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27行目: 27行目:
== 婚姻 ==
== 婚姻 ==
配偶者、側室(concubines)、配偶者で[[多産]]なものは嫡出子(legitimate children)を持つことができます。普通、婚姻した子供は父親の家に属します。しかし、母系制(matrilineal marriage)では、子どもは母親の家に属します。また、婚姻は他のキャラクターとの{{iconify|alliance||||同盟}}の一つの方法でもあります。
配偶者、側室(concubines)、配偶者で[[多産]]なものは嫡出子(legitimate children)を持つことができます。普通、婚姻した子供は父親の家に属します。しかし、母系制(matrilineal marriage)では、母親の家から子どもが生まれます。また、婚姻は他のキャラクターとの{{iconify|alliance||||同盟}}の一つの方法でもあります。
宗派の教義(faith's doctrines)は、ある人物が誰と婚姻するか、何人の正式なパートナーを持つか、そして婚姻が離婚に終わるかどうかに影響します。
宗派の教義(faith's doctrines)は、ある人物が誰と婚姻するか、何人の正式なパートナーを持つか、そして婚姻が離婚に終わるかどうかに影響します。
*  {{icon|marriage type}}男妾(consorts)、側室(concubines)婚姻の教義は、支配者が正室を含め最大3人の配偶者を持つことを認めています。男妾、側室から生まれた子は、{{icon|child of concubine}} [[Child of Concubine|男妾/側室の子]] 特性を得ます。婚姻とは異なり、側室は同盟をもたらす事はありません。ただし、男妾や側室は離婚することなく自由に破棄することができます。
*  {{icon|marriage type}}男妾(consorts)、側室(concubines)婚姻の教義は、支配者が配偶者とともに最大3人の配偶者を持つことを認めています。男妾、側室から生まれた子は、{{icon|child of concubine}} [[Child of Concubine|男妾/側室の子]] 特性を得ます。婚姻とは異なり、側室は同盟をもたらす事はありません。ただし、男妾や側室は離婚することなく自由に破棄することができます。
* {{icon|consanguinity}} [[近親婚主義]]は[[#Incest|近親婚]]を合法とします。
* {{icon|consanguinity}} [[近親婚主義]]は[[#Incest|近親婚]]を合法とします。
* {{icon|divorce}} 婚姻は[[離婚の教義]]の法理に従って終了することができます。離婚の対象者は、元配偶者との間に{{icon|opinion}} {{red|−25}}の評価「(私と離婚した)」を50年間、相手の近親者との間に{{icon|opinion}} {{red|−5}}の評価「(私の近親者と離婚した)」を5年間得ます。離婚した人物は再婚することがあります。
* {{icon|divorce}} 婚姻は[[離婚の教義]]の法理に従って終了することができます。離婚の対象者は、元配偶者との間に{{icon|opinion}} {{red|−25}}の評価「(私と離婚した)」を50年間、相手の近親者との間に{{icon|opinion}} {{red|−5}}の評価「(私の近親者と離婚した)」を5年間得ます。離婚した人物は再婚することがあります。
196行目: 196行目:
婚姻外の[[恋人]]を持つことは、[[File:Secret_adultery.png|24px]] [[恋人の秘密]]を作ります。 これが明らかになると、宗派の{{icon|male adultery}} / {{icon|female adultery}} [[姦通者]]の教義によっては、恋人の2人のキャラクターが {{icon|fornicator}} [[間男]](Fornicator)と{{icon|male adultery}}[[姦通者]](Adulterer)の特性を得ることがあります。婚外で生まれたと知られた子供は、彼らの宗派の [[私生児の教義]]が{{icon|bastardry}}「私生児は存在しない」の場合に{{icon|bastard}} [[非嫡出子(特性)]]もしくは{{icon|wild oat}} [[特性#婚外子|婚外子]](Wild Oat)を得ます。もし婚外子が領地を得ることに成功した場合、{{icon|bastard_founder}} [[特性#Bastard_Founder|成り上がった私生児]]の特性を得ます。
婚姻外の[[恋人]]を持つことは、[[File:Secret_adultery.png|24px]] [[恋人の秘密]]を作ります。 これが明らかになると、宗派の{{icon|male adultery}} / {{icon|female adultery}} [[姦通者]]の教義によっては、恋人の2人のキャラクターが {{icon|fornicator}} [[間男]](Fornicator)と{{icon|male adultery}}[[姦通者]](Adulterer)の特性を得ることがあります。婚外で生まれたと知られた子供は、彼らの宗派の [[私生児の教義]]が{{icon|bastardry}}「私生児は存在しない」の場合に{{icon|bastard}} [[非嫡出子(特性)]]もしくは{{icon|wild oat}} [[特性#婚外子|婚外子]](Wild Oat)を得ます。もし婚外子が領地を得ることに成功した場合、{{icon|bastard_founder}} [[特性#Bastard_Founder|成り上がった私生児]]の特性を得ます。
== 近親相姦 ==
== Incest ==
近親相姦とは、家族同士の性行為のことです。宗派の{{icon|Consanguinity}} [[血族関係]]の教義は近親婚の合法性を決めます。婚姻で近親相姦が許されていない関係を持つキャラクター達は「[[Incest secret|近親相姦者である]]」の秘密を獲得し、もしそれが暴露されると{{icon|Incestuous}} [[近親相姦]]の特性を暴露します。近親相姦の関係は、法的なものであろうとなかろうと、[[Inbreeding (mechanic)|近親交配による子孫の誕生]]のリスクがあります。
Incest is sexual activity between family members. A faith's {{icon|Consanguinity}} [[Consanguinity]] doctrine determines the legality of incestuous marriage. Characters having an incestuous relation that would not be allowed in marriage gain the ''[[Incest secret|Is Incestuous]]'' secret, and if exposed the {{icon|Incestuous}} [[Incestuous]] trait. Any form of incestuous relation, legal or not, may risk [[Inbreeding (mechanic)|producing inbred offspring]].
The [[Divine Marriage]] tenet provides bonuses to incestuous marriages.
ターゲットキャラクターの宗派がそのような近親相姦の関係を受け入れていない限り、または誘惑者が「[[僅かな望み]]」のパーク({{icon|intrigue lifestyle}} 誘惑ツリー)を持っていない限り、親族を[[Seduce (scheme)|誘惑]]するのはより難しくなります。
Relatives are harder to [[Seduce (scheme)|seduce]] unless the target character's Faith accepts such an incestuous relation or the seducer has the ''[[Subtle Desire]]'' perk ({{icon|intrigue lifestyle}} Seducer tree).
== 特性の遺伝 ==
== Trait inheritance ==
先天性特性(Congenital Trait)はキャラクターの子孫(offspring)に受け継ぐことができます。ステータスボーナスやその他の効果を得るために、先天性特性が可視化([[#Active and inactive traits|活性]])される必要はもちろんですが、キャラクターは陰性 ([[#Active and inactive traits|不活性]])の特性も持っているかもしれません。それは不可視の特性ですが子供に受け継がれる可能性があります。<ref>"[遺伝特性は]見えます、ただしキャラクターは陰性の特性も保持している…それらは可視化されていないが、子孫に受け継ぐことができる!" [[forumpost:26089470|rageair's reply]] in CK3 Dev Diary #7 - キャラクターとポートレートのスレッド</ref>
Congenital traits can be inherited by a character's offspring. Although congenital traits must be visible ([[#Active and inactive traits|active]]) to provide stat bonuses and other effects, a character may also carry recessive ([[#Active and inactive traits|inactive]]) traits which are invisible, yet can still be inherited by one's children.<ref>"[Genetic traits are] visible, though characters can also carry recessive traits... those are not visible, but can be inherited by their offspring!" [[forumpost:26089470|rageair's reply]] in CK3 Dev Diary #7 - Characters & Portraits thread</ref>
子供に遺伝する特性がいくつかありますが、それらは活性/不活性の継承メカニズムが使用されません。本節の文脈において、'''先天性特性'''という用語を使った時はそのような特性を除外します。また[[Descendant trait|非遺伝ではあるが継承される]]特性も含みません。
There are some traits that are inherited by children, but do not use the active/inactive inheritance mechanic. In the context of this section, the term ''congenital trait'' excludes such traits. It also does not include traits that are [[Descendant trait|non-genetic, yet inheritable]].  
==== 活性特性の遺伝の確率 ====
先天性特性が活性特性(active trait)として遺伝する可能性は、親がどの型(活性または不活性) を持っているかに基づきます。<ref name=Defines>{{cite file|common\defines\00_defines.txt}}, <code>NChildbirth</code></ref>
==== Chance of active inheritance ====
The chances of inheriting a congenital trait as an active trait is based on what version (active or inactive) the parents have:<ref name=Defines>{{cite file|common\defines\00_defines.txt}}, <code>NChildbirth</code></ref>
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! {{diagonal split header|父親|母親}}
! {{diagonal split header|Father|Mother}}
! なし
! None
! 不活性
! Inactive
! 活性
! Active
! なし
! None
| 0%
| 0%
| 2%
| 2%
| 25%
| 25%
! 不活性
! Inactive
| 2%
| 2%
| 10%
| 10%
| 50%
| 50%
! 活性
! Active
| 25%
| 25%
| 50%
| 50%
233行目: 232行目:
==== 不活性特性の遺伝の確率 ====
==== Chance of inactive inheritance ====
子供が遺伝に積極的でない場合、特性は不活性特性(inactive trait)として受け継がれる可能性があります。<ref name=Defines />
If the child does not inherit actively, there is a chance that they will inherit the trait as an inactive trait instead:<ref name=Defines />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! {{diagonal split header|父親|母親}}
! {{diagonal split header|Father|Mother}}
! なし
! None
! 不活性
! Inactive
! 活性
! Active
! なし
! None
| 0%
| 0%
| 25%
| 25%
| 75%
| 75%
! 不活性
! Inactive
| 25%
| 25%
| 50%
| 50%
| 100%
| 100%
! 活性
! Active
| 75%
| 75%
| 100%
| 100%
258行目: 256行目:
=== 階層(Tier)を持つ特性の継承における一般的な仕組み ===
=== General logic for trait with tiers inheritance ===
# 最も高位の特性から開始
# Start from highest trait
# 活性確率が計算される。それより下位階層 (不活性を含む) は不活性階層としてカウントされる。最初のレベルより下の各レベルでは、確率に定数が乗算される。
# Calculate active chance. Lower tiers ( including inactive ) count as inactive of the tier. Each level down beyond the first multiplies chance by a define
# 活性であれば、それが使われる;ここで完了
# If active, use it; DONE
# そうでなければ、1つ下の階層に移動し、それが不活性である場合は、もう一方の両親がその階層を活性にする。そうでなければもう一方の両親はその階層を不活性にする。項目2に戻る。<ref>原文:Otherwise, go down a tier, if inactive pretend 1 more parent has that tier active, otherwise 1 more parent has it inactive.GOTO 2</ref>
# Otherwise, go down a tier, if inactive pretend 1 more parent has that tier active, otherwise 1 more parent has it inactive.GOTO 2
When trying to inherit a tiered genetic trait, and the other person has one of lower tier, we pretend that means they've  got the higher tier one recessively, and reduce the chance of inheritance by 20% per tier further down than 1 the other parent's trait is.
When trying to inherit a tiered genetic trait, and the other person has one of lower tier, we pretend that means they've  got the higher tier one recessively, and reduce the chance of inheritance by 20% per tier further down than 1 the other parent's trait is.
268行目: 266行目:
When going down a tier, add 40%.<ref name=Defines />
When going down a tier, add 40%.<ref name=Defines />
===先天性特性一覧 List of congenital traits ===
=== List of congenital traits ===
The table below contains all genetic traits that use the inheritance mechanism as described above.<ref name=Traits>{{cite file|common\traits\00_traits.txt}}</ref><ref>"[If genetic = yes, the trait's] inheritance will follow the following rules: The trait can be inactive. Children can inherit the trait from both active and inactive parent traits. [...] An active trait is inherited with 100% chance, an inactive trait with a 50% chance. If the trait is successfully inherited from both parents, it becomes active. [...] If it's inherited only from one parent, it's inactive." Developer comments in {{cite file|common\traits\_traits.info}}</ref> This list does not contain traits such as {{iconify|Sayyid}}, which can be inherited from a character's non-biological parent (in the case of secret bastards), or {{iconify|Inbred}} which uses a custom inheritance chance. The ''natural prevalence'' column denotes the likelihood of any character being born with the trait if it is not inherited from their parents. For every trait with natural prevalence, the same value can be assumed for random prevalence (i.e. for generated characters).<ref name=Traits /> Note that some traits cannot be inherited at the same time since they are incompatible; such traits are indicated if they belong in the same group.
The table below contains all genetic traits that use the inheritance mechanism as described above.<ref name=Traits>{{cite file|common\traits\00_traits.txt}}</ref><ref>"[If genetic = yes, the trait's] inheritance will follow the following rules: The trait can be inactive. Children can inherit the trait from both active and inactive parent traits. [...] An active trait is inherited with 100% chance, an inactive trait with a 50% chance. If the trait is successfully inherited from both parents, it becomes active. [...] If it's inherited only from one parent, it's inactive." Developer comments in {{cite file|common\traits\_traits.info}}</ref> This list does not contain traits such as {{iconify|Sayyid}}, which can be inherited from a character's non-biological parent (in the case of secret bastards), or {{iconify|Inbred}} which uses a custom inheritance chance. The ''natural prevalence'' column denotes the likelihood of any character being born with the trait if it is not inherited from their parents. For every trait with natural prevalence, the same value can be assumed for random prevalence (i.e. for generated characters).<ref name=Traits /> Note that some traits cannot be inherited at the same time since they are incompatible; such traits are indicated if they belong in the same group.
504行目: 502行目:
==近親婚 Inbreeding ==
== Inbreeding ==
Inbreeding is the process of two related characters having children together. For these purposes, related characters are those who share a [[#Common ancestors|common ancestor]]. Such children can be born with [[#Traits gained from inbreeding|negative congenital traits]] even if neither parent has them, or the {{icon|Inbred}} [[#Inbred|Inbred]] trait in advanced cases. However, there is a [[#Pure-blooded|small chance]] for the child to gain the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait instead.
Inbreeding is the process of two related characters having children together. For these purposes, related characters are those who share a [[#Common ancestors|common ancestor]]. Such children can be born with [[#Traits gained from inbreeding|negative congenital traits]] even if neither parent has them, or the {{icon|Inbred}} [[#Inbred|Inbred]] trait in advanced cases. However, there is a [[#Pure-blooded|small chance]] for the child to gain the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait instead.
602行目: 600行目:
The {{iconify|Inbred}} trait may be inherited from one's parents. It may also be gained if a character with a ''[[#Traits gained from inbreeding|general inbred trait]]'' has children with someone with whom they share a common ancestor.<ref name=TraitsInfoFile /> The chance of gaining the Inbred trait as a result of this is unknown. Note that even with highly incestuous marriages, no children will gain the Inbred trait if the parents do not possess any of the enabling traits.<ref name=TalkPagePureBloodedEffect />
The {{iconify|Inbred}} trait may be inherited from one's parents. It may also be gained if a character with a ''[[#Traits gained from inbreeding|general inbred trait]]'' has children with someone with whom they share a common ancestor.<ref name=TraitsInfoFile /> The chance of gaining the Inbred trait as a result of this is unknown. Note that even with highly incestuous marriages, no children will gain the Inbred trait if the parents do not possess any of the enabling traits.<ref name=TalkPagePureBloodedEffect />
====純血 Pure-blooded ====
==== Pure-blooded ====
The Pure-blooded trait may be [[#List of other inherited traits|inherited from one's parents]]. Otherwise, it may be gained naturally. Similar to the chance of inbreeding, the chance of gaining the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait naturally is based on the number of common ancestors, multiplied by the corresponding level factor for that amount of common ancestors:<ref name=Defines />
The Pure-blooded trait may be [[#List of other inherited traits|inherited from one's parents]]. Otherwise, it may be gained naturally. Similar to the chance of inbreeding, the chance of gaining the {{iconify|Pure-blooded}} trait naturally is based on the number of common ancestors, multiplied by the corresponding level factor for that amount of common ancestors:<ref name=Defines />

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