
2021年1月5日 (火) 16:56時点におけるGnagaoka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「{{Version|1.2}} Game rules are configuration choices available when starting a new game that can slightly alter some mechanics. Many such option will disable Achievemen…」)
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Game rules are configuration choices available when starting a new game that can slightly alter some mechanics. Many such option will disable Achievements.


The difficulty setting can grant players the following bonuses:

Difficulty   Hostile Scheme Resistance   Fertility   Short Reign Duration   Tyranny Gain   Stress Gain   Knight Survival   Disease Chance   Health Boost   Faction Formation   Vassal Opinion   Liege Opinion Achievements
Very Easy +30 +20% -50% -75% -50% +75% -75% Moderate Significantly Slower +25 +50  
Easy +15 +10% -25% -25% -25% +66% -15% Small Slightly Slower 0 0  
Normal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None Regular 0 0  

Gameplay options

The gameplay options can change the game to be less historical.

Rule Setting Effects Achievements
Exclave Independence Off Rulers can have disconnected land anywhere in the world  
Limited (AI Only) AI Rulers at peace will lose disconnected land on succession unless it's part of their de jure territory or is connected to the capital by one county or a naval path  
Significant (AI Only) AI Rulers at peace will lose disconnected land on succession unless it's part of their de jure territory or is connected to the capital by a naval path  
Total (AI Only) AI Rulers at peace will lose disconnected land on succession unless it's connected to the capital by a naval path  
Limited Rulers at peace will lose disconnected land on succession unless it's part of their de jure territory or is connected to the capital by one county or a naval path  
Significant Rulers at peace will lose disconnected land on succession unless it's part of their de jure territory or is connected to the capital by a naval path  
Total Rulers at peace will lose disconnected land on succession unless it's connected to the capital by a naval path  
Multiplayer: Murder Schemes Default Players can use Hostile Schemes against other players and their families  
No Players Players cannot use Hostile Schemes against other players but can against their families  
No Player Families Players cannot use Hostile Schemes against other players or their families  
Minor Diseases Default Minor diseases appear as per normal  
Fewer Minor diseases appear 30% less often  
Matrilineal Marriages Default AI characters will arrange matrilineal marriages if they belong to the player's close family, a Reputable Dynasty, an Equal realm, or are strong rulers
Female Dominated realms default to Matrilineal
Default (no Player exception) AI characters will arrange matrilineal marriages if they belong to a Reputable Dynasty, an Equal realm, or are strong rulers
Female Dominated realms default to Matrilineal
Always AI characters will arrange matrilineal marriages for all female Dynasty members unless target belongs to a Reputable Dynasty, an Equal realm, or are strong rulers  
Female Dominated & Equal AI characters will arrange matrilineal marriages if part of a Female Dominated or Equal realm unless target belongs to a Reputable Dynasty or are strong rulers  
Never AI characters will never arrange matrilineal marriages unless part of a Female Dominated realm  
Gender Equality Default All faiths start with their historical views on gender, clerical gender, male adultery and female adultery doctrines
All realms start with their historical gender succession law
Equal All faiths start with the Equal views on gender doctrine and Either clerical gender doctrine
All faiths start with male adultery and female adultery doctrines at the same level (the lesser one)
All realms start with the Equal gender succession law
Inverted All faiths start with their historical views on gender, clerical gender, male adultery and female adultery doctrines inverted
All realms start with their historical gender succession law inverted
Regional Heresies Strict Heresies are 200 times more likely to be historical if they happen in certain regions  
Default Heresies are 5 times more likely to be historical if they happen in certain regions  
Relaxed Heresies are random no matter where they happen  
Mongol Invasion Default An AI character will use the Become Greatest of Khans decision between the years 1180 and 1250 if the player doesn't do it before  
Never Only player characters can use the Become Greatest of Khans decision  
Random An AI character can use the Become Greatest of Khans decision at any point if the player doesn't do it before  
Casus Belli Costs Default Casus Bellis cost resources  
No Costs Casus Bellis do not cost resources  
Culture Conversion Speed Significantly Slower The Promote Culture councilor task makes progress 4 times slower  
Slower The Promote Culture councilor task makes progress 2 times slower  
Default The Promote Culture councilor task makes progress as per normal  
Faster The Promote Culture councilor task makes progress 2 times faster  
Significantly Faster The Promote Culture councilor task makes progress 4 times faster  
Faith Conversion Speed Significantly Slower The Convert Faith in County councilor task makes progress 4 times slower  
Slower The Convert Faith in County councilor task makes progress 2 times slower  
Default The Convert Faith in County councilor task makes progress as per normal  
Faster The Convert Faith in County councilor task makes progress 2 times faster  
Significantly Faster The Convert Faith in County councilor task makes progress 4 times faster  
Diplomatic Range Restricted Diplomatic Range is reduced by 25%  
Default Diplomatic Range remains unchanged  
Unrestricted Characters can interact no matter the distance  
End Date 1453 The game will end in 1453  
No End Date The game will never end  
De Jure Requirement On Every 5 years titles with de jure land will be destroyed if their holder controls none of their de jure land  
On (Limited) Every 5 years titles with de jure land will be destroyed if their holder controls none of their de jure land unless it's a player's primary title  
Off Titles with de jure land can only be destroyed manually  
Custom Kingdoms On The Found a New Kingdom and Found a New Empire decisions are available  
Off The Found a New Kingdom and Found a New Empire decisions are not available  
Generate Families On Landed characters with no recorded family will start with a spouse, a valid heir, a second child if the mother is over 25 and a third child if the other is over 33  
On (AI Only) Landed AI characters with no recorded family will start with a spouse, a valid heir, a second child if the mother is over 25 and a third child if the mother is over 33  
Off Landed characters with no recorded family will not start with any family  
Same-Sex Relations Default All faiths start with their historical same-sex relations doctrine  
Accepted All faiths start with the Accepted same-sex relations doctrine  
Sexuality Distribution Default Characters have a 89% chance to be heterosexual, 5% chance to be homosexual, 5% chance to be bisexual and 1% chance to be asexual  
Bisexuality Characters have a 89% chance to be bisexual, 5% chance to be homosexual, 5% chance to be heterosexual and 1% chance to be asexual  
Homosexuality Characters have a 89% chance to be homosexual, 5% chance to be heterosexual, 5% chance to be bisexual and 1% chance to be asexual  
Asexuality Characters have a 89% chance to be asexual, 3.6% chance to be homosexual, 3.6% chance to be bisexual and 3.6% chance to be heterosexual  
Equal Characters have equal chances to be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual and asexual  
Faith Acceptance Default All faiths start with their historical views on other faiths  
Full All faiths start with the Full Tolerance special doctrine  
Randomized Faiths Off All characters and counties start with their historical faith  
On All characters and counties start with a random faith  
Random Ruler Placement Off All rulers have start with their real historical titles  
On All rulers have start with random historical titles  
On (Conversion) All rulers have start with random historical titles and convert to the faith of their primary title's capital  
Hungarian Migration Historical An AI character will use the Prepare to Cross the Carpathians decision between the years 890 and 910 if the player doesn't do it before  
Random An AI character will use the Prepare to Cross the Carpathians decision between the years 872 and 910 if the player doesn't do it before  
Immediate The Mogyër Confederation starts having used the Prepare to Cross the Carpathians and in a war against the Kingdom of Bulgaria using the Migrate to Pannonia casus belli  
Player-Only Only player characters can use the Prepare to Cross the Carpathian decision  


Ironman is a special game rule that disables character switching and manual saving. The game is saved automatically once every 6 months as well as when exiting the game. Achievements can only be obtained in Ironman mode. In Ironman mode, the game over screen only has the option to exit to the main menu.