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{{green|100}}の支配を持つ伯爵領は、称号保持者が「絶対的な支配(Absolute Control)」のパークを所有している場合、{{green|+10%}}の追加の税金を供給します。
{{green|100}}の支配を持つ伯爵領は、称号保持者が「絶対的な支配(Absolute Control)」のパークを所有している場合、{{green|+10%}}の追加の税金を供給します。
== 開発度 ==
== Development ==
'''Development''' is the measurement of technological advancement and general infrastructure in a county and ranges from 0 to 100. In short, higher development provinces are desirable as they increase taxes and levies, contribute to faster innovation growth, and allow larger armies to move through the area without using their supplies.
<!-- 他のページから埋め込みに使っています -->
<section begin=DevelopmentSupplyLimit/>Each point of development increases a county's supply limit by {{green|+150}}.<section end=DevelopmentSupplyLimit/> If the county is ruled by a feudal or clan ruler, each point of development also provides {{green|+0.5%}} taxes and levies; counties under tribal government are not affected by development, except for supply limit calculations.
<section begin=DevelopmentSupplyLimit/>開発度の各ポイントは伯爵領の配給限界を{{green|+150}}、増加させます。<section end=DevelopmentSupplyLimit/>伯爵領が封建制(feudal )もしくはクラン制(clan)の支配者に支配されている場合 開発度の各ポイントはまた、{{green|+0.5%}}の税金と徴募兵を提供します。部族制(tribal)の政府(government)の下にある伯爵領は、供給限界の計算を除き、開発度の影響を受けません。
開発度は、高い開発度の伯爵領から、陸路でつながっている他のすべての伯爵領へ、これら二つの伯爵領の間の開発度の差につき{{green|0.1}} で伝搬します。開発度の成長は、家令(steward)の任務「領内の開発力上昇(Increase Development)」 や特定の[[建築物]](building)によって増やすことができますが、それでもかなり遅いプロセスです。
Development radiates outwards from high-development counties to all other counties connected by land route at {{green|0.1}} per difference in development level between these two counties. Development growth can be increased via a steward's ''Increase Development'' task or specific [[building]]s, but it is still a fairly slow process.
Based on its culture, each county will have a development cap after which growth from ''Increase Development'' task will slow down. The cap starts at 10 development, but each era has an innovation that will raise it. The average development of counties following a culture will affect that culture's adoption rate of [[innovations]] by {{green|0.02}} per average level.
== 領民の評価 ==
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