*With partition, one could grant children titles in advance for a major opinion boost—remember that a quarter of vassals’ positive opinion, or half of vassals’ negative opinion, is passed on to the primary heir ([[Character#Opinion|opinion of predecessor]]). As the house head, one can also modify their feudal contract with a weak hook.
*With partition, try and keep your domain within the capital duchy: every county within will be given to the primary heir as long as all siblings are given a duchy+ title. The same applies to kingdoms and empires.
*Relatives within the 3rd degree ([[Dynasty#Family|extended family]]) can be asked for an alliance—this means a partitioned realm can be reunified as a federation.
*Characters above the age of 9 can be asked to take the vows, disqualifying them from inheritance; even married characters can be asked, assuming they're the patriarch/matriarch.
*9歳以上のキャラクターには誓いを立てて(take the vows)もらい、相続から除外することができます。婚姻しているキャラクターであっても、家父長/家母長であると仮定してそれを要求することができます。
*With the following steps, your entire realm and domain will be inherited by your primary heir: