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最新版 編集中の文章
92行目: 92行目:
:* 結果としては、プレイヤーは1066年に始めるか、867年に異教徒として始めることを好むようだ。だから私達はリリースでこれらの日付に集中することにした。終了日は1453年だ。
:* 結果としては、プレイヤーは1066年に始めるか、867年に異教徒として始めることを好むようだ。だから私達はリリースでこれらの日付に集中することにした。終了日は1453年だ。
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Europa Universalisのように「公式」の終了日以降もプレーを続けることができたりする?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will we be able to continue playing after the "official" end date like in Europa Universalis?''
:* そういうゲームルールがある。だから「はい」だ。
:* There is a game rule for it, yes.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''CK3にアルビノが出る?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will albinos make an appearance in CK3?''
:* そうだね!これをみて [[forum:1406933|Dev Diary #34: ポートレートシステム]]
:* Yes! Have a look at our [[forum:1406933|Dev Diary #34: Portraits system]]
{{icon|ck3b}} ''3Dモデルには、変形や手足の欠落など、キャラクターに発生するすべてのことが反映されたりするの?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will the 3D models reflect everything that happens to a character like deformities, missing limbs and so on?''
:* We're doing some things like scars and burns, missing limbs, diseases, ...
:* We're doing some things like scars and burns, missing limbs, diseases, ...
{{icon|ck3b}} ''新しいゲームエンジンかな?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Are you using a new engine?''
:* Clausewitzエンジンの最新バージョンを使用している。
:* We are using the most up to date version of the Clausewitz engine.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there be an extended tutorial in the game for those who have not had any contact with the CK series before?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there be an extended tutorial in the game for those who have not had any contact with the CK series before?''
110行目: 110行目:
:* For sure. These are the Regnal numbers, it is not tied to family but it is based on title. If a ruler is James, and 200 years later there is another ruler named James, he will be named James II.
:* For sure. These are the Regnal numbers, it is not tied to family but it is based on title. If a ruler is James, and 200 years later there is another ruler named James, he will be named James II.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''文化依存の称号はある?Kaiser Basileus Jarlとか''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there be cultural specific titles? Say Kaiser Basileus Jarl etc.''
:* あるね!それから自動生成された貴族は、「Of York」とか「De Tottenham」みたいに、由来に関連する名前になるよ。
:* Yes! Spawned nobles will also have names relating to where they originate from: "Of York" or "De Tottenham" for example.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''ゲームにカスタム帝国がある?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there be Custom Empires in the game?''
:* そのとおりでございます!
:* Affirmative.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''評議員や配偶者になる可能性のある人を探すときの、あのキャラ検索窓はそのままなんだろうか。またあれに無限に時間をかけないといけないのかな''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will the character finder make a return or are you going for a more organic gameplay loop when finding potential councillors or spouses?''
:* あーそうだね。新しいものになるし改善されるよ!
:* Oh yes, we have a new and improved character finder!
{{icon|ck3b}} ''CK3にCk2のソサイエティ(societies)や同様のシステムを含める予定はある?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Are you planning on including societies or a similar system in CK3''
:* CK3のリリース時には、ソサイエティは計画されていない。
:* Societies are not planned for CK3 at release.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''コマンドプロンプトやデバッグモードはまたある感じ?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there still be a command prompt or a debug mode?''
:* コンソールというのがある。コンソールでコマンドを打って同じことができる。
:* There's a console, so you can do this with console commands.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''キャラクターは喋ったりするの?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will the Characters have their own voices?''
:* キャラクターは喋ったりはしない
:* Characters don't have voices.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''将来、遊牧民や異教徒が加わるのかな?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will nomads and pagans be added in the future''
:* パガンは最初から存在し遊牧民は部族になる。
:* Pagans will exist at start. Nomads will be Tribes.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Would be there any mod developing tool provided by Pdx? Because now we have to stick to using Notepad++, IntelliJ IDEA or even PHPStorm (lol), not to mention lack of map editor''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Would be there any mod developing tool provided by Pdx? Because now we have to stick to using Notepad++, IntelliJ IDEA or even PHPStorm (lol), not to mention lack of map editor''
138行目: 138行目:
:* Not exactly in the way you’re asking, but we do have both human experimentation and human sacrifice in other contexts.
:* Not exactly in the way you’re asking, but we do have both human experimentation and human sacrifice in other contexts.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''CK3は新しいユニークなOST(サウンドトラック)を持つのか、それともほとんどの曲がCK2から再利用/更新される感じなのか?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will CK3 have a new unique OST or will most of the songs be reused/updated from CK2?''
:* 完全に新しくなる
:* Completely new.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there still be gameplay mechanics tied to different cultures, such as Norse being able to raid or Irish having tanistry succession?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there still be gameplay mechanics tied to different cultures, such as Norse being able to raid or Irish having tanistry succession?''
:* Yes.
:* Yes.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''ゲームのスピードオプションはCkIIのものと似ているの?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will the game speed options be similar to CkII's?''
:* そうだ、速度は1から5で、CK2の速度とほぼ一致している。
:* Yes, speed ranges from 1 to 5. These roughly match the CK2 speeds.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''How many different pets are currently planned to be in the game?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''How many different pets are currently planned to be in the game?''
153行目: 153行目:
:* All of them.
:* All of them.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''リリース時にマルチプレーヤーは利用できる?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there be multiplayer available on release?''
:* できるよ
:* Yes.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will it be possible for modders to add other variables that affect character appearance and clothes (such as fantasy races)?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will it be possible for modders to add other variables that affect character appearance and clothes (such as fantasy races)?''
:* Yes, you can even model your own 3D character if you want. Portraits are fully moddable.
:* Yes, you can even model your own 3D character if you want. Portraits are fully moddable.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''障害が、精神的なものであれ、身体的なものであれ、どんなふうに表現されるの?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''How are disabilities, be it mental or physical, represented?''
:* できるだけ敬意を持って。キャラクターにペナルティはあたえるが、医学的に正確であることを確認し、ステレオタイプに陥らないように注意した。
:* As respectfully as possible. While they do have character penalties associated with them, we strove to ensure the penalties were as medically accurate and took care to avoid falling back on stereotypes.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''ちょっと話がズレるけど、ランダム紋章(Coat of Arms)生成器は紋章学の規則に従ったりするの?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Slightly off topic, will random Coat of Arms generation follow heraldic rules ?''
:* They will actually, our Artists and CoA designers have been very diligent!
:* They will actually, our Artists and CoA designers have been very diligent!
168行目: 168行目:
:* They will exist! And you can even name your dogs and cats yourself.
:* They will exist! And you can even name your dogs and cats yourself.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Ck3のゲームレーティングはどうなるの? Just how graphic will the game be with nudity/gore/all the wonderful sicknesses Nurgle can give me?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''What will the rating of Ck3 be? Just how graphic will the game be with nudity/gore/all the wonderful sicknesses Nurgle can give me?''
:* 16歳くらい
:* Around Age 16 or so.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''裸のポートレートを無効にするオプションはある?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''Will there be an option to disable nude portraits?''
:* あるね
:* Yes.
{{icon|ck3b}} ''How will you guys handle the fact that boat travel could not be very long concerning fresh water?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''How will you guys handle the fact that boat travel could not be very long concerning fresh water?''

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