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44,962 バイト追加 、 2021年2月2日 (火) 21:41
ページの作成:「{{version|1.0}} Holy sites are baronies that are considered sacred by a Faith. If a faith controls a holy site, all characters belonging to that faith will gain a per…」
Holy sites are baronies that are considered sacred by a [[Faith]]. If a faith controls a holy site, all characters belonging to that faith will gain a permanent bonus. For most religions, all faiths have the same holy sites. Most religions have 5 holy sites per faith, but a few have 6 or 7.

== Uses ==
All characters belonging to a faith controlling one of its holy sites will receive a bonus unique to that holy site. This bonus will be lost if another faith takes control of the holy site, so different faiths will compete over control over them. Some holy sites, such as Armagh, belong only to a single faith. Others, like Jerusalem, are hotly contested by many faiths. Control of a holy site is determined by the faith of the county holder.

In addition to the bonus provided, holy sites have other effects. For instance, a ruler may choose to pay gold to [[Go on a Pilgrimage|go on a pilgrimage]] to one of their faith's holy sites. Several [[tenets]] grant additional bonuses from holy sites. For example, Ecclesiarchy provides a bonus to monthly fervor for every holy site that is controlled by the Faith. Holy sites are used when creating a Head of Faith. If a Head of Faith does not exist, then a ruler can create the title by controlling a holy site and paying gold, if it is a spiritual title, or by controlling a holy site and paying piety, if it is a temporal title. Reforming an unreformed Faith requires control of three of the faith's holy sites. When reforming or creating a new faith, the new faith will inherit the holy sites of the old faith.

Each Holy Site has a special building slot for a [[Special buildings#Holy buildings|great temple]]. For some Holy Sites, this is a [[Special buildings#Unique holy buildings|unique building]] such as the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya. The building slot can also be used for the special building [[Special buildings#Hall of Heroes|Hall of Heroes]], constructable only through the unique decision [[Defenders of High God (Ukko / Rod / Dievas)|Defenders of High God (Ukko / Rod / Dievas)]]. It is possible to replace unique buildings and the hall of heroes with a normal great temple, but the transition cannot necessarily be reversed.

== List of holy sites ==
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! Name
! Location
! De Jure Kingdom
! Effects
! Faiths
! Notes

|- id="Jerusalem"
| Jerusalem
| [[List of counties#Jerusalem|Jerusalem]] (shared with [[#Mount Gerizim|Mount Gerizim]])
| Jerusalem
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=JerusalemPietyGainPct />{{green|+20%}}<section end=JerusalemPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{icon|convert faith}} {{green|+20%}} County Conversion Speed
* All Christian faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Catholicism}}
** {{iconify|Orthodoxy}}
** {{iconify|Coptic}}
** {{iconify|Apostolic}}
** {{iconify|Insular Christianity}}
** {{iconify|Krstjani}}
** {{iconify|Conversos}}
** {{iconify|Nestorianism}}
** {{iconify|Bogomilism}}
** {{iconify|Catharism}}
** {{iconify|Iconoclasm}}
** {{iconify|Lollardy}}
** {{iconify|Paulicianism}}
** {{iconify|Waldensianism}}
** {{iconify|Messalianism}}
** {{iconify|Adamitism}}
<section begin=AllMuslim />
* All Muslim faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Ash'arism}}
** {{iconify|Muwalladism}}
** {{iconify|Maturidism}}
** {{iconify|Almohadism}}
** {{iconify|Mu'tazilism}}
** {{iconify|Isma'ilism}}
** {{iconify|Zayidism}}
** {{iconify|Nizarism}}
** {{iconify|Imamism}}
** {{iconify|Ibadism}}
** {{iconify|Najdatism}}
** {{iconify|Azraqism}}
** {{iconify|Sufrism}}
** {{iconify|Druze}}
** {{iconify|Alawism}}
** {{iconify|Alevism}}
** {{iconify|Ikhtilafism}}
** {{iconify|Qarmatianism}}
** {{iconify|Quranism}}
</div><section end=AllMuslim />
* All Dualist faiths except {{iconify|Cainitism}}: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Manicheanism}}
** {{iconify|Mandeaism}}
** {{iconify|Priscillianism}}
** {{iconify|Sabianism}}
** {{iconify|Sethianism}}
** {{iconify|Valentinianism}}
* All Jewish faiths except {{iconify|Samaritanism}}: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Kabarism}}
** {{iconify|Haymanot}}
** {{iconify|Karaism}}
** {{iconify|Rabbinism}}
** {{iconify|Malabarism}}
| The ancient capital of Israel and the site of the First and Second Temples according to Judaism. For Christianity, it is the location of Jesus's crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. In Islam, it is the midpoint of Muhammad's night journey from Mecca to heaven.

|- id="Rome"
| Rome
| Vaticano in [[List of counties#Roma|Roma]]
| Romagna
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Development growth
* All Christian faiths except {{iconify|Nestorianism}}, {{iconify|Coptic}} and {{iconify|Apostolic}}: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Catholicism}}
** {{iconify|Orthodoxy}}
** {{iconify|Insular Christianity}}
** {{iconify|Krstjani}}
** {{iconify|Conversos}}
** {{iconify|Bogomilism}}
** {{iconify|Catharism}}
** {{iconify|Iconoclasm}}
** {{iconify|Lollardy}}
** {{iconify|Paulicianism}}
** {{iconify|Waldensianism}}
** {{iconify|Messalianism}}
** {{iconify|Adamitism}}
* {{iconify|Valentinianism}}
* {{iconify|Sethianism}}
* {{iconify|Hellenism}}

|- id="Cologne"
| Cologne
| [[List of counties#Cologne|Cologne]]
| Lotharingia
* {{icon|culture}} {{green|+5%}} Cultural Fascination Speed
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} County Control Growth
<section begin=CatholicismAndHeresies />
* {{iconify|Catholicism}} and historical heresies: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Catharism}}
** {{iconify|Waldensianism}}
** {{iconify|Lollardy}}
</div><section end=CatholicismAndHeresies />

|- id="Santiago"
| Santiago
| [[List of counties#Santiago|Santiago]]
| Galicia
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+20%}} Supply Duration
<!-- Transclusion used by Holy Order page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=SantiagoHolyOrderHireCost />{{green|−10%}}<section end=SantiagoHolyOrderHireCost /> Holy order hire cost
{{#lst:Holy sites|CatholicismAndHeresies}}

|- id="Canterbury"
| Canterbury
| Canterbury in [[List of counties#Kent|Kent]]
| England
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Religious Vassal Opinion
* {{green|+10%}} Sway Scheme Power
{{#lst:Holy sites|CatholicismAndHeresies}}
* {{iconify|Insular Christianity}}

|- id="Constantinople"
| Constantinople
| [[List of counties#Byzantion|Byzantion]]
| Thessalonika
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Direct Vassal Opinion
<section begin=OrthodoxAndHeresies />
* {{iconify|Orthodoxy}} and historical heresies: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Iconoclasm}}
** {{iconify|Bogomilism}}
** {{iconify|Paulicianism}}
** {{iconify|Messalianism}}
</div><section end=OrthodoxAndHeresies />
* {{iconify|Maturidism}}

|- id="Alexandria"
| Alexandria
| [[List of counties#Alexandria|Alexandria]]
| Egypt
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning per Level of Devotion
{{#lst:Holy sites|OrthodoxAndHeresies}}
* {{iconify|Coptic}}
* {{iconify|Conversos}}
* {{iconify|Adamitism}}
* {{iconify|Sethianism}}
* {{iconify|Valentinianism}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJewish}}
* {{iconify|Hellenism}}

|- id="Antioch"
| Antioch
| [[List of counties#Antiocheia|Antiocheia]]
| Syria
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+10%}} Knight Effectiveness
{{#lst:Holy sites|OrthodoxAndHeresies}}
* {{iconify|Coptic}}
* {{iconify|Apostolic}}
* {{iconify|Nestorianism}}

|- id="Aksum"
| Aksum
| [[List of counties#Tigré|Tigré]]
| Abyssinia
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Coptic}}

|- id="Napata"
| Napata
| [[List of counties#Meroë|Meroë]]
| Nubia
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{iconify|Coptic}}

|- id="Dwin"
| Dwin
| [[List of counties#Suenik|Suenik]]
| Armenia
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=DwinPietyGainPct />{{green|+5%}}<section end=DwinPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{iconify|Apostolic}}

|- id="Koloneia"
| Koloneia
| [[List of counties#Colonea|Colonea]]
| Pontus
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Direct Vassal Opinion
* {{iconify|Apostolic}}

|- id="Beirut"
| Beirut
| [[List of counties#Beirut|Beirut]]
| Syria
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Councilor Opinion
* {{iconify|Apostolic}}
* {{iconify|Druze}}

|- id="Baghdad"
| Baghdad
| [[List of counties#Baghdad|Baghdad]]
| Mesopotamia
* {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Development Growth
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Temple Building Construction Cost
* {{iconify|Nestorianism}}
* {{iconify|Manicheanism}}
* {{iconify|Mandeaism}}
* {{iconify|Sabianism}}
* {{iconify|Ash'ari}}
* {{iconify|Maturidism}}
* {{iconify|Mu'tazilism}}
* {{iconify|Quranism}}
* {{iconify|Imamism}}

|- id="Farz"
| Farz
| [[List of counties#Shiraz|Shiraz]]
| Persia
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Nestorianism}}
* {{iconify|Mandeaism}}
* {{iconify|Sabianism}}

|- id="Kerala"
| Kerala
| [[List of counties#Kanara|Kanara]]
| Maharastra
* {{icon|convert faith}} {{green|+50%}} County Conversion Speed
* {{iconify|Nestorianism}}

|- id="Armagh"
| Armagh
| [[List of counties#Oriel|Oriel]]
| Ireland
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=ArmaghPietyGainPct />{{green|+5%}}<section end=ArmaghPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Insular Christianity}}

|- id="Iona"
| Iona
| [[List of counties#Inner Hebrides|Inner Hebrides]]
| Scotland
* {{icon|convert faith}} {{green|+20%}} County Conversion Speed in the British Isles
* {{iconify|Insular Christianity}}

|- id="Visoki"
| Visoki
| [[List of counties#Rama|Rama]]
| Croatia
* {{icon|convert faith}} {{green|+50%}} County Conversion Resistance
* {{iconify|Krstjani}}

|- id="Ragusa"
| Ragusa
| [[List of counties#Ragusa|Ragusa]]
| Croatia
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{iconify|Krstjani}}

|- id="Esztergom"
| Esztergom
| [[List of counties#Esztergom|Esztergom]]
| Hungary
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+10}} Popular Opinion
* {{iconify|Krstjani}}

|- id="Mecca"
| Mecca
| [[List of counties#Mecca|Mecca]]
| Arabia
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=MeccaPietyGainPct />{{green|+2%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=MeccaPietyGainPct />
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+10%}} Knight Effectiveness
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMuslim}}

|- id="Medina"
| Medina
| [[List of counties#Medina|Medina]]
| Arabia
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMuslim}}

|- id="Cordoba"
| Cordoba
| [[List of counties#Cordoba|Cordoba]]
| Andalusia
* {{icon|convert faith}} {{green|+20%}} County Conversion Speed
* {{iconify|Conversos}}
* {{iconify|Priscillianism}}
* {{iconify|Muwalladism}}

|- id="Sinai"
| Sinai
| [[List of counties#Sinai|Sinai]]
| Egypt
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage in Desert Mountains terrain
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{iconify|Conversos}}
* {{iconify|Valentinianism}}
* {{iconify|Sethianism}}
* {{iconify|Priscillianism}}
* {{iconify|Ash'ari}}
* {{iconify|Mu'tazilism}}
* {{iconify|Quranism}}
<section begin=AllJewish />
* All Jewish faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Kabarism}}
** {{iconify|Haymanot}}
** {{iconify|Karaism}}
** {{iconify|Rabbinism}}
** {{iconify|Samaritanism}}
** {{iconify|Malabarism}}
</div><section end=AllJewish />
* {{iconify|Paganism}}

|- id="Tinmallal"
| Tinmallal
| [[List of counties#Tinmallal|Tinmallal]]
| Maghreb
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+4}} Maximum Battle Roll
* {{iconify|Almohadism}}

|- id="Fes"
| Fes
| [[List of counties#Fes|Fes]]
| Maghreb
* {{icon|culture}} {{green|+10%}} Cultural Fascination Speed
* {{iconify|Adamitism}}
* {{iconify|Muwalladism}}
* {{iconify|Almohadism}}

|- id="Nadjaf"
| Nadjaf
| [[List of counties#Kufa|Kufa]] (shared with [[#Kufa|holy site of same name]])
| Mesopotamia
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
* All {{iconify|Shia}} Muslim faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Isma'ilism}}
** {{iconify|Zayidism}}
** {{iconify|Nizarism}}
** {{iconify|Imamism}}
* {{iconify|Qarmatianism}}
* {{iconify|Ikhtilafism}}
* {{iconify|Alawism}}
* {{iconify|Alevism}}

|- id="Damascus"
| Damascus
| [[List of counties#Damascus|Damascus]]
| Syria
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+5%}} Levy Size
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} County Control Growth
* All {{iconify|Shia}} Muslim faiths except {{iconify|Imamism}}: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Isma'ilism}}
** {{iconify|Zayidism}}
** {{iconify|Nizarism}}
* {{iconify|Mandeaism}}
* {{iconify|Sabianism}}
* {{iconify|Qarmatianism}}
* {{iconify|Ikhtilafism}}
* {{iconify|Alawism}}
* {{iconify|Alevism}}

|- id="Siffa"
| Siffa
| [[List of counties#Palmyra|Palmyra]]
| Syria
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+2}} Prowess
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{iconify|Azraqism}}
* {{iconify|Sufrism}}

|- id="Kufa"
| Kufa
| [[List of counties#Kufa|Kufa]] (shared with [[#Nadjaf|Nadjaf]])
| Mesopotamia
* {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+1}} Intrigue per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Azraqism}}

|- id="Basra"
| Basra
| [[List of counties#Basra|Basra]]
| Mesopotamia
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning
* {{iconify|Mandeaism}}
* {{iconify|Sabianism}}
* {{iconify|Ibadism}}

|- id="Nizwa"
| Nizwa
| [[List of counties#Nizwa|Nizwa]]
| Arabia
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Ibadism}}

|- id="Sijilmasa"
| Sijilmasa
| [[List of counties#Sijilmasa|Sijilmasa]]
| Maghreb
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{iconify|Valentinianism}}
* {{iconify|Sethianism}}
* {{iconify|Sufrism}}

|- id="Bahrein"
| Bahrein
| [[List of counties#Qatif|Qatif]]
| Arabia
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{iconify|Najdatism}}

|- id="Yamama"
| Yamama
| [[List of counties#Yamama|Yamama]]
| Arabia
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage in Desert terrain
* {{iconify|Najdatism}}

|- id="Sinjar"
| Sinjar
| [[List of counties#Sinjar|Sinjar]]
| Jazira
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per level of devotion
* All Miletê faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Kitêbacilweism}}
** {{iconify|Meshefaresism}}
** {{iconify|Yazidism}}

|- id="Baalbek"
| Baalbek
| [[List of counties#Baalbek|Baalbek]]
| Syria
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+20}} Clergy opinion
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly prestige
<section begin=AllMilete />
* All Miletê faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Kitêbacilweism}}
** {{iconify|Meshefaresism}}
** {{iconify|Yazidism}}
</div><section end=AllMilete />

|- id="Lalish"
| Lalish
| [[List of counties#Ninive|Ninive]]
| Jazira
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per level of devotion
* {{icon|prestige}} <section begin=LalishPietyGainPct />{{green|+20%}}<section end=LalishPietyGainPct /> Monthly prestige
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMilete}}

|- id="Nishapur"
| Nishapur
| [[List of counties#Nishapur|Nishapur]]
| Khorasan
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMilete}}
* {{iconify|Zunism}}

|- id="Dashtestan"
| Dashtestan
| [[List of counties#Mandestan|Mandestan]]
| Persia
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMilete}}

|- id="Zozan"
| Zozan
| [[List of counties#Bakharz|Bakharz]]
| Khorasan
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Domain Taxes if same faith
* {{iconify|Druze}}

|- id="Semien"
| Semien
| [[List of counties#Semien|Semien]]
| Abyssinia
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJewish}}

|- id="Sufed"
| Sufed
| [[List of counties#Acre|Acre]]
| Jerusalem
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Same Faith Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJewish}}

|- id="Mount Gerizim"
| Mount Gerizim
| Nablus in [[List of counties#Jerusalem|Jerusalem]] (shared with [[#Jerusalem|holy site of same name]])
| Jerusalem
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{iconify|Samaritanism}}

|- id="Ahvaz"
| Ahvaz
| [[List of counties#Ahvaz|Ahvaz]]
| Persia
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{green|+10%}} Personal Scheme Power
* {{iconify|Manicheanism}}

|- id="Samarkand"
| Samarkand
| [[List of counties#Samarkand|Samarkand]]
| Transoxiana
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Manicheanism}}

|- id="Udabhanda"
| Udabhanda
| [[List of counties#Udabhanda|Udabhanda]]
| Punjab
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Manicheanism}}
<section begin=AllTaoist />
* All Taoist faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Quanzhen}}
** {{iconify|Shangqing}}
** {{iconify|Zhengyi}}
</div><section end=AllTaoist />

|- id="Toledo"
| Toledo
| [[List of counties#Toledo|Toledo]]
| Andalusia
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{iconify|Priscillianism}}

|- id="Memphis"
| Memphis
| Hulwan in [[List of counties#Cairo|Cairo]]
| Egypt
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Priscillianism}}
* {{iconify|Zunism}}

|- id="Bodh Gaya"
| Bodh Gaya
| [[List of counties#Gaya|Gaya]]
| Bihar
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+20%}} Stress Loss
<section begin=AllBuddhist />
* All Buddhist faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Nangchos}}
** {{iconify|Vajrayana}}
** {{iconify|Theravada}}
** {{iconify|Mahayana}}
** {{iconify|Ari}}
</div><section end=AllBuddhist />
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTaoist}}

|- id="Lumbini"
| Lumbini
| [[List of counties#Lumbini|Lumbini]]
| Himalaya
* {{icon|fertility}} {{green|+10%}} Fertility
* {{green|+15%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllBuddhist}}

|- id="Sarnath"
| Sarnath
| [[List of counties#Varanasi|Varanasi]] (shared with [[#Varanasi|holy site of same name]])
| Bihar
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning
* All Buddhist faiths except {{iconify|Nangchos}}: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Vajrayana}}
** {{iconify|Theravada}}
** {{iconify|Mahayana}}
** {{iconify|Ari}}

|- id="Sanchi"
| Sanchi
| [[List of counties#Vidisa|Vidisa]]
| Malwa
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Mahayana}}
* {{iconify|Vajrayana}}

|- id="Ajanta"
| Ajanta
| [[List of counties#Vatsagulma|Vatsagulma]] (shared with [[#Ellora|Ellora]])
| Maharastra
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
* {{green|+2}} Disease Resistance (Learning)
* {{iconify|Vajrayana}}

|- id="Sa'gya"
| Sa'gya
| [[List of counties#Sa'gya|Sa'gya]]
| Tsang
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{iconify|Nangchos}}

|- id="Dagon"
| Dagon
| [[List of counties#Dagon|Dagon]]
| Pagan
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Theravada}}
* {{iconify|Ari}}

|- id="Pagan"
| Pagan
| [[List of counties#Pagan|Pagan]]
| Pagan
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Prestige
* {{iconify|Ari}}

|- id="Atamasthana"
| Atamasthana
| [[List of counties#Pihiti|Pihiti]]
| Lanka
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2%}} Domain Taxes
* {{iconify|Theravada}}

|- id="Amaravati"
| Amaravati
| [[List of counties#Nallamala|Nallamala]]
| Andhra
* {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} County Control Growth
* {{iconify|Mahayana}}

|- id="Varanasi"
| Varanasi
| [[List of counties#Varanasi|Varanasi]] (shared with [[#Sarnath|Sarnath]])
| Bihar
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
<section begin=AllHindu />
* All Hindu faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Shaivism}}
** {{iconify|Vaishnavism}}
** {{iconify|Krishnaism}}
** {{iconify|Smartism}}
** {{iconify|Advaita Vedanta}}
** {{iconify|Srikula Shaktism}}
** {{iconify|Kalikula Shaktism}}
</div><section end=AllHindu />
<section begin=AllMundhum />
<!-- Both Mundhum faiths -->
* {{iconify|Kiratism}}
* {{iconify|Yumaism}}<section end=AllMundhum />

|- id="Ayodhya"
| Ayodhya
| [[List of counties#Ayodhya|Ayodhya]]
| Kosala
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=AyodhyaPietyGainPct />{{green|+1%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=AyodhyaPietyGainPct />
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+10%}} Knight Effectiveness
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHindu}}

|- id="Mathura"
| Mathura
| [[List of counties#Mathura|Mathura]]
| Delhi
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Powerful Vassal Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHindu}}

|- id="Haridwar"
| Haridwar
| [[List of counties#Sthanisvara|Sthanisvara]]
| Delhi
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.1}} Health
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHindu}}
* {{iconify|Paganism}}

|- id="Kanchipuram"
| Kanchipuram
| [[List of counties#Kanchipuram|Kanchipuram]]
| Tamilakam
* {{icon|fertility}} {{green|+15%}} Fertility
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHindu}}

|- id="Ujjayini"
| Ujjayini
| [[List of counties#Ujjayini|Ujjayini]]
| Malwa
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Court and Guest Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHindu}}

|- id="Dwarka"
| Dwarka
| [[List of counties#Dvaraka|Dvaraka]]
| Gujarat
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
* {{icon|death}} {{green|−10%}} Friendly Fatal Casualties
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHindu}}

|- id="Palitana"
| Palitana
| [[List of counties#Somnath|Somnath]]
| Gujarat
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=PalitanaPietyGainPct />{{green|+10%}}<section end=PalitanaPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
<section begin=AllJain />
* All Jain faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Digambara}}
** {{iconify|Svetambara}}
** {{iconify|Yapaniya}}
</div><section end=AllJain />

|- id="Shikharj"
| Shikharj
| [[List of counties#Radha|Radha]]
| Bengal
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+20%}} Stress Loss
* {{green|+1}} Year Life Expectancy
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJain}}

|- id="Ranakpur"
| Ranakpur
| [[List of counties#Naddūla|Naddūla]]
| Rajputana
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{green|+20%}} Sway Scheme Power
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJain}}

|- id="Ellora"
| Ellora
| [[List of counties#Vatsagulma|Vatsagulma]] (shared with [[#Ajanta|Ajanta]])
| Maharastra
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Culture Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJain}}

|- id="Sittannavasal"
| Sittannavasal
| [[List of counties#Kongu|Kongu]]
| Tamilakam
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Direct Vassal Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllJain}}

|- id="Itanagar"
| Itanagar
| [[List of counties#Itanagar|Itanagar]]
| Lhomon
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Prestige
<section begin=AllTani />
<!-- Both Tani faiths -->
* {{iconify|Donyi-Poloism}}
* {{iconify|Sedism}}<section end=AllTani />

|- id="Pemako"
| Pemako
| [[List of counties#Pemako|Pemako]]
| Lhomon
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−20%}} Tyranny Gain
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTani}}

|- id="Rima"
| Rima
| [[List of counties#Rima|Rima]]
| Lhomon
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Fame
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTani}}

|- id="Tezu"
| Tezu
| [[List of counties#Tezu|Tezu]]
| Lhomon
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage in Hills terrain
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTani}}

|- id="Kathmandu"
| Kathmandu
| [[List of counties#Kathmandu|Kathmandu]]
| Himalaya
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Faith Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMundhum}}

|- id="Ilam"
| Ilam
| [[List of counties#Ilam|Ilam]]
| Himalaya
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage in Mountains terrain
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTani}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMundhum}}

|- id="Garwhal"
| Garwhal
| [[List of counties#Garwhal|Garwhal]]
| Himalaya
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMundhum}}

|- id="Jumla"
| Jumla
| [[List of counties#Jumla|Jumla]]
| Himalaya
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} House Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMundhum}}

|- id="Maowün"
| Maowün
| [[List of counties#Maowün|Maowün]]
| Gyalrong
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=MaowunPietyGainPct />{{green|+1%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=MaowunPietyGainPct />
* {{iconify|Vvluphixje}}

|- id="Ngawa"
| Ngawa
| [[List of counties#Ngawa|Ngawa]]
| Gyalrong
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
<section begin=AllHsexje />
<!-- Both Hsexje faiths -->
* {{iconify|Vvluphixje}}
* {{iconify|Melie}}<section end=AllHsexje />

|- id="Chakla"
| Chakla
| [[List of counties#Chakla|Chakla]]
| Gyalrong
* {{icon|time}} {{green|−15%}} Building Construction Time
* {{iconify|Vvluphixje}}

|- id="Gyaitang"
| Gyaitang
| [[List of counties#Gyaitang|Gyaitang]]
| Kham
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Culture Opinion
* {{iconify|Vvluphixje}}

|- id="Rebgong"
| Rebgong
| [[List of counties#Rebgong|Rebgong]]
| Gyalrong
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=RebgongPietyGainPct />{{green|+2%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per powerful vassal on the council<section end=RebgongPietyGainPct />
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllHsexje}}

|- id="Xingqing"
| Xingqing
| [[List of counties#Xingqing|Xingqing]]
| Mjinjaa
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{iconify|Melie}}

|- id="Yijinai"
| Yijinai
| [[List of counties#Yijinai|Yijinai]]
| Mjinjaa
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−5%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
* {{iconify|Melie}}

|- id="Alxa"
| Alxa
| [[List of counties#Alxa|Alxa]]
| Mjinjaa
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{iconify|Melie}}

|- id="Yazd"
| Yazd
| [[List of counties#Yazd|Yazd]]
| Persia
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{iconify|Cainitism}}
<section begin=AllZoroastrian />
* All Zoroastrian faiths: <div class="collapse-template mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
** {{iconify|Mazdayasna}}
** {{iconify|Zurvanism}}
** {{iconify|Gayomarthianism}}
** {{iconify|Khurmazdism}}
** {{iconify|Khurramism}}
** {{iconify|Arewordik}}
** {{iconify|Mazdakism}}
</div><section end=AllZoroastrian />

|- id="Nok Kundi"
| Nok Kundi
| [[List of counties#Riqan|Riqan]]
| Makran
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Building Construction Gold Cost
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{iconify|Cainitism}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllZoroastrian}}

|- id="Takht-i-Sangin"
| Takht-i-Sangin
| [[List of counties#Balkh|Balkh]] (shared with [[#Balkh|holy site of same name]])
| Khorasan
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{iconify|Cainitism}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllZoroastrian}}

|- id="Takht-e Soleyman"
| Takht-e Soleyman
| [[List of counties#Urmiya|Urmiya]]
| Daylam
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=TakhtESoleymanPietyGainPct />{{green|+10%}}<section end=TakhtESoleymanPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{iconify|Cainitism}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllZoroastrian}}

|- id="Ushi-Darena"
| Ushi-Darena
| [[List of counties#Baduspan|Baduspan]]
| Daylam
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{iconify|Cainitism}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllZoroastrian}}

|- id="Uppsala"
| Uppsala
| [[List of counties#Upland|Upland]]
| Sweden
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=UppsalaPietyGainPct />{{green|+2%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=UppsalaPietyGainPct />
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+5%}} Heavy Infantry Damage
* {{iconify|Ásatrú}}

|- id="Lejre"
| Lejre
| [[List of counties#Sjaelland|Sjaelland]]
| Denmark
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Ásatrú}}

|- id="Paderborn"
| Paderborn
| [[List of counties#Paderborn|Paderborn]]
| Germany
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|fertility}} {{green|+10%}} Fertility
* {{iconify|Ásatrú}}
* {{iconify|Paganism}}

|- id="Zeeland"
| Zeeland
| [[List of counties#Zeeland|Zeeland]]
| Frisia
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Ásatrú}}

|- id="Ranaheim"
| Ranaheim
| [[List of counties#Trændheim|Trændheim]]
| Norway
* {{green|+20%}} Naval Speed
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−5%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{iconify|Ásatrú}}

|- id="Raivola"
| Raivola
| [[List of counties#Kakisalmi|Kakisalmi]]
| Finland
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=RaivolaPietyGainPct />{{green|+2%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per powerful vassal on the council<section end=RaivolaPietyGainPct />
* {{iconify|Ukonusko}}

|- id="Hiiumaa"
| Hiiumaa
| [[List of counties#Osel|Osel]]
| Estonia
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Close Family Opinion
* {{iconify|Ukonusko}}
* {{iconify|Vidilism}}
* {{iconify|Paganism}}

|- id="Akkel"
| Akkel
| [[List of counties#Akkel|Akkel]]
| Sapmi
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Maximum Combat Roll in Taiga Terrain
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Archer Toughness
* {{iconify|Ukonusko}}

|- id="Perm"
| Perm
| [[List of counties#Perm|Perm]]
| Permia
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} Supply Duration
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess
* {{iconify|Ukonusko}}
* {{iconify|Turumism}}

|- id="Kiev"
| Kiev
| [[List of counties#Kiev|Kiev]]
| Ruthenia
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=KievPietyGainPct />{{green|+10%}}<section end=KievPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{iconify|Slovianska Pravda}}

|- id="Novgorod"
| Novgorod
| [[List of counties#Novgorod|Novgorod]]
| Novgorod
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Slovianska Pravda}}

|- id="Barlad"
| Barlad
| [[List of counties#Barlad|Barlad]]
| Moldavia
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness
* {{iconify|Slovianska Pravda}}

|- id="Plock"
| Plock
| [[List of counties#Plock|Plock]]
| Poland
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{iconify|Slovianska Pravda}}

|- id="Pokaini"
| Pokaini
| [[List of counties#Zemigalians|Zemigalians]]
| Lithuania
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage in Controlled Territory
* {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+10%}} Stress Loss
* {{iconify|Vidilism}}

|- id="Toruń"
| Toruń
| [[List of counties#Chełmno|Chełmno]]
| Lithuania
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{iconify|Ukonusko}}
* {{iconify|Vidilism}}

|- id="Braslau"
| Braslau
| [[List of counties#Braslau|Braslau]]
| Lithuania
<!-- Used in Piety page -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=BraslauPietyGain />{{green|+0.1}}<noinclude> Monthly Piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=BraslauPietyGain />
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Skirmisher Toughness
* {{iconify|Vidilism}}

|- id="Rügen"
| Rügen
| [[List of counties#Rügen|Rügen]]
| Pomerania
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−25%}} Embarkation Cost
* {{icon|screen}} {{green|−10%}} Retreat Losses
* {{iconify|Vidilism}}
* {{iconify|Slovianska Pravda}}

|- id="Pest"
| Pest
| [[List of counties#Visegrad|Visegrad]]
| Hungary
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Fame
* {{iconify|Táltosism}}

|- id="Kerch"
| Kerch
| [[List of counties#Kerch|Kerch]]
| Zaporizhia
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−5%}} Army Maintenance Cost
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Fame
* {{iconify|Táltosism}}
* {{iconify|Tengriism}}

|- id="Olvia"
| Olvia
| Olbia in [[List of counties#Odessa|Odessa]]
| Zaporizhia
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=OlviaPietyGainPct />{{green|+10%}}<section end=OlviaPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{iconify|Táltosism}}

|- id="Poszony"
| Poszony
| [[List of counties#Poszony|Poszony]]
| Hungary
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+20%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate if same faith
* {{iconify|Táltosism}}

|- id="Sarysyn"
| Sarysyn
| [[List of counties#Sarysyn|Sarysyn]]
| Zaporizhia
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance Cost
* {{iconify|Táltosism}}

|- id="Tyumen"
| Tyumen
| [[List of counties#Tyumen|Tyumen]]
| Yugra
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Raid Speed
* {{iconify|Turumism}}

|- id="Surgut"
| Surgut
| [[List of counties#Kazym|Kazym]]
| Yugra
* {{icon|health boost}} {{green|+0.1}} Health
* {{iconify|Turumism}}

|- id="Ob"
| Ob
| [[List of counties#Ob|Ob]]
| Ob
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|Fertility}} {{green|+10%}} Fertility
* {{iconify|Turumism}}

|- id="Olkhon"
| Olkhon
| [[List of counties#Olkhon|Olkhon]]
| Buryatia
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Piety Gain
* {{iconify|Turumism}}

|- id="Karakorum"
| Karakorum
| [[List of counties#Karakorum|Karakorum]]
| Mongolia
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Fame
* {{iconify|Tengriism}}

|- id="Qayaliq"
| Qayaliq
| [[List of counties#Qayaliq|Qayaliq]]
| Zhetsyu
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Skirmisher Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10%}} Light Cavalry Damage
* {{iconify|Tengriism}}

|- id="Tavan Bogd"
| Tavan Bogd
| [[List of counties#Tavan Bogd|Tavan Bogd]]
| Ob
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{iconify|Tengriism}}

|- id="Preslav"
| Preslav
| [[List of counties#Silistra|Silistra]]
| Bulgaria
* {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Size
* {{iconify|Tengriism}}

|- id="Athens"
| Athens
| [[List of counties#Attica|Attica]]
| Hellas
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{iconify|Hellenism}}

|- id="Sparta"
| Sparta
| [[List of counties#Laconia|Laconia]]
| Hellas
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess
* {{iconify|Hellenism}}

|- id="Carthage"
| Carthage
| [[List of counties#Tunis|Tunis]]
| Africa
* {{icon|dread}} {{green|+5}} Natural Dread
* {{iconify|Adamitism}}
* {{iconify|Hellenism}}

|- id="Kabul"
| Kabul
| [[List of counties#Kabul|Kabul]]
| Kabulistan
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=KabulPietyGainPct />{{green|+5%}}<section end=KabulPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{iconify|Zunism}}

|- id="Multan"
| Multan
| [[List of counties#Multan|Multan]]
| Punjab
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=MultanPietyGainPct />{{green|+5%}}<section end=MultanPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{iconify|Zunism}}

|- id="Bost"
| Bost
| [[List of counties#Bost|Bost]]
| Makran
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{iconify|Zunism}}

|- id="Khotan"
| Khotan
| [[List of counties#Khotan|Khotan]]
| Khotan
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Different Culture Opinion
<section begin=AllTibetan />
<!-- Both Tibetan faiths -->
* {{iconify|Gyur Bön}}
* {{iconify|Khyarwé Bön}}<section end=AllTibetan />
* {{iconify|Zhengyi}}
* {{iconify|Paganism}}

|- id="Balkh"
| Balkh
| [[List of counties#Balkh|Balkh]] (shared with [[#Takht-i-Sangin|Takht-i-Sangin]])
| Khorasan
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Different Faith Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTibetan}}

|- id="Lhasa"
| Lhasa
| [[List of counties#Lhasa|Lhasa]]
| Ü
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=LhasaPietyGainPct />{{green|+20%}}<section end=LhasaPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTibetan}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTaoist}}
* {{iconify|Nangchos}}

|- id="Purang"
| Purang
| [[List of counties#Purang|Purang]]
| Guge
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTibetan}}
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTaoist}}
* {{iconify|Nangchos}}

|- id="Awkar"
| Awkar
| [[List of counties#Awkar|Awkar]]
| Ghana
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1}} Number of Knights
* {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Light Cavalry Toughness
<section begin=AllMande />
<!-- Both Mandé faiths -->
* {{iconify|Siguism}}
* {{iconify|Bidaism}}<section end=AllMande />

|- id="Jenne"
| Jenne
| [[List of counties#Jenne|Jenne]]
| Jenne
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Councillor Opinion
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMande}}
* {{iconify|Akom}}

|- id="Niani"
| Niani
| [[List of counties#Niani|Niani]]
| Mali
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−0.1}} Monthly Tyranny
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−20%}} Tyranny Gain
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMande}}

|- id="Kukiya"
| Kukiya
| [[List of counties#Kukiya|Kukiya]]
| Songhay
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=KukiyaPietyGainPct />{{green|+1%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=KukiyaPietyGainPct />
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1%}} Monthly Prestige per Knight
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllMande}}
* {{iconify|Orisa}}

|- id="Wadan"
| Wadan
| [[List of counties#Wadan|Wadan]]
| Anbiya
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} Supply Duration
* {{iconify|Bidaism}}
* {{iconify|Roog Sene}}

|- id="Daura"
| Daura
| [[List of counties#Daura|Daura]]
| Hausaland
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Prestige per Knight
* {{icon|knight}} {{green|+10%}} Knight Effectiveness
* {{iconify|Bori}}

|- id="Garumele"
| Garumele
| [[List of counties#Garumele|Garumele]]
| Kanem
* {{icon|popular opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion
* {{iconify|Bori}}

|- id="Igbo"
| Igbo
| [[List of counties#Igbo|Igbo]]
| Igbo-Benue
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Bori}}
* {{iconify|Orisa}}

|- id="El-Fasher"
| El-Fasher
| [[List of counties#El-Fasher|El-Fasher]]
| Darfur
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Kushitism}}
* {{iconify|Bori}}

|- id="Wandala"
| Wandala
| [[List of counties#Wandala|Wandala]]
| Sao
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage in Drylands terrain
* {{iconify|Bori}}

|- id="Kisi"
| Kisi
| [[List of counties#Kisi|Kisi]]
| Mali
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+2%}} Monthly Prestige per Knight
* {{icon|prestige}} {{green|−20%}} Building Construction Prestige Cost
* {{iconify|Siguism}}
* {{iconify|Roog Sene}}

|- id="Sherbro"
| Sherbro
| [[List of counties#Sherbro|Sherbro]]
| Guinea
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Same Faith Opinion
* {{iconify|Roog Sene}}

|- id="Kayor"
| Kayor
| [[List of counties#Kayor|Kayor]]
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+5}} Personal Scheme Success Chance
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{iconify|Roog Sene}}

|- id="Kasa"
| Kasa
| [[List of counties#Kasa|Kasa]]
| Kaabu
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Roog Sene}}

|- id="Bono"
| Bono
| [[List of counties#Bono|Bono]]
| Akan
* {{icon|gold}} {{green|−5%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance
* {{green|+5}} Personal Scheme Power
* {{iconify|Akom}}
* {{iconify|Orisa}}

|- id="Kumasi"
| Kumasi
| [[List of counties#Kumasi|Kumasi]]
| Akan
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−25%}} Short Reign Opinion
* {{iconify|Akom}}
* {{iconify|Orisa}}

|- id="Ife"
| Ife
| [[List of counties#Ife|Ife]]
| Yorubaland
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=IfePietyGainPct />{{green|+20%}}<section end=IfePietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{iconify|Akom}}
* {{iconify|Orisa}}

|- id="Nikki"
| Nikki
| [[List of counties#Nikki|Nikki]]
| Borgu
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Akom}}

|- id="Aswan"
| Aswan
| [[List of counties#Aswan|Aswan]]
| Egypt
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion
* {{iconify|Kushitism}}

|- id="Wadi el-Milk"
| Wadi el-Milk
| [[List of counties#Wadi el-milk|Wadi el-milk]]
| Nubia
* {{icon|convert faith}} {{green|+50%}} County Conversion Resistance
* {{iconify|Kushitism}}

|- id="Naqis"
| Naqis
| [[List of counties#Naqis|Naqis]]
| Blemmiya
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+2}} Martial
* {{iconify|Kushitism}}

|- id="Sennar"
| Sennar
| [[List of counties#Sennar|Sennar]]
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+2}} Diplomacy
* {{iconify|Kushitism}}

|- id="Danakil"
| Danakil
| [[List of counties#Danakil|Danakil]]
| Adal
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{green|+5}} Personal Scheme Power
* {{iconify|Waaqism}}

|- id="Kaffa"
| Kaffa
| [[List of counties#Kaffa|Kaffa]]
| Damot
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion
* {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Raid Speed
* {{iconify|Waaqism}}

|- id="Harar"
| Harar
| [[List of counties#Harar|Harar]]
| Adal
<!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. -->
* {{icon|piety}} <section begin=HararPietyGainPct />{{green|+10%}}<section end=HararPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety
* {{iconify|Waaqism}}

|- id="Makhir"
| Makhir
| [[List of counties#Makhir|Makhir]]
| Adal
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+2}} Diplomacy
* {{iconify|Waaqism}}

|- id="Mogadishu"
| Mogadishu
| [[List of counties#Mogadishu|Mogadishu]]
| Ajuraan
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion
* {{iconify|Waaqism}}

|- id="Gilgit"
| Gilgit
| [[List of counties#Gilgit|Gilgit]]
| Kashmir
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
* {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTibetan}}

|- id="Suzhou"
| Suzhou
| [[List of counties#Suzhou|Suzhou]]
| Mjinjaa
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial
{{#lst:Holy sites|AllTaoist}}

=== Unused holy sites ===

There is currently only one holy site that exists in the game files but is unused:
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Name
! Location
! De Jure Kingdom
! Effects
! Faiths
! Notes

|- id="Grand Church Under Construction"
| Grand Church Under Construction
| [[List of counties#Barcelona|Barcelona]]
| Aragon
* {{icon|piety}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly piety
* {{iconify|Catholicism}}
| Inactive at game start, and impossible to activate.

== Holy site ID ==
Each holy site has an internal ID uses for referencing within the game files. As a general rule, to get a holy site's ID from its in-game name:
* Remove all apostrophes (<code>'</code>)
* Turn all upper case letters into lower case (<code>A...Z->a...z</code>)
* Remove any diacritics from letters, including accents (<code>á->a</code>) and umlauts/diaereses (<code>ü->u</code>)

Any holy site IDs that do not fit the pattern above are included in the table below:
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! Holy site
! Internal ID
| [[#Canterbury|Canterbury]]
| kent
| [[#Dwin|Dwin]]
| suenik
| [[#Koloneia|Koloneia]]
| colonea
| [[#Mount Gerizim|Mount Gerizim]]
| gerizim
| [[#Lumbini|Lumbini]]
| kusinagara
| [[#Nok Kundi|Nok Kundi]]
| nok_kundi
| [[#Takht-e Soleyman|Takht-e Soleyman]]
| takht-e_soleyman
| [[#Karakorum|Karakorum]]
| kara_khorum
| [[#Tavan Bogd|Tavan Bogd]]
| tavan_bogd
| [[#El-Fasher|El-Fasher]]
| el_fasher
| [[#Wadi el-Milk|Wadi el-Milk]]
| wadi_el_milk
| [[#Grand Church Under Construction|Grand Church Under Construction]] (unused)
| segrada_familia

== See also ==
* [[Holy site modding]]

