
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
1,237 バイト追加 、 2021年2月11日 (木) 20:44
484行目: 484行目:     
|- id="Pikemen Insight"
|- id="Pikemen Insight"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Pikemen Insight
| {{icon|feast positive}} パイク兵の洞察力(Pikemen Insight)
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+15%}} Spearmen damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+15%}} パイク兵の攻撃力
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} Spearmen toughness
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+15%}} パイク兵の耐久力
| ''Plotting out theoretical strategies has given this character ideas for how to more efficiently use their pikemen.''
| ''理論的戦略の構想を練ることで、この人物にパイク兵をより効率的に使用する方法についてのアイデアを与えた。''
| feast_pikemen_insight_modifier
| feast_pikemen_insight_modifier
|- id="Better Safe Than Sorry"
|- id="Better Safe Than Sorry"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Better Safe Than Sorry
| {{icon|feast positive}} 転ばぬ先の杖だ!(Better Safe Than Sorry)
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+10}} Defender advantage
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+10}} 防御側の優位性(Defender advantage)
| ''This character likes to assess the situation and make sure they are prepared for all eventualities.''
| ''この人物は、状況を見極め、あらゆる事態に備えておくのを好む。''
| feast_better_safe_than_sorry_modifier
| feast_better_safe_than_sorry_modifier
| There is [[#Better (overly) Safe Than Sorry|another modifier]] with the same name.
| 同じ名前の[[補正#Better (overly) Safe Than Sorry|もう一つの補正]]があります。
|- id="Better (overly) Safe Than Sorry"
|- id="Better (overly) Safe Than Sorry"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Better Safe Than Sorry
| {{icon|feast positive}} 転ばぬ先の杖だ!(Better Safe Than Sorry)
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+10}} Defender advantage
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+10}} 防御側の優位性
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+10}} Hostile scheme resistance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+10}} 敵対的な計画への抵抗力
| ''This character likes to assess the situation and make sure they are prepared for all eventualities. '''All''' eventualities.''
| ''この人物は、状況を見極め、あらゆる事態に備えておくのを好む。'''あらゆる'''事態に。''
| feast_overly_safe_rather_than_sorry_modifier
| feast_overly_safe_rather_than_sorry_modifier
| There is [[#Better Safe Than Sorry|another modifier]] with the same name.
| 同じ名前の[[補正#Better Safe Than Sorry|もう一つの補正]]があります。
|- id="Silenced a Disruptive Guest"
|- id="Silenced a Disruptive Guest"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Silenced a Disruptive Guest
| {{icon|feast positive}} 混乱をもたらす客を黙らせた(Silenced a Disruptive Guest)
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} Monthly prestige
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} 月間の威信
| -
| -
| feast_silenced_a_disruptive_guest
| feast_silenced_a_disruptive_guest
518行目: 518行目:     
|- id="Bad Reaction to Food"
|- id="Bad Reaction to Food"
| {{icon|feast negative}} Bad Reaction to Food
| {{icon|feast negative}} 食欲不振(Bad Reaction to Food)
* {{icon|health penalty}} {{red|−1}} Health
* {{icon|health penalty}} {{red|−1}} 健康
| -
| -
| feast_bad_reaction_to_food
| feast_bad_reaction_to_food
526行目: 526行目:     
|- id="Had Good Fight"
|- id="Had Good Fight"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Had Good Fight
| {{icon|feast positive}} いい勝負だった(Had Good Fight)
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+25%}} Stress loss
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+25%}} ストレス減少
| -
| -
| feast_had_good_fight_modifier
| feast_had_good_fight_modifier
534行目: 534行目:     
|- id="Loyal Servantry"
|- id="Loyal Servantry"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Loyal Servantry
| {{icon|feast positive}} 忠実な従士(Loyal Servantry)
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+20%}} Hostile scheme resistance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+20%}} 敵対的な計画への抵抗力
| -
| -
| feast_loyal_servantry_modifier
| feast_loyal_servantry_modifier
542行目: 542行目:     
|- id="Courteous Guest"
|- id="Courteous Guest"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Courteous Guest
| {{icon|feast positive}} 礼儀正しい客人(Courteous Guest)
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} 外交
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Liege opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 主君の評価
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Direct vassal opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 直臣の評価
| ''This character is exceptionally courteous and considerate of their host, wherever they may be.''
| ''この人物は非常に礼儀正しく、いつも主催者を気遣っています。''
| i_am_corteous_guest_modifier
| i_am_corteous_guest_modifier
|- id="Higher Standards of Courtesy"
|- id="Higher Standards of Courtesy"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Higher Standards of Courtesy
| {{icon|feast positive}} 高水準の礼儀作法(Higher Standards of Courtesy)
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} Monthly prestige
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} 月間の威信
| ''There are certain things a noble should simply be too good for.''
| ''貴族の手に余る事柄は色々と存在する。''
| feast_higher_standards_modifier
| feast_higher_standards_modifier
|- id="Scholarly Confidence"
|- id="Scholarly Confidence"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Scholarly Confidence
| {{icon|feast positive}} 学術的な信頼(Scholarly Confidence)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−25%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−25%}} ストレス増加
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} 学識
| ''It's not hubris if it's true.''
| ''もしそれが真実ならば傲慢ではない''
| feast_scholarly_confidence_modifier
| feast_scholarly_confidence_modifier
|- id="Gratifying Complaints"
|- id="Gratifying Complaints"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Gratifying Complaints
| {{icon|feast positive}} 苦情の申し立て(Gratifying Complaints)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−25%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−25%}} ストレス増加
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+25%}} Stress loss
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+25%}} ストレス減少
| ''It is immensely cathartic to complain when things are even slightly wrong.''
| ''わずかであっても物事が間違っているときに文句を言うのは、非常に浄化作用がある。''
| feast_gratifying_complaints_modifier
| feast_gratifying_complaints_modifier
|- id="Life Reaffirmed"
|- id="Life Reaffirmed"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Life Reaffirmed
| {{icon|feast positive}} 人生の再確認(Life Reaffirmed)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−50%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−50%}} ストレス増加(Stress gain)
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} 健康
| ''A chance encounter with a meal at a feast has reignited this character's passion for life.''
| ''饗宴での食事との偶然の出会いが、この人物の人生への情熱を再燃させた。''
| feast_life_reaffirmed_modifier
| feast_life_reaffirmed_modifier
|- id="Reinvigorating Friendship"
|- id="Reinvigorating Friendship"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Reinvigorating Friendship
| {{icon|feast positive}} 強化された友情(Reinvigorating Friendship)
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} 健康
| ''Spending time with those who care for us is one of the things that makes life worth living.''
| ''私を大切にしてくれる人と共に過ごすことは、生きがいの一つだ。''
| feast_reinvigorated_by_friend_modifier
| feast_reinvigorated_by_friend_modifier
|- id="Practiced Secrecy"
|- id="Practiced Secrecy"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Practiced Secrecy
| {{icon|feast positive}} 秘密の実践(Practiced Secrecy)
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+2}} Intrigue
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+2}} 策略
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.25}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.25}} 健康
| ''Certain things require great skill to keep unnoticed.''
| ''ある種の事柄は、気づかれないようにするため大きな能力が必要とされる。''
| feast_practiced_secrecy_modifier
| feast_practiced_secrecy_modifier
|- id="Capable of Restraint"
|- id="Capable of Restraint"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Capable of Restraint
| {{icon|feast positive}} 自制が可能(Capable of Restraint)
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} 外交
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} 学識
| ''It is important to know when to indulge, and when to make sacrifices.''
| ''いつ楽しむか、いつ我慢するかを知ることが重要だ。''
| feast_showed_great_restraint_modifier
| feast_showed_great_restraint_modifier
|- id="Feast Ruined by Rival"
|- id="Feast Ruined by Rival"
| {{icon|feast negative}} Feast Ruined by Rival
| {{icon|feast negative}} ライバルにより台無しにされた饗宴(Feast Ruined by Rival)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{red|+20%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{red|+20%}} ストレス増加
* {{icon|health penalty}} {{red|−0.25}} Health
* {{icon|health penalty}} {{red|−0.25}} 健康
| ''The world would have been a perfectly fine place without '''a certain someone.'''''
| '' '''ある特定の人物'''さえいなければ、世界は全く問題ない場所であったろうに。''
| feast_bad_form_with_rival_modifier
| feast_bad_form_with_rival_modifier
|- id="Had Interesting Conversation"
|- id="Had Interesting Conversation"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Had Interesting Conversation
| {{icon|feast positive}} 興味深い会話(Had Interesting Conversation)
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} 外交
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} 学識
| ''A good talk about an interesting subject does really get the brain going.''
| ''興味深い話題は本当に脳を活性化してくれる。''
| feast_had_interesting_conversation_modifier
| feast_had_interesting_conversation_modifier
|- id="Fought Thirst"
|- id="Fought Thirst"
| {{icon|drink positive}} Fought Thirst
| {{icon|drink positive}} のどの渇き(Fought Thirst)
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} Monthly prestige
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 月間の威信
| ''To supply your guests with enough to drink is the job of any host!''
| ''客人に十分な量の飲み物を提供することは、あらゆる主催者の大事な仕事だ!''
| feast_bought_more_drink_modifier
| feast_bought_more_drink_modifier
|- id="Ate Exquisite Food"
|- id="Ate Exquisite Food"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Ate Exquisite Food
| {{icon|feast positive}} 上質な食料を食べた(Ate Exquisite Food)
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} 健康
| ''To eat highly agreeable food is good for both mind and soul!''
| ''上質なものを食べることは、心にとっても精神にとっても良いことだ!''
| feast_good_food_modifier
| feast_good_food_modifier
|- id="Household Efforts"
|- id="Household Efforts"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Household Efforts
| {{icon|feast positive}} 一族の奮闘(Household Efforts)
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Direct vassal opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 直臣の評価
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Courtier and guest opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 廷臣(Courtier)と客人(guest)の評価
| ''The head of this character's household is doing a stellar job of managing the relationship between guests and the court.''
| ''この人物の一族の長は、客と宮廷の関係を管理するために、素晴らしい仕事をしている。.''
| feast_household_efforts_modifier
| feast_household_efforts_modifier
|- id="Raucous Entertainment"
|- id="Raucous Entertainment"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Raucous Entertainment
| {{icon|feast positive}} 騒々しい余興(Raucous Entertainment)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−20%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−20%}} ストレス増加
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} 健康
| ''A good laugh prolongs life, as long as you are not the butt of the joke.''
| ''良き笑いは寿命を延ばす、あなたが笑い物にならない限りは。''
| feast_raucous_entertainment_modifier
| feast_raucous_entertainment_modifier
|- id="Suspicious of Food"
|- id="Suspicious of Food"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Suspicious of Food
| {{icon|feast positive}} 怪しい食べ物(Suspicious of Food)
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+1}} Intrigue
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+1}} 策略
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+30%}} Hostile scheme resistance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+30%}} 敵対的な計画への抵抗力
| ''Once burnt, check that all food is properly cooked twice.''
| ''一度焦がしてしまったら、すべての食材がきちんと調理されているか二度確認しろ。''
| feast_suspicious_of_food_modifier
| feast_suspicious_of_food_modifier
|- id="Public Display of Ruthlessness"
|- id="Public Display of Ruthlessness"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Public Display of Ruthlessness
| {{icon|feast positive}} 無情の公開(Public Display of Ruthlessness)
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<!-- 「恐怖」のページで埋め込みに使っています -->
* {{icon|dread}} <section begin=PublicDisplayOfRuthlessnessDreadGain />{{green|+25%}}<section end=PublicDisplayOfRuthlessnessDreadGain /> Dread gain
* {{icon|dread}} <section begin=PublicDisplayOfRuthlessnessDreadGain />{{green|+25%}}<section end=PublicDisplayOfRuthlessnessDreadGain /> 恐怖の増加
* {{icon|dread}} {{green|−50%}} Dread decay
* {{icon|dread}} {{green|−50%}} 恐怖の減衰
| ''Showing a cold heart and a will of steel in front of others, this character has left an impression.''
| ''人前で冷たい心と鋼の意志を見せることで、この人物は印象を残している。''
| feast_display_of_ruthlessness_modifier
| feast_display_of_ruthlessness_modifier
|- id="Bird-based Exercise"
|- id="Bird-based Exercise"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Bird-based Exercise
| {{icon|feast positive}} 鳥を駆り立てる(Bird-based Exercise)
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} 学識
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} 健康
| ''This character has invented an interesting new way of practicing endurance.''
| ''この人物は、忍耐力を鍛える興味深い方法を発明している。''
| feast_bird_based_exercise_modifier
| feast_bird_based_exercise_modifier
|- id="Lively Feast"
|- id="Lively Feast"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Lively Feast
| {{icon|feast positive}} 新鮮なご馳走(Lively Feast)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−25%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−25%}} ストレス減少
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Light cavalry damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} 軽装騎兵の攻撃力
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy cavalry damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} 重騎兵の攻撃力
| ''The feast doesn't truly start until the livestock joins the table.''
| ''家畜が届くまでは、真の饗宴は始まらない''
| feast_livestock_at_feast_modifier
| feast_livestock_at_feast_modifier
|- id="Blew off Steam"
|- id="Blew off Steam"
| {{icon|feast positive}} Blew off Steam
| {{icon|feast positive}} 鬱憤を晴らす(Blew off Steam)
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} 外交
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} 健康
| ''This character hasn't been this rested and invigorated in a long time!''
| ''この人物は長い間休んでいない!''
| feast_blew_off_steam_modifier
| feast_blew_off_steam_modifier
|- id="Hearty Diet"
|- id="Hearty Diet"
| {{icon|drink positive}} Hearty Diet
| {{icon|drink positive}} たくさんの食べ物(Hearty Diet)
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+1}} 健康
| ''A sound meal can mend the gravest illness.''
| ''健全な食事は大病を改善する''
| feast_hearty_diet_modifier
| feast_hearty_diet_modifier
|- id="Obsessed With Garum"
|- id="Obsessed With Garum"
| {{icon|drink positive}} Obsessed With Garum
| {{icon|drink positive}} 魚醤にこだわる(Obsessed With Garum)
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−20%}} Stress gain
* {{icon|stress gain}} {{green|−20%}} ストレス増加
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} Health
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.5}} 健康
| ''It goes with everything!''
| ''何にでもよく合う!''
| feast_obsessed_with_garum_modifier
| feast_obsessed_with_garum_modifier
