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213行目: 213行目:
==== 最低限の貢献 ====
==== 最低限の貢献 ====
The minimum amount of taxes and levies provided by a clan vassal is dictated by the liege's crown authority law. The following table gives the minimum contribution of a lord's vassals, depending on the lord's crown authority law.
The "Opinion of their liege" line corresponds to the opinion needed by a clan vassal to be provided the same amount of taxes or levies. A vassal having a worse opinion of their liege would not affect their contributions to their suzerain.
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! 王権
! Crown authority
! 自立した封臣(Autonomous vassals)
! Autonomous vassals
! 限定的な王権
! Limited crown authority
! 高い王権
! High crown authority
! 絶対的な王権
! Absolute crown authority
| {{icon|gold}} 税金の最低値
| {{icon|gold}} Minimum taxes
* 0%
* 0%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−50}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−50}}
* 2.5%
* 2.5%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−42}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−42}}
* 5%
* 5%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−33}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−33}}
* 10%
* 10%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−16}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−16}}
| {{icon|Levies}} 徴募兵の最低値
| {{icon|Levies}} Minimum levies
* 0%
* 0%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−75}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−75}}
* 5%
* 5%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−63}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−63}}
* 15%
* 15%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−38}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−38}}
* 25%
* 25%
* 主君への評価: {{red|−13}}
* Opinion of their liege: {{red|−13}}

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