
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
406 バイト追加 、 2021年2月11日 (木) 20:13
357行目: 357行目:  
==== 伯爵領補正 ====
==== 伯爵領補正 ====
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! Name
! 名前
! data-sort-type=number | Effects
! data-sort-type=number | 効果
! Description
! 説明
! Modifier ID
! 補正ID
|- id="Punished Poachers"
|- id="Punished Poachers"
| {{icon|hunt negative}} Punished Poachers
| {{icon|hunt negative}} 罰せられた密猟者(Punished Poachers)
* {{icon|gold|}} {{green|+10%}} County tax
* {{icon|gold|}} {{green|+10%}} 伯爵領の税金
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} 領民の評価
| ''People in this County bear the burden of making up for poachers in the forests.''
| ''この領内の人々は森の密猟者達の為に補償する重荷に耐えています。''
| hunt_punished_locals_modifier
| hunt_punished_locals_modifier
|- id="Poaching Outrage"
|- id="Poaching Outrage"
| {{icon|hunt negative}} Poaching Outrage
| {{icon|hunt negative}} 密猟の怒り(Poaching Outrage)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} 領民の評価(Popular opinion)
| ''This County is upset over the way it has been treated for the actions of a handful of poachers''
| ''この領内は、一握りの密猟者達の行動に対する扱いに興奮しています。''
| hunt_upset_hunting_county_modifier
| hunt_upset_hunting_county_modifier
|- id="Killed Local"
|- id="Killed Local"
| {{icon|hunt negative}} Killed Local
| {{icon|hunt negative}} 現地人を殺害する(Killed Local)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} 領民の評価
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} Monthly control
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} 月間の支配度(control)
| -
| -
| hunt_killed_local_madman_modifier
| hunt_killed_local_madman_modifier
|- id="Listened to Local Concerns"
|- id="Listened to Local Concerns"
| {{icon|hunt positive}} Listened to Local Concerns
| {{icon|hunt positive}} 地域の声に耳を傾ける(Listened to Local Concerns)
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} Monthly control
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} 月間の支配度
| -
| -
| hunt_talked_to_madman_modifier
| hunt_talked_to_madman_modifier
|- id="Peasants Denied Forest"
|- id="Peasants Denied Forest"
| {{icon|hunt negative}} Peasants Denied Forest
| {{icon|hunt negative}} 森を拒まれた農民(Peasants Denied Forest)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−30}} 領民の評価
| ''The peasants of this County have been denied the right to forage in the forests.''
| ''この伯爵領の農民は、森林での採食の権利を否定されている。''
| hunt_peasants_denied_forest_modifier
| hunt_peasants_denied_forest_modifier
|- id="Hunted Peasants"
|- id="Hunted Peasants"
| {{icon|hunt negative}} Hunted Peasants
| {{icon|hunt negative}} 農民を狩った(Hunted Peasants)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−60}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−60}} 領民の評価
* {{icon|development}} {{red|−10%}} Monthly development growth
* {{icon|development}} {{red|−10%}} 月間の開発度成長(development growth)
| ''Peasants are afraid of settling in this County, due to the unspeakable things that have happened here.''
| ''この領内で言葉に絶する光景が起こった為、農民たちは定住することを恐れています。''
| hunt_peasants_hunted_modifier
| hunt_peasants_hunted_modifier
|- id="Aided Peasants"
|- id="Aided Peasants"
| {{icon|hunt positive}} Aided Peasants
| {{icon|hunt positive}} 援助された農民(Aided Peasants)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+30}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+30}} 領民の評価
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly development growth
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} 月間の開発度成長
| ''The poorest people of this County have received significant charitable aid.''
| ''この領域の最も貧しい人々は、多額の慈善による援助を受けている。''
| hunt_aided_peasants_modifier
| hunt_aided_peasants_modifier
|- id="Protected Peasants"
|- id="Protected Peasants"
| {{icon|hunt positive}} Protected Peasants
| {{icon|hunt positive}} 守られた農夫(Protected Peasants)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+30}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+30}} 領民の評価
| ''The peasants of this county feel protected''
| ''この領域の農民たちは保護されていると感じている。''
| hunt_protected_peasants_modifier
| hunt_protected_peasants_modifier
|- id="Disturbed Locals"
|- id="Disturbed Locals"
| {{icon|hunt negative}} Disturbed Locals
| {{icon|hunt negative}} 乱された地元民(Disturbed Locals)
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−15}} Popular opinion
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{red|−15}} 領民の評価
| ''The locals in this county just wants (sic) to be left alone''
| ''この伯爵領の地元民はただ放っておいてほしいだけだ''
| hunt_disturbed_locals_modifier
| hunt_disturbed_locals_modifier
