:* It doesn't require any online connection or download, it just runs as part of the game.
:* オンライン接続やダウンロードの必要はなく、それはゲームの一部として実行されるだけだ。
{{icon|ck3b}} ''What is Edge scrolling? And what makes it either good or bad?''
{{icon|ck3b}} ''エッジスクロールってなに?それにはどんないいことがあるの?''
:* Edge scrolling is the behavior of panning the camera around the map when the mouse cursor is close to the edge of the game window. If disabled, the camera will no longer pan when the cursor hits or is close to the edge.
:* Some players wish to disable edge scrolling when playing in windowed mode or when using multiple monitors, as they often tend to move the mouse cursor outside the game window yet do not want the camera to pan when doing so.