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最新版 編集中の文章
89行目: 89行目:
*'''平等(双系):''' 娘と息子の療法に請求権が継承される。
*'''平等(双系):''' 娘と息子の療法に請求権が継承される。
== メモ ==
== Notes ==
*If an unlanded character inherits a title but no holdings, they will automatically usurp a county in their realm; preference is usually given to its de jure capital.
*If a character inherits a duchy+ they will also inherit all de-jure counties in that title.
*With partition succession, anyone but the primary heir can be granted titles their siblings stand to inherit.
*With partition succession, anyone but the primary heir can be granted titles their siblings stand to inherit.
*If an heir already owns land within a certain title, they will inherit it before siblings who do not.
*If an heir already owns land within a certain title, they will inherit it before siblings who do not.
*Baronies are always inherited by their de jure count.
*The primary heir receives all wealth/gold and men-at-arms upon death.
*Characters with the trait ''devoted'' or ''order member'' can still inherit claims
*Disinherited characters can still inherit titles from rulers outside their dynasty
*The display order of titles in the character screen is decided as follows:
*#The primary title always comes first.
*#Higher tier titles come before lower tier titles.
*#Titles of the same tier are ordered according to how long each title has been in possession, the oldest one coming first.
== ヒント ==
== ヒント ==

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