Royal Court (DLC)

2022年9月4日 (日) 05:53時点におけるGnagaoka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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Royal Court

Banner Royal Court.jpg

リリース日付 / パッチ
2022-02-08 / 1.5

販売: Expansion

Royal CourtCrusader Kings IIIにおける第一弾目の拡張です. 2021-05-21[1]に発表され、 パッチ1.5と同時に2022-02-08にリリースされました。



Royal Courtの拡張は、あなたの王国や帝国のキャラクターと対話する新しい方法を追加し、ゲームの文化システムに大きな変更を加え、より大きなダイナミズムと歴史的流動性を追加します。

  • 玉座の間: あなたの宮廷の視覚的な表現は、あなたの王朝のすべての蓄積された威厳と威信を反映します。
  • 謁見: 封臣や廷臣たちが問題を抱えてあなたのところに来たときに、彼らと交流し、王室の裁きを要求しましょう。
  • 威光: Increase the quality of life at your court with fancier trappings and better food, all the better to impress your rivals and attract higher quality guests.
  • ひらめきを得た人々: Talented artists, craftspeople and thinkers can work on new projects, adding treasures and artifacts to your court.
  • 混合文化: Make the most of a multicultural realm, developing a new way of life that is specifically adapted to your population and geography.
  • 文化分岐: Split from your traditional culture, adapting it into something new that better fits your aspirations.


Cinematic trailers

Royal Court - Date reveal trailer. Cultures, intrigue, and more await you. Behold your throne room in full detail and be a part of the court intrigue that fuels the very heart of your domain! Walk your own path and aspire to greatness surrounded by the spoils of your rule.
Royal Court - Announcement trailer. Invite your subjects to come to you with their problems, knowing that every problem is also an opportunity. How will you rule?

Video diaries

Royal Court - Feature breakdown. Your throne room will be the center of your kingdom - like it should be. Become a master of languages, founder of cultures, collector of relics, and more on your own path to become the greatest ruler of all time. Be a witness to all the grandeur of the Royal Court!


Dev diaries

メイン記事へ: Developer diaries

Developer diaries
