
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
24行目: 24行目:
*"'''DD'''" – Development diary, a post about the development of a certain part of the game or DLC yet to be released at the time of writing, or, more recently, a mod in the same situation.
*"'''DD'''" – Development diary, a post about the development of a certain part of the game or DLC yet to be released at the time of writing, or, more recently, a mod in the same situation.
*"'''DoW'''" – Declaration of war; extended into the verb "to DOW", meaning "to declare war".
*"'''DoW'''" – Declaration of war; extended into the verb "to DOW", meaning "to declare war".
*"'''CTD'''" – A "crash to desktop" bug
*"'''CTD'''" – "crash to desktop(デスクトップに戻される)"バグ。アプリケーションの強制終了のこと。
*"'''OOS'''" – An "out of sync" bug, where two computers in [[multiplayer]] disagree about game state
*"'''OOS'''" – "out of sync(同期外れ)" バグ。 [[マルチプレイヤー]]中の2台のPCでゲームの内部状態が合わなくなること。
*"'''MR'''" – Merchant Republic A government type in the game
*"'''MR'''" – Merchant Republic(商業共和国) ゲーム内の政体の一つ。
*"'''HoF'''" - Head of Faith - The leader of a faith if Temporal or Spiritual Head of Faith Doctrine is present
*"'''HoF'''" - Head of Faith - The leader of a faith if Temporal or Spiritual Head of Faith Doctrine is present
*"'''MaA'''" - Men-at-Arms - Elite fighting troops who need upkeep but have specialized roles unlike levies
*"'''MaA'''" - Men-at-Arms - Elite fighting troops who need upkeep but have specialized roles unlike levies
*"'''DLC'''" – [[ダウンロードコンテンツ]] のこと
*"'''DLC'''" – [[ダウンロードコンテンツ]] のこと

2020年9月2日 (水) 07:05時点における版



頭文字の一覧 (頭字語)

  • "CK3" または"CKIII" - wikiでゲーム(Crusader Kings III)について言及するとき
  • "PDS" – パラドックスデベロップメントスタジオ。CKIIIの開発元。
  • "PI" – パラドックスインタラクティブ。CKIIIのパブリッシャー。
  • "GG" – Gamersgate。CKIII販売店の一つ。
  • "WAD" – Works/working as designed; this acronym means that the thing in question is functioning as intended, typically used in the context of a mistaken bug.
  • "WIP" - Work in progress(進行中)。この頭字語は、問題のものがまだ開発中であり、まだ完成していないことを意味します。
  • "OPM" – One-province minor; this acronym signifies a usually independent nation consisting of only one province or county.
  • "HRE" – Holy Roman Empire。神聖ローマ帝国のこと。
  • "BE" – Byzantine Empire。ビザンツ帝国のこと。
  • "ERE" – Eastern Roman Empire, as alternative name for the Byzantine Empire.
  • "WC" – World conquest(世界征服): 自身ですべての称号を持つ。
  • "GH" – The Golden Horde。キプチャクのこと。
  • "AAR" – After-action report; a kind of a story told about a game in progress but with the action already complete, often narrated as if the player was the actual character.
  • "LP" – Let's Play; an alternative to the AAR, a video narrative of a game in progress with the action ongoing rather than already complete.
  • "CA" – Crown authority(王権)
  • "CB" – 'Casus belli' = a justification for war, which is required in the game to declare any sort of war.
  • "OP" – Overpowered; used to reference a certain mechanic or tactic that's considered too powerful
  • "DD" – Development diary, a post about the development of a certain part of the game or DLC yet to be released at the time of writing, or, more recently, a mod in the same situation.
  • "DoW" – Declaration of war; extended into the verb "to DOW", meaning "to declare war".
  • "CTD" – "crash to desktop(デスクトップに戻される)"バグ。アプリケーションの強制終了のこと。
  • "OOS" – "out of sync(同期外れ)" バグ。 マルチプレイヤー中の2台のPCでゲームの内部状態が合わなくなること。
  • "MR" – Merchant Republic(商業共和国) – ゲーム内の政体の一つ。
  • "HoF" - Head of Faith - The leader of a faith if Temporal or Spiritual Head of Faith Doctrine is present
  • "MaA" - Men-at-Arms - Elite fighting troops who need upkeep but have specialized roles unlike levies
  • "DLC" – ダウンロードコンテンツ のこと