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40行目: 40行目:
* {{red|+500%}} 新宗派の宗教が廃れている場合
* {{red|+500%}} 新宗派の宗教が廃れている場合
== 新たな宗派 ==
== New faiths ==
平和な状態の統治者は、生涯に一度限り大量の信仰点を消費して宗教の新しい宗派を作成することができます。新しい宗派の[[信条]]がキャラクターの元来の信仰とかけ離れるほどに変更に要する信仰点のコストは増大していきます。新たな宗派が作られると、統治者とその近親者、統治者の首都は即座に改宗します。家臣は{{icon|opinion}} [[評価]]{{iconify|learning||||学識}}の差によっては改宗するかもしれません。新しい宗派は、元来の宗派の[[聖地]]を受け継ぎます
A ruler who is at peace can create a new faith for a religion once per lifetime by spending a very large amount of piety. The farther the new faith's [[tenets]] will be from the character's original faith, the more piety it will cost to change it. Once a new faith is created, the ruler, their close family and their realm capital will instantly convert. Vassals may convert depending on their {{icon|opinion}} [[opinion]] and difference in {{iconify|learning}}. New faiths inherit the [[holy site]]s of the original faith.
A ruler who is a vassal cannot create a new faith unless their primary title rank is at least {{icon|duke}} [[duke]].
A new faith cannot have both its tenets and doctrines entirely identical to those of an existing faith.
=== 改革 ===
=== Reformation ===
Faiths that are unreformed can be reformed by a ruler who controls at least 3 holy sites by spending a large amount of {{iconify|piety}}. Upon reformation, the new faith will keep the name of the old faith while the old faith will be renamed.
When reforming their faith, AI rulers will never change tenets or doctrines except possibly for those regarding the head of faith.
== List of Abrahamic faiths ==
== List of Abrahamic faiths ==

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