over Constantinople could cleanse the Ecumenical Patriarchate and restore it to a purer form, devoid of idolatry and corruption.

  • +250 Piety
  • +15% Fervor
  • −30% Orthodoxy Fervor
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Iconoclasm faith gains the Ecumenism doctrine
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Orthodoxy faith loses the Ecumenism doctrine
  • The Iconoclast Patriarchate replaces the Ecumenical Patriarchate
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Own the County of Constantinople title
  • 1500 Piety
  • Iconoclasm Faith
  • No Iconoclast Patriarchate
Restore the Faith High Priesthood

The office of the [religious head] — the High Priest of Judaism — has been vacant since the destruction of the Second Temple at the hands of the Romans. Yet, if we are able to retake control of enough of our ancestral holy sites, a new priesthood could be established.

  • +300 Prestige
  • +250 Piety
  • +10% Fervor
  • A random character becomes head of faith and vassal
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Control at least 3 holy sites
  • 1000 Piety
  • Yes One of the following:
    • Religion kabarism.png Historical Jewish faith (except Samaritanism)
    • Religion zoroastrian.png Historical Zoroastrian faith
Dismantle the Papacy

Once the entire Italian peninsula has been brought under [faith] control, we will be able to permanently expunge the Catholic heathens from this world.

  • +500 Piety
  • +50% Fervor
  • −100% Catholicism fervor
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Catholicism faith loses the Ecumenism doctrine
  • Yes The former pope converts to the character's faith
  • Destroy the Papacy title
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Yes Control the region of Italia
  • Yes Realm capital is in the region of Africa, Europe or Middle-East
  • Yes Religion of Faith is one of the following
    • Norse
    • Icon piety islam 01.png Islam
    • Greco-Roman
    • Religion slavic.png Slavic
    • Religion baltic.png Baltic
  • No Faith does not have Pacifism or Christian Syncretism tenets
  • No The pope is landed
Restore the Papacy

If a pious Catholic were to recover the core territories of Saint Peter's patrimony, the Holy See could be restored once more to its rightful place in the Vatican.

  • +250 Piety
  • +15% Fervor
  • The Court Chaplain gains the Papacy, County of Rome, Duchy of Latium and Duchy of Spoleto titles
  • Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Catholicism faith gains the Ecumenism doctrine
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Title rank is king or emperor
  • Catholicism faith
  • 3000 Piety
  • Own the County of Roma title
  • Yes Control Ancora, Latium, Romagna and Spoleto
Faith Cannibalism

Our creator [god] made us in their image. By imbibing the reflection of the divine we grow closer to [god].

  • −50% Piety cost to reform or create a faith with the Ritual cannibalism tenet
  • All close family members gain the Cannibal trait
  • All intimidated vassals gain the Cannibal trait
  • Yes Gain the Devourer nickname
250 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Cannibal trait or cannibal secret
  • Court chaplain has the Cannibal trait or a cannibal secret
  • Level of Devotion is at least Devoted Servant
  • +40 Opinion with head of faith if one exists
  • No Faith has the Ritual Cannibalism tenet
  • Can only be done once per faith

False conversion decisions

These decisions are related to false faith conversion.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements
Revoke False Conversion[7] 250 Piety 20 years
Amnesty for False Conversions
  • If the decision taker's faith is  Pluralist, all AI vassals, guests and courtiers will convert if they would be more or equally tolerated under their original faith by the decision taker compared to their false faith. Moreover, they must be:
    • Not  Zealous
    • Not the head of the false faith
    • Neither  Deceitful nor  Paranoid, unless they practice the decision taker's faith in secret.
  • For  Pluralist and independent rulers, sub-realm counties will also convert if they fulfil the tolerance requirement.
  • On the other hand, if the decision taker is not  Pluralist, AI vassals, guests and courtiers as well as sub-realm counties will only convert to their original faith if they practice the decision taker's faith in secret.
  • In all cases, converted counties may lose the Suspected False Converts modifier, and will gain the modifier Relieved Crypto-Religionists for 25 years. Furthermore, converted characters will gain Promoted Religious Freedom (+30, −0.1 per month) opinion modifier with the decision maker for 25 years.
  • Player vassals who are false converts are given a choice in revealing their faith or keeping it secret.
  •  Honest and  Trusting characters taking this decision gain 10 stress.
250 Piety
  • One of the following is true:
    • Is  Pluralist and for any vassal or county in the ruler's sub-realm that is falsely converted, the decision taker tolerates the original faith more than or as much as the false faith.
    • Any vassal or sub-realm county practices the decision taker's faith in secret.
  • Is adult
  • Is not  Zealous
  • Has less than 20 Dread.
  • Has no tyranny
10 years

Minor decisions

The following decisions have a cooldown and do not affect the world at large.

Decision Effect Cost Requirements Cooldown
Search for Physician

A court physician is essential to care for the sick and wounded at my court. I will ask my servants to bring forth a number of suitable candidates.

  • Gain the option to hire one of the following Court Physicians within two weeks:
    • A character with 5-10  Learning
    • A character with 10-15  Learning
    • A character with 1-15  Learning and the Wise Man or Mystic trait if they're in the capital county
    • A character with 15  Learning if the character taking the decision has at least 15  Learning
  • None
1 year
Invite Knights

As the [title] of [realm], I need brave knights to defend the realm and conquer new lands. I will send out a herald to let my subjects know I am in search of skilled warriors.

  • Doctrine gender male dominated.png 3 men with 12+ Prowess arrive as guests within the next 3 years if faith has the Male Dominated doctrine
  • Doctrine gender equal.png 3 characters with 12+ Prowess arrive as guests within the next 3 years if faith has the Equal doctrine
  • Doctrine gender female dominated.png 3 women with 12+ Prowess arrive as guests within the next 3 years if faith has the Female Dominated doctrine
150 Prestige
  • None
10 years
Invite Claimants

In order to extend my realm, I must have valid claims on foreign land. Luckily for me, there are many claimants out there who would be willing to become my vassals in return for military support.

  • Yes 3 characters with relevant claims will arrive as guests within the next 5 years
150 Prestige if Count
350 Prestige if Duke
750 Prestige if King
1500 Prestige if Emperor
  • Yes Title rank is at least duke
10 years
Convert to Local Culture

Truth be told, there is little separating my traditions from those of the people in my capital. We observe the same holy days, the same public feasts, and our language has become almost the same.

  • Adopts the culture of the realm capital
  • 20% chance for each vassal to convert to the character's culture
300 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Realm capital has a different culture
Borrow Gold from Holy Order

I am in need of money, and who better to ask for help than the servants of [god]? I can send out letters and hope that I get a response.

  • Gain scaled Gold
  • The holy order will make demands if the loan is not repaid
  • If the character dies the loan is inherited
50 Piety
  • Yes Any holy order with the same faith and enough gold
  • Yes No active loan
15 years
Revoke Holy Order Lease

The Holy Order stationed in the [barony] has done good work, but the holding is now needed for other things.

  • Take a barony title from the holy order
  • −40 Opinion with the holy order grandmaster
  • −20 Opinion with the head of faith if one exists
500 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes At peace
  • Yes Own the de jure county of a holy order barony
Submit to the Great Khan

It is time to acknowledge that the Mongols truly are the rulers of the world. I will join their ranks, rather than fight them.

  • Become a vassal of the Mongol Empire
  • War outcome white peace.png All offensive wars end in white peace
  • Yes Independent
  • Yes Mongol Empire borders the realm
  • No Title rank is emperor
Return Roma

The Holy Father has been vanquished from his seat in Roma. It is my sacred duty as a Catholic to return this most holy of places to its rightful owner.

  • Yes The pope gains the County of Roma title
  • +250 Piety
  • +20 Opinion with the pope
  • +10 Stress if character has the Ambitious trait
  • +30 Stress if character has the Cynical trait
  • Yes Independent
  • Own the County of Roma title
  • Catholicism faith
Raise a Runestone

My [relation], [ancestor] has passed away. I will raise a runestone to honor them life, and to bring fame to all who bear the name [dynasty]. Future generations will never forget the greatness of [ancestor]!

  • +100 Piety
  • +10 Opinion with vassals of the same faith
  • Capital county gains the Runestone permanent modifier
  • Ásatrú faith
  • Dead ancestor
Determine Bhakti

Every devout [faith follower] should have bhakti, or a devotion to a specific god or goddess who most strongly resonates with their soul.
I should contemplate the various divine beings and decide which one calls to me the most.

  • If faith is Vaishnavism choose or replace one of the following permanent bonuses:
    • −33%  Stress Gain and Medium Health Boost
    • +10% Domain Taxes from same faith and +20% Monthly Stewardship Lifestyle Experience
    • +2  Martial and +3 Controlled Territory Defender Advantage
    • +2  Learning and +20% Monthly Piety
  • If faith is Shaivism choose or replace one of the following permanent bonuses:
    • +25%  Fertility, +10 Attraction Opinion, and +10 Close Relative Opinion
    • +4 Attacker advantage and +4 Prowess
    • +20 Spouse Opinion, +10 Close Relative Opinion, and +10 Dynasty Opinion
    • +20% Focus invalid.png Monthly Lifestyle Experience and +10 Religious Vassal Opinion
  • If faith is Smartism choose or replace one of the following permanent bonuses:
    • +2  Stewardship, +5% Domain Taxes and −10 Attraction Opinion
    • +2  Diplomacy and +2  Learning
    • +10 Vassal Opinion and Small Health Boost
    • +10 Dynasty Opinion and +2 Faith Hostility Advantage
  • For all other Faiths choose or replace one of the following permanent bonuses:
    • −33%  Stress Gain and Medium Health Boost
    • +2  Learning and +20% Monthly Prestige
    • +4  Prowess and +4 Faith Hostility Advantage
    • +2  Stewardship, +5% Domain Taxes and −10 Attraction Opinion
100 Piety if no patron deity
500 Piety if any patron deity
  • Yes Faith has the Bhakti tenet
Divine the Stars

Our destinies are written in the stars themselves. By studying them I may gain some insight into what the future holds...

  • Gain a random modifier for 10 years:
    • +2  Diplomacy, +25% Monthly Diplomacy Lifestyle Experience and −2  Martial
    • +2  Martial, +25% Monthly Martial Lifestyle Experience and −2  Learning
    • +2  Stewardship, +25% Monthly Stewardship Lifestyle Experience and −2  Intrigue
    • +2  Intrigue, +25% Monthly Intrigue Lifestyle Experience and −2  Diplomacy
    • +2  Learning, +25% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience and −2  Stewardship
  • Yes Faith has the Astrology tenet
Give your Ancestor a Sky Burial

My [relation], [ancestor] has passed away. Tradition dictates that they should be given a sky burial, their remains left for the scavengers to feast upon so that they may feed the world which once fed them.

  • +250 Piety
  • +20 Opinion with vassals whose faiths have the same tenet
  • Yes Faith has the Sky Burials tenet
  • Dead ancestor
Initiate Endura

As the end of my life draws near, I should initiate the Consolamentum ritual to cleanse my soul of sin and move on from this world.

  • Character dies
  • +1 Level of Devotion
  • Yes Faith has the Consolamentum tenet
  • Yes One of the following
    • Yes 60 years old
    • Health is Near Death or Dying
    •  Incapable trait
Seek Aid of the Spirits

Spirits inhabit the world all around us, some helpful, some malevolent, and some indifferent to human lives.
I can ask my priest to call upon them to aid me in my endeavors, but there is no telling what the outcome will be...

  • Choose an offering
    • An expensive offering gives +40  Stress if the character has the Cynical or Greedy traits
    • No offering gives +40  Stress if the character has the Generous or Humble traits
  • Triggers one of the following
    • A positive effect
      • Lose a negative trait, if any, or gain a positive trait
        • Lose Dull trait, or gain Shrewd trait
        • Lose Weak trait, or gain Loses Strong trait
      • Gains a positive modifier
        • +3  Stewardship and +25%  Fertility for 20 years
        • +3  Intrigue and +25%  Dread Gain for 20 years
        • +3  Learning and −25%  Stress Gain for 20 years
        • +3  Martial and +4  Prowess for 20 years
        • +3  Diplomacy and Small Health Boost for 20 years
    • No effect
    • A negative effect
      • Possessed trait
      • Impotent trait
      • Infirm trait
      •  Ill Ill trait
  • Expensive offering will reduce the chance for no effect, increase the chance of a trait change should a positive effect occurs, and increase the chance of Posssessed Trait should a negative effect occurs.
  • No offering will increase the chance for no effect and negative effect.
  • Having Zealous trait will reduce the chance for no effect, while having Cynical trait will increase the chance for no effect.
  • A  Court Chaplain with 11 or higher Learning will increase the chance for positive effect (no cap) while reducing the chance for negative effect (caps at 20 Learning)
  • A  Court Chaplain with 10 Learning will have no impact on the effect.
  • A  Court Chaplain with 9 or lower Learning will reduce the chance for positive effect while increasing the chance for negative effect.
  • Having a  Court Chaplain with any Mystic trait will increase the chance of positive effect.
  • Having a  Court Chaplain with better Mystic trait will increase the chance for a trait change, should a positive effect occurs. The higher level of the trait, the higher the chance increases.
  • Yes Faith has the Adorcism tenet
  •  Court Chaplain
  • No Possessed trait
5 years
Take Vow of Poverty

Money is the root of all evil. While I cannot feasibly give away everything and remain [title], I can vow to give a portion of my income away each month.

  • Vow of Poverty
    • +5 Clergy Opinion
    • +2 Monthly Piety
    • −20% Monthly Income
  • +10 Stress if the character has the Ambitious trait
  • +35 Stress if the character has the Cynical trait
  • +60 Stress if the character has the Greedy trait
  • Yes Faith has the Vows of Poverty tenet
Renounce Vow of Poverty

There is no getting around the fact that I need a bigger budget to effectively govern my realm. Pragmatism demands the revocation of my vow of poverty.

  • Lose Vow of Poverty
  • +10 Stress if the character has the Humble trait
  • +35 Stress if the character has the Zealous trait
  • +60 Stress if the character has the Generous trait
100 Piety
  • Yes Faith has the Vows of Poverty tenet
Commission Epic

My family history contains many tales of great success and honor. If any of those were composed into a single story, it would certainly reflect very well on myself!

  • Choose who shall write the epic:
    • Choosing the storyteller will give +30  Stress if the character has the Greedy trait
  • Choose a theme:
    • Focusing on the character will grant 150  Prestige and 50  Renown when the poem is complete
    • Focusing on family will grant 75  Prestige and 75  Renown when the poem is complete
    • Focusing on truth will grant 150  Prestige and 250  Piety when the poem is complete
  • +2 Monthly Prestige for 10 years if the epic is regular
  • +5 Monthly Prestige for 10 years if the epic is exceptional
Depends on monthly income
  • Yes Adult
  • Writing History perk
10 years
Extort Subjects

When I am in need of money, my subjects should be happy to pay their dues! Where would they even be without me, after all?

  • Two events to gain gold in exchange for penalties will take place within the next 5 days
  • +60 Stress if the character has the Generous trait
  • Yes Adult
  • It is MY Domain perk
2 years
Sell Minor Titles

Selling titles — of purely symbolic importance — to people of more means than pedigree will bolster my treasury.

  • Scaled Gold
  • One of the following happens in 5 days:
    • Gain random  Gold,  Prestige and a  Weak Hook on a vassal
    • Gain random  Gold and reduce a powerful vassal's feudal taxes
    • Lose random  Prestige and 30  Opinion with a vassal
    • Choose to gain random  Gold or random  Prestige
    • Choose to gain random  Gold or random  Renown
    • Choose to lose random  Prestige or 30  Opinion with a powerful vassal
150 Prestige
  • Yes Adult
  • At Any Cost perk
5 years
Embrace Celibacy

A life devoid of carnal pleasures will bring me peace and satisfaction.

  • Gain the Celibate trait
  • +60 Stress if the character has the Lustful trait
  • Yes Adult
  • Restraint perk
  • No Seducer trait
  • No Eager Reveler trait
  • No Famous Reveler trait
  • No Legendary Reveler trait
1 year
Abandon Celibacy

I have duties to the realm, and to myself... I can no longer live in celibacy.

  • Lose the Celibate trait
  • Restraint perk
  • Celibate trait
1 year
Hold Mystical Communion

I will reach for the presence of [god] in transfixed ecstasy.

  • +300 Learning Lifestyle Experience
  • Gain the Divine Guidance modifier for 5 years, giving the following effects:
    • +1 Martial
    • +1 Learning
    • −25% Stress Gain
    • +25% Stress Loss
  • 50% chance to gain one of the following in 3 days:
    • −20 Opinion with the court chaplain
      • Not if Faith considers Wise Man, Mystic, or Miracle Worker to be a virtue
    • −20 Opinion with a vassal with the Zealous trait
      • Not if Faith considers Wise Man, Mystic, or Miracle Worker to be a virtue
    • −30 Opinion with the head of faith and −1 level of devotion
      • Not if Faith considers Wise Man, Mystic, or Miracle Worker to be a virtue** +30 Opinion with a vassal with the Zealous trait
    • +30 Opinion with a vassal, councilor or family member with a required trait
    • Ill trait
    • Ill trait removed
100 Piety
  • Yes Adult
  • Yes One of the following
    • Wise Man trait
    • Mystic trait
    • Miracle Worker trait
5 years
Pet Cat

It is time to take a deep breath and find my trusted four-legged companion cat. Some people say cats are evil and selfish creatures, but no matter how tough life gets I know they will always be there for me!

  • −10 Stress
  • Pet cat
5 years
Pet Dog

It is time to take a deep breath and find my trusted four-legged companion dog. Some people say dogs are base creatures, but no matter how tough life gets I know they will always be there for me!

  • One of the following happens:
    • 98% character gains −10  Stress
    • 1% choice between an  Unpressed Claim on a random neighbor title or +20  Opinion with the title holder
    • 1% character is injured
  • Pet dog
5 years
Attempt Suicide

There is only darkness and pain. People tell me it will get better, but how do they know? And what does that help me in this moment? It is time to shed the trappings of this mortal realm.

  • −1 Level of Devotion
  • 50% chance the following happen
    • Character dies
    • −1 Level of Splendor
    • −30 Opinion with all vassals
  • No Faith has the Consolamentum tenet
  • One of the following
    • Cancer trait
    • Melancholic trait
    • Great Pox trait
    •  Incapable trait
    • Leper trait
    • Lunatic trait
    • Stress Level 3
    • Best Friend, Soulmate or Child with high Opinion died
5 years


Activities are minor decisions which temporarily move the character to a specific location and prevent the character from taking other decisions for a while. Activities are not available if the character is a child, imprisoned, at war or commanding an army.

Activity Immediate effects Cost Additional requirements Cooldown
Activity hunt.png Call Hunt

The untamed wilds are calling, and all manner of beasts are awaiting my spear and arrow!

  • −30 Stress if the character doesn't have the Lazy trait
  • Additional stress lost if character have Diligent, Athletic, Sadistic, Brave or Hunter trait.
  • Additional stress gain if character have Compassionate or Craven trait.
  • Can trigger events with courtiers, vassals and guests. See also modifiers from hunting.
Depends on primary title tier (divide by 1.5) None 5 years
Activity feast.png Host Feast

Cracking open the casks and inviting guests of honor is not only a duty, but an opportunity to reaffirm bonds of loyalty, and often a great pleasure!

  • +100 Piety if faith has the Hedonistic tenet
  • +100 Piety if faith has the Ritual Celebrations tenet
  • −30 Stress if the character doesn't have the Shy trait
  • Additional Stress lost if character have Gluttonous, Gregarious, Drunkard, Comfort Eater, Greedy or Reveler trait.
  • Can trigger events with courtiers, vassals, family, liege and personal scheme targets. See also modifiers from feasting.
Depends on primary title tier None 5 years
Activity meditation.png Meditate in Seclusion


  • Choose a place to meditate based on what terrain controlled baronies have:
    • If meditating at the castle lose −10  Stress
    • If meditating outside the castle can lose or gain random  Stress, gain  Learning or lose a negative trait
  • Gain the Meditating in Seclusion modifier for 6 months, giving the following effects:
    • −1 Diplomacy
    • −1 Martial
    • −1 Stewardship
    • −1 Intrigue
  • Each meditation increases the chance of a successful outcome for further meditations
None Yes Faith has one of the following tenets:
  • Asceticism
  • Inner Journey
3 years
Activity pilgrimage.png Go on a Pilgrimage

The holy sites are the places in our world that are closest to [faith]. To see them for myself is to prove my dedication as a [faith adherent].

  • Choose a destination
  • Can trigger various events. See also modifiers gained from pilgrimages.
  • 50% Chance to gain or upgrade a Mystic trait if faith has the Esotericism tenet
  • Grants a modifier for 10 years if faith has a corresponding tenet:
Modifier Tenet Effect
Determined Pilgrim Armed Pilgrimages
  • 騎士一人に対して月間の 信仰点 +2.5%
In the Footsteps of My Forebears Ancestor Worship
  • +10 近縁者の評価(Close relative opinion)
Poverty's Journey Mendicant Preachers
  • 聖戦騎士団の雇用コスト−33%
The Seats of Bishops Ecclesiarchy
  • 聖職者の評価 +10
Display of Submission Struggle and Submission
  • 同じ宗派の評価 +10
  • Character may die if they're ill
Depends on distance to destination

No Lollardy faith
No Paulicianism faith
No Waldensianism faith

15 years
Activity pilgrimage.png Undertake the Hajj

The Hajj to Mecca is one of the pillars of my faith. The time has come for me to undertake it, and fulfill my duty as a Muslim.

  • Gain the Hajjaj Trait
  • +250 Piety if Mecca is nearby
  • +375 Piety if Mecca is some distance away
  • +625 Piety if Mecca is far
  • +875 Piety if Mecca is very far
  • Gain the Display of Submission permanent modifier if faith has the Struggle and Submission tenet
  • Reaching Mecca grants the option to gain the Halq modifier for 5 months, giving the following effects:
    • Icon piety islam 01.png +5 Monthly Piety
    • +5 Same Faith Opinion
    • −10 Attraction Opinion
  • Character may die if they're ill
Depends on distance to Mecca

Icon piety islam 01.png Islam religion
No Alevism faith
No Druze faith
No Qarmatianism faith
No Alawism faith

15 years
Activity witch ritual.png Host Grand Rite

We will worship [witch god] and delve deep into their mysteries! The Grand Rite is an excellent opportunity to socialize and exchange knowledge with my fellow witches.

  • 7 days after starting the activity choose what to perform:
    • Being successful grants +20  Opinion with every participant
    • Being unsuccessful grants −15  Opinion with every participant and +20  Stress
  • Can trigger events with characters with the Witch trait
50 Gold

Witch trait
Witch Coven house modifier

10 years

Coping actions

Coping actions are decisions available to characters with a coping mechanism trait and reduce  Stress at the cost of various penalties. Each coping action can only be done once every 3 years but has no other requirements.

Decision Stress Cost Required trait Description
Confess −20
  • Expose a secret if the character has any
  • Gain the Disturbing Confession modifier for 2 years if the character has no secrets, giving the following effects:
    • −5 General Opinion
Contrite Few things brings such release and freedom as a confession. By voicing my secrets and faults I can calm my mind.
Consume Hashish Cakes −20
  • Gain the Hashish Stupor modifier for 2 years, giving the following effects:
    • −1 Stewardship
    • −2 Learning
Hashishiyah Just a few bites, and the stress seems to flow from my body. My mind begins to fog, and a sense of peace and restfulness overcomes me. There is nothing that is quite as relaxing as good hashish!
Flagellate −40
  • Gain the Wounded trait
    • If already Wounded, gain the Severely Injured trait
    • If already Severely Injured, gain the Brutally Mauled trait
    • If already Brutally Mauled, character dies
Flagellant Nothing cleanses the mind like the catharsis of pain. I will apply the whip to my own back until my mind clears.
Indulge in Drink −20
  • −150 Prestige
Drunkard The camaraderie found in the company of fellow patrons of the drinks, the calm that the fog grants... The time has come to indulge in a drinking binge!
Indulge in Food −20
  • Scaled gold
Comfort Eater When everything seems a bit too much I can always count on food to put my mind at ease – a full stomach leads to an empty and calm mind.
Lash Out −20
  • 50% Chance to gain the Lashing Out modifier for 1 year, giving the following effects:
    • −10 Direct Vassal Opinion
  • 50% Chance to lose −40 Opinion with a vassal
    • Friend vassals will only be insulted if the character has no other vassals
Irritable To let go off all this anger and irritation I have been holding in... Oh, there's nothing better than it to clear the mind! Next time an opportunity arises I will not stop myself.
Seclude Yourself −20
  • −150 Prestige
Reclusive To truly center my mind and clear it of thoughts and concerns I have to be left to my own devices. Alone I can focus and heal.
Shun Food −20
  • Gain the Famished modifier for 3 years, giving the following effects:
    • −1 Prowess
    • Moderate Health Penalty
Inappetetic I have too much on my plate at it is, even without counting the literal food sitting there! By skipping meals I can focus on the issues that actually matter to the realm.
Talk to Confidant −20
  • −10 Opinion with all courtiers except one
Confider To truly be listened to is a rare treat. Nothing eases the mind like a good conversation with someone you can trust, and it usually makes problems seem much smaller!
Visit a Brothel −40
  • Scaled gold
  • 20% chance to gain the Lover's Pox trait
  • 5% chance to gain the Great Pox trait
  • 5% chance to be suspected of adultery
Rakish Nothing relieves the mind like some carnal relief.
Visit the Market −20
  • Scaled gold
Profligate Something new, something shiny, something rare... Nothing centers me like a new purchase, and the local market holds many treasures!
Work off Some Stress (sic)[2] −20
  • Gain the Sweaty Stench modifier for 1 year, giving the following effects:
    • −5 General Opinion
Athletic Nothing eases the mind like a raised pulse and a healthy sweat! I will work my body until my mind is more at ease.
Write Thoughts Down −20
  • Gain the Occupied Writing modifier for 1 year, giving the following effects:
    • −2 Diplomacy
Journaller I will put my thoughts and burdens down in writing. Nothing clears the mind like some ink and paper can!

Unused decisions

The following decisions are unavailable in-game:

Decision Effect Cost Requirements Cooldown Notes
Restore Pope in Rome
Adopt Feudalism
Build a Grand Church
Wild Goose Chase[9]
  • −13 Gold
  • +20 Stress
  • Not in an activity
  • Not imprisoned
  • Not busy with an event
  • Does not have a contagious deadly disease
  • Does not have the trait  Incapable
  • Is not at war
  • Is not currently commanding an army
- Shown only in debug mode (debug_only = yes).

See also


  1. 訳者注:日本語化MOD「大きな決断」から変更しました
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 game\localization\english\decisions_l_english.yml
  3. restore_roman_empire_decision, restore_roman_empire_holy_decision, restore_roman_empire_italian_decision in game\common\decisions\80_major_decisions_roman.txt
  4. game\common\scripted_effects\00_major_decisions_scripted_effects.txt
  5. roman_restoration.0004 in game\events\decision_events\roman_restoration_events.txt
  6. roman_restoration.0151 in game\events\decision_events\roman_restoration_events.txt
  7. game\common\decisions\10_religious_decisions.txt
  8. events\religion_events\false_conversion_events.txt
  9. common\decisions\test_decision.txt