「Economic buildings」の版間の差分

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(ページの作成:「{{Version|1.1}}{{Buildings nav}}<section begin=intro /> Each type of terrain has a possible selection of economic buildings. Every barony type may build economic building…」)

2021年2月26日 (金) 22:56時点における最新版

Each type of terrain has a possible selection of economic buildings. Every barony type may build economic buildings suitable to their terrain.

All economic buildings provide monthly tax and have their upgrades unlocked via the following innovations:

Innovation Era Levels
 Crop Rotation Tribal 2+
 Manorialism Early Medieval 3+
 Windmills High Medieval 5+
 Cranes Late Medieval 7+

Note that there are also economic buildings with substantial military bonuses alongside gold.

Desert agriculture[編集 | ソースを編集]

These plantations focus on growing the fruits and vegetables that are hardy enough to withstand the harsh climate.
— In-game description
Construction time
2 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in the following terrain:
Terrain Able to construct
 Desert Yes
 Desert Mountains
 Drylands Yes
 Oasis Yes

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 100 Gold +0.25 Monthly tax[1]
2 150 Gold  Crop Rotation
  • +0.4 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
3 200 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
  • +0.55 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
+1 Light Cavalry Toughness
4 250 Gold
  • +0.7 Monthly tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
+1 Light Cavalry Toughness
5 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
  • +0.85 Monthly tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +200 Supply limit
+2% Monthly development +1 Light Cavalry Toughness
6 350 Gold
  • +1 Monthly tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
+2% Monthly development +1 Light Cavalry Toughness
7 400 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
  • +1.15 Monthly tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
+5% Monthly development +1 Light Cavalry Toughness
8 450 Gold
  • +1.3 Monthly tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +600 Supply limit
+5% Monthly development +1 Light Cavalry Toughness

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Small Plantations plantations_01 Despite the lack of water, these small plantations succeed in growing particularly hardy fruit.
2 Trading Posts plantations_02 Hardy desert nomads travel between trading posts, bringing food with them to wherever it is needed the most.
3 Weavers plantations_03 Weavers spin cloth in their workshops, which they then trade to the desert nomads.
4 Wellsprings plantations_04 With limited water, a new well is sure to make the area prosper. Several such springs have been discovered, and proper wells have been constructed.
5 Caravanserais plantations_05 Larger trade caravans need a place to stay so that their animals can rest. The caravanserai provides the space they need and is also an excellent place to tax their goods.
6 Date Groves plantations_06 With more land being suitable for plantations, date groves are being cultivated. The sweet dates last for a long time, and are a valuable good for traders.
7 Irrigation plantations_07 By flooding fields with water from the wells, they can support something more than pure subsistence farming. This is a large task however, making the desert bloom is not easy.
8 Large Plantations plantations_08 These plantations now produce a definite surplus, which can be traded and sold for a profit.

Farms & Fields[編集 | ソースを編集]

Farms and fields are the backbones of any economy. Fueling man, beast, army, and feast – there is no understating the power of simple grain.
— In-game description
Construction time
3 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in the following terrain:
Terrain Able to construct
 Desert Mountains
 Drylands Yes
 Farmlands Yes
 Floodplains Yes
 Plains Yes

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 150 Gold +0.5 Monthly tax
2 225 Gold  Crop Rotation +0.8 Monthly tax +1% Holding Taxes
3 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
+1.1 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
4 375 Gold +1.4 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
5 450 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
+1.7 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
6 525 Gold +2 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
7 600 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
+2.3 Monthly tax
  • +1% Holding Taxes
  • +400 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +5% Levy reinforcement rate
8 675 Gold +2.6 Monthly tax
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +1600 Supply limit[2]
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +5% Levy reinforcement rate

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Crop Fields cereal_fields_01 Crop fields, the backbone of the feudal economy, each manned by a small but generous family of peasants – all but willing to surrender most of what they produce in tithe to the crown!
2 Hamlets cereal_fields_02 The construction of more hamlets means that more peasants can be put to work in the fields. And as we all know, more peasants mean more taxes!
3 Barns & Storehouses cereal_fields_03 The erection of barns and larger storehouses allows peasants to preserve hay and straw, gives them a place to store their tools, and acts as an impromptu place to house traveling armies (or vagabonds...).
4 Farmsteads cereal_fields_04 Larger farmsteads support larger peasant families. When families have space to grow, they will produce children that can be put to toil in the fields – as is the natural order of things!
5 Granaries cereal_fields_05 Granaries allow farmers to store grain, vegetables, and fruit for long periods. Of course, the farmers are happy to give it all up for our soldiers, should they happen to march on through!
6 Granges & Tithe Barns cereal_fields_06 Tithe barns act as a place for farmers to put the portion of their produce that should befall the clergy – of course, this also makes it easier for us to tax them.
7 Vast Crop Fields cereal_fields_07 By 'encouraging' our grateful peasant subjects to till more and larger fields closer to each other's lands, we are sure to get a higher yield. Of course, this encroaching on each other's lands might bring conflict between the farmers – alas, it is a sacrifice we are willing to make!
8 Grain Silos cereal_fields_08 These massive silos aim to store grain in vast quantities throughout the entire year. There's so much that no single army can consume it all, of course, that is presuming that no rats enter the silos...

Forestries[編集 | ソースを編集]

Large amounts of lumber, resin, charcoal, and other resources are harvested from these forests, providing an excellent, nearby source of building material for the surrounding towns.
— In-game description
Construction time
3 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in the following terrain:
Terrain Able to construct
 Desert Mountains
 Forest Yes
 Jungle Yes
 Taiga Yes

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 100 Gold
2 150 Gold  Crop Rotation −5% Temple building construction cost
3 200 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
−5% Temple building construction cost −1% Army Gold Maintenance
4 250 Gold
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +300 Supply limit
−1% Army Gold Maintenance
5 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +300 Supply limit
  • +1% Holding Taxes
−1% Army Gold Maintenance
6 350 Gold
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +600 Supply limit
  • +1% Holding Taxes
−1% Army Gold Maintenance
7 400 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +600 Supply limit
  • +2% Holding Taxes
−1% Army Gold Maintenance
8 450 Gold
  • −5% Temple building construction cost
  • +600 Supply limit
  • +2% Holding Taxes
  • +2% Monthly development
−1% Army Gold Maintenance

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Logging Camps logging_camps_01 Woodcutters have set up camp along the outskirts of the forest, working long days with cutting down trees.
2 Resin Collectors logging_camps_02 All along the forest resin is being collected for use as an adhesive, or to be sold to the clergy for use in various rites.
3 Charcoal Burners logging_camps_03 The charcoal burners work tirelessly through smoke and smog to produce the valuable material that is so sought after by blacksmiths.
4 Wood Pastures logging_camps_04 Among the trees pastures can be found, with the animals feeding on the naturally occurring seeds and nuts. For a few months in particular each year, a glut of nuts fatten the animals up for the winter.
5 Tilled Fields logging_camps_05 Where trees once stood, fields now lie. Former forest makes for formidable farmland.
6 Honey Pastures logging_camps_06 On the edge of the forest, apiaries are placed to capitalize on the now-abundant amount of wildflowers that have appeared where the forest once stood.
7 Forest Glassworks logging_camps_07 The forest makes the perfect place for the glassblower to work. With easy access to most materials they need, valuable glass can be produced and traded with.
8 Sawmills logging_camps_08 While axes and simple saws have served us so far, the sawmill is to those like god is to men. Now the forest can be consumed in almost no time, with its valuable wood fueling our cities and towns.

Hill farms[編集 | ソースを編集]

The rolling hills of this province stand covered in fields. While farming on a slope helps with keeping crops watered, the limited area means smaller yields.
— In-game description
Construction time
3 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in  Hills terrain.

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 100 Gold +0.35 Monthly tax[1]
2 150 Gold  Crop Rotation +0.55 Monthly tax +1 Spearmen Toughness
3 200 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
+0.75 Monthly tax +300 Supply limit +1 Spearmen Toughness
4 250 Gold +0.95 Monthly tax +300 Supply limit +2 Spearmen Toughness
5 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
+1.15 Monthly tax
  • +300 Supply limit
  • +2% Supply limit
+2 Spearmen Toughness
6 350 Gold +1.35 Monthly tax
  • +300 Supply limit
  • +2% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
+2 Spearmen Toughness
7 400 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
+1.55 Monthly tax
  • +600 Supply limit
  • +2% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
+2 Spearmen Toughness
8 450 Gold +1.75 Monthly tax
  • +600 Supply limit
  • +2% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
+2 Spearmen Toughness

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Hillside Fields hill_farms_01 Along the sides of the many hills there are numerous small fields, growing crops and sustaining a small peasant population.
2 Fell Pastures hill_farms_02 Cattle is brought to the uncultivated uplands, or fells, and allowed to graze on the plentiful grasses that grow there.
3 Root Cellars hill_farms_03 Root cellars allow for year-round storage of vegetables, something that is of dire importance in the sparsely-fertile hills.
4 Vegetable Fields hill_farms_04 Large fields of vegetables provide the sparse farms with much-needed food.
5 Lynchets hill_farms_05 By diverting water from a nearby stream into a terrace, the hillside fields can be kept fertile for longer.
6 Roads & Stairs hill_farms_06 By connecting the spread-out farms and hamlets with proper roads and stairs, we increase our efficiency at taxing them.
7 Winter Granaries hill_farms_07 During the harsher months of the year, there's not much for animals to eat, something which the winter granary solves.
8 Apple Orchards hill_farms_08 The rolling hills provide the perfect environment for orchards, particularly of the apple variety.

Manor houses[編集 | ソースを編集]

The Lords and Ladies of the manor employ hundreds of peasants to till their fields and tend to their livestock. The more power they hold, the more land their subjects can work and, most importantly, the more tax they will produce!
— In-game description
Construction time
5 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in  Farmlands terrain.

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 200 Gold +0.7 Monthly tax
2 300 Gold  Crop Rotation
  • +1.15 Monthly tax[1]
  • +500 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
3 400 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
  • +1.6 Monthly tax
  • +500 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
+2% Monthly development
4 500 Gold
  • +2.05 Monthly tax
  • +1000 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
+2% Monthly development
5 600 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
  • +2.5 Monthly tax
  • +1000 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
  • +5% Levy size
+2% Monthly development
6 700 Gold
  • +2.95 Monthly tax
  • +1000 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
  • +5% Levy size
  • +5% Monthly development
  • +1% Holding taxes
7 800 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
  • +3.4 Monthly tax
  • +1000 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
  • +5% Levy size
  • +5% Monthly development
  • +1% Holding taxes
  • +0.2 Monthly control
8 900 Gold
  • +3.85 Monthly tax
  • +1000 Supply limit
  • +15% Supply limit
  • +5% Levy size
  • +5% Monthly development
  • +2% Holding taxes
  • +0.2 Monthly control

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Mansions farm_estates_01 Mansions house land-owning families, their staff, and the peasants who work their fields.
2 Gardens & Vegetable Plantations farm_estates_02 Attached to the manors are large gardens and fields of ripe vegetables, making them essentially self-sustainable.
3 Farm Estates farm_estates_03 Farm estates hold jurisdiction over the fields, forests, and outbuildings that surround them.
4 Hundred-acre Fields farm_estates_04 The massive hundred-acre fields employ scores of peasants, and brings vast wealth upon the family who owns the land.
5 Freeholds farm_estates_05 Freeholds are massive, with vast lands surrounding them — as they are passed on in a hereditary fashion, the families they house have ample time to optimize the yield of their lands.
6 Windmills farm_estates_06 Windmills take most of the labor out of grinding flour, massively increasing efficiency.
7 Consolidated Landholdings farm_estates_07 Several different manors, all run as one — by letting the most productive families take the reins from the less productive ones, we guarantee excellent results.
8 Grand Estates farm_estates_08 Vast estates of a scale rarely seen, these grand complexes can maintain a household of thousands.

Quarries[編集 | ソースを編集]

The mountains of this province provide local construction with an excellent supply of building material.
— In-game description
Construction time
2 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in  Desert Mountains and  Mountains terrain.

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 100 Gold
2 150 Gold  Crop Rotation −1% Men-at-Arms maintenance
3 200 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
+2% Monthly development −1% Men-at-Arms maintenance
4 250 Gold
  • +2% Monthly development
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
−1% Men-at-Arms maintenance
5 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
  • +2% Monthly development
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
−2% Men-at-Arms maintenance
6 350 Gold
  • +2% Monthly development
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
−2% Men-at-Arms maintenance
7 400 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
  • +2% Monthly development
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
  • −2% Men-at-Arms maintenance
  • +1 Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +1 Spearmen Toughness
8 450 Gold
  • +2% Monthly development
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
  • −2% Men-at-Arms maintenance
  • +2 Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +2 Spearmen Toughness
  • +4 Heavy Cavalry Toughness

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Simple Stone Quarries quarries_01 Easily-accessible quarried stone provides building materials for nearby constructions.
2 Shallow Ore Mines quarries_02 Simple mines line the foot of the mountain, collecting ore from easily accessible surface ore deposits.
3 Watermills quarries_03 By routing water to the mining sites, its power can be harnessed by water mills to power tools which help in the excavation.
4 Large Stone Quarries quarries_04 As the demand for building materials goes up, the quarries attract more and more workers. The quarries are growing larger and deeper by the passing year.
5 Large Mines quarries_05 The need for metals keeps growing, and new techniques aren't everything – production must be scaled up, and more mines are opening!
6 Massive Stone Quarries quarries_06 Several enormous open-pit mines see workers carve blocks of stone on an almost industrial level. Exhausted quarries lie like gaping mouths all over the province, their contents now forming numerous castles and walls.
7 Shaft Mines quarries_07 With the advent of new techniques, workers can reach deeper metals hidden beyond the surface. The most important of which is a new way of draining flooded shafts.
8 Blast Furnaces quarries_08 Blast furnaces run hot day-round, smelting iron, lead, and copper. The quality of the metal they produce is beyond excellent.

Tradeport[編集 | ソースを編集]

Merchant galleys load and off-load their cargo at this port.
— In-game description
Construction time
2 years
Terrain requirements
テンプレート:Terrain requirement/Any terrain However, the province must be coastal.

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 150 Gold +0.35 Monthly tax[1] +5% Monthly development
2 225 Gold  Crop Rotation +0.55 Monthly tax +10% Monthly development
3 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
+0.75 Monthly tax +15% Monthly development
4 375 Gold +0.95 Monthly tax +20% Monthly development
5 450 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
+1.15 Monthly tax +25% Monthly development
6 525 Gold +1.35 Monthly tax +30% Monthly development
7 600 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
+1.55 Monthly tax +35% Monthly development
8 675 Gold +1.75 Monthly tax +40% Monthly development

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Small Harbor common_tradeport_01 A humble harbor sits at the shore, allowing ships to load and off-load their cargo without much effort.
2 Fishing Net Weavers common_tradeport_02 A workshop where fishing nets are woven has been set up here. Day in and day out nets are made and repaired tirelessly.
3 Tradeport common_tradeport_03 The harbor has become a hub for trade and travel in the area. Ships from all around the coast come here to trade.
4 Shipwrights common_tradeport_04 Skillful shipwrights gather at this port to construct and repair ships for the highest bidder.
5 Expanded Docks common_tradeport_05 No longer will merchant ships have to compete for a spot to load and unload their precious cargo — the abundant space on the dock gives more than enough room for everyone to do business!
6 Shipyards common_tradeport_06 Several ships lay ready in the yards, waiting for a crew to man them in times of need for the crown.
7 Grand Port common_tradeport_07 This grand port offers plenty of room for merchants and fishermen to dock and handle their cargo. Travelers from far and wide come here, seeking safety in the haven that is the port.
8 Drydocks common_tradeport_08 A revolutionary new means of docking ships has arrived in the form of the drydock. The ship is sailed into a narrow passage, where the water is pumped out. The ship is then suspended on blocks of stone, and can then be repaired and maintained with ease.

Wetland farms[編集 | ソースを編集]

While wetlands will never offer the same opportunities for growing crops as plains, a seasonal glut of vegetation allow for the raising of animals. There are also opportunities for extracting both peat and salt.
— In-game description
Construction time
3 years
Terrain requirements
This building can only be built in  Wetlands terrain.

Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects
1 100 Gold
2 150 Gold  Crop Rotation −5% Building construction gold cost
3 200 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 2
  •  Manorialism
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
  • +200 Supply limit
4 250 Gold
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
  • +200 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
5 300 Gold
  • Holding is at least level 3
  •  Windmills
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
  • +200 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
6 350 Gold
  • −5% Building construction gold cost
  • +200 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
7 400 Gold
  • Holding is level 4
  •  Cranes
  • −10% Building construction gold cost
  • +200 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development
8 450 Gold
  • −10% Building construction gold cost
  • +600 Supply limit
  • +5% Supply limit
  • +5% Monthly development

Level Name Internal ID Description
1 Cattle Lands peat_quarries_01 The fertility of the wetlands makes excellent grazing for pastoral animals of all sizes.
2 Peat Quarries peat_quarries_02 A significant amount of peat is quarried here. Its presence aids in the development of new farms and fields.
3 Hay Meadows peat_quarries_03 Around the wetlands themselves a large amount of grass and straw grows, which is harvested and used as feed for the winter.
4 Salt Wells peat_quarries_04 Workers use large pans to heat water and extract salt from the wetlands. This salt is then used to preserve meat, which is then traded.
5 Walled Wetlands peat_quarries_05 By walling off the wetlands, the peasants can more easily control the growth of plants, and protect the valuable harvest therein.
6 Wetland Fields peat_quarries_06 The unique properties of the wetlands allow peasants to successfully grow many plants they wouldn't otherwise be able to, such as hemp or flax.
7 Large Peat Quarries peat_quarries_07 More and more peat is being quarried here, with most being exported all over as fertilizer.
8 Large Wetland Ranches peat_quarries_08 Large herds of animals feed on the abundant plant life in the wetlands, growing big and fat.

References[編集 | ソースを編集]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Tooltip in game rounds down. See game\common\script_values\00_building_values.txt.
  2. 00_terrain_specific_buildings.txt, cereal_fields_08, supply_limit = 1600.
  3. Tooltip in game rounds down. See game\common\script_values\00_building_values.txt, @good_build_speed_base = -0.025.
  4. Tooltip in game rounds down. See game\common\script_values\00_building_values.txt, @good_build_speed_base = -0.025.