
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
393 バイト追加 、 2021年1月24日 (日) 22:10
18行目: 18行目:  
*'''平等(双系(cognatic)):''' 称号は息子も娘も受け継ぎます。
*'''平等(双系(cognatic)):''' 称号は息子も娘も受け継ぎます。
== Realm succession ==
== 領国の継承 ==
[[Laws#Realm_Succession|The realm succession law]] determines who will inherit each title without its own succession law.
=== Single heir ===
=== 後継者は一人だけ ===
Every title is passed on to a single relative, keeping the realm fully intact.
==== Primogeniture ====
==== 長子相続(Primogeniture) ====
All titles are inherited by the oldest eligible child. Note that a dead or dishinerited child’s progeny takes precedence over younger siblings. If the gender law is set to male preference, male children of daughters are given precedence over their parent; vice versa for female preference.
If no living descendants remain, the title is passed on to the father in a patrilineal marriage, or mother in a matrilineal marriage. If this parent is dead, an heir will be sought in their progeny according to the same principles.
子孫が残っていなければ、称号は父系結婚(patrilineal marriage)の場合は父親に、母系結婚(matrilineal marriage)の場合は母親に渡ります。もしこの親が死んでいれば、同じ原理にしたがって後継人が子孫の中から検索されていきます。
==== Ultimogeniture ====
==== 末子相続制(Ultimogeniture) ====
All titles are inherited by the youngest eligible child. Note that a dead or dishinerited child’s progeny takes precedence over older siblings. If the gender law is set to male preference, male children of daughters are given precedence over their parent; vice versa for female preference.
If no living descendants remain, the title is passed on to the father in a patrilineal marriage, or mother in a matrilineal marriage. If this parent is dead, an heir will be sought in their progeny according to the same principles.
==== House seniority ====
==== House seniority ====
All titles are inherited by the oldest eligible house member.
All titles are inherited by the oldest eligible house member.
=== Multiple heirs ===
=== 後継者は複数人 ===
Titles are distributed among all eligible children, splitting the realm. If no eligible children exist, every title gets passed on to the oldest eligible relative within the smallest degree of consanguinity.
Titles are distributed among all eligible children, splitting the realm. If no eligible children exist, every title gets passed on to the oldest eligible relative within the smallest degree of consanguinity.
