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、 2021年9月24日 (金) 20:59
[[File:Family tree diagram.png|500px|thumb|right|A diagram showing family relations in Crusader Kings III]]
The '''Family''' of a character consists of their relatives, both closer and more distant. A character's grandparents, parents, siblings (including half-siblings), children and grandchildren are considered '''Close Family''' while uncles, aunts, first cousins, nephews and nieces are considered '''Extended Family'''. More often than not, most family members belong to the same [[Dynasty]].
A character will gain {{iconify|Stress}} if a parent or sibling dies before the age of 65.
== Opinion modifiers ==
Characters within the same dynasty and especially close family have an {{iconify|Opinion}} bonus with each other. However the bonus is only given to public connections, secret family relations do not give any bonuses. In scenarios where a character has multiple relations to another all relevant modifiers are applied.
{| class="mildtable sortable"
! Relation
! Opinion
| Parent-Child
| {{green|+50}}
| Sibling (includes half-siblings)
| {{green|+25}}
| Spouse (includes secondary spouses)
| {{green|+25}}
| Same Dynasty
| {{green|+5}}
== Marriage ==
Marriage in CKIII is the legal union between two opposite gender characters in a personal relationship. Only characters who are at least 16 years old may marry. If either character is too young, the two prospective partners may enter a betrothal instead until both parties come of age.
Spouses, concubines and consorts who are [[fertile]] are able to have legitimate children. Normally, children in a marriage belong to the father's house. However, in a matrilineal marriage, children are born of the mother's house. Moreover, marriage is one of the two main ways to form an {{iconify|Alliance}} with other characters.
A faith's doctrines affects who a character may marry, how many official partners they may have and whether marriage may be ended in divorce:
* {{icon|marriage type}} The Consorts & Concubines marriage type doctrine allows rulers to have up to three consorts or concubines, alongside their spouse. Children born of consorts or concubines gain the {{icon|child of concubine}} [[Child of Concubine|Child of Consort/Concubine]] trait. Unlike marriage, concubinage does not yield alliances; however, consorts and concubines can be set aside at will without the need for divorce.
* {{icon|consanguinity}} [[Consanguinity doctrine]] determines the legality of [[#Incest|incestuous]] marriage.
* {{icon|divorce}} Marriage may be ended subject to [[divorce doctrine]]. The target of the divorce gains {{icon|opinion}} {{red|−25}} Opinion ''(Divorced Me)'' for 50 years with their ex-spouse, while their close family members gain {{icon|opinion}} {{red|−5}} Opinion ''(Divorced Close Family)'' for 5 years. Divorced characters may remarry.
=== Polygamy ===
With the [[Polygamous]] marriage type doctrine, characters may marry one spouse, and rulers, (depending on their ''View on Gender'' doctrine, may additionally have up to three secondary spouses. If two married rulers have the ''Polygamous'' doctrine and are allowed to do so by the gender doctrine, they may have multiple spouses each. With the ''Equal'' gender doctrine, there is no existing restriction on having the same spouse(s) as another ruler.
Any spouse who follows a Faith that has the ''Monogamous'' doctrine will suffer {{red|−40}} {{iconify|Opinion}}. Monogamous spouses who were previously in a polygamous marriage (e.g. a secondary spouse was divorced) will still suffer {{red|−20}} {{iconify|Opinion}} for 20 years. Any monogamous close relatives will suffer a similar {{red|−20}} {{iconify|Opinion}} modifier. Spouses with the ''Consorts & Concubines'' doctrine or [[Polyamory]] tenet do not suffer similar penalties. When arranging marriages, prospective spouses who would become part of a polygamous marriage and do not believe in polygamy suffer a [[#Marriage acceptance|marriage acceptance]] penalty of {{#lst:Dynasty|DoesNotBelieveInPolygamyMarriageAcceptance}}.
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
Rulers receive a penalty of {{icon|piety}} <section begin=MissingSpousePietyLoss />{{red|−0.5}}<noinclude> monthly piety</noinclude> per missing spouse<includeonly>, [[Marriage|maximum depends on title tier]]</includeonly><section end=MissingSpousePietyLoss /> if they are under the expected spouse amount for their title tier:<ref>{{cite file|game\common\defines\00_defines.txt}}, <code>PIETY_LOSS_PER_MISSING_SPOUSE = 0.5</code>, <code>DESIRED_SPOUSES_PER_TIER = { 1 1 1 2 3 4 }</code></ref>
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Title tier
! Expected spouses
| {{icon|lowborn}} Unlanded
| align=center | 1
| {{iconify|Baron}}
| align=center | 1
| {{iconify|Count}}
| align=center | 1
| {{iconify|Duke}}
| align=center | 2
| {{iconify|King}}
| align=center | 3
| {{iconify|Emperor}}
| align=center | 4
=== Marriage acceptance ===
In order to successfully arrange marriages with AI characters, the player must reach a marriage acceptance score of at least {{green|+1}} for the prospective spouses. Below is a list containing all possible conditions that affect marriage acceptance:<ref>{{cite file|game\common\scripted_modifiers\00_marriage_scripted_modifiers.txt}}, <code>marriage_ai_accept_modifier</code></ref>
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Condition
! data-sort-type="number" | Marriage acceptance
| Weak hook
| {{green|+100}}
| Strong hook
| {{green|+200}}, or auto-accept
| Promising Prospects Perk
* {{green|+50}} (self)
* {{green|+25}} (family member)
| Dynasty Glory Perk
| {{green|+30}}
| Arranging own marriage
| {{red|−15}}
| Is player's heir
* {{green|+20}} (primary heir)
* {{green|+10}} (other heirs)
| Desires alliance
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| Does not want alliance
| {{red|−100}}
| Marrying up
| {{green|+30}} for each difference in title rank
| Marrying down
* {{red|−30}} for each difference in title rank (if AI is King)
* {{red|−40}} for each difference in title rank (if AI is not King)
| Opinion
* {{green|+0.25}} per {{iconify|opinion}} (round down) with prospective spouse
* {{green|+0.75}} per {{iconify|opinion}} (round down) with marriage offerer
| Wishes well for Lovers
| {{green|+15}}
| Prospective spouses love each other and AI has compassion greater than zero
| {{green|+0.25}} per AI compassion
| Candidate is Lowborn
* {{red|−20}}
* {{red|−120}} (if recipient is not lowborn themselves)
| Candidate's Level of Splendor
| data-sort-value=0.0001 | {{green|+(Level of Splendor * 5 - 5)}}
| Incorrect marriage (patrilineal/matrilineal)
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| Different faith
* {{red|−10}}
* {{red|−25}} (faith considered astray or hostile)
* {{red|−1000}} (faith considered evil)
| Faith does not have polygamy doctrine or polyamory tenet and potential spouse would belong in a polygamous marriage.
<!-- Transclusion used by Polygamy section. -->
| <section begin=DoesNotBelieveInPolygamyMarriageAcceptance />{{red|−1000}}<section end=DoesNotBelieveInPolygamyMarriageAcceptance />
| Age Considerations
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| The marriage will have Low Fertility
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| Unimportant courtier
| {{green|+10}}
| Important courtier
| {{red|−10}}
| Prospective spouse is a parent of recipient's children
| {{red|−25}}
| Player is AI's liege
* {{green|+40}} (general)
* {{green|+60}} (marriage with liege)
| Valuable claimant
| {{red|−50}}
| Claimant to one of AI's titles
| {{red|−50}}
| Intimidated
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| Terrified
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| Character is dear to AI
| data-sort-value=0 | Varied
| The marriage would be incestuous
| {{red|−1000}}
| Age of recipient
| data-sort-value=0.0001 | {{green|+(Recipient age − 20)}}
| Spouse councillor - boosted child or heir
* {{green|+50}}
* {{green|+75}} (if heir)
=== Adultery ===
Having a [[lover]] outside of marriage creates a [[File:Secret_adultery.png|24px]] [[Lover secret]]. If it is revealed, it may result in the two lover characters gaining the {{icon|fornicator}} [[Fornicator]] and {{icon|adulterer}} [[Adulterer]] traits, depending on the faith's {{icon|male adultery}} / {{icon|female adultery}} [[adultery doctrine]]s. Children known to be born out of wedlock gain {{icon|bastard}} [[Bastard (trait)]], or {{icon|wild oat}} [[Traits#Wild Oat|Wild Oat]] if their faith has the {{icon|bastardry}} No Bastards [[bastardry doctrine]]. If a bastard successfully becomes landed, they gain the {{icon|bastard_founder}} [[Traits#Bastard_Founder|Bastard founder]] trait.
== Incest ==
Incest is sexual activity between family members. A faith's {{icon|Consanguinity}} [[Consanguinity]] doctrine determines the legality of incestuous marriage. Characters having an incestuous relation that would not be allowed in marriage gain the ''[[Incest secret|Is Incestuous]]'' secret, and if exposed the {{icon|Incestuous}} [[Incestuous]] trait. Any form of incestuous relation, legal or not, may risk [[Inbreeding (mechanic)|producing inbred offspring]].
The [[Divine Marriage]] tenet provides bonuses to incestuous marriages.
Relatives are harder to [[Seduce (scheme)|seduce]] unless the target character's Faith accepts such an incestuous relation or the seducer has the ''[[Subtle Desire]]'' perk ({{icon|intrigue lifestyle}} Seducer tree).
== Trait inheritance ==
Congenital traits can be inherited by a character's offspring. Although congenital traits must be visible ([[#Active and inactive traits|active]]) to provide stat bonuses and other effects, a character may also carry recessive ([[#Active and inactive traits|inactive]]) traits which are invisible, yet can still be inherited by one's children.<ref>"[Genetic traits are] visible, though characters can also carry recessive traits... those are not visible, but can be inherited by their offspring!" [[forumpost:26089470|rageair's reply]] in CK3 Dev Diary #7 - Characters & Portraits thread</ref>
There are some traits that are inherited by children, but do not use the active/inactive inheritance mechanic. In the context of this section, the term ''congenital trait'' excludes such traits. It also does not include traits that are [[Descendant trait|non-genetic, yet inheritable]].
==== Chance of active inheritance ====
The chances of inheriting a congenital trait as an active trait is based on what version (active or inactive) the parents have:<ref name=Defines>{{cite file|common\defines\00_defines.txt}}, <code>NChildbirth</code></ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! {{diagonal split header|Father|Mother}}
! None
! Inactive
! Active
! None
| 0%
| 2%
| 25%
! Inactive
| 2%
| 10%
| 50%
! Active
| 25%
| 50%
| 80%
==== Chance of inactive inheritance ====
If the child does not inherit actively, there is a chance that they will inherit the trait as an inactive trait instead:<ref name=Defines />
{| class="wikitable"
! {{diagonal split header|Father|Mother}}
! None
! Inactive
! Active
! None
| 0%
| 25%
| 75%
! Inactive
| 25%
| 50%
| 100%
! Active
| 75%
| 100%
| 150%
=== General logic for trait with tiers inheritance ===
# Start from highest trait
# Calculate active chance. Lower tiers ( including inactive ) count as inactive of the tier. Each level down beyond the first multiplies chance by a define
# If active, use it; DONE
# Otherwise, go down a tier, if inactive pretend 1 more parent has that tier active, otherwise 1 more parent has it inactive.GOTO 2
When trying to inherit a tiered genetic trait, and the other person has one of lower tier, we pretend that means they've got the higher tier one recessively, and reduce the chance of inheritance by 20% per tier further down than 1 the other parent's trait is.
When going down a tier, add 40%.<ref name=Defines />
=== List of congenital traits ===
The table below contains all genetic traits that use the inheritance mechanism as described above.<ref name=Traits>{{cite file|common\traits\00_traits.txt}}</ref><ref>"[If genetic = yes, the trait's] inheritance will follow the following rules: The trait can be inactive. Children can inherit the trait from both active and inactive parent traits. [...] An active trait is inherited with 100% chance, an inactive trait with a 50% chance. If the trait is successfully inherited from both parents, it becomes active. [...] If it's inherited only from one parent, it's inactive." Developer comments in {{cite file|common\traits\_traits.info}}</ref> This list does not contain traits such as {{iconify|Sayyid}}, which can be inherited from a character's non-biological parent (in the case of secret bastards), or {{iconify|Inbred}} which uses a custom inheritance chance. The ''natural prevalence'' column denotes the likelihood of any character being born with the trait if it is not inherited from their parents. For every trait with natural prevalence, the same value can be assumed for random prevalence (i.e. for generated characters).<ref name=Traits /> Note that some traits cannot be inherited at the same time since they are incompatible; such traits are indicated if they belong in the same group.
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! Trait
! Natural prevalence (%)
! Group
! Notes
| {{iconify|Melancholic}} (genetic variant)
| 0.5
| -
<!-- Transclusion used in this page. -->
| <section begin=InitiallyHiddenOnBirth />If inherited on birth, it is initially hidden.<section end=InitiallyHiddenOnBirth /><ref name=TalkPagePureBloodedEffect>[[Talk:Breeding#Pure-blooded effect on inbreeding|''Pure-blooded effect on inbreeding'']] on talk page</ref>
| {{iconify|Lunatic}} (genetic variant)
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|InitiallyHiddenOnBirth}}
| {{iconify|Possessed}} (genetic variant)
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|InitiallyHiddenOnBirth}}
| {{iconify|Homely}}
| 0.5
| Beauty
| {{iconify|Ugly}}
| 0.25
| Beauty
| {{iconify|Hideous}}
| 0.15
| Beauty
| {{iconify|Comely}}
| 0.5
| Beauty
| {{iconify|Pretty}} / Handsome
| 0.25
| Beauty
| {{iconify|Beautiful}}
| 0.15
| Beauty
| {{iconify|Slow}}
| 0.5
| Intelligence
| {{iconify|Stupid}}
| 0.25
| Intelligence
| {{iconify|Imbecile}}
| 0.05
| Intelligence
| {{iconify|Quick}}
| 0.5
| Intelligence
| {{iconify|Intelligent}}
| 0.25
| Intelligence
| {{iconify|Genius}}
| 0.05
| Intelligence
| {{iconify|Delicate}}
| 0.5
| Physique
| {{iconify|Frail}}
| 0.25
| Physique
| {{iconify|Feeble}}
| 0.15
| Physique
| {{iconify|Hale}}
| 0.5
| Physique
| {{iconify|Robust}}
| 0.25
| Physique
| {{iconify|Amazonian}} / Herculean
| 0.15
| Physique
| {{iconify|Fecund}}
| 0 at birth<ref>[[Talk:Breeding#Natural prevalence of Fecund|''Natural prevalence of Fecund'']] on talk page</ref>, unknown for generation
| Fertility
| {{iconify|Club-footed}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Hunchbacked}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Lisping}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{iconify|Stuttering}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{iconify|Dwarf}}
| 0.5
| Stature
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Giant}}
| 0.5
| Stature
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Spindly}}
| 0.5
| Physique (incompatible with good traits)
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Scaly}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Albino}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{iconify|Wheezing}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Bleeder}}
| 0.5
| -
| {{#lst:Breeding|AlsoGainedViaInbreeding}}
| {{iconify|Barren}} / Sterile
| 0.5
| Fertility
<!-- Transclusion used in this page. -->
| <section begin=AlsoGainedViaInbreeding />Also gained [[#Traits gained from inbreeding|via inbreeding]].<section end=AlsoGainedViaInbreeding />
==== List of other inherited traits ====
{{see also|Descendant traits}}
The following list contains all other traits that use a separate inheritance mechanic. For entries without a ''chance to inherit'' value for both parents, assume the value for ''single parent''.
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! rowspan=2 | Trait
! colspan=2 | Chance to inherit (%)
! rowspan=2 | Notes
! Single parent
! Both parents
| {{iconify|Great Pox}}
| 10
| -
| {{iconify|Lover's Pox}}
| 10
| -
| {{iconify|Pure-blooded}}
| 15
| 75
| Gained initially [[#Pure-blooded|through inbreeding]].
| {{iconify|Inbred}}
| 15
| -
| Gained initially [[#Inbred|through inbreeding]].
| {{iconify|Sayyid}}
| 100
| -
| Only inherited from apparent father.
| {{iconify|Saoshyant}} / {{iconify|Saoshyant Descendant}}
| 100
| -
| When parent has {{iconify|Saoshyant}}, {{iconify|Saoshyant Descendant}} is inherited instead.<ref>{{cite file|events\decisions_events\major_decisions_events.txt}}, <code>major_decisions.0101</code></ref>
| {{iconify|Paragon}} / {{iconify|Consecrated Blood}}
| 100
| -
| When parent has {{iconify|Paragon}}, {{iconify|Consecrated Blood}} is inherited instead.
| {{iconify|The Savior}} / {{iconify|Divine Blood}}
| 100
| -
| When parent has {{iconify|The Savior}}, {{iconify|Divine Blood}} is inherited instead.
== Inbreeding ==
Inbreeding is the process of two related characters having children together. For these purposes, related characters are those who share a [[#Common ancestors|common ancestor]]. Such children can be born with [[#Traits gained from inbreeding|negative congenital traits]] even if neither parent has them, or the {{icon|Inbred}} [[#Inbred|Inbred]] trait in advanced cases. However, there is a [[#Pure-blooded|small chance]] for the child to gain the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait instead.
In the first generation, small-scale [[incest]] such as cousin marriage may not have a massive immediate impact. Nonetheless, repeated instances over successive generations may have an accumulative effect through negative inherited traits and a [[#Common ancestors|narrowed gene pool]].
=== Chance of inbreeding ===
[[File:Chance of inbreeding.png|500px|thumb|right|A line graph showing chance of inbreeding based on common ancestors.]]
The chance of a child being considered inbred can be found from the product of the following:<ref>"The final chance [for inbreeding] in percent is given by the number of common ancestors X corresponding level factor X inbreeding chance modifier" Developer comments in {{cite file|game\common\defines\00_defines.txt}}.</ref>
* Number of [[#Common ancestors|common ancestors]]
* [[#Inbreeding factor|Inbreeding factor]] based on number of common ancestors
* Inbreeding chance modifier. Currently, only the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait [[#Effect of Pure-blooded on inbreeding|provides such an effect]].
==== Common ancestors ====
The more common ancestors two parents have within four generations (up to their great-great grandparents, and including themselves), the more likely their children will be inbred.<ref>{{cite file|game\common\defines\00_defines.txt}}, <code>NChildbirth|INBREEDING_ANCESTOR_GENERATIONS = 4</code></ref> Some potential incestuous marriages are noted below. The value provided for common ancestors assumes that ancestors were otherwise non-incestuous and monogamous. Cousins are not removed. Additionally, the value is relative to the breeding couple.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Relation
! data-sort-type=number | Common ancestors
! Explanation
| Full siblings
| 30 (maximum possible)
| By definition, (full) siblings share parents, and thus by extension all other ancestors. The maximum amount of shared ancestors from ''n'' generations can be found from <math>\text{Max Shared Ancestors} = 2 ^ {n + 1} - 2 </math>, thus being 30 from 4 generations. Or, written out, full siblings share both parents (2), two sets of grandparents (4), four sets of great grandparents (8) and eight sets of great-great grandparents (16).
| Parent-child
| 15
| In the case of a partner being the other partner's ancestor, they are counted as a common ancestor.<ref>The fact that the parents themselves are included in the common ancestor count is implied in the wording of developer comments found at {{cite file|game\common\defines\00_defines.txt}} (emphasis added): "How many generations are checked for common ancestors of the both parents '''(including the parents)''' for the purposes of getting the inbreeding trait and the pure-blooded trait"</ref> As a result, the common ancestors are the following (perspective is child/parent): parent/self (1), one set of grandparents/both parents (2), two sets of great-grandparents/standard grandparents (4), four sets of great-great grandparents/great grandparents (8). Note that the parent's great-great grandparents are the child's 3×-great grandparents, and are therefore not counted.
| Half siblings
| 15
| They share one parent, and therefore share only half of the maximum amount of ancestors. Alternatively, they share one parent (1), one set of grandparents (2), two sets of great grandparents (4) and four sets of great-great grandparents (8).
| First cousins
| 14
| First cousins share grandparents (2), two sets of great grandparents (4) and four sets of great-great grandparents (8).
| Uncle-niece/aunt-nephew
| 14
| Similar to first cousins, but rather than sharing grandparents, the sibling's grandparents are the uncle/aunt's parents. Note that since the uncle/aunt's great-great grandparents are the sibling’s 3×-great grandparents, who are 5 generations away from the sibling’s perspective, they are not counted.
| Second cousins
| 6
| Second cousins share one set of great grandparents (2) and two sets of great-great grandparents (4).
| Third cousins
| 2
| Third cousins share one set of great-great grandparents.
==== Inbreeding factor ====
The inbreeding factor for a given amount of common ancestors can be found through the following:<ref name=Defines />
{| class="wikitable"
! Common ancestors
! Factor
! Chance before modifiers
| 0-14
| 0.33
| Between 0% and 4.62%
| 15-16
| 0.75
| Between 11.25% and 12%
| 17-19
| 1
| Between 17% and 19%
| 20-21
| 2
| Between 40% and 42%
| 22-30
| 3
| Between 66% and 90%
==== Effect of Pure-blooded on inbreeding ====
The Pure-blooded trait provides {{green|−50%}} chance of inbreeding per parent. If two parents have the Pure-blooded trait, this effect combines to no chance of gaining traits due to inbreeding. Note that this excepts the chance of gaining the Pure-blooded trait [[#Chance of gaining the Pure-blooded trait|naturally]], as well as the inheritance of such traits [[#List of congenital traits|via parents]]. It is unknown whether the Pure-blooded trait has an effect on gaining the Inbred trait.<ref name=TalkPagePureBloodedEffect/>
=== Traits gained from inbreeding ===
The following traits may be gained from inbreeding. Note that these ''general inbred traits'' may also be [[#List of congenital traits|gained naturally]] and are congenital. Offspring only have a chance to gain these traits as a result of inbreeding if their parents do not possess any of these traits (plus the {{iconify|Inbred}} trait).<ref name=TraitsInfoFile>"[enables_inbred = yes] enables the children of the character to be considered for the inbred trait (no by default). It only enables the inbred chance if there are common ancestors of the parents, so there is no risk of 'inbred' if the parents are not related. If inbred is not enabled by parents' traits, but there are common ancestors, there's a chance (same as for inbred trait when it's enabled) the child will get a random trait with enables_inbred = yes." Developer comments in {{cite file|game\common\traits\_traits.info}}</ref> The traits below appear equally likely.<ref name=TalkPagePureBloodedEffect />
* {{iconify|Barren}} / Sterile
* {{iconify|Scaly}}
* {{iconify|Club-footed}}
* {{iconify|Wheezing}}
* {{iconify|Spindly}}
* {{iconify|Giant}}
* {{iconify|Hunchbacked}}
* {{iconify|Bleeder}}
* {{iconify|Dwarf}}
Additionally, there are two traits that may only be gained initially through inbreeding and have special requirements: {{icon|Inbred}} [[#Inbred|Inbred]] and {{icon|Pure-blooded}} [[#Pure-blooded|Pure-blooded]].
==== Inbred ====
The {{iconify|Inbred}} trait may be inherited from one's parents. It may also be gained if a character with a ''[[#Traits gained from inbreeding|general inbred trait]]'' has children with someone with whom they share a common ancestor.<ref name=TraitsInfoFile /> The chance of gaining the Inbred trait as a result of this is unknown. Note that even with highly incestuous marriages, no children will gain the Inbred trait if the parents do not possess any of the enabling traits.<ref name=TalkPagePureBloodedEffect />
==== Pure-blooded ====
The Pure-blooded trait may be [[#List of other inherited traits|inherited from one's parents]]. Otherwise, it may be gained naturally. Similar to the chance of inbreeding, the chance of gaining the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait naturally is based on the number of common ancestors, multiplied by the corresponding level factor for that amount of common ancestors:<ref name=Defines />
The inbreeding traits overwrite the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait, thus the chance for a child to have the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait by gaining it naturally is equal to the chance of not getting an inbreeding trait multiplied by the chance to get the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait. This chance is maximized at 22 common ancestors for a value of 2.24%.
{| class="wikitable"
! Common ancestors
! Factor
! Final chance
! Chance after Inbred roll
| 0-19
| 0
| 0%
| 0%
| 20-21
| 0.15
| Between 3% and 3.15%
| Between 1.8% and 1.83%
| 22-30
| 0.3
| Between 6.6% and 9%
| Between 2.24% and 0.9%
As a result, parents must have at least 20 common ancestors for a child to gain the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait naturally. This does ''not'' apply to inheriting it from parents.
== References ==
{{Mechanics navbox}}